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Providing resources and units of learning adapted to SEND students. I have pitched these in Key stages 1-4. These will be from across the curriculum.

Providing resources and units of learning adapted to SEND students. I have pitched these in Key stages 1-4. These will be from across the curriculum.
6 Fun/Common Chemical Reaction Experiments for KS1 and KS2 SEND Students

6 Fun/Common Chemical Reaction Experiments for KS1 and KS2 SEND Students

6 PowerPoints and 5 Sets of activities for various science experiments. These include: Skittle experiment (dissolving sugar) Gummybear Osmosis Making your own ice cream CO2 reaction in a glove mixing colours (colour theory) raisins in different liquids. Powerpoints and worksheets include Widgit/symbol Sentences to support those who cannot read independently. Some experiments are more focused on recording their findings and separating mixtures.