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Former Head of PE in secondary school in the North of England with 10+ years teaching experience. My resources tend to be classroom based lessons for the GCSE PE course and form time resources when the register is done and everyone is staring at me expecting interesting and informative action!




Former Head of PE in secondary school in the North of England with 10+ years teaching experience. My resources tend to be classroom based lessons for the GCSE PE course and form time resources when the register is done and everyone is staring at me expecting interesting and informative action!
Get ready for 2017/18 with Premier League Quiz of season 2016/17. Just for fun and ready for use.

Get ready for 2017/18 with Premier League Quiz of season 2016/17. Just for fun and ready for use.

6 rounds of 39 questions all about the past season and the history of the EPL. Questions vary from multiple choice, match ups and straight forward questions. No matter how knowledgeable your students are, they'll be challenged and even if they have no interest in sport whatsoever, they'll still be able to participate fully and enjoy the quiz. This is ideal for the start of the new school year. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated, positive or developmental.
AQA Spec for Principles of Training (SPORT) GCSE PE

AQA Spec for Principles of Training (SPORT) GCSE PE

AQA specification on the Principles of training - SPORT. Lesson starts with a ‘Do Now,’ activity and then works through Specificity, Progression, Overload, reversibility and Tedium with mini-tasks along the way. Lesson finishes with safety concerns. Teachers should be familiar with teaching methods such as “Think, Pair, Share,” and success criteria.
AQA Spec for GCSE PE on Risk and Challenge, complete lesson ready for immediate use.

AQA Spec for GCSE PE on Risk and Challenge, complete lesson ready for immediate use.

This is a GCSE PE lesson covering the elements of Risk and Challenge ending with an exercise on risk assessment that can be used as a homework task, extension task or starter for the next lesson. The learning objective is: Understand why people take part in hazardous activities and how the challenges that exist are different for different people. The lesson comprises of a powerpoint that links to a youtube video of a freediving world record and the challenges and risks involved before linking to PE lessons. There are a number of collaborative learning exercises used within the lesson which can be used at your discretion. To enable differentiation, the lesson comes with a worksheet for the less able so that they can concentrate on quality of work instead of quantity. The lesson comes with a separate handout for all students with regards to the risk assessment mentioned earlier. All feedback, positive or developmental is greatly appreciated.
Anglophile quiz. Fun, ready-to-use resource that educates us about England.

Anglophile quiz. Fun, ready-to-use resource that educates us about England.

8 rounds with 60 questions in total on a variety of topics. Hosted by Headingley, the Queen's head butler, the quiz offers a unique and interesting insight into some of the differences between our countries but also some lesser known information about one of the most fascinating countries in the world. Round 1 - Multiple choice - General knowledge Round 2 - True or False - Born in England. Were these celebrities born in England? Round 3 - History Round 4 - Geography - places with the same name in both the US and England Round 5 - Sport - Which positions belong to cricket and which to rugby league? Round 6 - People - Which people are real historical characters and which are myths? Round 7 - Match-up - Match the English terms to their US counterparts. Round 8 - Multiple choice - Trivia When required, answers are revealed with supporting pictures and text boxes with additional information in. I should add that Queen Elizabeth II did not really request this quiz to be made. It was Prince William.
Anglophile quiz. Fun, ready-to-use resource that educates the US about England.

Anglophile quiz. Fun, ready-to-use resource that educates the US about England.

This is aimed at the US audience so it is ideal for an international classroom. However, many of the questions can be tweaked for the English market. 8 rounds with 60 questions in total on a variety of topics. Hosted by Headingley, the Queen's head butler, the quiz offers a unique and interesting insight into some of the differences between our countries but also some lesser known information about one of the most fascinating countries in the world. Round 1 - Multiple choice - General knowledge Round 2 - True or False - Born in England. Were these celebrities born in England? Round 3 - History Round 4 - Geography - places with the same name in both the US and England Round 5 - Sport - Which positions belong to cricket and which to rugby league? Round 6 - People - Which people are real historical characters and which are myths? Round 7 - Match-up - Match the English terms to their US counterparts. Round 8 - Multiple choice - Trivia When required, answers are revealed with supporting pictures and text boxes with additional information in. I should add that Queen Elizabeth II did not really request this quiz to be made. It was Prince William.
2 ppoints with 12 optical illusions to confound and confuse your students brains.

