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I am an experienced teacher/tutor of History/Classics and RS/Philosophy offering detailed and extensive lessons and resources for teachers of these subjects.




I am an experienced teacher/tutor of History/Classics and RS/Philosophy offering detailed and extensive lessons and resources for teachers of these subjects.
AQA A-Level Philosophy - Epistemology

AQA A-Level Philosophy - Epistemology

This resource contains all lessons for ‘Epistemology’ under AQA’s A-Level Philosophy course. Relevant for either the AS or A-Level, these resources summarise each respective argument/theory, alongside their critiques and any relevant defences. Exam questions are also included routinely. Unit contains: Definitions of knowledge (JTB, Gettier, Fake Barn cases, Infallibilism, ‘no false lemmas’, Reliabilism and Epistemic Virtue) Perception as a source of knowledge (Direct Realism, Indirect Realism, Idealism) Reason as a source of knowledge (Innatism, ‘Tabula Rasa’, the Intuition and Deduction Thesis, Hume’s Fork, The Cogito and Descartes proof of God) The limitations of knowledge (philosophical scepticism, Cartesian scepticism) Whilst this contains all relevant theoretical materials, and poses questions to probe understanding, please use the approved AQA textbook for relevant activities. Note: any extra materials/resources or videos used herewithin are not owned by me, and I take no credit for these. Please refer to their URL links for the original designer/creator.
A-Level Philosophy (AQA) - Moral Philosophy

A-Level Philosophy (AQA) - Moral Philosophy

This resource contains all lessons for ‘Moral Philosophy’ under AQA’s A-Level Philosophy course. Relevant for either the AS or A-Level, these resources summarise each respective argument/theory, alongside their critiques and any relevant defences. Exam questions are also included routinely. Unit contains: An introduction to Moral Philosophy Utilitarianism (including: Act Utilitarianism, Rule Utilitarianism, Two-Tier Utilitarianism, Psychological Hedonism, strengths/issues of Utilitarianism and application of Utilitarianism to the eight specified scenarios) Deontological Kantian Ethics (including: The Categorical Imperative, The Universal Law Formulation, The Humanity Formulation, strengths/issues of Deontological Kantian Ethics and application of Kantian Ethics to the eight specified scenarios Aristotelian Virtue Ethics (including: the function of the soul, Aristotelian virtue/vice, the Doctrine of the Mean, the role of practical wisdom/reasoning, Eudaimonia, strengths/issues of Aristotelian Virtue Ethics and application of Virtue Ethics to the eight specified scenarios Meta-Ethics (including: Moral Realism, Naturalism, Innatism, Moral Anti-Realism, Emotivism, Prescriptivism and Cognitivism/Non-Cognitivism) Whilst this contains all relevant theoretical materials, and poses questions to probe understanding, please use the approved AQA textbook for relevant activities. Note: any extra materials/resources or videos used herewithin are not owned by me, and I take no credit for these. Please refer to their URL links for the original designer/creator.
AQA A-Level Philosophy - Entire course!

AQA A-Level Philosophy - Entire course!

This resource contains all units for the AQA A-Level Philosophy course. These resources summarise each respective argument/theory, alongside their critiques and any relevant defences. Exam questions are also included routinely. Unit contains: Epistemology (what is knowledge? Perception as a source of knowledge, reason as a source of knowledge and the limits of knowledge) Moral Philosophy (Utilitarianism, Kantian Ethics, Virtue Ethics and Meta-Ethics) Metaphysics of God (the attributes of God, arguments for God’s existence and the Problem of Evil) Metaphysics of the Mind (Dualism and Physicalism) Whilst this contains all relevant theoretical materials, and poses questions to probe understanding, please use the approved AQA textbook for relevant activities. Note: any extra materials/resources or videos used herewithin are not owned by me, and I take no credit for these. Please refer to their URL links for the original designer/creator.
AQA A-Level Philosophy - Metaphysics of God (complete unit)

AQA A-Level Philosophy - Metaphysics of God (complete unit)

This resource contains all lessons for ‘Metaphysics of God’ under AQA’s A-Level Philosophy course. Relevant for either the AS or A-Level, these resources summarise each respective argument/theory, alongside their critiques and any relevant defences. Exam questions are also included routinely. Unit contains: Attributes of God (and issues with these) Ontological Arguments (Anselm, Descartes and Malcolm) Issues with Ontological Arguments Teleological Arguments (Aquinas, Hume, Paley and Swinburne) Issues with Teleological Arguments Cosmological Arguments (Al-Ghazali, Aquinas, Descartes and Leibniz) Issues with Cosmological Arguments Religious Language (Ayer, Hick, Flew, Mitchell, Hare and Wittgenstein) Whilst this contains all relevant theoretical materials, and poses questions to probe understanding, please use the approved AQA textbook for relevant activities. Note: any extra materials/resources or videos used herewithin are not owned by me, and I take no credit for these. Please refer to their URL links for the original designer/creator.
AQA A-Level Philosophy - Metaphysics of the Mind (complete unit)

