I made a crazy interactive widget thingy to illustrate the limiting factor graphs for photosynthesis. Just for fun really. Project it onto the whiteboard perhaps. Make it huge using the browser zoom controls. I hope that it entertains you.
Please note: in order to provide a rich interactive experience, my interactive resources are mini-web sites local to your computer. After unzipping, they comprise a folder containing the main .html file and another folder containing the graphic resources and my coding to make the resource work. Double click on the .html file and the resource will work. If, however , you move or delete any of the files from this hierarchy, the resource will not work.
Simple Drag & Drop exercises for the eye, heart , ear, digestive system and skeleton. Whole body also thrown in. Use year in, year out with all sorts of classes. Nice around the whiteboard as AFL, or for students individually at a computer. All work in your browser, easily zoomed in or out. Print out the result as a revision aid.
Please note: in order to provide a rich interactive experience, my drag & drop resources are mini-web sites local to your computer. After unzipping, they comprise a folder containing the main .html file and another folder containing the graphic resources and my coding to make the resource work. Double click on the .html file and the resource will work. If, however , you move or delete any of the files from this hierarchy, the resource will not work.
I have made a simulation of this experiment at four different temperatures. Double click on the “disappearing cross copy.html” file and there it is in your web browser. Students time the cross disappearing, after someone presses the button and shouts go. Saves a nasty experiment with hot solutions and sulfur dioxide. Use over and over again. You can make it huge by using the browser zoom controls.
A preview is available on my web site.
Please note: in order to provide a rich interactive experience, my resources are mini-web sites local to your computer. After unzipping, they comprise a folder containing the main .html file and another folder containing the graphic resources and my coding to make the resource work. Double click on the .html file and the resource will work. If, however , you move or delete any of the files from this hierarchy, the resource will not work.
I made an infographic about mrs gren, then turned it into an activity by removing the answers. 2 pages. Very simple, but quirky and therefore memorable. That’s my style.
This is a simple worksheet about writing word equations for neutralisation reactions. It covers 2 pages.
There are plenty of examples, which get harder as you go on. There is an accompanying powerpoint, as an additional download…
NB I am well aware that exam boards, RSC and text books regard acid plus metal to be a redox reaction, which of course it is. However, in such a reaction, the pH increases to neutral and the acid has gone, so I think it can properly be regarded as neutralization of an acid. And since this worksheet is really about naming salts, I had to include it.
I removed the spurious reaction of copper metal with dilute acids (woops, senile moment)
42 wordsearches. with solutions and some easter eggs
English literature
General knowledge
natural history
Just for fun- hope it’s of use to someone, somewhere. Possibly at the end of term.