The History Academy's goal is to share best practice at an affordable price so that you can focus on your own priorities. Our resources have been written to a high standard and fine tuned in the classroom. During my 35 years in challenging schools, I have published resources for Heinemann, Pearsons, Hodder, Folens, BBC and Boardworks. If you would like to receive updates, create your own customised bundle or join our team, then contact us via our Facebook or Linkedin pages.
The History Academy's goal is to share best practice at an affordable price so that you can focus on your own priorities. Our resources have been written to a high standard and fine tuned in the classroom. During my 35 years in challenging schools, I have published resources for Heinemann, Pearsons, Hodder, Folens, BBC and Boardworks. If you would like to receive updates, create your own customised bundle or join our team, then contact us via our Facebook or Linkedin pages.
This fun and interactive lesson, has been designed to help students understand the causes of the February Revolution, which saw the Tsar abdicate to the Provisional Committee or Government It is aimed at 14 to 18 year olds. The main resource is suitable to use on its own or alongside any mainstream textbook.
When you purchase this resource you will be able to download a 23 slide PowerPoint Presentation and an accompanying wordsearch. The PowerPoint contains aims, objectives, starters, plenaries, historical sources, pictures, diagrams, cartoons, tasks, activities, review triangles, word searches and photocopy templates. I have also unloaded the PowerPoint in a PDF format, just in case you don’t have access to Microsoft Office. Please see the detailed preview.
The aims and objectives of this lesson are:
Theme: The Russian Revolution
Know: What were the causes of the Russian Revolution in February 1917?
Understand: What different factors caused the February Revolution?
Evaluate: Which were the most important causes of the February Revolution?
Skills: Cause, Consequence & Collaboration
WILF – What Am I Looking For?
Can You Describe: The causes of the Russian Revolution in February 1917?
Can You Explain: What different factors caused the February Revolution?
Can You Evaluate: Which were the most important causes?
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. All our authors are paid the living wage so when you purchase our resources you are buying into our shared values of fair play and decency.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Don’t forget to check out our dedicated You Tube Channel with over 600 free videos: @historyacademy
Kind Regards
This lesson is designed to help students understand why the government issued 38 million gas masks and how it convinced people to carry them around with them. It also looks at why Hitler didn’t used gas as a weapon against Britain, but did against the Jews and other ethnic groups in the concentration camps.
When you purchase this resource you will be able to download a PowerPoint which includes aims, objectives, differentiated outcomes, starters, plenaries, appropriate information slides, sources and links to video clips. It includes a worksheet with the key information, sources and 5 tasks, one of which includes creating a spider graph summary as well as a propaganda poster. The PowerPoint also includes additional stretch and challenge questions.
The aims and objectives of this lesson are:
Theme: The Home Front
Know: Why did the government issue 38 million gas masks?
Understand: How did the government persuade people to carry them with them?
Evaluate: How successfully did Britain prepare its people for war?
Skills: Source Analysis, Cause, Consequence & Collaboration
WILF – What Am I Looking For?
Identify & describe: Why did the government issue gas masks?
Explain: How did the government persuade people to carry them with them?
Analyse: How successfully did Britain prepare its people for war?
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. This lesson is part of a series which can be downloaded separately or as a discount bundle. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
This great diamond 9 activity is designed to help students understand why the causes of the Second World War 1939 - 1945. The key theory underpinning this pedagogy is that when we rank items, either statements, objects or images, we are required to make explicit the over- arching relationships by which we organise our knowledge and connect our learning. It can used as a starter or plenary and is suitable for middle to upper ability students as a stretch and challenge task. If you would like something aimed at middle to lower ability students, then please check out my card sort of this topic in my TES shop. This task is primarily designed to help students prioritise the different factors in preparation for an extended answer or essay.
The resource nine diamond shaped cards include a range of factors to explain the causes of the Second World War. Once students have cut the cards out they are set three tasks including:
1. Remove any reasons that you don’t think are important. Record and explain why you have removed them.
2. Arrange the remaining diamonds to show any links that you can find between the different reasons. Record and explain your reasons.
