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Hello all NumberLovers! We enjoy sharing creative ideas for teaching and learning Mathematics and numeracy for all key stages and abilities, and we hope to hear back on how the ideas and resources have worked for you. Get in touch numberloving@outlook.com @numberloving




Hello all NumberLovers! We enjoy sharing creative ideas for teaching and learning Mathematics and numeracy for all key stages and abilities, and we hope to hear back on how the ideas and resources have worked for you. Get in touch numberloving@outlook.com @numberloving
Expand and Simplify Spot the Mistake Worksheet

Expand and Simplify Spot the Mistake Worksheet

Expand and Simplify (Spot the Mistake Worksheet) Spot the mistake activity can be used to assess pupils understanding of each topic. This spot the mistake involves expanding and simplifying brackets. The worksheet given has an already matched up tarsia puzzle and pupils are told there are mistakes to be found. Pupils should then work through the matched up edges to check, by doing the expansion themselves, if it is correct. If correct shade in one colour (I use green), if it is wrong pupils shade it in red and then list the correct answer in the space provided. All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below. Lets connect @numberloving numberloving@outlook.com **Terms of Use ** For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
Expanding Binomials/Quadratics Harder Heat Map

Expanding Binomials/Quadratics Harder Heat Map

Heat Maps can be displayed or printed for each pair of pupils. Each heat map increases in difficulty indicated by the hotness, the redder/hotter the more difficult the question. Pupils choose a cell to start at and perform the given operation with the corresponding element of the question from the x and y axis. This heat map requires pupils to multiply together the brackets which correspond to their chosen cell to form a quadratic expression. This concentrates on multiplying brackets of the form (ax+b)(cx+d). This resource is available in a Heat Map bundle, check it out! All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below. Lets connect @numberloving numberloving@outlook.com **Terms of Use ** For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions Thank you for looking.
Numeracy for Y11 Form Time

Numeracy for Y11 Form Time

This is unit 1 (of 6) short numeracy sessions for delivery during form time. They have been designed with non specialists in mind, however these will be more effective if staff are given training. Why not pop along to year team meetings and run through the key concepts. Session 6 is a mediator file, looking at types of numbers, coming soon. All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below. Lets connect @numberloving numberloving@outlook.com **Terms of Use ** For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions
Maths KS3: Numeracy Time resources for year 7

Maths KS3: Numeracy Time resources for year 7

This is a unit one (of 6) numeracy sessions to be delivered to year 7 and 8 pupils during form time. The Power points aim to make it easy for even non specialists to deliver, ensuring pupils are engaging in numeracy activities on a weekly basis. Combine this with times table challenges which I have adapted for printing. All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below. Lets connect @numberloving numberloving@outlook.com **Terms of Use ** For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions
Numeracy (Unit 2) for Y10 form time

Numeracy (Unit 2) for Y10 form time

This is unit 2 of a unit of 6 short numreacy sessions to be delivered during form time. Weeks 3 and 6 pupils complete 60 multiplication questions in 60 seconds (refer to 60 in 60 resource to be uploaded soon). All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below. Lets connect @numberloving numberloving@outlook.com **Terms of Use ** For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions
Rounding to Significant Figures, Estimation, Bounds Quiz Quiz Trade Cards

Rounding to Significant Figures, Estimation, Bounds Quiz Quiz Trade Cards

Rounding to Significant Figures, Estimation, Bounds (Quiz Quiz Trade Cards) Quiz quiz trade activity is a cooperative learning classroom activity. Pupils must be encouraged to coach each other in finding the correct answer (peer assessment). This set of quiz quiz trade cards has been updated and now includes 36 cards covering; rounding to nearest whole, 10, 100 rounding to given number of decimal places rounding to given number of significant figures rounding in order to estimate calculations finding bounds given a rounded measure. It comes complete with instructions, ideas for support and extension, and solution key for the teacher. Please note I do not include the answers on the quiz, quiz, trade cards themselves as I encourage pupils to find and thoroughly understand the question. You may choose to add the answer to the back of the cards once printed. All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below. Lets connect @numberloving numberloving@outlook.com **Terms of Use ** For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
Coordinates: Coordinate Code (Collect a Joke Worksheet)