2 ppoints with 12 optical illusions to confound and confuse your students brains.

This is a resource that I created just for fun to have on hand in those awkward moments when you have some time with a class or form that you did not expect to have. It's entirely for fun but I know it will cause arguments and discussions as, quite simply, you will not be able to believe what you see. Any and all feedback is gratefully received, whether positive or developmental.
10 ready to use activities to encourage creative thought in students of all ages.

10 ready to use activities to encourage creative thought in students of all ages.

Each sheet has part of a comic story printed on it and prompts to complete encouraging them to to think of one characters point of view or to provide ideas as to how the story got to that point. Because they are all so different you can pick one for specific children depending on their interests or the areas that you wish them to develop. They are ideal to use as either a starter or as an extension task both of which could be developed into the creation of a creative story. Any and all feedback is gratefully received whether positive or developmental. Any q's, please ask.
Be prepared! 20th Jan 2017 is Penguin Awareness Day! Fun, ready to use, activity and quiz.

Be prepared! 20th Jan 2017 is Penguin Awareness Day! Fun, ready to use, activity and quiz.

I created this resource for my form a few years ago for a bit of fun and it turned into quite an event. I've added to it by creating a true or false quiz for a bit of fun and context to give the students some ideas. As well as being a bit of a lark, it actually gives students an opportunity to get creative, to do some research and to spread the word about the plight of one of our most entertaining but also threatened animals. All feedback is gratefully received, whether positive or developmental. Thanks.
Ready to use, GCSE PE, AQA spec. on sposnsorship with Tour de France focus.

Ready to use, GCSE PE, AQA spec. on sposnsorship with Tour de France focus.

This resource is ready for immediate use and is aimed at GCSE PE students, however it would also be useful in a variety of other subjects. It has the Tour de France as it's main focus, utilising imagery, video and examples to help students understand the importance of sponsorship within sport. The powerpoint prompts debate and asks questions of the class for students to answer both verbally and in their books. Access to the internet will be needed as there are youtube clips to link to. Also included is a worksheet for less able students to complete instead of writing notes and copying out. This allows for differentiation as they will get all the correct information down whilst also doing the work required of them. Any feedback, positive or developmental is greatly appreciated.
Ready for immediate use, GCSE PE AQA spec. lesson covering innovation, sponsorship, marketing.

Ready for immediate use, GCSE PE AQA spec. lesson covering innovation, sponsorship, marketing.

This lesson utilises the Toronto Wolfpack rugby league team as it's source material in it's unique position as the first transatlantic sports team. After first highlighting the fact that all of the teams in the Kingstone Press League 1 are Welsh or English, students are asked to guess the location of the league leaders which is of course, Toronto. Following there is a brief fact file about the Wolfpack and then a think, pair, share task looking at the positives and negatives of having a team based in Canada, play in Britain. Students are then challenged to tackle one of three tasks, looking at either logistics management, grass roots or marketing, all of which are directly related to the Wolfpack. This allows for differentiation as students can pick their challenge or have the teacher select one for them in order to push students. Finally we have question time. All students should attempt EITHER the normal OR the level-up before attempting the killer question. The normal question is aimed at lower ability students, again allowing for differentiation. The killer question is related to another sport entirely in order to encourage students to transfer their knowledge to another area. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated, positive or developmental.
Ready to use, AQA spec GCSE PE lesson on fatigue and stress. Differentiated.

Ready to use, AQA spec GCSE PE lesson on fatigue and stress. Differentiated.