3. Make a smaller diamond shape using what you think are the four most important causes of the First World War.
At each stage students should be feeding back to their group or the class and explaining their choices. The discussion and explanation around the choices that they have made are critical in helping them develop their thinking skills as well as their arguments for writing their essay. on the causes of the Second World War.
The aims and objectives for this lesson are:
Theme: Causes of the Second World War 1939 - 1945?
Know: What were the causes of the Second World War?
Understand: Which factors were the most important?
Evaluate: How far was Hitler responsible for starting the Second World War?
WILF: What Am I Looking for?
Identify & describe: The main reasons why the Second World War started in 1939?
Explain: How did each factor help to start the war?
Analyse: Which factors were the most important?
If you like this resource then why not check out my TES shop where you can find many similar ideas and resources. For example, we have a much simpler card sort on the causes of the Second World War aimed at middle and lower ability students. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
This lesson has been designed as an introduction lesson to the GCSE course Medicine Through Time. In groups or pairs, students are given a copy of the timeline and the 10 statements or clues and have to work out in which time period the medical idea or treatment belongs. I have also included a slide for online version which allows students to drag and drop labels onto the timeline which can be completed for homework or during lockdown
The aims and objectives of this lesson are:
Theme: The History of Medicine
Know: How did people treat medical problems in the past?
Understand: How have medical ideas and treatments changed over time?
Evaluate: What has changed and what has stayed the same?
Skills: Source Analysis, Change and Continuity
WILF – What Am I Looking For?
Identify & describe: How people treated medical problems in the past?
Explain: How have medical ideas and treatments changed over time?
Analyse: What has changed and what has stayed the same?
When you purchase this lesson you will be able to download a fully editable Microsoft PowerPoint which includes, aims, objectives, information slides starters, plenaries and resources sheets for the main activities. In preparation for the lesson you will need to print off a class set of the timeline, statements and their matching picture clues. These could be cut up or printed off on A3 sheets. The picture clues have been included as differentiation for SEND students, but can also be used to provide clues for the more able. Once students have matched the clues to the time periods, they can then feedback their results for a class discussion.
The follow on for the lesson would be to look at the different factors which have influenced the development of medicine through time. I’ve also included a link to a video clip on You Tube, which can be used either before or after the main activity.
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop, where many have been bundled together to provide you with further savings. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
This outstanding lesson has been designed and field tested by experienced history teachers who are at the cutting edge of the skills which underscore our subject. Spanish Armada is a topic which is all too often rushed and not given the attention that it deserves, yet it is every bit as important as the Battle of Britain or the Norman Conquest. If those brave Elizabethan seamen, backed up with cutting edge technology and skillful leadership based upon merit rather than NOability had not fought off the invading Spanish Armada, then our island history would have been very different. Then again, maybe fate stepped in to save the day As the inscription on the Armada medal, issued by Elizabeth I in 1588 said: ‘God blew his wind, and they were scattered.’
This lesson has been designed for students with a middle to high ability reading ability. I have produced several different versions of this resource including a Card Sort, Market Place Activity and a Diamond 9 Activity, which can be purchased separately or in a very cost effective bundle which will allow you to differentiate across your low, ,middle and higher ability groups.
When you purchase this resource you will be able to download a two page Word document and a separate 24 slide PowerPoint. The worksheet includes aims, instructions, three heading cards which are labelled ‘Luck’, ‘English Tactics’ and ‘Spanish Mistakes’ as well as fifteen primary and secondary sources which can be cut up by students and sorted or used as a worksheet. The PowerPoint includes, aims, objectives, differentiated outcomes, starters, plenaries, information slides, historical sources, writing frames, video clips, templates, tasks and activities to help support the lesson. Please see the detailed preview for more information:
The aims and objectives for this lesson are:
Theme: Elizabethan England
Know: What happened to the Spanish Armada in 1588?
Understand: Why was the Spanish Armada defeated in 1588?
Evaluate: What was the most important reason?
