An introductory lesson to the Zones of Regulation - a method of supporting young people with their social and emotional health through teaching them strategies to regulate their behaviour.
**This is lesson one in a series of 6, each lesson designed to last for one hour each. ** Further zones lessons and resources are available at my shop.
These resources are easy to use, detailed and can be ammended to suit your needs. Useful for any subject, but particularly PSHE or Tutor Time. Zones lessons would work with upper KS2, KS3 and KS4.
Full credit for Zones images goes to Leah Kuypers, creator of The Zones of Regulation.
This CPD session has been written for those schools looking to embed the Zones of Regulation across their school.
It is a one hour CPD session with supporting teacher guide that outlines a practical approach to making zones work in a school setting.
The teacher guide also provides some useful templates that can be used to support students to ‘take 5’ out of the lesson to self regulate and to guide the process of a ‘take 20’ for an emotional wellbeing chat with a teacher.
Zones has been launched successfully across my school off the back of this CPD session.
Are you looking to introduce The Zones of Regulation across your school? This bundle includes everything you need to get started and maintain momentum in the use of Zones of Regulation across your school.
Perfect for Mental Health Leads looking for a universal strategy to support all students in school to regulate their emotions and behaviour.
This bundle includes:
Staff CPD session plus teacher guide
6 x Zones of Regulation lessons plus resources
Zones student pass template to manage ‘time-out’ needs for students
2 x full year Zones of Regulation Reflection/Mental Health/Wellbeing journals to allow for a 2 year rolling programme of weekly journaling content
Zones of Regulation card game to support small group intensive intervention
As mental health lead I have embedded this whole programme across school. It has remained high profile with the staff and students and we consistently score highly in student voice for students feeling their mental health and wellbeing is supported in school.
All lesson materials are designed for KS3/4 but are adaptable for KS2
Save 33% by purchasing all 6 Zones of Regulation lessons. This makes the perfect introduction to zones for students in your school and ensures that they understand all aspects of the zones programme including:
An introduction to zones
expected and unexpected behaviour
personal triggers
different perspectives (social and emotional chain reactions)
size of the problem
Designed for KS3 and KS4 but could be adapted for KS2.
This is a cover lesson that can be used by the whole department as and when required. It is a useful addition to the head of department tool kit! There are 22 different journal writing prompts for students to choose from to fill a 1 hour lesson. Suitable for use in KS3 and 4 as the topics are generic.
A 1.5 hour, fully resourced lesson providing a comprehensive introduction to Christian denominations and beliefs about The Problem of Evil and Suffering.
Written for 9-1 AQA GCSE RS Christian Beliefs and Teachings to complement the Oxford text book.
All of my AQA GCSE lessons include (as appropriate):
a fully editable powerpoint designed to last a double lesson
three levels of challenge
independent study/starter task
embedded video links
fully resourced activities/worksheets
exam practice questions
This resource has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow.
You will find many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop: PinkWatermelonTeach
Are you looking for a comprehensive bank of lessons to cover all aspects of AQA 9-1 Sikhism Beliefs and Teachings
These 15 lessons complement the Oxford University press set text book and include all of the subject content required for this aspect of the course.
All of my AQA GCSE lessons include (as appropriate):
• fully editable powerpoints designed to last a double lesson
• three levels of challenge
• independent study/starter task
• embedded video links
• fully resourced activities/worksheets
• exam practice questions
All resources has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow.
You will find many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop: PinkWatermelonTeach
This bundle includes the following fully resourced and amendable lessons:
Introduction to Sikhism
Nature of God
God as creator
Nature of human life
Rebirth, Karma and Mukti
Stages of liberation
Barriers to Mukti
Being God centred
Oneness of humanity and equality
Langar and 5Ks
Equality and Guru Nanak
Equality and Guru Gobind Singh
Equality and the Guru Granth Sahib
The Sangat
Lesson 4 in the Zones of Regulation series - a method of supporting young people with their social and emotional health through teaching them strategies to regulate their behaviour. This is lesson 4 in a series of 6, each lesson designed to last for one hour each. This lesson explores different perspectives on behaviours that people exhibit and how it can affect your zone and the zones of those around you.
These resources are easy to use, detailed and can be ammended to suit your needs. Useful for any subject, but particularly PSHE or Tutor Time. Zones lessons would work with upper KS2, KS3 and KS4.
Full credit for Zones images goes to Leah Kuypers, creator of The Zones of Regulation.
This calendar provides a theme of the week across the year.
We use this as the basis for assemblies and form time activities.
Form time activities (designed to last 15 minutes) are also available
These worksheets support students to explore the difference between atheists, agnostics and theists. They include key facts and templates for students to capture information and get to the heart of the differences.
