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I am currently studying Theology and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Exeter.

I am currently studying Theology and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Exeter.
Elizabethan  History assessment

Elizabethan History assessment

This is an Elizabethan paper Graded 6-7 Answering the following questions: Describe two features of the Dutch Revolt Explain why the Catholic threat to Elizabeth I increase after 1566. “Religion was Elizabeth’s main problem in the years 1558-1569”, How far do you agree?
History 12 markers; Medicine

History 12 markers; Medicine

This document answers the following 12 mark questions Grade 7+ Explain why there were few changes in medical knowledge during the period c1250-c1500. Explain why some changes in medical knowledge took place in the period c1500-c1700. Explain why there was little change in methods of treating and preventing disease during the period 1500-1700. Explain why there was rapid progress in approaches to preventing illness in Britain during the period c1750-c1900.
Churchill Revision

Churchill Revision

This document answers: *Churchill was excluded from the National Government in 1931 because of his views on India. *Churchill’s actions during the abdication crisis were the main cause of his political isolation in the 1930s. *Churchill’s campaign for rearmament was the main reason he was excluded from government in the 1930. *Churchill held extreme views during the 1930s *Churchill was proposing unrealistic policies with regards to gaining international support against Hitler in the 1930s. *Churchill became PM because he was best man for the job. *Churchill only became PM because of doubts about Chamberlains leadership *Churchill maintained his stance of unquestioned defiance throughout 1940 *Churchill’s speeches had a positive effect on morale in Britain *Churchill was an effective military leader *Churchill worked well with his generals *Churchill was a great war time leader *Churchill showed good judgement ordering the bombing of Germany *Churchill’s influence in the Big Three had diminished by 1944 *Churchill could still act independently in his direction of the war by 1944. Churchill’s mistakes were to blame for Labour’s election victory in 1945. Churchill skilfully handled his relationship with Stalin. Churchill maintained a special relationship with Roosevelt throughout the war Churchill’s lack of understanding for De Gaulle let to conflict between the two. Churchill’s main concern for post-war Europe was to prevent the spread of Communism. With arguments for and against, a perfect way to revise the content for source comparative essay at A-LEVEL.