This resource is for a trip to Shanghai Zoo. It has been Updated and improved to include maths tasks at 5 stations and 5 pictures for a picture scavenger hunt.
This is suitable for KS3
It contains a MAP - depicting the stations and picture hunt.
The 5 mathematics tasks for the 5 stations.
Brief Instructions on how to conduct it
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This is a worksheet for one of the stations that I planned for a Key stage 3 ZOO Trip for maths. I re-branded it as a MATHS safari and in particular it is at the shanghai zoo.
MAths for a Zoo trip
This is part of a larger activity that i planned for a zoo trip that i rebranded as ‘‘safari’’
It includes an activity for grades 6/7 , IGCSE level and to the top IB HL level students and even includes EE and IA project suggestions