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PSHE, RE, RS, Business studies, finance
The Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan

A ks3 lesson on The Good Samaritan. This is part of a unit on role models for year 8. Fully differentiated with lots of obvious feedback and clear progress. Lots of embedded literacy and stretch and challenge on all activities.
PSHE lessons - how can I handle my emotions?

PSHE lessons - how can I handle my emotions?

My lessons are designed for my pupils. I teach in a school that has almost 80% pupil premium. My students require information breaking up in an engaging way. This lesson is aimed at students in year 8. You may find my layout/structure simplistic and not relevant to your students. However, please feel free to literally pick up and teach or to edit and make your own.
FREE version PSHE 2020 tracking tool: Intent, implementation and impact

FREE version PSHE 2020 tracking tool: Intent, implementation and impact

PSHE - KS3 Updated KS3 tracker that I created based on the dfe and PSHE associations’ guidelines. All of the information included in the document is available free. T I use this document in lots of different ways. It is my tracker, I share it with all teachers of PSHE at my school so that they can understand the curriculum and how it is sequenced. I also have a working document that we all add to when we have lesson ideas/reflections of lessons. If you have the original version then the only difference is that this one is ‘prettier’. Makes no difference to it’s effectiveness apart from it helps my slight OCD when I’m using it as a planning document. The free editable version can be found in my shop xoxo