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Miss Top's_MFL Shop

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Teacher of French and Spanish (French native) at Secondary level. Teaching towards real life, through GCSE Edexcel. What to expect: -> Quality lessons ->Scaffolded activity, increasing in challenge ->Differentiated activities within the lesson -> KS4: a Higher / Foundation lesson -> Spiral learning to support retrieval -> Dual coding to support memorisation -> exam skills with past papers where applicable Check out the French lesson on Jobs (free) to see an example of what to expect!




Teacher of French and Spanish (French native) at Secondary level. Teaching towards real life, through GCSE Edexcel. What to expect: -> Quality lessons ->Scaffolded activity, increasing in challenge ->Differentiated activities within the lesson -> KS4: a Higher / Foundation lesson -> Spiral learning to support retrieval -> Dual coding to support memorisation -> exam skills with past papers where applicable Check out the French lesson on Jobs (free) to see an example of what to expect!
French Theme 2 - Problems on holidays (Foundation)

French Theme 2 - Problems on holidays (Foundation)

Lesson aimed at a lower set of Yr11s and covering the problems that can happen on holidays (dirty hotel, lost items, broken limbs…) and what they had to do. A four-hour lesson. Lesson 1: Practice of ER verbs at the first person singular in the perfect tense, present tense, near future, future. Leads to mwb activity and a translation involving several tenses. Lesson 2: Introduction of various problem that happened during the holidays through reading (with reading / translation strategies). Practice through listening / translation. Lesson 3: Practice of previously introduced sentences (j’ai perdu mon passport) in a translation (extension: writing) and listening. Quick look into the imperfect tense to describe (c’était, il y avait…), then focus on vocabulary related to problems in a hotel (with recap of prior hotel vocab). Lesson 4: Vocab recap through translation game. Leads to a guided writing that includes vocabulary and tenses of the whole lesson. Leads to an open question writing.
French Theme 4 - Work Experience (Foundation and Higher)

French Theme 4 - Work Experience (Foundation and Higher)

2 Resources
Bundle including the Foundation and Higher version of the lesson about Work Experience placements (GCSE Theme 4 Edexcel) Higher includes the imperfect tense and its difference in use with the perfect tense. Foundation focuses on the perfect tense. Both includes opinion using “c’était” and “ils étaient”.
French Theme 2 - Countries, transports & conditional (Higher)

French Theme 2 - Countries, transports & conditional (Higher)

Lesson aimed to a Year 10 class for higher students, covering countries, preposition “en”, “au” and “aux”. A 6 hour lesson: Lesson 1: Countries + work on the correct preposition. Lesson 2: Transports + accomodation Lesson 3: Conditionnal + practice with set phrases “je voyagerais”, “je resterais” Lesson 4: Holidays routine (present tense) + adding conditional Lesson 5: Conditional practice with model phrases Lesson 6: More practice of the conditional and reflexive verbs
French Theme 2 - Transports, ticket booking & comparatives (Higher)

French Theme 2 - Transports, ticket booking & comparatives (Higher)

Lesson aimed at a higher set of Yr11s and covering the vocabulary of transports, leading to a role play on booking your own train ticket and giving your opinion on which means of transport you would rather travel in, using comparatives. A four-hour lesson. Lesson 1: Starts with chunks of sentences to do with transports (plane, car, train) such as “quai”, “guichet”, “aéroport” then revises the sentence structure “il faut + inf” (eg il faut montrer son passeport à la douane". Study of a challenging gap fill listening / reading through 4 activities exploring listening and reading strategies. Lesson 2: Study of questions of a ticket booking, model through a listening. Leads to a role play where each student has a different train ticket that they want to buy with different information on them (destination, time, platform number, single / return, etc…). Lesson 3: Study of 12 sentences with different tenses and the verb “voyager”. Recap of the comparative structure. Lesson 4: Recap of comparative and adding justifications as to why one transport has their preference over another. Leads to a guided writing.
French Theme 2 - Holidays activities (past tense + reflexive verbs)(Foundation)

French Theme 2 - Holidays activities (past tense + reflexive verbs)(Foundation)

