Affordable Outstanding History and Politics Lessons
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(based on 56 reviews)
15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023.
Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- and ill help!
15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023.
Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- and ill help!
This powerpoint was designed around Examiner Reports for Edexcel. It uses the extracts from the Examiner comments with tips and guidance on how to approach the different exam questions for Edexcel Paper 3A in Politics ALevel- USA Comparative.
Includes tips/ structure for 12 mark Comparative Government
12 mark Comparative Theory
30 mark essays.
Also includes a table of all past paper questions and a 30 mark essay planning grid.
PNG files for illustrative purposes only- includes a fully editable powerpoint and word docs.
Edexcel ALevel Politics (new spec from 2017)
This is a bundle of all my resources on Congress.
This is a 12-16 hour teaching bundle which covers the entire topic and comparative politics.
1.Structure, Role and powers of Congress
2. Representation in Congress
3. Legislative process in Congress
4. Oversight of the Executive Branch
5. How has role and powers of Congress changed- especially in a post Trump era?
6. Comparative Govt Comparing Congress and Parliament.
Glossary sheet for Topic 2.
Topic Check List and Key Words as well as Case Studies updated as of 2024.
Total price to buy separately would be: £30.00
A huge bundle of example answers for ALevel Russia 1894-1941 - OCR ALevel course but can be adapted for any exam board.
OCR uses 20 mark “How far do you agree?” style open essays and 10 mark shorter questions in which students must only compare 2 factors as a more important cause or consequence of something.
These answers are all A-A* grade responses.
Long essay questions included:
-How successful were Stalin’s economic policies?
-How far did Russia achieve stability 1906-1914?
-How far do you agree that the failures of the provisional government led to the October/ November Revolution?
-Stalin rose to power because of his strengths and his position within the Bolshevik party. How far do you agree?
-To what extent did WWI cause the February Revolution?
-“The 1905 Revolution was a result of Nicholas II himself” How far do you agree?
Short essay (2 factors) quesions included:
-Which was the most important reason for the introduction of the NEP:
+The Kronstadt Rebellion
+Famine in the countryside
-Which of the following was the most important cause of the Oct/ Nov revolution in 1917?
+The failures of the provisional government
+The Actions of Lenin
-Which of the following was the most important cause of the 1905 revolution:
+Political Opposition
This lesson is designed for KS3 but can be used for KS4 also for the AQA and Edexcel specs.
It examines how far the lives of women changed during the 1920s and covers flapper culture as well as opposition from Christians and Traditional women as well as some men and authorities.
Includes 3 activities - a similarity and difference activity, note taking from a video clip and explanation and a card sort with continuums to annotate before making final judgments.
Considers nuances such as the lives of African-Americans in both the North and South e.g. Harlem Renaissance vs Southern Jim Crow repressed women. Also looks at age groups and rural vs urban women.
Edexcel ALevel Politics
Component 3 USA
Lesson 4 in my unit of work on the Supreme Court- this lesson examines the accusation of Justices “Legislating from the bench” and examines case studies and arguments about Judicial Activism vs Judicial restraint.
Includes examples up to date as of November 2024.
Powerpoint and worksheet/ notes sheet included as well as a colour code sheet and video clips.
This is a KS3 lesson for Y7/8 and has quite a high challenge/ stretch and challenge for more able pupils. It follows on from my lesson on Henry VII and his problems and solutions and is best used with the attached glossary of key terms.
It also addresses many of the misconceptions about Henry as a fat tyrannical ruler that we know he became later in his reign and looks at the optimism of a young Renaissance Prince- handsome and youthful in stark contrast to his father,
Edexcel ALevel Politics spec but can be used for AQA as very similar.
Lesson examining and analysing compartive Politics looking at various aspects of USA President and UK Prime Ministers including:
-Role and Powers
-Accountability to Legislatures/ Checks and balances
-Styles of Government
-RElationships between branches
Also includes updated examples as of January 2024 including James Cleverly controversies and attempts to impeach Biden in US House due to increasing partisanship
Includes little video clips to demonstrate examples or show comparisons and a full breakdown of the comparative theories for this topic.
Includes a colour code to help students get used to understanding the different theories and how to apply them.
Very detailed and no need for any additional resources although can be set as independent work with textbook but all info is contained within resources so no need to own the Bennett book- if you don’t have it ignore page references in the teacher notes.
This lesson has a lot of resources, more than enough for 2 hours of lessons (probably 3 hours if you include video tasks) plus homework and there is a 12 mark exam question for Edexcel included.
A detailed knowledge organiser for US Politics Edexcel Topic 2 congress.
This KO includes key terms, debates, processes and powers of Congress. Up to date as of summer 2024.
Edexcel ALevel Politics : USA/ Comparative lesson.
This is lesson 3 in my Unit of work on the Supreme Court and Civil Rights.
This lesson examines the debate over Judicial independence and neutrality vs the Politicisation of the Court with up to date examples and theory up to November 2024.
Lesson includes powerpoint, source material, article to read and activities plus a retrieval quiz on the SCOTUS so far.
This is an overview resource/ learning journey for a Key Stage 3 History Curriculum and is a fully editable learning journey powerpoint.
Useful for schools looking to improve their History curriculum- has been approved by Ofsted as an outstanding curriculum but can be further adapted/ improved.
This is underpinned by key themes as you can see in the image.
May also be useful for schools looking to build a more representative curriculum or move from a 2 year to 3 year KS3.
This is for the overview powerpoint only not individual schemes of work for each topic.
Also added my Key Stage 4 Curriculum which is Edexcel and includes Medicine Through Time (thematic), Anglo Saxons and Normans (British), Weimar and Nazi Germany (Depth) and Cold War Super Power Relations (Period study).
