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Myers PhD‘s English Literature Shop

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(based on 88 reviews)

English teacher for upper schools with a passion for literature. My resources eschew flashy, clip-art-infested layouts for clean, focused, and advanced worksheets and activities for students and teachers.




English teacher for upper schools with a passion for literature. My resources eschew flashy, clip-art-infested layouts for clean, focused, and advanced worksheets and activities for students and teachers.
A-Level Poetry: "Introduction" (W. Blake) TEACH + REVISE + ANSWERS BUNDLE

A-Level Poetry: "Introduction" (W. Blake) TEACH + REVISE + ANSWERS BUNDLE

This no-prep bundle of activities is designed to enable the in-depth teaching and preparation of the poem “Introduction” (Songs of Innocence) by William Blake. The poem is also on the AS/A-Level English Literature curriculum for exams in 2024-2026. The unit includes: 1) Short biography and introduction to the poet 2) The poem text with line numbers to facilitate a close-reading, including historical context and explanatory notes where necessary. 3) Pre-Teaching Activities: to facilitate teaching the poem & exam prep in class. I’ve focused on introducting the context of composition, with a particular focus on Blake’s poem as the “Introduction” to his Songs of Innocence. 4) After Reading Activities: ideal as a follow-up to reading the poem in class. For “Introduction”, I’ve focused on types of parallelism in the poem. 5) Close-reading & Analysis Questions, with a particular focus on poetic devices and the AS/A-Level English Literature exam criteria. 6) Exam Practice Questions, modeled after the AS/A-Level English Literature Assessment Criteria (AO1-AO4). These can be used as a mock exam with your students. 7) In-depth, detailed model answers for all activities, questions, as well as model answers for the practice exam questions, again based on AS & A-Level Exam Criteria (A01-AO4). **Happy reading, teaching, studying, and revising! Please leave feedback!**
IGCSE Poetry Vol 2 Part 3 - Exam Practice Questions (ALL POEMS + MODEL ANSWERS)

IGCSE Poetry Vol 2 Part 3 - Exam Practice Questions (ALL POEMS + MODEL ANSWERS)

This bundle contains a complete set of IGCSE mock exam questions and model answers for all 15 poems of the IGCSE English Literature syllabus 2025-2027. Specifically, there is a mock exam for each of the following poems: From Songs of Ourselves Volume 2, Part 3, the following 15 poems: Nancy Fotheringham Cato, ‘The Road’ Sarah Jackson, ‘The Instant of My Death’ Arun Kolatkar, ‘The Bus’ Julius Chingono, ‘At the Bus Station’ Imtiaz Dharker, ‘These are the Times We Live in’ Elizabeth Jennings, ‘The Enemies’ Sampurna Chattarji, ‘Boxes’ W H Auden, ‘The Capital’ Arthur Yap, ‘an afternoon nap’ Elizabeth Smither, ‘Plaits’ Elizabeth Daryush, ‘Children of Wealth’ Thomas Love Peacock, ‘Rich and Poor or, Saint and Sinner’ Musaemura Zimunya, ‘A Long Journey’ Stevie Smith, ‘Touch and Go’ George Szirtes, ‘Song’ For each poem I’ve included: 1. Exam Quesion Paper (modelled after IGCSE English Literature Paper 1 exam. Where possible, I’ve used past paper questions!) 2. Essay Model Answer (as a teacher’s guide and as a guide for marking student responses in a mock exam (or other) setting. I’ve taken great care to include high quality, authentic model answers that can be used as a way to revise and prepare for the exam independently, too! ***Happy teaching, marking, and revising! Please leave feedback!*
AS/A-Level Poetry: "Winter Song" (Elizabeth Tollet) TEACH + REVISE + ANSWERS BUNDLE

AS/A-Level Poetry: "Winter Song" (Elizabeth Tollet) TEACH + REVISE + ANSWERS BUNDLE

