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I am an experienced teacher and currently Head of English and Media in a large secondary school. I am also an examiner for EDUQAS English Language GCSE. I have a range of resources available on TES. Some of my resources are quite old, from when I first started out, and I am currently working in my spare time to update my resources. There are a range of resources from displays, schemes of work, revision booklets, mock exam papers and lessons available.




I am an experienced teacher and currently Head of English and Media in a large secondary school. I am also an examiner for EDUQAS English Language GCSE. I have a range of resources available on TES. Some of my resources are quite old, from when I first started out, and I am currently working in my spare time to update my resources. There are a range of resources from displays, schemes of work, revision booklets, mock exam papers and lessons available.
Eduqas English GCSE Component 1 paper - Great Gatsby F Scott Fitzgerald

Eduqas English GCSE Component 1 paper - Great Gatsby F Scott Fitzgerald

To assist students with exam practice, exam writing style and 20th Century fiction I have created an exam style paper for Eduqas English Language Component 1 using Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald. Component 1 consists of: Section A (20%) – Reading Understanding of one prose extract (about 60-100 lines) of literature from the 20th century assessed through a range of structured questions Section B (20%) – Prose Writing One creative writing task selected from a choice of four titles.
PEE mobile sheet

PEE mobile sheet

A useful PEE sheet to help students understand how to form PEE paragraphs. These shapes are easily cut and strung together to make hanging mobiles that can model work and decorate the classroom. Useful for English, History, Geography, P.E, R.E and many more.
GCSE English Language Eduqas Component 2 19th/21st century non fiction practice paper

GCSE English Language Eduqas Component 2 19th/21st century non fiction practice paper

A complete practice paper for the GCSE English Language Eduqas Component 2 19th/21st century non fiction element of the new 9-1 GCSE. Students have the opportunity to practice their skills in preparation for the exam. The 19th Century text was recommended and sourced from a link shared on the Eduqas website, with a relating 21st century text sourced online too. Students have found this a good beginning for their understanding of what the exam requires and expects.
Blood Brothers Homework Menu

Blood Brothers Homework Menu

To tackle the lack of enthusiasm about homework in my school I created a menu of homework. This one targets key stage 4 and assists teaching of Blood Brothers by Willy Russell. There are 25 homeworks already planned, differentiated by 'spice'. Since using these menus, where the students pick for themselves, the amount and quality of homework has improved.
Analysing and Creating DVD covers

Analysing and Creating DVD covers

A great worksheet analysing and designing your own DVD cover. Learning the key features and demonstrating understanding of presentational features. Great for both a one of lesson and any groups interested in media. Excellent as a summary task for the end of a class novel. Really easy to engage students. Would recommend for year 8, 9 and 10.
Curious Incident of the dog in the Night-time homework menu

Curious Incident of the dog in the Night-time homework menu

To tackle the lack of enthusiasm about homework in my school I created a Nando's menu of homework tasks. This one targets key stage 4 and above and assists teaching of The Curious Incident of the dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon. There are 25 homeworks already planned, differentiated by 'spice'. Since using these menus, where the students pick for themselves, the amount and quality of homework has improved.
Philosophy4Children (P4C) lesson on animal experimentation and its morality

Philosophy4Children (P4C) lesson on animal experimentation and its morality

An engaging and thought provoking P4C lesson discussing animal testing, with a simple article as stimulus. A good article to analyse for non-fiction text alongside novels as well. Lesson includes a paired task where they research alternatives to animal testing which can be used in two ways. A great way to get students talking. The entire lesson is planned with resources, Learning Objectives and Success Criteria. Good for encouraging communication, justification of ideas and listening skills. Students really enjoy P4C and it is structured in a way that means all children can achieve.
How Shakespeare influences language + Shakespearian insults

How Shakespeare influences language + Shakespearian insults

A fun lesson to start a Shakespeare module, looking at Shakespearian insults, how Shakespeare has influenced our language today and how he is still relevant. A mixture of fun facts about Shakespeare to play a bingo game, a research sheet, a Shakespearian insult activity and opportunities to analyse and explore interesting use and change of word classes. Easily adaptable for all abilities. I used with a year 9 set 4 class and it was really successful. All learning objectives, success criteria, real world link, levels and stretch and challenge opportunities are included. Fun Do Now and Plenary activities also included.
20+ inspirational authors and poets wall display

20+ inspirational authors and poets wall display

A colourful, appealing and interesting display outlining the achievements and successes of numerous famous authors and poets including David Walliams, Charles Dickens, Jacqueline Wilson, Maya Angelou, Harper Lee, Margaret Atwood, William Shakespeare, Roald Dahl and many more. Facts, recommended books and images are all included.
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar homework menu

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar homework menu

To tackle the lack of enthusiasm about homework in my school I created a menu of homework. This one targets Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. There are 25 homeworks already planned, differentiated by 'spice'. Since using these menus, where the students pick for themselves, the amount and quality of homework has improved. There is a real focus on grammar, techniques and terminology to ensure students understand the key devices used within English.
unseen poetry masterclass

unseen poetry masterclass

This powerpoint has been created to encourage confidence in unseen poetry, and to teach students how to analyse and plan for the WJEC/EDUQAS unseen poetry question timings. The first five slides are resources for the class. Slide 1 - a breakdown of each unseen poetry question - colour coded - to explain expectations from examiner, timings, what the question is asking you to do. Slide 2 - a reminder bookmark to give students to take home to practise with at home. It has 8 key questions students should ask themselves to ensure clear and detailed answers when responding. Slide 3 - The first poem handout with annotation boxes (colour coded). This is advisable to be printed in A3 so they have a decent amount of space to write notes in. Slide 4 - The second poem handout - this one has the original poem and the poem they have to compare it with on- with annotation boxes (colour coded). This is advisable to be printed in A3 so they have a decent amount of space to write notes in. I normally print slide 3 and 4 back to back Slide 5 - an optional print out slide with a breakdown of what to write in each paragraph, as well as possible sentence starters/cloze paragraphs to use. This masterclass uses the poems ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night’ by Dylan Thomas and ‘Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep’ by Mary Elizabeth Frye. Slides 6,7,8 and 9 talk you and the class through how to quickly annotate with timers to keep the pace. The poem analysis is broken down into sections with written prompts to show on the board. I have done this masterclass with all of the year 11 classes in my school (other than the weakest ability who weren’t sitting literature) and an overwhelming majority requested a second masterclass as they found it so helpful. I will upload the second masterclass to TES as well- it is the same format but different poems. The format of the slides is really easy to edit, so you can use this repeatedly and just change the poems in the middle.