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GCSE History for Edexcel
GCSE Edexcel, The American West c1835-c1895: Lesson2 Who were the Plains Indians?

GCSE Edexcel, The American West c1835-c1895: Lesson2 Who were the Plains Indians?

Students learn about the social and tribal structures and ways of life of the Plains Indians. In this lesson the students begin by drawing and describing their interpretation of a Plains Indian. They are introduced to a range of sources linked to three of the main Plains Indian tribes. They annotate these sources to show what each reveals about the Plains Indians’ lifestyle, culture, social/ tribal structure, etc. The follow-up tasks include a quick fire quiz based on the sources and a report writing activity (with literacy support). The lessons concludes with the students returning to their original interpretation of a Plains Indian and reflecting on how their views have changed.
GCSE Edexcel The American West: L6: Why did people travel West?

GCSE Edexcel The American West: L6: Why did people travel West?

Students examine the key push and pull factors that encouraged migration to the West. A range of student-led tasks, such as categorising/ prioritising activities through a card sort and a range of follow up tasks that help students to understand the factors that encouraged migration to the West.
Votes for Women: Lesson two: Who were the suffragettes?

Votes for Women: Lesson two: Who were the suffragettes?

Students create a card trading activity/ game for 4 influential female suffrage campaigners. They do this by attributing scores for various factors based on the information given. This gives the students an overview about who the suffragettes were and their actions. Other activities included also involve creating a fact file. Differentiated and easy to follow instructions.
The English Civil War. L5 'Why did Parliament win the English Civil War?'

The English Civil War. L5 'Why did Parliament win the English Civil War?'

This lesson introduces students to the importance of factors in history in prep for the new GCSE spec. They identify the key factors from knowledge cards and use these to sort cards and to rank the importance of events before responding to a 'how far' style question. Literacy support and differentiated resources included. As always there are clear step by step instructions with differentiated resources and activities.
Nazi Germany& the Rise of a Dictatorship: L7 Why did people support the Nazi Party?

Nazi Germany& the Rise of a Dictatorship: L7 Why did people support the Nazi Party?

A lesson on the key factors that led to people voting for Hitler. There are a range of activities for all abilities, such as card sorts and prioritising activities, challenge questions, source based exercises, student-led activities, knowledge sharing active learning tasks and exam skills included throughout. As always there are clear step by step instructions and high-quality differentiated resources.
Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Crime & Punishment: L6 How did law enforcement develop in the later middle ages?

Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Crime & Punishment: L6 How did law enforcement develop in the later middle ages?

This lesson looks at change and continuity during the later middle ages. Students analyse changes brought about in the period, rank the progress of changes and complete a matrix activity based on the differentaited worksheets. This lesson includes self assessment documents for the Middle Ages and Norman aspects of the course. Terms of Use: Purchase of this item entitles the purchaser the right to reproduce the pages for personal and classroom use only. Duplication for other classes, an entire school or for commercial use is strictly prohibited without written permission from the author. Minor editing is allowed but only for personal use. The document remains under copyright even when edited. Pasting this item in whole or part on the Internet in any form is strictly prohibited and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Copyright 2017
Nazi Germany & the Rise of a Dictatorship: Lesson 11 How did Hitler become a dictator?

Nazi Germany & the Rise of a Dictatorship: Lesson 11 How did Hitler become a dictator?

A lesson focused on the events of 1933-1934 which led to Hitler gaining control over Germany. Students analyse the key events (Reichstag Fire, Enabling Laws, Night of Long Knives, Hindenburg’s death, Oath of Loyalty) give examples and explanations of how each led to Hitler’s control and they must give each event various scores in order to create trump style trading cards. As always there are clear step by step instructions and high-quality differentiated resources.
Nazi Germany & the Rise of a Dictatorship: Lesson 8 How did the Nazis use propaganda?

Nazi Germany & the Rise of a Dictatorship: Lesson 8 How did the Nazis use propaganda?

This lesson looks at the problems faced by the Nazi Party in 1933 and how they addressed these problems. In the lesson the class will need to work in groups (4 per group). They are presented with some memos linked to propaganda and they have to identify the problems (for the Nazi party) included in these memos. They will need to decide which issues are the most important (and justify this - a good opportunity to encourage deeper level thinking through teacher questioning). When they have done this they can begin to construct some possible solutions that teh nazi Party could have implemented. each group will present their ideas to the class (I use sugar paper and coloured pens so that they can makes spider diagrams or mindmaps). I also ensure that they use the sentence stems provided when speaking to the class to encourage literacy development. Each student will need to complete their own matrix. There is a homework task included in the presentation which compares the students solutions to the actual solutions implemented by Goebbels. This lesson teachers itself.
Edexcel GCSE Crime and Punishment: L8 Why did religious crimes become more of a problem after 1500?