Skills: Source Analysis, Cause, Consequence, Significance & Collaboration
WILF – What Am I Looking For?
Identify & describe: What happened to the Spanish Armada in 1588?
Explain: Why was the Spanish Armada defeated in 1588?
Analyse: What was the most important reason?
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
This fun and interactive lesson looks at why Queen Boudica’s Rebellion failed in AD 61. It is aimed at KS3 students, but includes differentiated tasks which could also be used with Year 6 at KS2. Ideally, students will have studied the Roman Army and invasion of Britain before tackling this topic, although it will also work as a stand alone lesson.
When you purchase this lesson you will be able to download a three page worksheet and accompanying PowerPoint. The worksheet has been saved in both Word and PDF and contains information, historical sources, task and activities. The accompanying Powerpoint mirrors the information and sources in the worksheet, but also includes aims, objectives, additional sources, video links, starters and plenaries.
The aims and objectives of this lesson are:
Theme: Roman Britain
Know: Who was Queen Boudica?
Understand: Why did the Iceni tribe revolt against Roman rule?
Evaluate: Why did Queen Boudica’s Rebellion in AD 60 fail?
Skills: Source Analysis, Cause, Consequence & Collaboration
WILF – What Am I Looking For?
Can You Describe: Who Queen Boudica was?
Can You Explain: Why the Iceni tribe revolted against Roman rule?
Can You Evaluate: Why did Queen Boudica’s Rebellion fail?
If you like this lesson then why not check out our TES shop, where you can find similar resources that have been bundled to provide you with further savings. You can also follow ‘The History Academy on Facebook and YouTube for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. However, we do not compromise our values and pay all our contributors the living wage for their work.
Kind Regards
We have bundled together our KS3 resources on the causes of the Miners’ Strike. These fun and interactive resources cover the history of coal mining before 1984 as well as the long term causes which can be found in the 1970s and the 'Winter of Discontent and the political climate of the 1980s. The final lesson covers the short term causes such as the Conservative government’s privatisation agenda and NUM opposition.
If you are interested in the Miners’ Strike 1984 - 1985, then we have created a dedicated YouTube Channel with carefully clipped interviews and resources which cover every aspect of the strike: @MinersStrike1984
As head of history at Mexborough School for over 27 years, I saw at first hand the devastation caused by the government closure of the pits. My school was 2 miles away from where Billy Elliot, Brassed Off, The Full Monty and Kes were filmed and written. I could not but helped to moved and inspired by the spirit of the people of South Yorkshire. 'The pit wheel has stopped turning, but the coal embers are still burning, deep in the hearts of South Yorkshire.
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. All our authors are paid the living wage so when you purchase our resources you are buying into our shared values of fair play and decency.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Don’t forget to check out our dedicated You Tube Channel with over 600 free videos: @historyacademy We also have a dedicated YouTube Channel on the MIners’ Strike 1984: @MinersStrike1984
Kind Regards
This fun and interactive lesson is designed to help students understand the causes and consequences of the murder of Thomas Becket in 1170. It is aimed at middle and low ability students and includes a wide range of differentiated tasks to help support and deepen students understanding of the topic. The lesson begins by setting the scene for Becket’s friendship with Henry II and why he was a trusted advisor, before moving onto the reasons why they argued and the short and long term consequences of the murder in the cathedral.
The lesson is consolidated through a selection of optional activities including a story board, timeline continuum of the up and downs of Thomas Becket, questions and a card sort on the causes and consequences of Becket’s murder.
When you purchase this lesson, you will be able to download a twenty seven slide PowerPont Presentation and three page supporting worksheet and a single page card sort. The PowerPoint contains aims, objectives, differentiated outcomes, starters, plenaries, information slides, historical sources, questions, heads and tails, continuum, storyboard and word search activities. The word search is designed to support the PowerPoint and mirrors the key information and sources that the students will need to complete the menu of differentiated activities and tasks. Please see the detailed preview below.
If you are looking for an indepth analysis with support for why they quarrelled and how it was linked into the broader themes of the conflict between church and state, then please see this resource on our TES shop:
The aims and objectives of this lesson is:
Know: Why did Henry II and Thomas Becket quarrel?