This no-prep bundle of activities is designed to enable the in-depth teaching and preparation of the poem “Winter Song” by Elizabeth Tollet. The poem is also on the AS & A-Level English Literature curriculum for exams in 2024-2025. The unit includes: 1) Short biography and introduction to the poet 2) The poem text with line numbers to facilitate a close-reading, including historical context and explanatory notes where necessary. 3) Pre-Teaching Activities: to facilitate teaching the poem & exam prep in class. I’ve focused on 18th-century England and traditional gender roles. 4) After Reading Activities: ideal as a follow-up to reading the poem in class. For "Winter Song, I’ve focused on a visual analysis of the poem. 5) Close-reading & Analysis Questions, with a particular focus on poetic devices and the AS & A-Level English Literature exam criteria. 6) Exam Practice Questions, modeled after the AS/A-Level English Literature Assessment Criteria (AO1-AO4). These can be used as a mock exam with your students. 7) In-depth, detailed model answers for all activities, questions, as well as model answers for the practice exam questions, again based on AS & A-Level Exam Criteria (A01-AO4). **Happy reading, teaching, studying, and revising! Please leave feedback!**
AS/A-LeveL Poetry: "Passion" (Kathleen Raine) TEACH + REVISE + ANSWERS BUNDLE

AS/A-LeveL Poetry: "Passion" (Kathleen Raine) TEACH + REVISE + ANSWERS BUNDLE

This no-prep bundle of activities is designed to enable the in-depth teaching and preparation of the poem “Passion” by Kathleen Raine. The poem is also on the AS & A-Level English Literature curriculum for exams in 2024-2025. The unit includes: 1) Short biography and introduction to the poet 2) The poem text with line numbers to facilitate a close-reading, including historical context and explanatory notes where necessary. 3) Pre-Teaching Activities: to facilitate teaching the poem & exam prep in class. I’ve focused on introducing of figurative devices. 4) After Reading Activities: ideal as a follow-up to reading the poem in class. For "Passion, I’ve focused on figurative devices and visual analysis. 5) Close-reading & Analysis Questions, with a particular focus on poetic devices and the AS/A-Level English Literature exam criteria. 6) Exam Practice Questions, modeled after the AS/A-Level English Literature Assessment Criteria (AO1-AO4). These can be used as a mock exam with your students. 7) In-depth, detailed model answers for all activities, questions, as well as model answers for the practice exam questions, again based on AS & A-Level Exam Criteria (A01-AO4). ***Happy reading, teaching, studying, and revising! Please leave feedback!*
A-LeveL Poetry: "The Clod and the Pebble" (W. Blake) TEACH + REVISE + ANSWERS BUNDLE

A-LeveL Poetry: "The Clod and the Pebble" (W. Blake) TEACH + REVISE + ANSWERS BUNDLE

This no-prep bundle of activities is designed to enable the in-depth teaching and preparation of the poem "The Clod and the Pebble" by William Blake. The poem is also on the AS & A-Level English Literature curriculum for exams in 2024-2025. The unit includes: 1) Short biography and introduction to the poet 2) The poem text with line numbers to facilitate a close-reading, including historical context and explanatory notes where necessary. Included: An audio-visual reading of the poem. 3) Pre-Teaching Activities: to facilitate teaching the poem & exam prep in class. I’ve focused on introducing personification as a key feature of the poem. 4) After Reading Activities: ideal as a follow-up to reading the poem in class. For “The Clod and the Pebble”, I’ve focused on antithesis and oxymoron, essential to understanding and appreciating the poem. 5) Close-reading & Analysis Questions, with a particular focus on poetic devices and the AS & A-Level English Literature exam criteria. 6) Exam Practice Questions, modeled after the AS/A-Level English Literature Assessment Criteria (AO1-AO4). These can be used as a mock exam with your students. 7) In-depth, detailed model answers for all activities, questions, as well as model answers for the practice exam questions, again based on AS & A-Level Exam Criteria (A01-AO4). **Happy reading, teaching, studying, and revising! Please leave feedback!**
IGCSE Poetry 2026-2028: Vol. 1 - TEACH + EXAM PREP + ANSWERS ALL 15 POEMS Bundle