Coordinates: Coordinate Code (Collect a Joke Worksheet)

Coordinates: Coordinate Code (Collect a Joke Worksheet) This activity requires pupils to read quadrants in the first quadrant, each coordinate position has a letter therefore pupils collect the joke and punchline. The joke reads ‘What do you call a donkey with three legs?’ The answer ‘a wonky donkey’. All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below. Lets connect @numberloving numberloving@outlook.com **Terms of Use ** For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
Vectors (Treasure Hunt Two levels)

Vectors (Treasure Hunt Two levels)

Two levels amber and green, I would recommend printing and laminating. Stick these up around the class room, pupils answer the question and move around the room finding their answer and then completed the question underneath. This continues until pupils have made it back to the start. All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below. Lets connect @numberloving numberloving@outlook.com **Terms of Use ** For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions
Translation Mystery & Quick Fire Starter

Translation Mystery & Quick Fire Starter

Translation (Mystery & Quick Fire Starter) Mysteries are a thinking skills activity, they promote collaboration and independence from the teacher. They are perfect to use at the end of a topic, requiring pupils to use the skills in a problem solving and often real life problem. This download includes a starter activity and main translation mystery activity. The starter is aimed at introducing translations through 10 quick fire questions on describing translations. Pupils can answer on mini whiteboards; use discussion to introduce and model that the movement left/right should be given first, followed by the move up/down. The main activity “Translation mystery” is differentiated to two levels in which pupils use the clues to plot and translate shapes; level 1 uses words e.g. “left right” where as the second level uses vectors. All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions and ideas for extension and support. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went. Get in touch via the links below. Lets connect @numberloving numberloving@outlook.com **Terms of Use ** For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
FREE How do You Teach.. (Math CPD)

FREE How do You Teach.. (Math CPD)

Head of Maths This is a resource that can be used as a pre-department training/meeting activity to feed the discussions held around teaching approaches of specific topics during the department training. All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below. Lets connect @numberloving numberloving@outlook.com **Terms of Use ** For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
Simultaneous Equations Worksheets Collect a Joke

Simultaneous Equations Worksheets Collect a Joke

Pupils will practise solving simultaneous equations. This free resource reinvents the classic worksheet activity, although the joke is outdated. Watch out for an updated version soon! Pupils complete either the yellow (solving simple simultaneous equations with straight forward elimination) or the green route (multiplication or substitution). Reduce onto one A4 sheet. Once pupils have completed their worksheet they can then move around the room collecting the correct word with the answers thus collecting the joke. Pupils are motivated by the prospect of collecting the joke first. The worse the joke the better! All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below. Lets connect @numberloving numberloving@outlook.com **Terms of Use ** For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
Written Methods for Multiplication Heat Map

Written Methods for Multiplication Heat Map

Heat Maps can be displayed or printed for each pair of pupils. Each heat map increases in difficulty indicated by the hotness, the redder/hotter the more difficult the question. Pupils choose a cell to start at and perform the given operation with the corresponding element of the question from the x and y axis. Full solutions provided. This heat map requires pupils to multiply the numbers corresponding to each cell. This resource is available as part of a Heat Map Bundle, check it out! Thank you for looking. **Lets Connect** @numberloving numberloving@outlook.com
Simplifying Surds Worksheets Collect a Joke

Simplifying Surds Worksheets Collect a Joke

Simplifying Surds (Collect a Joke) This resource includes three differentiated worksheets; Green-Harder Amber-Middle ground Yellow-easier Pupils complete the worksheet at their level, once complete pupils move around the room collecting words of the joke with each answer. (Laminate and slice the display cards and stick up around the room). This joke is a cracker! Check out NumberLoving or our TES store for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went. Get in touch via the links below. Lets connect @numberloving numberloving@outlook.com **Terms of Use ** For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
FREE Teach for Understanding Bigger Picture (Maths CPD)

FREE Teach for Understanding Bigger Picture (Maths CPD)