Lesson aimed to a lower set Yr10 group covering the vocabulary of holidays activities in the present tense, then in the perfect tense (including reflexive verbs). A five-hour lesson: Lesson 1: Conjugation activities, conjugating ER verbs at the first person singular in the perfect tense, present tense, near future, future and conditional. Leads to a mwb activity mixing tenses and a translation to French mixing tenses. Lesson 2: Focus on the twelve holidays activities, tasks supporting memory, leads up to a guided writing. Lesson 3: Focus on the beginning of the activities (mostly je vais / je fais / je me). Other activities supporting memory. Lesson 4: Looking at particular past tenses (je suis allée /j’ai fait / je me suis…) and application to the holidays activities. Practice of present tense and past tense through a listening (differentiation worksheets available). Lesson 5: Leads to a writing and a speaking practice.
French Theme 2 - Restaurant outing (Foundation)

French Theme 2 - Restaurant outing (Foundation)

Lesson aimed at a higher set of Yr11s and covering the vocabulary of food (recap), how to order food and take orders, and give your opinion about food. A four-hour lesson. Lesson 1: Tenses practice with “avoir” (imperfect, perfect tense, present tense, near future, and future). Leads to a mwb activity then a translation mixing tenses with the following expressions: avoir faim avoir soif avoir besoin de avoir envie de Lesson 2: Practice of vocab related to food and restaurant. Study of key verbs “je mange” / “je bois” / 'je prends". Practice of the grammar point “some” Lesson 3: Focus on giving your opinion of a restaurant outing, with the help of a sentence builder. Practice through a reading (differentiated worksheets) and a listening. Lesson 4: Students create their own menu. Work on a role play to go order at their “classmates’ restaurant”. Writing a Trip advisor review for their classmates’ restaurant, giving their opinion.
French Theme 2 - Problems on holidays (pluperfect) (Higher)

French Theme 2 - Problems on holidays (pluperfect) (Higher)

Lesson aimed at a higher set of Yr11s and covering the problems that can happen on holidays (dirty hotel, lost items, broken limbs…) and what they had to do. A four-hour lesson. Lesson 1: Practice of ER verbs at the first person singular in the perfect tense, present tense, near future, future, conditional. Leads to mwb activity and a translation involving several tenses. Lesson 2: Introduction of various problem that happened during the holidays through reading. Practice through listening / translation. Lesson 3: Study and practice of the pluperfect (through a recap of the perfect tense first). Practice through reading, which requires students to make the difference between pluperfect and perfect tense. Lesson 4: Quick look into the imperfect tense to describe (c’était, il y avait…), then focus on vocabulary related to problems in a hotel. Leads to a guided writing that includes vocabulary and tenses of the whole lesson.
French Theme 2 - Transports, ticket booking & comparatives (Foundation)

French Theme 2 - Transports, ticket booking & comparatives (Foundation)

Lesson aimed at a higher set of Yr11s and covering the vocabulary of transports, leading to a role play on booking your own train ticket and giving your opinion on which means of transport you would rather travel in, using comparatives. A four-hour lesson. Lesson 1: Starts with chunks of sentences to do with transports (plane, car, train) such as “quai”, “guichet”, “aéroport” then introduces the discussion of a train ticket booking through a listening. Lesson 2: Study of questions of a ticket booking, model through a listening. Leads to a role play where each student has a different train ticket that they want to buy with different information on them (destination, time, platform number, single / return, etc…). Lesson 3: Study of 12 sentences with different tenses and the verb “voyager”. Recap of the comparative structure. Lesson 4: Recap of comparative and adding justifications as to why one transport has their preference over another. Leads to a guided writing.
French Theme 2 - Restaurant outing (Higher)

French Theme 2 - Restaurant outing (Higher)

Lesson aimed at a higher set of Yr11s and covering the vocabulary of food (recap), how to order food and take orders, and give your opinion about food. A four-hour lesson. Lesson 1: Tenses practice with “avoir” (imperfect, perfect tense, present tense, near future, future and conditional). Leads to a mwb activity then a translation mixing tenses with the following expressions: avoir faim avoir soif avoir besoin de avoir envie de Lesson 2: Practice of a dialog in a restaurant. Practice through translation of key sentences, reading and listening (differentiated worksheets available for the whole class to access the activity). Lesson 3: Focus on giving your opinion of a restaurant outing, with the help of a sentence builder. Practice through a reading (differentiated worksheets) and another reading with open answer questions. Lesson 4: Students create their own menu. Work on a role play to go order at their “classmates’ restaurant”. Writing a Trip advisor review for their classmates’ restaurant, giving their opinion.
French Theme 1 - La télévision et les séries - TV shows (higher opinion)