Understand: What were the short and long term consequences of the quarrel?
Evaluate: The causes and consequences of Thomas Becket’s murder?
Skills: Change, Continuity, Cause, Consequence & Collaboration
WILF – What Am I Looking For?
Can You Describe: Why did Henry II and Archbishop Becket quarrel?
Can You Explain: Why there was a power struggle between Church and State?
Can You Evaluate: The causes and consequences of Thomas Becket’s death?
If you like this resource, then why not check out our other resources on similar topics in our TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Instagram, X , YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. All our authors are paid the living wage so when you purchase our resources you are buying into our shared values of fair play and decency.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Don’t forget to check out our YouTube Channel with over 600 free videos: @historyacademy
Kind Regards
These outstanding resources look at a key turning point in both British history. They have been tried, tested and adapted over the past 25 years. You may have come across an earlier version on other website’s, but these have been fully updated, interactive and designed to promote debate, discussion and opportunities for AFL.
The aims and objectives are:
Theme: The Transport Revolution 1750 - 1900
Know: What changes took place as a result of the railways?
Understand: What economic, political, social and environmental changes took place?
Evaluate: Which changes were the most significant?
WILF - What Am I Looking For?
Identify & Describe: The changes that took place as a result of the railways 1840 - 1900?
Explain: The impact of the railways on the economy, society, environment and politics in Britain?
Analyse: which changes were the most significant?
Synthesis: Analyse & Explain how the changes were interconnected?
The PowerPoint includes ten activities which can be customised for your students, including the card sort activity that I have also included in this package. In addition, the PP includes 15 information slides that are linked to the activities.
Activity 1 is a simple snowing balling starter using the key words. Activity 2 is an alternative starter centered around two images of the ancient world and a picture of the building of the railways and asks which one required the greatest achievement using muscle power alone? Activity 3 is designed around some map work looking at the impact of the railways on the environment and landscape. Activity 4, is focused around the economic impact of the railways and the jobs they created in other industries. Activities 5 and 6 are numeracy tasks that get students to calculate how much businessmen could save transporting goods by railways in todays money - all calculations / answers are included. Activity 7, looks at the impact of the railways had on literature and culture. The rest of the PP includes the card sort activity and as well as the extended writing and pupil mark scheme, which could be used for peer assessment if you wish.
As with all my resources they are designed to engage and provide students with steps to access the higher grades. This is reflected in the prompts that have included both in the card sort and the extended writing task / essay for their assessment.
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal.
Kind Regards
This outstanding card sort has been designed by experienced teachers to help students studying the introduction to the Industrial Revolution 1750 - 1850. It can be used with the full spectrum of ability as a starter, plenary, revision or assessment activity. If you are looking for a resource to provide additional stretch and challenge for your more able students, then why not check out my diamond 9 activity on this topic?
When you purchase this resource you will be able to download a fully editable Microsoft Word document and an accompanying PowerPoint. The Word document includes aims, instructions and eight picture cards and six heading cards. Once students have cut out the cards and correctly matched the statements with their correct heading, they can extend their understanding further by sorting them into their order of importance before sticking them into their books. The PowerPoint includes the aims, objectives, differentiated outcomes, a snowballing starter, a brief introduction to the topic and facilitates the card sort.
At each stage students should be feeding back to their group or the class and explaining their choices. The discussion and explanation around the choices that they have made are critical in helping them develop their understanding of the topic.
The aims and objectives for this lesson are:
Theme: Industrial Revolution 1750 - 1850
Know: How was industry organised before the Industrial Revolution?
Understand: What changed as a result of the Industrial Revolution?
Evaluate: which changes were the most important?
WILF: What Am I Looking For?
Identify & describe: industry before and after the Industrial Revolution
Explain: What changed as a result of the Industrial Revolution?
Analyse: Which changes were the most important?