IGCSE Poetry 2026-2028: Vol. 1 - TEACH + EXAM PREP + ANSWERS ALL 15 POEMS Bundle

16 Resources
This comprehensive bundle includes ready-to-teach NO PREP worksheets, teaching activities, revision guides, and sample exam questions for all 15 poems that need to be taught and included in the preparation for the CIE IGCSE English Literature Exams in 2026-2028. Specifically: From Songs of Ourselves Volume 1, the following 15 poems: Aphra Behn, ‘Song: Love Armed’ Sujata Bhatt, ‘A Different History’ William Blake, ‘The Chimney-Sweeper’ Elizabeth Brewster, ‘Where I Come From’ Boey Kim Cheng, ‘Report to Wordsworth’ Gillian Clarke, ‘Lament’ Kevin Halligan, ‘The Cockroach’ Seamus Heaney, ‘Follower’ Liz Lochhead, ‘Storyteller’ Charles Mungoshi, ‘Before the Sun’ Katherine Philips, ‘A Married State’ Alexander Pope, From ‘An Essay on Man’ Carol Rumens, ‘Carpet-weavers, Morocco’ William Shakespeare, ‘Sonnet 18’ Judith Wright, ‘Hunting Snake’ Each unit includes the following: 1) Biography and introduction to the poet 2) Context of Composition, including contextual information, or explanation of additional, relevant terminology, literary concepts, movements, philosophies, etc., where necessary or appropriate. 3) Pre-Reading activity and After-Reading activities to introduce the poem and unit, and/or to review key poetic devices and figurative language relevant to the poem. There is a range of activities to choose from that you can mix and match based on your students’ needs or your planning. 4) The poem text with, line numbers and explanatory notes to facilitate a close-reading, and to explain unusual or difficult vocabulary and concepts. Illustrations and images further help clarify the use of terminology and phrases in the specific context of the poem. ***5) Close-Reading and Analysis Question***s that allow your students to analyse the poem more closely and dig deeper. 6) Additional essay questions (often from past IGCSE papers) and writing tasks to facilitate exam preparation. These questions can also be used for mock exams. 7) Teacher’s Guide and Answers for all activities. 8) Perfect for Distance Learning & Independent Study: As a stand-alone, comprehensive teaching unit with answers and a teaching guide, this is also perfect for distance learning, homeschool or independent study and revision! BONUS! This bundle also includes the following materials designed to complement teaching and revising for the IGCSE English Literature Exams in 2026-2028: *Roadmap and Scheme of Work for IGCSE Vol. 2, Part 3 Poetry for Exams in 2025-2027 Figurative Language Flashcards Creative Writing Activity: Free Verse Creative Writing Activity: Sonnet Comparative Analysis Activity Analysing Poetry - SIFT Method Activity Shakespeare’s Language - An Extensive Introduction Poetry Appreciation Week - A Selection of Favourites* Happy teaching and revising! Please leave feedback!
FREE IGCSE Poetry Vol. 1 (2026-2028) - Scheme of Work & Activities

FREE IGCSE Poetry Vol. 1 (2026-2028) - Scheme of Work & Activities

The FREE BUNDLE includes the following selection of materials that will complement teaching and revising for the IGCSE English Literature Exams in 2026-2028, with a particular focus on poetry from Vol. 1: Roadmap and Scheme of Work for IGCSE Vol. 2, Part 3 Poetry for Exams in 2025-2027 Figurative Language Flashcards Creative Writing Activity: Free Verse Creative Writing Activity: Sonnet Comparative Analysis Activity Analysing Poetry - SIFT Method Activity Shakespeare’s Language - An Extensive Introduction Poetry Appreciation Week - A Selection of Favourites The activities and the scheme of work are designed to complement my IGCSE Poetry 2026-2028: Vol. 1 TEACH + EXAM PREP + ANSWERS Bundle ***Happy teaching and revising! Please leave feedback!
IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "Hunting Snake" (Judith Wright) TEACH + REVISE + ANSWERS BUNDLE

IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "Hunting Snake" (Judith Wright) TEACH + REVISE + ANSWERS BUNDLE

This no-prep bundle of activities is designed to enable the in-depth teaching and preparation of the poem “Hunting Snake” by Judith Wright. The poem is also on the IGCSE English Literature curriculum for exams in 2026-2028. The unit includes: 1) Short biography and introduction to the poet 2) The poem text with line numbers to facilitate a close-reading, including historical context and explanatory notes where necessary. 3) Pre-Teaching Activities: to facilitate teaching the poem & exam prep in class. I’ve focused on introductory activities of figurative and poetic devices. 4) After Reading Activities: a range of activities ideal as follow-up to reading the poem in class. Topics covered include: sensory imagery in the poem, visualisation and comprehension of the poem. 5) Close-reading & Analysis Questions, with a particular focus on poetic devices and the IGCSE English Literature exam criteria. 6) Exam Practice Questions, modeled after the IGCSE English Literature Assessment Criteria (AO1-AO4). These can be used as a mock exam with your students. 7) In-depth, detailed model answers for all activities, questions, as well as model answers for the practice exam questions, again based on IGCSE Exam Rubric (A01-AO4). *Happy reading, teaching, studying, and revising! Please leave feedback!***
FREE IGCSE Shakespeare: "Sonnet 18: (Shall I compare thee.." TEACH + REVISE BUNDLE

FREE IGCSE Shakespeare: "Sonnet 18: (Shall I compare thee.." TEACH + REVISE BUNDLE

This FREE no-prep bundle of activities is designed to enable the in-depth teaching and preparation of the poem “Sonnet 18: Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” by William Shakespeare. The poem is also on the IGCSE English Literature curriculum for exams in 2026-2028. The unit includes: 1) Short biography and introduction to the poet 2) The poem text with line numbers to facilitate a close-reading, including historical context and explanatory notes where necessary. 3) Pre-Teaching Activities: to facilitate teaching the poem & exam prep in class. I’ve focused on the Shakespearean sonnet (structure and form). 4) After Reading Activities: a range of activities ideal as follow-up to reading the poem in class. Topics covered include: aporia (figurative device), visualising the poem, “Sonnet 18” - reading aloud and a first analysis. 5) Close-reading & Analysis Questions, with a particular focus on poetic devices and the IGCSE English Literature exam criteria. 6) Exam Practice Questions, modeled after the IGCSE English Literature Assessment Criteria (AO1-AO4). These can be used as a mock exam with your students. 7) Detailed model answers for all activities, questions, as well as model answers for the practice exam questions, again based on IGCSE Exam Rubric (A01-AO4). **Happy reading, teaching, studying, and revising! Please leave feedback!**
IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "An Essay on Man" (Alexander Pope) TEACH + REVISE BUNDLE

IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "An Essay on Man" (Alexander Pope) TEACH + REVISE BUNDLE

This no-prep bundle of activities is designed to enable the in-depth teaching and preparation of the poem From “An Essay on Man” by Alexander Pope. The poem is also on the IGCSE English Literature curriculum for exams in 2026-2028. The unit includes: 1) Short biography and introduction to the poet 2) The poem text with line numbers to facilitate a close-reading, including historical context and explanatory notes where necessary. 3) Pre-Teaching Activities & Follow-Up Activities to facilitate teaching the poem & exam prep in class. I’ve focused on Alexander Pope’s aphorisms and on his use of antithesis and oxymoron in the poem. 4) Close-reading & Analysis Questions, with a particular focus on poetic devices and the IGCSE English Literature exam criteria. 5) Exam Practice Questions, modeled after the IGCSE English Literature Assessment Criteria (AO1-AO4). These can be used as a mock exam with your students. 6) In-depth, detailed model answers for all activities, questions, as well as model answers for the practice exam questions, again based on IGCSE Exam Rubric (A01-AO4). **Happy reading, teaching, studying, and revising! Please leave feedback!**
IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "Carpet-weavers, Morocco" (Carol Rumens) TEACH + STUDY BUNDLE

IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "Carpet-weavers, Morocco" (Carol Rumens) TEACH + STUDY BUNDLE

This no-prep bundle of activities is designed to enable the in-depth teaching and preparation of the poem “Carpet-weavers, Morocco” by Carol Rumens. The poem is also on the IGCSE English Literature curriculum for exams in 2026-2028. The unit includes: 1) Short biography and introduction to the poet 2) The poem text with line numbers to facilitate a close-reading, including historical context and explanatory notes where necessary. 3) Pre-Teaching Activities & Follow-Up Activities to facilitate teaching the poem & exam prep in class. I’ve focused on different stanzaic forms as well as visualising the poem, activities that are particularly relevant to Rumens’ poem. 4) Close-reading & Analysis Questions, with a particular focus on poetic devices and the IGCSE English Literature exam criteria. 5) Essay questions to facilitate IGCSE exam practice, modeled after the IGCSE English Literature Assessment Criteria (AO1-AO4). These can be used as a mock exam with your students. 6) In-depth, detailed model answers for all activities, questions, as well as model answers for the practice exam questions, again based on IGCSE Exam Rubric (A01-AO4). **Happy reading, teaching, studying, and revising! Please leave feedback!**
IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "A Married State" (Katherine Philips) TEACH, STUDY + ANSWERS

IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "A Married State" (Katherine Philips) TEACH, STUDY + ANSWERS

This no-prep bundle of activities is designed to enable the in-depth teaching and preparation of the poem “A Married State” by Katherine Philips. The poem is also on the IGCSE English Literature curriculum for exams in 2026-2028. The unit includes: 1) Short biography and introduction to the poet 2) The poem text with line numbers to facilitate a close-reading, including historical context and explanatory notes where necessary. 3) Pre-Teaching Activities & Follow-Up Activities to facilitate teaching the poem & exam prep in class. I’ve focused on the social context - gender roles in 17th-century England and a follow-up activity focusing on juxtaposition and oxymoron, important devices to fully appreciate “A Married State”. 4) Close-reading & Analysis Questions, with a particular focus on poetic devices and the IGCSE English Literature exam criteria. 5) Essay questions to facilitate IGCSE exam practice, modeled after the IGCSE English Literature Assessment Criteria (AO1-AO4). These can be used as a mock exam with your students. 6) In-depth, detailed model answers for all activities, questions, as well as model answers for the practice exam questions, again based on IGCSE Exam Rubric (A01-AO4). **Happy reading, teaching, studying, and revising! Please leave feedback!**
IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "Before the Sun" (Charles Mungoshi) TEACH & REVISE BUNDLE + ANSWERS

IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "Before the Sun" (Charles Mungoshi) TEACH & REVISE BUNDLE + ANSWERS

This no-prep unit of work is designed to enable an in-depth teaching and preparation of the poem “Before the Sun” by Charles Mungoshi. The poem is also on the IGCSE English Literature curriculum for exams in 2026-2028. The unit includes: 1) Short biography and introduction to the poet 2) The poem text with line numbers to facilitate a close-reading, including historical context and explanatory notes where necessary. 3) Pre-Reading Activities to facilitate teaching the poem & exam prep in class. I’ve focused on sensory imagery. 4) Comprehension, Close-reading & Analysis questions, with a particular focus on poetic devices and the IGCSE English Literature exam criteria. 5) Essay questions to facilitate IGCSE exam practice, modeled after the IGCSE English Literature Assessment Criteria (AO1-AO4) 6) In-depth, detailed model answers for all activities, questions, as well as model answers for the practice exam questions, again based on IGCSE Exam Rubric (A01-AO4). **Happy reading, teaching, studying, and revising! Please leave feedback!**
IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "Storyteller" (Liz Lochhead) TEACH, STUDY + ANSWERS

IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "Storyteller" (Liz Lochhead) TEACH, STUDY + ANSWERS

