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Double Bugs
Double representation Ladybirds…
Doubling ladybirds 1-6
Doubling ladybirds 1-6 one half blank (chn can draw or use loose parts to create the 'double)
Leaf mats (can laminate and chn write number sentence)
Table sign

Colour Detectives Pack
A lovely resource pack as shown on my Instagram. Includes A3 printouts of the colour board & ‘Colour Detectives’ sign…
Great to support mathematical concepts such as colour recognition, sorting and comparing size

I Spy - Phase 3
I Spy sheets - Phase 2
Can be adapted in different ways for children - write initial sounds, CVC words, simple captions ‘the pig, I can see a pig’ or more descriptive sentences ‘The pink pig is muddy’

What Can You See? - Pancake Day
Pancake Day themed list writing - What can you see?
List templates for children to write the pancake toppings using their phonetic knowledge

Christmas Subitising
Numeral to quantity theme game…
Set 1 mat with christmas pictures and 1-6 number cards
Set 2 mat with christmas pictures and 5-10 number cards
Table cut outs
Table sign

What can you see? - Flower Theme
Phase 3 ‘What can you see’ sheets - Spring/flower theme
2 sheets
Table sign
Flower cut outs

Measure the Worms
Measure the worm boards… use with multilink cubes or loose parts for the children to count & measure
Worm cut outs
Table sign

Stack the Ice
Winter theme maths activity…
Use multilink cubes (white or blue) to stack the ‘ice’ on the number mat. There are addition mats or just numerals (1-8)
Also includes table sign and ice cut outs

Valentine’s Funky Finger Board
A lovely Valentine’s theme funky finger board…
Use with loose parts such as buttons or beads
Heart cut outs for table also included

Open the Presents - CVC Writing
A lovely phonics resource pack -
CVC present word mat
Birthday luggage labels to stick over the CVC pictures
Cut outs for table
‘Thank You’ letter sheets - children to write a list of what they can see on the thank you letter. E.g. pig, bag (could stretch them by adding a describing word ‘pink pig’)
Table sign
Children to lift the flap on the label to reveal whats underneath in the present & write what they can see on the Thank You letter!

Flip it, Read it - Tricky Words
Flip the Tricky Word & read - a fun and engaging phonics game! Add some mini frying pans for the children to have a go at ‘flipping’ it!
Pancake heart cut outs, strawberries and lemons
Table signs also included
Phase 2 & 3 tricky words

Ready, Steady… Grow - Knowledge Organiser
Plants/Flowers Knowledge Organiser
Ready, Steady… Grow - Sign
Daffodil cut out
Flowers, bees and butterflies
3 questions on brown paper
Please note, Knowledge Organiser lettering and arrows NOT included. You can download this on my shop
You will need tissue paper and green card to create the mud, stem and leaves

Feed the Penguins
Feed the Penguins game - match the fish to the correct numeral… variety of representations included

Marshmallow Skewer Phonics - Resource Bumper Pack
A big bundle of resources to recreate the Marshmallow Phonics Building activity on my Instagram. Activity idea inspired by Phonics Family (Instagram)
Pack includes:
Marshmallow Cut Outs (add your own letters using black pen)
Bonfire Word Cards (with words)
Bonfire Word Cards (blank)
Firework Disc (use as a background to build the skewers on)
Bonfire Background (use to build the skewers on - interchangeable with the Firework Disc)
Activity Sign for table

Coloured Mark Making Discs
A fantastic visual to support the children with a variety of mark making activities…

Pom Pom Christmas Trees
Add the coloured pom poms to the christmas trees…
Pom Pom funky finger board
Table sign
Tree cut outs

Open the Presents - Christmas CVC
A Christmas Phonics activity…
‘Open’ the presents and reveal what’s underneath (labels to stick on top of CVC pictures)
Write the word on the ‘Thank You’ card
Pack also includes table sign and table cut outs