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Quality lessons. Quality weekend. As every teacher knows, finding that work life balance is often difficult. Here at Geography Guru, we provide quality tested geography resources at an affordable price. Take the stress out of your teaching and enjoy what many teachers joined the proffesion for, working with young people.




Quality lessons. Quality weekend. As every teacher knows, finding that work life balance is often difficult. Here at Geography Guru, we provide quality tested geography resources at an affordable price. Take the stress out of your teaching and enjoy what many teachers joined the proffesion for, working with young people.
The challenges and opportunities of urban growth in Rio de Janiro

The challenges and opportunities of urban growth in Rio de Janiro

4 Resources
This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The package constitutes part of the ‘The changing economic world’ module. The bundle includes a detailed and engaging power point for each of the lessons, as well as supporting videos, activities and worksheets. Instructional footnotes on how to deliver each lesson are provided, as well as factual information to assist staff. This medium term scheme can be delivered in approximately four weeks of teaching, in which most lessons take two hours to deliver. The growth and land use within Rio de Janeiro as a city is over-viewed in a introductuary lesson. The social, economic and environmental opportunities and challenges are then detailed. The package finally teaches pupils: why favelas have grown, the challenges they present and how authorities have attempted to improve them.
Improving favelas, Helping the urban poor, The Favela Bairro Project

Improving favelas, Helping the urban poor, The Favela Bairro Project

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘Urban issues and challenges’ module. This lesson investigates how the Favela Bairro Project has improved shanties within Rio de Janeiro. The pupils are also required to consider to what extent the improvements have been successful. A ranking activity is used alongside a heads and tails exercise to illustrate improvements within the favelas. Students then try to empathise with dwellers, to understand why some feel the improvements are not sustainable.
Rio's Favelas, Housing the urban poor, The challenges within shanty towns.

Rio's Favelas, Housing the urban poor, The challenges within shanty towns.

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘Urban issues and challenges’ module. In this lesson students learn about the challenges faced within Rocinha, Brazils largest favela. Pupils first gain an insight into life within a squatter settlement through a group task. The location of these dwellings is investigated and the students are taught why these communities develop where they do. The main challenges found within shanty towns are considered and pupils must annotate their favela diagram with the ideas discussed. The final activity requires individuals to sort a range of challenges into various categories.
How can urban areas create economic opportunities and challenges (Rio de Janeiro)

How can urban areas create economic opportunities and challenges (Rio de Janeiro)

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘Urban issues and challenges’ module. This lesson illustrates how gang activity and poor education systems have created economic challenges in Rio de Janeiro. The students learn why such large percentages of Rio’s resident work in the informal sector, and then consider how the authorities are trying to create more formal sector jobs, through the schools of tomorrow program and pacifying police. Video sources provide the stimulus for an extended writing task and writing frames are provided to help pupils develop and link relevant ideas.
How does urban growth create social challenges and opportunities (Rio de Janeiro)

How does urban growth create social challenges and opportunities (Rio de Janeiro)

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘Urban issues and challenges’ module. This lesson starts by considering why people are drawn to urban areas in Brazil. Students will come to realise that it is the shear volume of migrants, that creates the limitations on the services they expect when they arrive! A card sort task is used to investigate the problems of health, power, water and education across the city. The solutions to these issues are also discussed in depth.
An introduction to Rio de Janerio, The growth and characteristics of Rio de Janeiro

An introduction to Rio de Janerio, The growth and characteristics of Rio de Janeiro

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘Urban issues and challenges’ module. This lesson is a great as an introductuary overview of Rio as a city. Pupils start by locating the metropolis. The students then create a fast fact mind map from the classes current knowledge, video and source sheets provided. The growth of the city is then briefly discussed, before the pupils learn about the structure of Rio through a memory game exercise.
The causes of urbanisation and emergence of mega cities.

The causes of urbanisation and emergence of mega cities.

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘Urban issues and challenges’ module. This lesson investigates how rural to urban migration and natural increase lead to population growth in urban areas. Students are taught the push and pull factors that influence individuals to migrate to cities. The three types of mega cities are then considered, and pupils have to match up the location, features and respective examples. A mega-city mapping task is used to show how the distribution of these metropolises has changed over the last 65 years.
Urbanisation, Describing the patterns of urban growth

Urbanisation, Describing the patterns of urban growth

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘Urban issues and challenges’ module. This 1 hour lesson investigates the concept of urbanisation. The lesson compares the growth of towns and cities in HIC’s and LIC’s. Pupils learn how to analyse a range of graph and table data sets, in an attempt to improve exam technique in skill based source questions.
Economic development and quality of life

Economic development and quality of life

6 Resources
This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘The changing economic world’ module. The scheme will require approximately 11 hours of teaching time. This series of lessons investigates how development is measured. The effectiveness of the various development indicators are scrutinised, in order to gain an accurate insight into the true development of a country. The demographic transition model is studied to show how and why populations change, as a country develops. Students are then taught to relate these ideas to population pyramids, and learn to interpret the shapes of population structures. The scheme analyses why some areas of the world struggle to develop, while others prosper. Finally, the effect of this uneven development is considered.
Reducing the development gap