French Theme 1 - La télévision et les séries - TV shows (higher opinion)

Lesson covering vocabulary related to TV shows as well as higher opinions, with adjective agreement eg: ça m’intéresserait de regarder les émissions de télé-réalité parce qu’elles sont amusantes. Lesson 1: Recap of TV shows from Yr8, recaping and adding higher opinions. Lesson 2: Study of adjective agreements in the context of justified opinions. Lesson 3: Leads to a guided writing where students use higher opinions and adjective agreement to describe tastes in TV shows. Lesson 4: Speaking practice mixing present tense, opinion + infinitive and past tense.
Theme 4 French - Languages (Foundation & Higher)

Theme 4 French - Languages (Foundation & Higher)

2 Resources
Bundle including Foundation and Higher lesson about Languages and their use outside of the classroom. Includes practice with several tenses (depending on the level of the class) and a grammar point about the place of the adverb.
Theme 4 French_Jobs & sectors (Higher)

Theme 4 French_Jobs & sectors (Higher)

Aimed at Yr11 Foundation sets covering jobs and sectors and aiming to extend the number of details mentioned about why we like / dislike a job we would(n’t) like to do (where we would work, who with, etc…) The activities are differentiated. 2 lessons of 1 hour each (lesson 1 has the potential to be 2 lessons). Lesson 1: Pratice of new vocab through the game “Quiz Quiz Trade” then leads to sentence writing with the same structure repeated to support memorisation "Je voudrais être prof et je travaillerais dans une école avec des enfants. Listening, Speaking and writing around a survey with high sentence starters (ce qui t’intéresserait le plus… L’orientation qui t’attire le plus, ce serait un métier/poste dans…). The end writing is in the 3rd person singular and aim to be a practice run to answer the question “Qu’est-ce que tes parents font comme travail?” Lesson 2: Starter consists of 3 bullet points from past paper writing. Students have to translate the bullet point and choose the most appropriate response for each of them (revision of theme 2). 1st activity is a listening from a past paper (Foundation for now) to review recently seen vocab, recaping listening strategies. Sectors are introduced and drilled in through several games of Morpion (tic tac toe / noughts and crosses). Listening activity to practice. Leads to the practice writing (modelled by the teacher) of a bullet point from a past paper (Higher 20 mark from 2021). Check up the previous lesson (free) to see what to expect on this one: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/theme-4-french-jobs-higher-12906923
Theme 4 French_Future plans (Subjunctive, perfect infinitive, simple future) (Higher)

Theme 4 French_Future plans (Subjunctive, perfect infinitive, simple future) (Higher)

Lesson on future plans designed for a higher group of Yr11s. Explores the subjunctive (optional), imperfect infinitive (après avoir…) and recaps the simple future. See below for details. Lesson on future plans, designed for a lower set Yr11. Lesson of 1 hour that contains: Reading: starts with vocab presentation through a reading (finds synonym, helped with cognates and context to actively engage with the meaning of the vocabulary. Use of present tense sentences with value of future (J’espère + infinitive, J’ai envie de, je veux, j’ai l’intention de…) Reading: more complex reading, practicing the new vocab and exploring sequencers and introducing imperfect infinitives (après avoir fait… avant d’aller…) Grammar point (differentiated - more detail on PPT): Main point: perfect infinitive. Lower Prior Attainment + lower ability in the (top set) class: first revision of perfect tense through a worksheet that leads them to the practice of the perfect infinitive. Medium Prior Attainment + middle ability (in the top set class): practice of the perfect infinitive after the language presentation. Higher Prior Attainment + stretch (optional): after the language presentation on the perfect infinitives, language presentation on the subjunctive, first practice through questioning. Grammar point practice with mini-whiteboards (perfect infinitive + simple future OR perfect infinitive + subjunctive). Writing: Leads to a guided writing using sequencers and mix of tenses.
Theme 4 French_Jobs & sectors (Foundation)