Lesson 6 in the Zones of Regulation series - a method of supporting young people with their social and emotional health through teaching them strategies to regulate their behaviour. This is lesson 6 in a series of 6, each lesson designed to last for one hour each. This lesson explores the size of the problem and how students responses to problems should match the size of the problem in front of them. It explores why students can sometimes over react to a small problem and teaches how to put problems in perspective.
These resources are easy to use, detailed and can be ammended to suit your needs. Useful for any subject, but particularly PSHE or Tutor Time. Zones lessons would work with upper KS2, KS3 and KS4.
Full credit for Zones images goes to Leah Kuypers, creator of The Zones of Regulation.
Lesson 5 in the Zones of Regulation series - a method of supporting young people with their social and emotional health through teaching them strategies to regulate their behaviour. This is lesson 5 in a series of 6, each lesson designed to last for one hour each. This lesson explores the different strategies that students can use to help them to regulate their zones and get back to the green zone.
These resources are easy to use, detailed and can be ammended to suit your needs. Useful for any subject, but particularly PSHE or Tutor Time. Zones lessons would work with upper KS2, KS3 and KS4.
Full credit for Zones images goes to Leah Kuypers, creator of The Zones of Regulation.
A 1.5 hour, fully resourced lesson providing a comprehensive introduction to Sikh beliefs about the importance of Sewa
Written for 9-1 AQA GCSE RS Sikhism Beliefs and Teachings to complement the Oxford text book.
All of my AQA GCSE lessons include (as appropriate):
a fully editable powerpoint designed to last a double lesson
three levels of challenge
independent study/starter task
embedded video links
fully resourced activities/worksheets
exam practice questions
This resource has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow.
You will find many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop: PinkWatermelonTeach
A short BITE SIZE of Lesson 2 in the Zones of Regulation series - a method of supporting young people with their social and emotional health through teaching them strategies to regulate their behaviour.
This is BITE SIZE two in a series of 6, each lesson designed to last for 15-20 minutes each. This lesson explores behaviours that people exhibit and how it can affect your zone.
These resources are easy to use, detailed and can be ammended to suit your needs. Useful for any subject, but particularly PSHE or Tutor Time. Zones lessons would work with upper KS2, KS3 and KS4.
Full credit for Zones images goes to Leah Kuypers, creator of The Zones of Regulation.
This is a double sided A4 (or A3) printable page from my full Reflection / Mental health / Wellbeing journal (Version B).
There are three sections:
Reflecting on me
Academic reflection
strategies for the coming week
This can be copied as and when required to support students to evaluate and reflect on their personal progress through school.
Perfect for Tutor/Form time or as an engaging activity for a Friday afternoon.
A 1.5 hour, fully resourced lesson providing a comprehensive introduction to Sikh beliefs about The nature of God and Mool Mantra.
Written for 9-1 AQA GCSE RS Sikhism Beliefs and Teachings to complement the Oxford text book.
All of my AQA GCSE lessons include (as appropriate):
a fully editable powerpoint designed to last a double lesson
three levels of challenge
independent study/starter task
embedded video links
fully resourced activities/worksheets
exam practice questions
This resource has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow.
You will find many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop: PinkWatermelonTeach
A 1.5 hour, fully resourced lesson providing a comprehensive introduction to Christian beliefs about The Church in the community.
Written for 9-1 AQA GCSE RS Christian Beliefs and Teachings to complement the Oxford text book.
All of my AQA GCSE lessons include (as appropriate):
a fully editable powerpoint designed to last a double lesson
three levels of challenge
independent study/starter task
embedded video links
fully resourced activities/worksheets
exam practice questions
This resource has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow.
You will find many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop: PinkWatermelonTeach
A 1.5 hour, fully resourced lesson providing a comprehensive introduction to the birthing and naming ceremonies
Written for 9-1 AQA GCSE RS Sikhism Beliefs and Practices to complement the Oxford text book.
All of my AQA GCSE lessons include (as appropriate):
a fully editable powerpoint designed to last a double lesson
three levels of challenge
independent study/starter task
embedded video links
fully resourced activities/worksheets
exam practice questions
This resource has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow.
You will find many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop: PinkWatermelonTeach
BITE SIZE of Lesson 5 in the Zones of Regulation series - a method of supporting young people with their social and emotional health through teaching them strategies to regulate their behaviour. This is lesson 5 in a series of 6, each BITE SIZE lesson is designed to last for 15-20 minutes each.
This lesson explores positive and negative self talk and how students can use this to help them to regulate their zones and get back to the green zone.
These resources are easy to use, detailed and can be ammended to suit your needs. Useful for any subject, but particularly PSHE or Tutor Time. Zones lessons would work with upper KS2, KS3 and KS4.
Full credit for Zones images goes to Leah Kuypers, creator of The Zones of Regulation.