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Anti-Discriminatory Practice

Anti-Discriminatory Practice

Research activities and case study to prepare students for assignment on Anti-Discriminatory Practice. Lesson Objectives: Explain what is meant by Active Participation Identifying needs for equality, diversity and equal rights within a care environment Identify and evaluate the applicability of related laws and regulations Recap learning


A handout and array of group activities aimed at apprentices/adults on Assertiveness. There are an array of group activities/reflections task with employment based scenarios. May benefit from a PowerPoint to accompany. Could be delivered over several sessions.
What do you need for school?

What do you need for school?

Simple worksheet which could follow a class discussion on equipment students will need in school. Students are asked to draw/write what they need to bring with them on a school bag template.
Introduction to Politics and the Welfare State

Introduction to Politics and the Welfare State

An introductory session based on the differences between Labour and Conservative political party views. Students will explore arguments for and against Universal benefits and Means tested benefits. Discusses David Cameron's Ideology. You may wish to produce a follow up activity to encompass Theresa May e.g. different between views or what will the change of PM mean for the country.
Sexual Health

Sexual Health

This tutorial which could be delivered over two sessions has been designed with very little teacher input. I originally designed this for a group of personal tutors who had never delivered this topic and were concerned about whether their knowledge was up to date. This puts the onus on the students and is research based. It has been designed in such a way that students should stay on topic and address the tutorial in a sensible manner if groups are planned ahead of time by the teacher delivering the sessions. Smaller groups will work best. Lesson Objectives: Investigate a range of sexual health related topics and produce a 5 minute presentation Present information about a sexual health topic Identify sexual health services
Equality and Diversity in Society

Equality and Diversity in Society

A succinct resource which prepares students to debate the importance of equality and diversity within society, asking pertinent questions about whether these are the most importance principles or not. Students will also debate the negatives and intended positives of discrimination e.g. guaranteed interview schemes. This will help students to work as part of a team and develop their skills in constructing arguments.
What is classified as Normal and Abnormal behaviour?

What is classified as Normal and Abnormal behaviour?

This worksheet is best bought as part of a bundle with the accompanying PowerPoint. Students will indicate a list of behaviours and whether they deem them as normal or abnormal. They will then justify their responses. Can be used a starter or a plenary.
Cover and Speculative Letters

Cover and Speculative Letters

These worksheets provide students with detailed guidance about how to write effective speculative and cover letters in order to secure future employment. There are activities incorporated into these worksheets designed to get students to consider their skills and attributes, supporting them in producing unique employment letters to impress prospective organisations.
Reading Comprehension-Japan

Reading Comprehension-Japan

This reading comprehension surrounds information about the geography of Japan and some interesting facts about the lifestyle. Students will answer 6 open/closed questions based on the text. Maths has been embedded into the text with a question centred on this, as well as opportunities for students to be independent thinkers.
Reading Comprehension-South Sudan Famine

Reading Comprehension-South Sudan Famine

This reading comprehension summarises the key points of the current famine which has been declared in South Sudan. This reading comprehension has been designed to keep young people up to date with current news topics and global issues. The questions are focused around the content of the text, language choices used and inference. There is also an extension for more able learners of which you will need access to the internet for.
Reading Comprehension-Donald Trump's Travel Ban

Reading Comprehension-Donald Trump's Travel Ban

This reading comprehension worksheet covers Donald Trumps Travel, who it means for the USA and discusses who will be effected. Students will answer both open and closed questions on the article, including a question about their opinion on the Travel Ban. This could lead into a class discussion on either Syria/Refugees, conflict of interests etc.
Introduction to Market Segmentation/How is Marketing Targeted to different groups?

Introduction to Market Segmentation/How is Marketing Targeted to different groups?

Aimed at GCSE Travel and Tourism, this lesson will provide students with the opportunity to become familiar with the key terminology, look at examples of market segmentation with regards to advertising. Whilst this lesson is aimed at Travel Tourism, it may also be applicable to some business studies students. Lesson Outcomes: To identify the market segments relating to demographics, lifestyle and psychographics To explain how products are changed to suit different groups’ needs
Back to school/getting to know you

Back to school/getting to know you

4 Resources
Resources for use either during the first week of term or with new classes. Activities centred around icebreaking, communication skills and developing spoken/written English. Can used to initiate class discussions on diversity, citizenship and school preparedness.
Know Discriminatory Practices in Health and Social Care

Know Discriminatory Practices in Health and Social Care

Written for new BTEC Specification, Level 3, Unit 2, Equality and Diversity in Health and Social Care. Full 2.5 hour lesson which is mapped to part of the assignment with student activities throughout which include scenarios, group research tasks, case studies. Minimal teacher input required.
Living Healthily Tutorial

Living Healthily Tutorial

This was produced for a short tutorial based on living healthily. Students partake in small group discussions, complete creative activities and learn that health is subdivided into different areas. The plenary focusing on online peer pressure and asks students to give advice to a friend. Very topical considering that the number of cases of online peer pressure/cyber-bullying are on the rise. This session is suitable for teenagers to adults. You will need minimum of an hour to do this tutorial and perhaps some poster/leaflet making materials e.g. pens and paper if possible. Students could also word process their work if computers are available. Lesson Objectives:
Cell Division Part 2

Cell Division Part 2

This is the second part of a series of three lessons on cell division. Learners are encouraged to be independent and this lesson incorporates discovery learning methods on genetic disorders, Punnett Grids and contextualises meiosis with a research activity on Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis.
Digestive System

Digestive System

This presentation provides an overview of the digestive system and can be used as a tutor-led introduction to a session or as a revision material to be given to students.
Community Care-Health and Social Care Provision

Community Care-Health and Social Care Provision

This lesson is aimed at developing students academic skills and giving them an overview into the various aspects of Community Care and why it is necessary considering the current state of the Health and Social Care system. This was originally delivered in two, 3 hour blocks, however can easily be adapted to work over several shorter lessons. The lesson covers: Overview of Community Care Examples of Services Primary and Intermediate Care Real life examples with case studies Day Centres Home Care VS Hospital Care Reducing Avoidable admissions Self Management of Health Conditions Tele-Health/Tele-Care The activities which have been included for students are designed to prepare students for university e.g. writing literature reviews, investigative the effectiveness, evaluations, research and discussions. References and Data used throughout.