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow 'The History Academy' on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
This active learning lesson has been created to help students access the role played by Oliver Cromwell by analysing a series of primary and secondary sources describing his actions during the English Civil War. The key interpretation is provided by the historian JP Kenyon, which is then investigated by sorting the sources under the two headings of ‘hero’ or villain.’ However, if your photocopying budget can extended to printing off a class set of A3 sheets, I have also provided two beautifully designed graphic organisers that the cards can be stuck to in order to create a revision aid or classroom display. Once this has been complete, students can then have a go at answering the question: How far was Oliver Cromwell a hero or a villain?
I would recommend that this resource should be used with either a core or advanced group as there is a lot of reading, which would be too much for a foundation group with low literacy skills. If you are looking for something a little easier, I have made a another simpler card sort which just looks at the facts. This can be bought separately or as a bundle.
When you purchase this resources you will be able to download a fully editable two page Microsoft Word document and a 10 slide PowerPoint Presentation. The PP includes aims, objectives, outcomes, two starters, information slides, templates, video links an
The aims and objectives are:
Theme: The Protectorate and Interregnum
Know: What sort of leader was Oliver Cromwell?
Understand: How has Cromwell’s rule as Lord Protector been interpreted?
Evaluate: How far does the evidence support the interpretation of Oliver Cromwell as a ‘hero’ or ‘villain’?
Skills: Interpretation, Source Analysis & Collaboration
WILF – What Am I Looking For?
Identify & describe: What sort of leader was Oliver Cromwell?
Explain: How has Cromwell’s rule as Lord Protector been interpreted?
Analyse: How far does the evidence support the interpretation of Oliver Cromwell as a ‘hero’ or ‘villain’?
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop, where many have been bundled together to provide you with further savings. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
This outstanding resource has been designed to help students studying the problems facing James I when he became King of England in 1603? Students are presented with a number of challenges facing James I including religious, financial, foreign relations, the growth of Parliament and his beliefs in the Divine Rights of Kings. Once they have reviewed these problems, students are then asked to produce a speech suggesting how he could solve them, which can be peer and self reviewed using the resources included in the PowerPoint. Finally, they can then complete a quick heads and tails activity matching the action that James I took to solve his problems and then assess how successful they were. This brilliant lesson also helps to set the scene for the Gunpowder Plot and for the long term causes of the English Civil War.
When you purchase this resource you will be able to download a PowerPoint presentation that includes everything that you will need for this lesson. The PowerPoint includes the aims, objectives, differentiated outcomes, starters, plenaries, consolidation exercises, information slides and links to video clips. The PowerPoint also includes two beautifully presented diagrams summarising James I’s problems for higher and lower ability students, which can be easily printed off and used with students as a classification exercise. I have also included various other alternative activities, depending upon your photocopying budget including a speech and thinking skills review exercise to help students decide which problems were the most important. The resource also includes a heads and tails activity which can also be printed off or copied by students off the board. I have included screen shots of all the slides in the preview slides.
Everything has been carefully differentiated and can be easily adapted for the full range of ability. This is one of my favourite lessons and there is enough to last a class 2/3 lessons can be used to make you sparkle and shine for Ofsted or an observation lesson.
The aims and objectives of this lesson are:
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop, where many have been bundled together to provide you with further savings. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
This lesson is designed to helped students develop their source analysis skills by studying a range of primary and secondary sources that look at Charles I’s personality and leadership skills as King of England. It can be used with a range of abilities and can easily be edited to customised to suit the needs of your own students. I have included a higher and lower ability version of the same worksheet to aid differentiation.
When you purchase this resource, you will receive a a higher and lower ability version of a two page worksheet. The higher worksheet includes nine carefully primary and secondary sources which span two pages of the worksheet and with four tasks and activities. Whilst the lower version includes seven primary and secondary sources, but includes three additional questions to provide additional support. If you are interested, I have also produced a PowerPoint to accompany this lesson which can be purchased bundled separately with these sources for an extra £1.
This lesson has been designed to help prepare students and set the scene for the short term causes of the English Civil War 1642 - 1660.
The aims and objectives for this lesson are:
Theme: Causes of the English Civil War?