Theme 4 French_Jobs & sectors (Foundation)

Aimed at Yr11 Foundation sets covering jobs and sectors and aiming to extend the number of details mentioned about why we like / dislike a job we would(n’t) like to do (where we would work, who with, etc…) The activities are differentiated. 3 lessons of 1 hour each. Lesson 1: Pratice of new vocab through the game “Quiz Quiz Trade” then leads to sentence writing with the same structure repeated to support memorisation "Je voudrais être prof et je travaillerais dans une école avec des enfants. Lesson 2: After the Do Now / Starter, start with a past paper listening (2019) about where young people want to work (going through listening strategies again). Speaking activity to review the structure from lesson 1 (version of the sentence thief), finally a Listening, Speaking and writing around a survey. The end writing is in the 3rd person singular and aim to be a practice run to answer the question “Qu’est-ce que tes parents font comme travail?” Lesson 3: Starter consists of 3 bullet points from past paper writing. Students have to translate the bullet point and choose the most appropriate response for each of them (revision of theme 2). Lesson carries on with a listening revising adjectives of personality, job environment,… and introduces sector. Sectors are drilled in through several games of Morpion (tic tac toe / noughts and crosses). Leads to the practice writing (modelled by the teacher) of a bullet point from a past paper (Foundation 20 mark from 2021). Check up the previous lesson (free) to see what to expect on this one: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12906930
Theme 2 French_Ma région + superlatives

Theme 2 French_Ma région + superlatives

Lesson talking about what you can do in your region. Aimed at Yr10s Higher set. 4 lessons of 50 min / 1 hour each. Lesson 1: Text study of people talking about their region (revising prior knowledge on: activities, cardinal points, geographical features). Lesson 2: Listening of people talking about their region, explicit use of listening strategies. Introduction and practice of “y” (there). Lesson 3: Superlatives study and practice. Lesson 4: Activities leading to writing a paragraph.
French Hedge of Intensifiers - Display

French Hedge of Intensifiers - Display

Hedge of Intensifiers, each intensifier goes on a hedge of a different size. You can modify the hedges to add in your own intensifiers (other words or other language!) Student use connectives to make the paragraph that they have built pretty ! Check out the “Wall of connectives”: student use connectives to “build” their paragraph. Both resources are designed to be displayed together.
Spanish Wall of connectives - Display

Spanish Wall of connectives - Display

Wall of connectives, each connective goes on a brick of a different size. You can modify the bricks to add in your own connectives (other words or other language!) Student use connectives to “build” their paragraph. Check out the “hedge of intensifiers”: intensifiers are what students used to make the paragraph that they have built pretty ! It is designed to go on top of the wall of connectives.
Theme 2_Ma ville + Directions

Theme 2_Ma ville + Directions

Aimed at Yr10 Higher Sets. 3 lessons of 50 min/ 1 hour each covering what there is(n’t) in a city and directions. Lesson 1: What there is and isn’t in your city (+ un/une/des or negative + de) Lesson 2: Direction practice Lesson 3: Grammar point: the imperative + speaking practice/game on directions.
Theme 2_Renseignement (tourist centre)_Foundation

Theme 2_Renseignement (tourist centre)_Foundation

Aimed at Yr10s Foundation/Bottom set. 3 lessons of 50 min / 1 hour covering information to have a conversation in a visitor information center. Lesson 1: basic new vocabulary (open/close…) and writing out sentences using je voudrais/ j’aimerais etc… Lesson 2: Asking questions (grammar point) and listening practice of conversations. Lesson 3: Speaking practice based on ads (basis for this lesson found on TES). Some of the slides have been found on TES from other users and have been adapted to this lesson.
Theme 2_City Disadvantages + imperfect

Theme 2_City Disadvantages + imperfect

Aimed at Yr10 Higher set. This lesson covers the advantages and disadvantages, with before / after comparison. 3 lessons of 50 min / 1 hour: Lesson 1: introduction of basic vocab and practicing it through increasingly challenging reading + Higher negative sentences Lesson 2: What there is in the city (nightclubs, young people, unemployement…) + chunks of imperfect tense and first practice of “before it was ___ but now it is ___”. Lesson 3: Further practice of Before / After