This is an updated lesson which was previously available for free and was downloaded over 1000 times in Great Britain and the US combined. It looks at the two areas highlighted using analysis of youtube clips to give examples. Questions are split into two groups to create effective differentiation with a supported worksheet for those of a low ability. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated whether positive or developmental. Any questions, please ask.
AQA spec GCSE lesson on Sponsorship in Sport

AQA spec GCSE lesson on Sponsorship in Sport

Powerpoint presentation on sponsorship that identifies what gets sponsored in sport by concentrating on Mo Salah Before looking at a wider number of sportspeople. Differentiated worksheets for notes on the lesson. Goes on to suggest companies unsuitable to be sponsors and discusses advantages and disadvantages of sponsorship. Number of tasks to do throughout the lesson, both written and discussion based.
Ready to use series of fun quizzes ideal for end-of-term or form times. 125 Questions!

Ready to use series of fun quizzes ideal for end-of-term or form times. 125 Questions!

Five quizzes where each one has five categories with answers all beginning with the letter of that quiz. Each question has a different points value based upon it's difficulty. Students select the category and the points value on the powerpoint and are then presented with a question. Navigating using the arrows will reveal the answer and allow you to return to the opening page. Questions cover a variety of topics from science to celebrity. There are 25 series of questions based on the letters of the alphabet ( I missed out 'X'). That equates to 125 questions in total. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.
Diff'd Workbook to celebrate the Rugby League World Cup 2017 in October.

Diff'd Workbook to celebrate the Rugby League World Cup 2017 in October.

This has been created to allow students to understand the celebration that is the Rugby League World Cup and hopefully foster an interest in a minority sport at a time of year when there is not an awful lot happening in the world of sport. I've created this so that all students using it can come complete a workbook that is different from everyone else's but also differentiated to their needs. For example, there are three sheets on Legends, each one has a different task that is aimed at different levels of ability. Students should/could choose or be given a team to follow and have as their nominated team and spark some extra interest in the tournament. Pages are interchangeable so that fast workers can readily move onto the next page whereas slower workers can sheets that they may access more readily. Activities include: *Research activities on the host nations and history of the tournament. *Creating your own opening ceremony. *Matching key terms to their definitions. *Researching nominated team. *Focus on legendary players. *And more This resource can easily be adapted for the other home nations. Any and all feedback, positive or developmental, is greatly appreciated.
Quiz of the Year ppoint with 120 q's. Ready to use, reminiscing about 2016. Ideal for end of term.

Quiz of the Year ppoint with 120 q's. Ready to use, reminiscing about 2016. Ideal for end of term.

This is is a powerpoint that highlights some of the interesting, unusual and factual moments of 2016. We start in January and move through to December with 10 questions for each month on a variety of topics. Questions are a variety of multiple choice, true or false, match ups and ordinary questions. Most slides have additional, contextual information to add interest when the answer is revealed. Any and all feedback is greatly received, no matter whether it is positive or developmental. Happy New Year.
PE GCSE Revision, 18 hole golf game. Ready for use. Fun way to revise.

PE GCSE Revision, 18 hole golf game. Ready for use. Fun way to revise.

This is a great way to revise and my students have always got a great deal of value from it. The powerpoint goes through the rules and scoring system but, for those unfamiliar with golf, it may need a little more explanation. Basically, each hole/question has a par value attached to it (3-5). This how many answers are needed to score par. If they answer too few, this would be represented by a score over par (+) and if they answer over the par score it's represented by a score under par (-). As in golf, the lowest score wins. Example: Hole 1, par 4. How many football teams have won the Premier League? Giving 3 correct answers would score +1 Giving 4 correct answers would score par, 0 Giving 5 answers would score -1 This comes with a teacher's answer sheet to assist with arguments at the end of the game! I have done this in teams, pairs and individually and it works so well. Hope you enjoy. Any feedback, positive or negative is greatly appreciated.
It's the  Euros 2016!  6 round,  ready to use, 60 question quiz on powerpoint. Enjoy!

It's the Euros 2016! 6 round, ready to use, 60 question quiz on powerpoint. Enjoy!