AQA A-Level Philosophy - Metaphysics of the Mind (complete unit)

This resource contains all lessons for ‘Metaphysics of The Mind’ under AQA’s A-Level Philosophy course. Relevant for the A-Level, these resources summarise each respective argument/theory, alongside their critiques and any relevant defences. Exam questions are also included routinely. Unit contains: Substance Dualism Property Dualism Interactionist/Epiphenomenalist Dualism Issues with Dualism Behaviourism Mind-Brain Type Identity Theory Eliminative Materialism Functionalism Issues with Physicalism Whilst this contains all relevant theoretical materials, and poses questions to probe understanding, please use the approved AQA textbook for relevant activities. Note: any extra materials/resources or videos used herewithin are not owned by me, and I take no credit for these. Please refer to their URL links for the original designer/creator.
Epistemology - What is knowledge?

Epistemology - What is knowledge?

This resource contains all lessons for the first section of Epistemology (‘what is knowledge?’) under AQA’s A-Level Philosophy course. Relevant for either the AS or A-Level, these resources summarise each respective argument/theory, alongside their critiques and any relevant defences. Exam questions are also included routinely. Unit contains: An introduction to philosophy at A-Level Definitions of knowledge (and Zagzebski’s pitfalls) Plato and Justified True Belief Issues with Justified True Belief (Gettier and Fake Barn Cases) Defences for Justified True Belief (Infallibilism, ‘no false lemmas’, Reliabilism and Epistemic Virtue) Whilst this contains all relevant theoretical materials, and poses questions to probe understanding, please use the approved AQA textbook for relevant activities. Note: any extra materials/resources or videos used herewithin are not owned by me, and I take no credit for these. Please refer to their URL links for the original designer/creator.
World of the Hero - The Odyssey

World of the Hero - The Odyssey

This resources contains a meticulously crafted set of detailed notes and dictations (in the style of Cornell Notes) for students studying The Odyssey for ‘The World of the Hero’ as part of the OCR A-Level Classical Civilisation course. Resource contains: Detailed notes on all books! Questions to deepen student understanding Theme and character analysis Political/Social/Religious analysis Ancient heroic qualities (Kleos, Nostos, Time) Please note that whilst this helps students in terms of revision and depth of understanding, this SHOULD NOT be the only resource students use for the course.
Greek Religion - complete revision guide/notes

Greek Religion - complete revision guide/notes

This resource contains a complete breakdown of all prescribed sources for the ‘Greek Religion’ unit of OCR’s A-Level Classical Civilisations course. Questions of both the iconography and the historical context are layered throughout, with clear opportunities for challenge/extension work and independent research tasks; alongside all necessary modern scholarship. This should be used in conjunction with the official OCR ‘Greek Religion’ textbook. Resource includes: Revision notes for all sections (The Nature of the Olympian Gods, Personal Experience of the Divine, Religion and Society, Places of Worship, Rituals and Priests, Religion and Philosophy) Questions to deepen understanding All prescribed sources All modern scholarship Challenge/extension materials Homework and independent research suggestions Please note that all images/sources used within are not mine, nor do I claim ownership of them. Please follow the URL for direction towards their original source.
Persian Kings - The Ionian Revolt (Darius)

Persian Kings - The Ionian Revolt (Darius)

This resource is a complete lesson on ‘The Ionian Revolt’ as part of the ‘Persian Kings’ unit for OCR’s GCSE Ancient History course. It contains all relevant information and prescribed sources for the course, as well as a ‘lesson snapshot’ to help guide both the learner and the teacher (including clear success criteria; links to useful articles and videos; as well as challenge and extension tasks). Please note that this should be used in conjunction with the official OCR GCSE Ancient History textbook.
Moral Philosophy - Meta-Ethics

Moral Philosophy - Meta-Ethics

This resource contains all relevant materials for the ‘Meta-Ethics’ section of Moral Philosophy for the AQA A-Level Philosophy course. All theories, criticisms and defences are included alongside exam materials and questions to probe students for deeper thinking. For further activities, please use the official AQA A-Level Philosophy textbook. Resource includes: Moral Realism Naturalism Innatism Moral Anti-Realism Emotivism Prescriptivism Cognitivism and non-Cognitivism Strengths and issues of these Please note: any additional materials or images/videos use herewithin are not mine and I claim no ownership of them. Please use the URL to direct you to the original designer/creator.
Epistemology - The Limitations of Knowledge

Epistemology - The Limitations of Knowledge

This resource contains all lessons for the last section of ‘Epistemology’ (the limitations of knowledge) under AQA’s A-Level Philosophy course. Relevant for either the AS or A-Level, these resources summarise each respective argument/theory, alongside their critiques and any relevant defences. Exam questions are also included routinely. Unit contains: Philosophical scepticism (local scepticism and global scepticism) Cartesian scepticism and its issues (The Cartesian Circle) Responses to scepticism Whilst this contains all relevant theoretical materials, and poses questions to probe understanding, please use the approved AQA textbook for relevant activities. Note: any extra materials/resources or videos used herewithin are not owned by me, and I take no credit for these. Please refer to their URL links for the original designer/creator.
Limits of knowledge - Philosophical Scepticism