This no-prep unit of work is designed to enable an in-depth teaching and preparation of the poem “Storyteller” by Liz Lochhead. The poem is also on the IGCSE English Literature curriculum for exams in 2026-2028. The unit includes: 1) Short biography and introduction to the poet 2) The poem text with line numbers to facilitate a close-reading, including historical context and explanatory notes where necessary. 3) Pre-Reading Activities to facilitate teaching the poem & exam prep in class. I’ve focused on the tradition of oral storytelling and poetry. 4) Comprehension, Close-reading & Analysis questions, with a particular focus on poetic devices and the IGCSE English Literature exam criteria. 5) Essay questions to facilitate IGCSE exam practice, modeled after the IGCSE English Literature Assessment Criteria (AO1-AO4) 6) In-depth, detailed model answers for all activities, questions, as well as model answers for the practice exam questions, again based on IGCSE Exam Rubric (A01-AO4). **Happy reading, teaching, studying, and revising! Please leave feedback!**
IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "Follower" (Seamus Heaney) TEACH, STUDY + ANSWERS

IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "Follower" (Seamus Heaney) TEACH, STUDY + ANSWERS

This no-prep unit of work is designed to enable an in-depth teaching and preparation of the poem “Follower” by Seamus Heaney. The poem is also on the IGCSE English Literature curriculum for exams in 2026-2028. The unit includes: 1) Short biography and introduction to the poet 2) The poem text with line numbers and explanatory notes to facilitate a close-reading, including the poem’s context of composition. 3) Pre-Reading Activities to facilitate teaching the poem & exam prep in class. I’ve focused on animal symbolism in literature and poetry. 4) Comprehension, Close-reading & Analysis questions, with a particular focus on poetic devices and the IGCSE English Literature exam criteria. 5) Essay questions to facilitate IGCSE exam practice, modeled after the IGCSE English Literature Assessment Criteria (AO1-AO4) 6) In-depth, detailed model answers for all activities, questions, as well as model answers for the practice exam questions, again based on IGCSE Exam Rubric (A01-AO4). **Happy reading, teaching, studying, and revising! Please leave feedback!**
IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "The Cockroach" (Kevin Halligan) TEACH, STUDY + ANSWERS

IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "The Cockroach" (Kevin Halligan) TEACH, STUDY + ANSWERS

This no-prep unit of work is designed to enable an in-depth teaching and preparation of the poem "The Cockroach. The poem is also on the IGCSE English Literature curriculum for exams in 2026-2028. The unit includes: 1) Short biography and introduction to the poet 2) The poem text with line numbers to facilitate a close-reading, including historical context and explanatory notes where necessary. 3) Pre-Reading Activities to facilitate teaching the poem & exam prep in class. I’ve focused on animal symbolism in literature and poetry. 4) Comprehension, Close-reading & Analysis questions, with a particular focus on poetic devices and the IGCSE English Literature exam criteria. 5) Essay questions to facilitate IGCSE exam practice, modeled after the IGCSE English Literature Assessment Criteria (AO1-AO4) 6) In-depth, detailed model answers for all activities, questions, as well as model answers for the practice exam questions, again based on IGCSE Exam Rubric (A01-AO4). **Happy reading, teaching, studying, and revising! Please leave feedback!**
IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "Lament" (Gillian Clarke) TEACH & STUDY BUNDLE + ANSWERS

IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "Lament" (Gillian Clarke) TEACH & STUDY BUNDLE + ANSWERS

This no-prep unit of work is designed to enable an in-depth teaching and preparation of the poem “Lament” by Gillian Clarke. The poem is also on the IGCSE English Literature curriculum for exams in 2025-2027. The unit includes: 1) Short biography and introduction to the poet 2) The poem text with line numbers to facilitate a close-reading, including historical context and explanatory notes where necessary. 3) Pre-Reading Activities to facilitate teaching the poem & exam prep in class. I’ve focused on the historical context (Persian Gulf War) as well as on the lament - poetic form and tradition. 4) Comprehension, Close-reading & Analysis questions, with a particular focus on poetic devices and the IGCSE English Literature exam criteria. 5) Essay questions to facilitate IGCSE exam practice, modeled after the IGCSE English Literature Assessment Criteria (AO1-AO4) 6) In-depth, detailed model answers for all activities, questions, as well as model answers for the practice exam questions, again based on IGCSE Exam Rubric (A01-AO4). **Happy reading, teaching, studying, and revising! Please leave feedback!**
IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "Report to Wordsworth" (Boey Kim Cheng) BUNDLE + ANSWERS

IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "Report to Wordsworth" (Boey Kim Cheng) BUNDLE + ANSWERS

This no-prep unit of work is designed to enable an in-depth teaching and preparation of the poem “Report to Wordsworth” by Boey Kim Cheng. The poem is also on the IGCSE English Literature curriculum for exams in 2025-2027. The unit includes: 1) Short biography and introduction to the poet 2) The poem text with line numbers to facilitate a close-reading, including historical context and explanatory notes where necessary. 3) Pre-Reading Activities to facilitate teaching the poem & exam prep in class. I’ve focused on ecocriticism and the allusions to Wordsworth’s sonnets and his legacy as a nature poet. 4) Comprehension, Close-reading & Analysis questions, with a particular focus on poetic devices and the IGCSE English Literature exam criteria. 5**) Essay questions to facilitate IGCSE exam practice,** modeled after the IGCSE English Literature Assessment Criteria (AO1-AO4) 6) In-depth, detailed model answers for all activities, questions, as well as model answers for the practice exam questions, again based on IGCSE Exam Rubric (A01-AO4). **Happy reading, teaching, studying, and revising! Please leave feedback!**
FREE IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "Where I Come From" (Elizabeth Brewster) BUNDLE + ANSWERS

FREE IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "Where I Come From" (Elizabeth Brewster) BUNDLE + ANSWERS

This FREE no-prep unit of work is designed to enable an in-depth teaching and preparation of the poem “Where I Come From” by Elizabeth Brewster. The poem is also on the IGCSE English Literature curriculum for exams in 2025-2027. The unit includes: 1) Short biography and introduction to the poet 2) The poem text with line numbers to facilitate a close-reading, including historical context and explanatory notes where necessary. 3) Pre-Reading Activities to facilitate teaching the poem & exam prep in class. I’ve focused on the central themes of the poem: place and identity, and created an engaging class activity accordingly. 4) Comprehension, Close-reading & Analysis questions, with a particular focus on poetic devices and the IGCSE English Literature exam criteria. 5) Essay questions to facilitate IGCSE exam practice, modeled after the IGCSE English Literature Assessment Criteria (AO1-AO4) 6) In-depth, detailed model answers for all activities, questions, as well as model answers for the practice exam questions, again based on IGCSE Exam Rubric (A01-AO4). **Happy reading, teaching, studying, and revising! Please leave feedback!**
IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "The Chimney Sweeper" (William Blake) Teach, Study + ANSWERS

IGCSE Poetry Vol 1: "The Chimney Sweeper" (William Blake) Teach, Study + ANSWERS

This no-prep unit of work is designed to enable an in-depth teaching and preparation of the poem “The Chimney-Sweeper” by William Blake. The poem is also on the IGCSE English Literature curriculum for exams in 2025-2027. The unit includes: 1) Short biography and introduction to the poet 2) The poem text with line numbers to facilitate a close-reading, including historical context and explanatory notes where necessary. 3) Pre-Reading Activities to facilitate teaching the poem & exam prep in class. I’ve focused on the two different versions of the poem in Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience, as this comparison is crucial to understanding Blake’s message. 4) Comprehension, Close-reading & Analysis questions, with a particular focus on poetic devices and the IGCSE English Literature exam criteria. 5) Essay questions to facilitate IGCSE exam practice, modeled after the IGCSE English Literature Assessment Criteria (AO1-AO4) 6) In-depth, detailed model answers for all activities, questions, as well as model answers for the practice exam questions, again based on IGCSE Exam Rubric (A01-AO4). **Happy reading, teaching, studying, and revising! Please leave feedback!**