Year 3- Fractions Vocabulary and Assessment
PDF File
Spring and Summer Vocabulary
Spring: Consists of 19 vocabulary words and definitions for your maths working wall
Summer: Consists of 9 vocabulary words and definitions for your maths working wall
Vocabulary Assessment
Book friendly version on one sheet
30 sets of fluency and reasoning mathematical questions. The questions cover all areas from the Year 3 curriculum. Answers included for easy marking, self-assessment or peer assessment.
Perfect for homework, starters or morning activities.
Year 3 Addition and Subtraction (Block 2, Week 3) worksheets, teaching slides and editable planning.
Includes support mats
NEW 2022/23 Resources to match WR Version 3.0:
Step 11 - Add two numbers (no exchange)
Step 12 - Subtract two numbers (no exchange)
Step 13 - Add two numbers (across a 10)
Step 14 - Add two numbers (across a 100)
Step 15 - Subtract two numbers (across a 10)
This pack also includes resources from 2020/21:
Year 3 – Addition And Subtraction - Week 3
Includes detailed planning
L11 - Add and subtract 100s
L12 - Pattern spotting
L13 - Pattern spotting
L14 - 2- digit and 3-digit numbers
L15 - Add 2-digit & 3-digit numbers
NEW 20/21 Week 3 Addition and Subtraction Resources and Revision Starters
L11- Add and subtract 100s
L12- Pattern spotting
L13- Add two 2-digit numbers – crossing 10 – add ones & add tens (Revision) L14- Subtract a 2-digit number from a 2-digit number – crossing 10 – subtract ones and subtract tens (Revision)
L15- Mixed addition and subtraction problems
Reception - Autumn - Match, sort and compare - Steps 1-4 - White Rose 3.0 Style Resources
Support mats and practical activities included!
Step 1 - Match objects
Step 2 - Match pictures
Step 3 - Identify a set
Step 4 - Sort objects to a type
Year 5 - Summer - Negative Numbers - White Rose 3.0 Style Resources
Teaching slides, editable planning, differentiated worksheets and support mats
Step 1 - Understanding negative numbers
Step 2 - Count through zero in ones
Step 3 - Count through zero in multiples
Step 4 - Compare and order negative numbers
Step 5 - Find the difference
Contains 5 lessons of decimal work for year 5. Covers the objectives:
Lesson 1- Adding decimals within one pictorially
Lesson 2- Adding decimals withing one- column addition
Lesson 3- Subtracting decimals within one- pictorially
Lesson 4- Subtracting decimals within one- column subtraction
Lesson 5- adding and subtracting using pictorial images to prove answers.
Particularly useful for those following white rose- summer 1, block 1- decimal unit- week 1 of 4 weeks.
Working within TAF evidence booklet- 2018/2019 onwards- new statements.
38 pages to support your evidence for children working within- answers included.
148 differentiated maths cards perfect for extending children who have reached the secure level in mathematics. The cards include problem solving and reasoning tasks and can be used as evidence of children’s deeper mathematical understanding. The questions focus on number, place value, division, multiplication, geometry and fractions.
Year 1
Working Towards Expected
Working at Expected
Working at Greater Depth
Supports your teacher assessment. Ensures objectives match Year 2 TAF objectives for smooth transitions.
These mini assessment tasks cover the key objectives from the NC for Year 2 mathematics. They focus on: number and place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, lengths and height, mass/weight, capacity, time, money, shape, position & direction and statistics. The tasks can be used before teaching the strand as a form of initial assessment which will inform your planning and allow you to pitch your lessons effectively. They can also be used as revision tasks, consolidation tasks, home learning tasks or morning activities. There are 40 units, all of which include answers for children to peer assess or self assess their work.