•Know: Who was King Charles i?
•Understand: What can we learn about him from the historical evidence?
•Evaluate: Why was Charles I unpopular with his people?
•Skills: Source Analysis
WILF – What Am I Looking For?
•Identify & describe: The personality and character of Charles I
•Explain: What can we learn about Charles I from the historical evidence?
•Analyse: Why was Charles I unpopular with his people?
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
The issue of whether women should be priests has divided the Christian community for a long time. This great resource is designed to help students understand some of the main arguments put forward by both sides. It can be used with a range of abilities and has never failed to get my students excited, engaged, whilst improving their understanding of the topic. It be used alongside any main stream text book or video clip as a starter, mini plenary or a consolidation exercise.
When you purchase this resource, you will be able to download a single page Word Document which contains a learning objective, instructions, two heading cards as well as fourteen statements that can sorted to help summarise the arguments.
The aims of this lesson / activity are:
Theme: The role of women within the Christian Church
Know: What role have women played traditionally within the Christian Church?
Understand: What are the arguments for and against women priests?
Evaluate: Why is the issue of women priests a decisive?
WILF - What am I Looking For?
Identify and describe - the traditional role of women within Christianity
Explain - the arguments for and against women priests?
Analyse - Why is the issue of women priests decisive?
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more quality time with the people who matter.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
This great resource makes a really effective classroom display for GCSE or A Level students studying Elizabeth I. The high quality nature of the images makes them worthwhile printing off in colour and laminating.
When you purchase this resource you will be able to download a seventeen slide PowerPoint Presentation which includes information and pictures that can be printed off in colour for display purposes in your classroom.
Please see the preview for more information
This outstanding lesson has been designed to help students to understand the main reasons why Parliament won the English Civil War. The main activity is a card sort which is followed up by a review triangle to assess which factor was the most important. This is then consolidated with an extended writing exercise.
When you purchase this resource you will be able to download a 14 slide PowerPoint and a two page Word document which includes 20 statement cards and 6 heading cards labelled ‘Organisation’, ‘Leadership’, ‘Money’, ‘Support’, ‘Tactics’ and ‘Religion.’ The second page includes a double template for a thinking skills review triangle which can be used to help them decide which factor was the most important. The PowerPoint includes aims, objectives, starters, plenaries, writing frames to help support this lesson.
If you are looking for a cheaper version of this lesson then you can purchase the card sort separately for £3.15. Please see the resource review for more information. I have also published a Diamond 9 version of this lesson if you are looking for something a little different.
The aims and objectives of this lesson are:
Theme: The English Civil War
* Know: Why did Parliament win the English Civil War?
* Understand: What different factors helped Parliament to win?
* Evaluate: What was the most important reason why Parliament won?
* Skills: Cause, Consequence & Collaboration
WILF – What Am I Looking For?
* Can You Describe: Why Parliament won the English Civil War?
* Can You Explain: What different factors helped Parliament to win?
* Can You Evaluate: The different factors and decide which was the most important?
If you like this resource then why not check out our TES shop, where you can find similar resources that have been bundled to provide you with further savings. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Facebook and You Tube for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. However, we do not compromise our values and pay all our contributors the living wage for their work.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
This great lesson is designed as an introduction to the Home Front during the Second World War. It has been designed to help students understand how the government tried to prepare for war, whilst trying to encourage people to keep calm and carry on to prevent panic within the population. This has been cleverly linked into the Blitzkrieg tactics that the Germans would used if they had invaded Britain.
When you purchase these resources you will be able to download a PowerPoint which includes aims, objectives, differentiated outcomes, starters, plenaries, home activities, information slides,historical sources and links to video clips. It also includes a worksheet with the key information, sources and 5 tasks, one of which includes a SEN heads and tails activity. I have built in additional stretch and challenge tasks within the PowerPoint, including an alternative mind map activity. Students can chose their level of challenge through a ‘ragged’ activity slide.
The aims and objectives of this lesson are:
Theme: The Home Front
Know: How did Britain prepare for war?