Head of Maths This is a resource that can be used during maths department meetings to discuss how to teach for understanding and not tricks! Check out the blog post for more ideas (link in the download). All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below. Lets connect @numberloving numberloving@outlook.com **Terms of Use ** For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
Algebra Activities Pack

Algebra Activities Pack

20 Resources
Algebra Activities Pack This bundle includes 20 different resources that are all algebra related resources which suit a range of abilities from simplifying expressions to solving linear and quadratic simultaneous equations. Each resource comes complete with instructions and ides for stretch and support. Please see each individual resource for further details. All resources are available separately and will be part of a bundle by activity type, return buyers should check carefully. Contact me if you would like to see resources bundled in a different way. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went. Get in touch via the links below. Lets connect @numberloving numberloving@outlook.com **Terms of Use ** For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
Generating Sequences Fortune Teller

Generating Sequences Fortune Teller

Fortune Teller activities, or Cootie Catchers in the US, are a great childhood game remodeled to test mathematical skills. Check out our blog post (link in document) for further information. In this cootie catcher there are eight questions requiring students to generate the first three terms of a sequence given the rule . The corners of the cootie catcher indicated the differentiation which is to three levels (easy, medium and difficult) and the fourth corner is a “pot luck” section. This resource comes complete with instructions, ideas for stretch/challenge and two blank versions for challenging pupils to create their own. All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions and where appropriate ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below. Lets connect @numberloving numberloving@outlook.com **Terms of Use ** For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions
Missing Angle Properties Revision Note Foldables

Missing Angle Properties Revision Note Foldables

This pack involves seven revision foldables on angle properties, they are: Angle properties 1- pupils are required to recall the basic angle properties angles in a right angle, on a straight line, around a point, vertically opposite Angle properties 2- pupils find the missing angle and state the basic angle property Angle properties 3- same as angle properties one but in words and pupils complete the sentence and draw a diagram example Triangle Angle Properties- pupils name the triangle and use the appropriate angle property to find the missing angle Quadrilateral Angle Properties- pupils recall the angle properties of squares, rectangles, parallelograms, trapeziums, rhombus and kites. Angles in Parallel Lines- pupils find the missing angles within parallel lines and state the reason Angles in Polygons - requires students to recall and use the rules involved in finding the angles of shapes and polygons, including exterior, interior angles. This one is available to purchase individually. All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below. Lets connect @numberloving numberloving@outlook.com **Terms of Use ** For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
Indices & Surds Revision Foldable

Indices & Surds Revision Foldable

This resource covers the topics of laws of indices & surds. There are four revision foldables, each foldable requires students to state the law involved. The four foldables are; Basic Laws of Indices; pupils state the laws for multiplying, dividing, powers, and power of 0. Negative & Fractional Laws of Indices ; state the results of negative and fractional indices, and combined in terms of a and y Laws of Surds ; state the laws of surds for multiplying, dividing, factorising and squaring. Rationalising the denominator; simple denominator and conjugate pair, one of each in terms of a, b and c and second in numbers as examples. Foldables can be used as a revision or summary exercise at the end of a topic and also make an excellent revision resource. As the answers are hidden pupils can use these to ‘test’ themselves or ask someone else such as a parent to test them. All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below. Lets connect @numberloving numberloving@outlook.com **Terms of Use ** For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions.
GCSE 9-1 Maths Bundle

GCSE 9-1 Maths Bundle

16 Resources
9-1 Maths GCSE Bundle This bundle currently consists of fifteen premium and one free resource, bought individually for a total of £44. Each resource is designed to address new elements of the 9-1 GCSE math specification or the style of questions seen so far in the new 9-1 GCSE sample, practice and actual papers. All our resources come complete with instructions, solutions where appropriate and ideas to stretch and support pupils. Check out NumberLoving for more ideas and resources like this. We hope you enjoy using this resource with your students, we would love to hear how it went, please leave a review. Get in touch via the links below. Lets connect @numberloving numberloving@outlook.com **Terms of Use ** For the use of the purchaser only, see full terms and conditions