There are six rounds to this quiz with the vast majority of questions being of a nature where the football mad kids who know all the stats will get as many correct as those who rely on guesswork therefore making it very inclusive. Round 1 : Multiple choice . 10 Questions about previous tournaments and this years tournament. Round 2 : The Picture Round. 5 pictures of celebrities who were half-decent at football in their day followed by 5 pictures of mapped countries that students have to name. Round 3 : Trivia. 10 Questions on some of the more interesting and unusual aspects of the Euros. Each answer also brings up some additional information to add context to the answer. Round 4 : Say what you see. 10 Dingbats related to players and places to do with the tournament. Round 5 : Whose strip? Students have 10 representations of the football kits of some of the teams playing and they have to work out the correct country. Round 6 : Where was I born? (Sorry, couldn't think of a better title) 10 players who play for a country that they weren't born in. You've got to name the country they were born in. Tie-breaker about Michel Platini (his playing days not his, alleged, mis-deeds in UEFA). After every question the answer is immediately revealed or is written in the accompanying notes so that students interest is maintained. Any feedback, negative or positive is greatly appreciated. Enjoy the Euros!
Cross-curricular Euro 2016 England differentiated activity booklet, ideal for form, ready for use.

Cross-curricular Euro 2016 England differentiated activity booklet, ideal for form, ready for use.

This is similar to my Rugby World Cup resource but is significantly bigger. I've designed it as an ongoing resource to be returned to every form time for the duration of the Euro tournament. This is created for England supporters but there is also a complete Home Nations pack as well as individual packs for N.I. and Wales. It comes with a powerpoint that has all the participating teams on it. If you play the powerpoint then the images will quickly change. Press "S" and the slideshow will stop on a team. Press "S" again to re-start the slideshow. Using this method, each child can randomly select a team to follow. I did this with my form with a prize if their randomly selected team won the tournament. This team will also feature in their booklet as a research project. The booklet starts with a page about the hosts of the tournament, France. This is a research activity and so access to computers or books will be required. There are two sheets which look identical but this is not the case. One has prompts to assist lower ability students with some French historical characters to research. The next page looks at the history of the tournament and again has a differentiated version for lower ability students. Following on from this is a picture quiz where students have to name the winners of the previous tournaments. Next is a research project where students are asked to design a poster for their previously selected team. There is a differentiated version for lower ability students with a number of prompt questions to help with research. The next task is to create a song/rap or chant about their nations success followed by designing a new football kit for England. Next is an art project looking at the work of Robert Delauney, a famous French artist with a particularly bright and vivid style. Students are asked to reproduce his work and this can be extended to adapt a football picture into his style of work and a blank canvas for the truly creative. There follows a focus on four famous players with an attached fact file and a drawing to colour in. Once this is completed there is a blank fact file for students to pick their favourite player and complete accordingly. Finally there is a puzzle page with riddles and a word-search. The answers are on the final sheet. There are a number of ways in which you can run this project: You could compile the workbooks beforehand and hand them out so that they are differentiated to each class members ability. You could hand out each page individually and then compile them at the end. My ideal would be that everyone gets a different sheet so that everyone is doing a different task within the same time frame and then they are compiled at the end. Any feedback, positive or negative, is greatly appreciated.
Christmas Quiz with 10 very different rounds. Updated for 2016!

Christmas Quiz with 10 very different rounds. Updated for 2016!

A Christmas themed quiz with rounds of between 5 and 10 questions each. Round 1: True or False Round 2:Mince Pies! Round 3: European Christmas Round 4: Top 10 Toys Round 5: Christmas No. 1's Round 6: Anagrams Round 7: Multiple Choice Round 8: Quotes Round 9: Numbers Round 10: Christmas Crackers Tie-Breaker Answers are revealed either at the end of the round or before the next question so that students don't get bored waiting for the answers. This means that, if you're keeping score, this should be done as the quiz is ongoing. I would utilise whiteboards for the kids to write down their answers and display them either individually or as a group. Answer sheet included for convenience.
GCSE PE Quiz suitable for all specs. Ideal for fun lesson/revision. Ready for immediate use.

GCSE PE Quiz suitable for all specs. Ideal for fun lesson/revision. Ready for immediate use.

It's called the Christmas quiz just because I used it at Christmas with my GCSE class this year. It can be used at any time. The quiz starts with some multiple choice questions related to the GCSE course before getting into some random and often ridiculous questions that are supposed to be for a bit of fun (but often resulted in arguments between teams when completed)! Feedback, good or bad is appreciated.