Limits of knowledge - Philosophical Scepticism

This resource contains a complete lesson on ‘Philosophical scepticism’ as part of the Epistemology unit for AQA’s A-Level Philosophy course. The lesson focuses on theory and skills on debate/oracy as well as higher-order thinking. For further activities and guidance, please use the official AQA A-Level Philosophy textbook.
Moral Anti-Realism (Emotivism/Prescriptivism)

Moral Anti-Realism (Emotivism/Prescriptivism)

This lesson, on Moral Anti-Realism (Emotivism and Prescriptivism, contains all theories and materials needed as part of the ‘Moral Philosophy’ section of AQA’s ‘A-Level Philosophy’ course. The lessons focuses on debate/oracy skills and higher-order questioning. For further activities/guidance, please use the official AQA A-Level Philosophy textbook.
Virtue Ethics - strengths and issues

Virtue Ethics - strengths and issues

This lesson, on the strengths and issues of Aristotelian Virtue Ethics, contains all theories and materials needed as part of the ‘Moral Philosophy’ section of AQA’s ‘A-Level Philosophy’ course. The lessons focuses on debate/oracy skills and higher-order questioning. For further activities/guidance, please use the official AQA A-Level Philosophy textbook.
Epistemology - Reason as knowledge

Epistemology - Reason as knowledge

This resource contains all lessons for the third section of ‘Epistemology’ (Reason as a source of knowledge) under AQA’s A-Level Philosophy course. Relevant for either the AS or A-Level, these resources summarise each respective argument/theory, alongside their critiques and any relevant defences. Exam questions are also included routinely. Unit contains: Innatism and its issues Tabula Rasa and its issues Rationalism vs Empiricism (The Intuition and Deduction Thesis and Hume’s Fork) The Cogito (what is it?) Descartes’ proof of God (The Trademark Argument, The Contingency Argument and Descartes’ Ontological Argument) Descartes’ proof of the external world Whilst this contains all relevant theoretical materials, and poses questions to probe understanding, please use the approved AQA textbook for relevant activities. Note: any extra materials/resources or videos used herewithin are not owned by me, and I take no credit for these. Please refer to their URL links for the original designer/creator.
The World of the Hero - complete notes!

The World of the Hero - complete notes!

This resource contains complex and detailed notes on all books for both ‘The Odyssey’ and ‘The Aeneid’ for ‘The World of the Hero’ as part of OCR’s A-Level Classical Civilisations course. Each document contains a comprehensive analysis of: plot, themes, characters, context and concepts; which students can use to probe their understanding. Resource includes: Detailed notes on all books of each epic! Questions to deepen student understanding Theme and character analysis Political/Social/Religious analysis Ancient heroic qualities (Kleos, Nostos, Time AND Pietas/Furor) Please note that, whilst this is designed to be a comprehensive resource that covers all essentials of the course, this SHOULD NOT be the only resource used for students to cover their courses.
Moral Philosophy - Virtue Ethics

Moral Philosophy - Virtue Ethics

This resources contains all materials needed for Aristotelian Virtue Ethics, as part of the ‘Moral Philosophy’ section of the AQA A-Level Philosophy course. All theories, criticisms and defences are included, alongside relevant exam practice and questions to probe student understanding. For additional activities, please use the official AQA A-Level Philosophy textbook. Resources includes: Function of the soul Moral responsibility Virtue and vice Doctrine of the Mean The role of practical wisdom/reasoning Eudaimonia Strengths and issues Application to the eight suggested scenarios Please note: any additional materials or images/videos contained herewithin are not owned by me and I claim no ownership of them. Please follow the URL for direction to the original designer/creator.
The Aeneid - World of the Hero

The Aeneid - World of the Hero

This resource contains detailed and comprehensive notes on all twelve books of Virgil’s Aeneid - which is of particular use to those studying ‘The World of the Hero’ as part of OCR’s A-Level Classical Civilisations course. Resource includes: Detailed notes on all books! Questions to deepen student understanding Theme and character analysis Political/Social/Religious analysis Ancient heroic qualities (Pietas/Furor etc…) Comparative notes to The Odyssey Please note, whilst this resource helps students to formulate their ideas on theme, character, concept, context and plot, this SHOULD NOT be the only resource used for the course.
Epistemology - what is knowledge?

Epistemology - what is knowledge?

This resource contains a complete lesson on ‘what is knowledge?’ as part of the Epistemology unit for AQA’s A-Level Philosophy course. The lesson focuses on theory and skills on debate/oracy as well as higher-order thinking. For further activities and guidance, please use the official AQA A-Level Philosophy textbook.
Metaphysics of God - Introduction

Metaphysics of God - Introduction

This resource contains a complete lesson as an introduction to Metaphysics as part of the Metaphysics of God unit for AQA’s A-Level Philosophy course. The lesson focuses on theory and skills on debate/oracy as well as higher-order thinking. For further activities and guidance, please use the official AQA A-Level Philosophy textbook.