Edexcel GCSE Crime and Punishment: L8 Why did religious crimes become more of a problem after 1500?

The first lesson of the second unit of the Edexcel 9-1 crime and punishment specification. This lesson looks at the changing definitions of crime, c1500-c1700. A step by step guide to the lesson which examines the religious changes during Tudor England and its affects on crime and punishment. Several tasks linked to the new crimes that came into place following religious changes 1500-1700, such as heresy and treason. Students will determine which monarch made the most changes to crime and punishment during the period whilst learning about the religious changes that led to new crimes
Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbour?

Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbour?

Students begin by creating a fact file about the event (directed and differentiated). They then look at several reasons why Japan might have attacked Pearl Harbour. They need to sort these reasons into categories or factors that motivated the attack. They eventually decide which factor was key and link this to the best supporting evidence before writing up their findings in a telegram. Literacy support and differentiated resources included as well as clear step by step instruction.
Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Crime and Punishment Lesson 10:  The Pendle Witch Trials casestudy

Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Crime and Punishment Lesson 10: The Pendle Witch Trials casestudy

Easy to follow lesson on the witch trials in Lancaster. Students use a card sort to try and solve various problems such as the long and short term causes of the executions, their main factor, establishing links and so on. After they have written up a response to this enquiry, the next activity looks at the decline in witchcraft and the reasons for this for example the enlightenment, the actions of Charles II. One of the activities requires use of a textbook (either Pearson or Hodder).
Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Weimar  Nazi Germany. L7 Why were there economic problems 1919-23?

Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Weimar Nazi Germany. L7 Why were there economic problems 1919-23?

A double lesson that focuses on the economic problems 1919-23, the causes and consequences. A range of student led activities, such as a card sort, sequencing exercise, creating flow charts and analysing sources to determine the causes and effects of the economic crisis in 1923. The second part of this lesson sets students up for an 8 mark source based exam question (mark scheme and preparation activities included).
Edexcel GCSE Superpower Relations & Cold War L15: 'Why did Cuba become a problem for the USA?'

Edexcel GCSE Superpower Relations & Cold War L15: 'Why did Cuba become a problem for the USA?'

Students begin by creating a caption for a cartoon of JFK. They then categorise knowledge cards before producing a SWOT analysis for Cuba for Castro in 1959 before he launches his revolution. They use their knowledge of Cuba and fresh evidence cards of the main incidents following the revolution to create an annotated heart beat graph for President Kennedy. This is then used to respond to a series of questions. There is a homework activity on the causes of effects on the Bay of Pigs incident. The lesson concludes with students refining their cartoon captions. As always there are step by step instructions and high quality resources.
Edexcel GCSE Cold War L12 'What were the consequences of the Hungarian Uprising?'

Edexcel GCSE Cold War L12 'What were the consequences of the Hungarian Uprising?'

This lesson starts with a knowledge recap about the situation in Hungary in 1956 before students start evaluating the outcomes of the Uprising through categorising and prioritising information. The lesson involves exam practice for the 8 mark consequences style questions. Fully differentiated with step by step instructions, exam tips, structure strips and a range of activities and worksheets. This lesson concludes Unit 1
GCSE 9-1 Edexcel The Cold War: L23 How did Gorbachev change the USSR?

GCSE 9-1 Edexcel The Cold War: L23 How did Gorbachev change the USSR?

A lesson focused on the changes that took place in the Soviet Union under the rule of Gorbachev… Students learn about the problems that existed by 1985 and the solutions to these problems. They use their knowledge to complete a series of tasks which include a narrative account question (exam tips and support included). Clear step by step instructions and differentiated tasks included.
The Industrial Revolution, Lesson 8: 'How was public health improved?'

The Industrial Revolution, Lesson 8: 'How was public health improved?'

Students learn about the work of four key individuals who tackled the problems created by the industrial revolution. They learn about one individual in detail, extract key evidence, complete a matrix activity with 3 other students and score their key person based on the evidence given about how well they improved living conditions. After exchanging evidence they then score all 4 individuals before making a judgement as to who was the key individual. The more able students can use this opportunity to develop their GCSE skills and incorporate counterarguments. As always there are high quality resources and step by step instructions