Speaking activities to be conducted after students have seen the film. (i) students identify key characters (ii) students describe key characters with the support of on-screen vocab (iii) students identify key conflicts between the characters with the support of on-screen vocab (iv) students answer a number of questions as though they were characters in the film.
Text in which four teenagers describe the contents of their schoolbag, and say what they have forgotten. It serves as an introduction to the regular plural form in French. The text is followed by an exercise in which students must identify and list the singular and plural forms. They could then describe the contents of their own schoolbag.
Text based on internet threads about the idea of introducing school uniform in Germany. Text is followed by comprehension questions in English, a 'find the phrases' exercise and a text manipulation exercise. Hopefully, this will provide pupils with some useful language for commenting on school uniform in their own school,
Playscript. An unlikely dialogue in which Belletrix Lestrange from Harry Potter and Bella from Twighlight discuss their differing approaches to health and fitness. A disagreement ensues about Voldemort's nose. Having practised and performed the playscript, students could (i) devise a dialogue in which two different fictional characters discuss the issue of health and fitness or (ii) devise a dialogue in which Bella and Belletrix take on a different GCSE topic.
40 curious facts in English about Germany. The first PPT is a straight presentation with one per week for the whole of the next academic year ... The second PPT is in essence the same, but asks students to speculate as to whether the statements are true or false, and then to try to recall interesting factoids.
24 questions about DLdA. Used for revision with Year 13. Students choose a letter from A to W on th homeslide and are hyperlinked to a question about the film.