
Racismo - A2 Spanish resources
This is a pack of reading resources on the A2 Spanish topic of Las actitudes racistas y xenófobas. All the questioning used in the resources is based on AQA Spanish exam styles. Most activities have an accompanying link to a video on YouTube. The video links are embedded and should open automatically if you are linked to the internet. The resources are not arranged in any particular order. The PowerPoint can be cut up as appropriate.

El ciberespacio - A level Spanish
A range of activities covering the A level topic of “el ciberespacio”. These range from reading tasks to translations and summary skills. Two of the activities link to Teach Vid exercises I have put together.

Jóvenes de hoy - A2 Spanish
This is a pack of resources on the A level Spanish topic of Jóvenes de hoy - ciudadanos del mañana. All the questioning used in the resources is based on AQA Spanish exam styles. In the PowerPoint the videos are embedded from YouTube and can take a minute or two to load.

The present tense - Year 7 Spanish (in line with VIVA 1)
The collection of resources is intended to focus on the presentation of the present tense to Year 7 students. They supplement chapter 2 of the VIVA 1 course book. We start with -AR verbs and then introduce the -ER & -IR verbs. We gradually move to presenting the fact that some verbs are irregular and do not follow the normal pattern. As in line with VIVA, these verbs are JUGAR + HACER.

Monarquías y dictaduras - A2 Spanish
This is a selection of resources I have put together to teach aspects of the topic of “Monarquías y dictaduras”. I have tried to include some up-to-date references at the time of publishing. The videos in the PowerPoint are embedded from YouTube and can take a few seconds to load.

A level translation from English into Spanish (AQA)
Although translation can easily be embedded into teaching, I find that it is important to take a period of time to focus on the skills involved. Attached is a booklet I have put together which is made up of all of the AQA translations into Spanish from recent past papers. I find that pulling everything together from a certain task type helps to focus the students on the skills needed and also helps me as a teacher to spot trends.
March 2021 - The booklet has been updated to include the 2020 paper

Spanish Reading Comprehension - San Fermin
A Reading Comprehension Worksheet on the Festival of San Fermín in Spain which leads to a piece of extended Writing.

Animal and food expressions in Spanish
This is a fairly random piece of work which I made in response to us coming across the expression “dar gato por liebre” in a text. The students found it really interesting. It doesn’t properly fit into any topic, but sometimes it’s great to look at these interesting aspect of the language and try to use a couple where possible.

¿Descubrimiento o conquista?
This lesson is based around the issues relating to colonialism and measures to address the past e.g. use of public spaces commemorating controversial figures.
The first slides of the PDF are for discussion - what can they see? When? Who? Why? etc.
The gap fill reading is from a text describing the arrival of Columbus in America.
The following slides focus on the use of language and image illustrating how people’s interpretation is affected by the historical depiction of the events.
We next move to the debate over statues and the use of public spaces to commemorate controversial figures.
An initial discussion re: views
Work on impersonal verbs and expressions with the aim of ensuring that opinions use a range of language including this type of structure.

Dictadores latinoamericanas
The resources attached cover dictatorships past and present in countries such as Venezuela, the Dominican Republic and Chile. A range of skills are tested and the PowerPoint includes videos which are embedded from YouTube as well as a link to an online gap fill exercise.

EdExcel AS Spanish Unit 2 Section C support
Booklet to provide practice for the writing section of the AS Spanish examination.

Vendo mi casa cantando
This resource is to be used when teaching about the home. It also provides an opportunity to present or revise the present continous.

Spanish Reading - YOYES: Ex ETA terrorist
Reading comprehension for A2 Spanish students. Based on the life of ex terrorsit, Yoyes.

Las 7.35 de la mañana
Worksheet to accompany the short film of the same name. This can be found on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usYIM4Q7mII

Spanish GCSE vocabulary booklet
This booklet has been designed with all boards in mind + it has been updated to reflect language covered in recent examinations. By having it in Word format, you can adapt and slim it down to different levels.

La televisión
Presentation of types of programme in Spanish + practice exercises. The video is embedded into the PowerPoint. You must be connected to the internet for it to work. In case of problems the URL for the link is posted at the bottom of the slide.

A level Spanish - Personas transgénero
This is a reading resource I recently made to supplement work on the LGBT topic for my Year 12 group. It focuses on the case of a trans footballer. More resources can be found on the following link - https://neiljones.org/2020/05/04/las-personas-transgenero/