Reducing the development gap

4 Resources
This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The package constitutes part of the ‘The changing economic world’ module. This series of lessons attempts to evaluate the various strategies used to reduce the development gap. The bundle overviews the following: investment, industrial development and tourism, aid, using intermediate technology, fair trade, debt relief and micro-finance loans . The package includes instructional footnotes on how to deliver each lesson, as well as factual information to assist staff.
How can AID reduce the development gap, Is all AID effective AID

How can AID reduce the development gap, Is all AID effective AID

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘The changing economic world’ module. In this 1-2 HOUR lesson, pupils evaluate the effectiveness of AID provision. The students are familiarised with the different types of AID through a kinesthetic game. Discussion groups are then used to consider both the benefits and problems of different forms of AID. Two examples of intermediate technology are provided, to show how grass roots development AID is a much more effective at reducing the development gap.
How can debt relief help reduce the development gap

How can debt relief help reduce the development gap

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘The changing economic world’ module. This resource will not last an hour teaching session, however aims to provided a concise overview of why some nations are in debt. Students are taught where the heavily indebted nations are, and made aware of two potential solutions, including micro finance and debt relief.
How can industry and investment reduce the development gap?

How can industry and investment reduce the development gap?

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘The changing economic world’ module. This resource uses pupil led discussion tasks to encourage independent thinking. The session looks why TNC’s and developed nations choose to invest in LIC’s, and the advantages and disadvantages to this are considered. The economic stimulation created by industrial development is another key aspect of this resource. Challenging questions are provided as well as some model answer guidance.
How can tourism reduce the development gap, Reducing the development gap

How can tourism reduce the development gap, Reducing the development gap

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘The changing economic world’ module. This 3 HOUR lesson investigates how the growth of tourism in an LIC can help to reduce the development gap. The material focus on both Kenyan safaris and beach resorts. The advantages and disadvantages of tourism are scrutinised. A fun kinesthetic exercise is used to teach pupils about tourism activities in these two different environments. Pupils then learn about potential solutions to the problems tourism brings. They are then tested in an extended exam style question, for which a writing frame is provided. An optional link to a 1 hour investigation into mass tourism in Kenya is also included, to help with pupil understanding.
Consequences of uneven development,  Global wealth and health inequality, The development gap

Consequences of uneven development, Global wealth and health inequality, The development gap

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘The changing economic world’ module. At the start of this lesson powerful cartoon images are used stimulate discussion. An interactive true or false statement exercise is used to overview the extent of the problem. Pupils are taught how to gain full marks on skill based graph questions. Model answers and tips are also provided. A card sort exercise is used to highlight the different health issues experience in HIC’s compared to LIC’s. Finally pupils have a deeper look into malaria as a disease of poverty.
Consequences of uneven development, Economic migrants VS asylum seekers,

Consequences of uneven development, Economic migrants VS asylum seekers,

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘The changing economic world’ module. This 2 HOUR lesson starts by investigating at the economic migration of polish migrants to the UK. Students are taught this through a card sort exercise in which the emphasis is on reasons for this migration. The lessons then investigates the 2015 Syrian refugee crisis. Pupils are required to create a newspaper article on the crisis, using video sources.
Causes of uneven development, Reasons for the development gap

Causes of uneven development, Reasons for the development gap

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘The changing economic world’ module. This 1 HOUR resource investigates the physical, economic and historical reasons for uneven development. The lesson is pupil led, through student discussion groups. A video is provided that overviews issues restricting development. Prompt images are then provided to each group who must link the image to development, before feeding back the class.
Population pyramids, Population pyramids & the demographic transition model, Population strucutres

Population pyramids, Population pyramids & the demographic transition model, Population strucutres

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘The changing economic world’ module. This TWO HOUR resource investigates how to interpret population pyramids. The lesson utilises interactive activities to develop pupil understanding, and provides worksheets for both higher and lower ability pupils. A card sort task is the main activity, but the lesson also includes two map description tasks for improving skill based answers. The later activities are designed to build on pupils understanding of the demographic transition model.
The demographic transition model

The demographic transition model

This 2 HOUR resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘The changing economic world’ module. This lesson provides an alternative, fun and interactive explaination of the DTM. The pack contains differentiated worksheets to assist pupils of lower ability. The students are first required to describe changes to the birth and death rates and therefore overall population of the individual stages. Reasons for these changes are then discussed. The powerpoint includes numerous tasks to test students understanding throughout the lesson.
Development indicators, The development gap

Development indicators, The development gap

This 1 HOUR resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘The changing economic world’ module. The lesson investigates how countries are classified according to their level of economic development and quality of life. The students are required to use a map to to describe the distribution of high and low income countries. The lesson prompts students to think about why the development gap exists between the worlds richest and poorest nations. The students are taught the development indictors through a fun game and then asked to consider their effectiveness and limitations.