Former Head of PE in secondary school in the North of England with 10+ years teaching experience.
My resources tend to be classroom based lessons for the GCSE PE course and form time resources when the register is done and everyone is staring at me expecting interesting and informative action!
Former Head of PE in secondary school in the North of England with 10+ years teaching experience.
My resources tend to be classroom based lessons for the GCSE PE course and form time resources when the register is done and everyone is staring at me expecting interesting and informative action!
I’ve designed this as an ongoing resource to be returned to every regularly for the duration of the World Cup tournament.
It comes with a powerpoint that has all the participating teams on it. If you play the powerpoint then the images will quickly change. Press “S” and the slideshow will stop on a team. Press “S” again to re-start the slideshow. Using this method, each child can randomly select a team to follow. This team will also feature in their booklet as a research project.
The booklet starts with a page about the hosts of the tournament, Russia. It’s a research activity and so access to computers or books is helpful.
Next we look at the geography of Russia and the location of the stadiums. There are two sheets here which look identical but are not. One is aimed at a higher level than the other and this is distinguished by the World Cup icon in the top right. All future differentiated sheets for the higher ability have this icon.
Then we have the history of the tournament and again a differentiated version for lower ability students.
Following is a picture quiz where students have to name the winners of the previous tournaments.
Next is a research project where students are asked to design a poster for their previously selected team. There is a differentiated version for lower ability students with a number of prompt questions to help with research.
The next sheets each relate to the England football team. The tasks are to create a song/rap or chant, to design their football kit.
Next is an art project looking at the work of Wassily Kandinsky, a famous Russian artist with a particularly bright and vivid style. Students are asked to reproduce his work and this can be extended to adapt a football picture into his style of work and a blank canvas for the truly creative.
There then follows a focus on five famous players with an attached fact file and a drawing to colour in. Once this is completed there is a blank fact file for students to pick their favourite player and complete accordingly.
Next comes an English language task where students are asked to conduct a post-match interview with a player of their choice.
Finally there is a puzzle page with riddles and a word-search. The answers are on the final sheet.
There are a number of ways in which you can run this project:
You could compile the workbooks beforehand and hand them out so that they are differentiated to each class members ability.
You could hand out each page individually and then compile them at the end.
My ideal would be that everyone gets a different sheet so that everyone is doing a different task within the same time frame and then they are compiled at the end.
Any feedback, positive or negative, is greatly appreciated.
AQA specification on the Principles of training - SPORT.
Lesson starts with a ‘Do Now,’ activity and then works through Specificity, Progression, Overload, reversibility and Tedium with mini-tasks along the way.
Lesson finishes with safety concerns.
Teachers should be familiar with teaching methods such as “Think, Pair, Share,” and success criteria.
This is a quiz with many rounds and varieties of questions including:
*True or False - Inventions from China
*Movie titles translated from Chinese
plus many other questions about the history, culture, geography and other contextual, interesting facts about China.
The quiz starts with multiple choice questions before moving on to more challenging questions that tend to be more fun based than informative. This is so that all students are able to participate and maintain interest until the end.
Many questions have additional information attached to explain and provide further reference points.
This would be ideal as an introduction to China, as a starter for a lesson or for a fun lesson at the end of term or form activity.
Any and all feedback, positive or developmental is greatly appreciated.
This is a GCSE PE lesson covering the elements of Risk and Challenge ending with an exercise on risk assessment that can be used as a homework task, extension task or starter for the next lesson.
The learning objective is:
Understand why people take part in hazardous activities and how the challenges that exist are different for different people.
The lesson comprises of a powerpoint that links to a youtube video of a freediving world record and the challenges and risks involved before linking to PE lessons.
There are a number of collaborative learning exercises used within the lesson which can be used at your discretion.
To enable differentiation, the lesson comes with a worksheet for the less able so that they can concentrate on quality of work instead of quantity.
The lesson comes with a separate handout for all students with regards to the risk assessment mentioned earlier.
All feedback, positive or developmental is greatly appreciated.
This is an updated lesson which was previously available for free and was downloaded over 1000 times in Great Britain and the US combined.
It looks at the two areas highlighted using analysis of youtube clips to give examples. Questions are split into two groups to create effective differentiation with a supported worksheet for those of a low ability.
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated whether positive or developmental. Any questions, please ask.
Lesson 1: TV and radio, comparing audio commentary of football match with TV. Worksheet attached to assist low attainers to make notes.
Creative writing task to finish on future of media in sport.
Lesson 2: Tweeting a sports star.
In-depth look at differences between tabloids and broadsheets.
Media's role looks at either David Moyes' Man U. career or Ched Evans rape case.
Lesson ends with diff'd tasks:
Design a tabloid back page.
Review the 1996 Governing Broadcasting Bill.
Plan a blog/internet campaign.
Worksheet attached to assist low attainers to make notes.
406 combined downloads 4-5 star ratings.
There are two resources here. The first is an activity book featuring a wide range of activities that encompass geography, history, literacy and numeracy. It's activities include art based tasks as well as creative writing and researching facts.
One of the sheets looks like a duplicate but it isn't, it is a higher level sheet for the more able.
You can hand out the sheets individually, compiling them at the end of the project or put them all together at the start to create a resource that students work through at their own pace.
Included is a team generator on powerpoint which is operated by pressing play and then stopped and started with the 'S' key.
This has been adapted from my previous resource on the FIFA World CUP which was downloaded 2703 times, had a 5 star rating and was selected by the TES team for their Secondary newsletter.
Get ready for the end of term with fun resources to fill in those crazy times that senior leadership schedule but then don't actually plan for! You know what I mean.
Anyway, rant over. Fun quiz about the year we're about to leave behind, a Christmas quiz and a New Year target setting exercise to satiate those senior leaders and convince them that goal setting is the sole route to success!
Sorry, ranting again.
A number of items to help with revision for this years GCSE PE exam including a test and mark scheme using exam questions from past papers with direct reference to the pre-release scenario on James.
Whole bundle sells individually for £9, the bundle is a fiver. Saving yourself some pennies and HOURS of time.
Good luck with those results.
Updated in 2017!
13 quizzes in total, perfect for a regular quiz day in form time or as a filler activity during those moments with little to occupy the kids.
Form quiz has 30 questions, 10 each on the following topics: Transport, Apples and Karate. I know, a bit random!
The punctuality quiz is an attempt to get students to understand that an excuse, no matter how good or bad, is still an excuse. There are 10 excuses that are either True or False.
Quiz 1 - 11 all consist of 10 questions and generally focus on a particular topic. These topics are as diverse as Animals, Science, Superheroes, Literature and Shoes!
All quiz questions are a mixture of multiple choice, T or F and regular questions.
They are designed to be fun and informative and should sometimes spark debate.
Feedback, good or bad, appreciated.
This is a series of quizzes that can be used at any time, they are not date/occasion specific.
There are over 400 questions on a variety of topics ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous. There is a mixture of multiple choice, match-ups, true/false and regular questions.
Also included are two football activities, one is a workbook where students are asked to create their own club from scratch and the other is a predictions worksheet for the upcoming Premier League season.
Finally, there is a values based activity to help you and your students get to know each other.
Individually, these items have been selling at a combined total of £13.50.