Edexcel GCSE History- Superpower Relations and the Cold War
Key Topic 3: The end of the Cold War
Lesson 5 Gorbachev’s New Thinking and Summits to end the Cold War
Detailed lesson looking at causes, policies and consequences of Gorbachev’s New Thinking in the USSR.
Examines the role of Perestroika and Glasnost in bringing an end to the Cold War.
Includes a colour code activity and worksheet as well as an 8 mark question with gap fill model answer (explain two consequences).
Does not require textbook, includes all information/ resources you need.
Edexcel GCSE History Superpower Relations and the Cold War
Key Topic 2: Escalating Tensions
Lesson 1 examines the second Berlin crisis, causes, events and consequences with detail on the summits which followed to try and de-escalate tensions between the USA and USSR
Very detailed information on the powerpoint; no textbook or other resources needed- complete lesson which links to the next lesson; the Berlin Wall.
Also includes 18 question retrieval quiz (answers on the slide for self/ peer assessment) on the entire topic 1: Origins of the Cold war.
Edexcel GCE Politics Alevel
This lesson is lesson 6 in my Supreme Court Topic and examines the role of the SCOTUS and immigration rights in the USA. Also serves as good revision for Obama reforms to DACA and DAPA and subsequent rulings.
Includes a fully editable powerpoint
A timeline of immigration reform in recent political history (since W. Bush)
Debate question and essay cards to help "To what extent has racial equality been advanced IN 21st Century). It should be noted that this follows lessons on Civil Rights and Voting Rights including attacks on Voting Rights since Shelby County v Holder.
Also updated in 2025 to consider Trump’s Exec Order revoking Birthright Citizenship and its origins in Constitution.
Edexcel GCSE lesson on Persecution of Minorities in Nazi Germany
Includes detail of persecution of Slavs, Roma and Sinti Peoples, Jews, People living with disabilities/ mental illness and Homosexuals with some video clips and case studies.
Also includes exam skills questions on Kristallnacht and a source skills modelling activity to teach inferences and how to write Q3 a, b, c and d questions for Paper 3 which students struggle with.
This is for Paper 1 Component 1 UK Politics only
A bumper pack of revision resources:
Knowledge organisers for all topics which are very detailed
Topic check lists for all topics
List of potential exam questions for all topics on a planning grid with an example
Revision quiz on Democracy
Example answers for a number of questions and source questions
A Democracy revision quilt powerpoint for each key question with key words and case studies
Edexcel GCSE lesson (can be used for any board)
Detailed and complete lesson on TRuman Doctrine and Marshall Plan and the consequences including the formation of Comecon and Cominform and the division of Europe into 2 alliances.
This is lesson 3 in my Cold War Unit for Key Topic 1: Origins of the Cold War.
I have updated the files and included simplified versions for MPA and LPA students.
Includes all info// detail on slides, no need for textbooks or any other resource.
OCR ALevel Russia 1894-1941 works for other exam boards too!
Two hour lesson on Stalin’s cultural revolution and use of propaganda including his development of the cult of personality in four stages to ensure control in Soviet Russia.
Fully resourced but can be done more independently using the Corin and Feihn textbooks- if you have them- if not slides can be printed for each group because all info is on there from the textbook.
I do the reading so you don’t have to!
For the OCR ALevel Rebellion and Disorder under the Tudors thematic course
Can be adapted to any ALevel looking at rebellions against the Tudors
This is part of my series of lessons on the depth study: Pilgrimage of Grace and examines the impact/ significance in terms of what the rebels achieved/ failed to achieve. Includes practice Interps questions 30 marks.
Lesson on the Impact of the Pilgrimage of Grace
Lesson includes retrieval quiz
Colour code sheet on consequences of PoG
Continuum/ table activity
Interpretations on the Pilgrimage of Grace significance by Elton and Fletcher and McCulloch
Article on the Threat posed by PoG and its impact by Fletcher for pre-reading/ hwk.
Also includes key debate on how serious the PoG was.
Most activities are on the slides and can be printed if needed.
Edexcel GCSE Germany
The Kapp Putsch
Fully resourced and detailed lesson on the Kapp Putsch and Red Rising in the Ruhr plus threats faced by both the Left and Right Wing with evaluation/ analysis task of threats from both sides.
The lesson includes fully editable powerpoint, worksheet templates which are dual coded for fact files on each rebellion as well as information sheet for students so they do not need a textbook. Also includes political parties information and a spectrum diagram.
This will support interpretations work on threats posed to the Weimar Republic.
Please note PNG files are included for visuals only- these are not the files to use for teaching! All my lessons also include fully editable word/ powerpoint docs.
Edexcel GCSE Superpower Relations and the Cold War
This is my 4th lesson from Key Topic 3: The End of the Cold War but can be used as a stand alone lesson.
In depth examination of who Reagan was, his ideas and beliefs and his policies including increased arms spending, rolling back Communism by funding guerrillas and the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars) programme. Includes youtube video clips, source work and all the detail needed for students. Fully resourced nothing else needed.
Examines how Reagan’s personality played a key role in developments from the Second Cold War to Gorbacev;s “New thinking” and need to reform the USSR (this is next lesson).
Also includes a bumper retrieval practice for Key Topic 1 and 2 Highlighter Heads to help students recall key individuals from earlier in the Cold War (includes all key individuals from Roosevelt to Brezhnev, Dubcek and Husak).
Also includes an 8 mark exam question, planning sheet, SEND planning sheet and model answer for a narrative account question on the Cold War.
NOTE: I include images (PNG) files for illustration purposes - ignore these and open the word documents and powerpoint files for actual resources :)