Understand: Why was it important to keep calm and carry on?
Evaluate: How successfully did Britain prepare for an invasion?
Skills: Source Analysis, Cause, Consequence & Collaboration
WILF – What Am I Looking For?
Identify & describe: How did Britain prepare for war?
Explain: Why was it important to keep calm and carry on?
Analyse: How successfully did Britain prepare for an invasion?
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. This lesson is one of a series which can be purchased separately or bundled. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
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This great little card sort is a must have for anyone studying why William won the Battle of Hastings in 1066. The resource in a word format so it can be fully adapted to suit your learners, but I have made sure that it’s accessible for core, foundation and gifted and talented students.
This card sort can be used as a starter, mini plenary or plenary. It can also be used as a planning exercise before students attempt writing an extended essay for assessment purposes on the topic.
So in brief, I have provided a two page worksheet with the following heading of leadership / tactics. organisation, luck and Harold’s mistakes as well 16 cards that students can sort under these headings.
The aims objectives are:
Theme: Why did William win the Battle of Hastings in 1066?
Know: What factors helped William to win?
Understand: How important was William’s leadership, tactics, luck and organisation in helping to win?
Evaluate: How far did William win or Harold lose?
WILF - What an I Looking For?
Identify / describe: Why William won the Battle of Hastings?
Explain: Several reasons why William won the Battle of Hastings?
Analyse: Explain which factor was the most important reason why William won?
I have been observed several times with this lesson and have been graded outstanding each time. This is a high quality resource, which works. The students love the activity which never fails to help them develop a sophisticated understanding of why he won! However, don’t take my word for it, download and try it!
Kind Regards
Ps Check out some of my other Norman Conquest resources!
This resource delves into the complex and often controversial issue of Euthanasia and Assisted Dying, encouraging students to confront the ethical dilemma of ending a life to alleviate suffering. With recent developments in legislation, such as the Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults Bill in England, which aims to allow terminally ill adults to request assistance in ending their lives under strict safeguards, this topic is more relevant than ever. Similarly, in the USA, various states are considering or have passed bills related to physician-assisted suicide, highlighting the ongoing debate surrounding these sensitive issues.
Tried and tested in classrooms for years, this resource offers a versatile approach to engaging students in this challenging topic. It can be utilized as a starter activity, a plenary session, or the central component of a lesson, seamlessly integrating with any existing textbook or resource.
The strength of this resource lies in its adaptability, catering to diverse learning styles and abilities. Students actively engage in sorting and organizing persuasive arguments for and against voluntary euthanasia, fostering critical thinking and debate. The activity involves students cutting out and arranging cards containing arguments, allowing them to construct their own compelling case.
This resource can be used for individual work, group discussions, or extended writing activities, making it suitable for diverse classrooms. By exploring the multifaceted issue of Euthanasia and Assisted Dying, students will gain a deeper understanding of the ethical complexities involved, especially in light of current legislative changes in both England and the USA.
In summary, this resource not only promotes critical thinking but also encourages students to engage with contemporary issues that are shaping the future of healthcare and ethics.
When you purchase this resource, you will be able to download a single page Word Document which contains a learning objective, instructions, two heading cards as well as fourteen statements that can sorted under them.
The aims of this lesson / activity are:
Theme: Moral Ethics and Philosophy
Know: What is Euthanasia?
Understand: What are the arguments for and against Euthanasia?
Evaluate: Are there any circumstances in which is acceptable to take another life?
WILF - What am I Looking For?
Identify and describe - what is Euthanasia?
Explain - the arguments for and against Euthanasia?
Analyze - Are there any circumstances in which it is acceptable to take another life?
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more quality time with the people who matter.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
This outstanding lesson, which is fun and interactive, has been designed to help students understand the causes of the Russian Revolution in February 1917, which saw the Tsar abdicate to allow the Provisional Committee or Government take over. It is pitched at KS4, but is also suitable for KS5. The main resource is suitable to use its own or alongside any mainstream textbook.
When you purchase this resource you will be able to download a 23 slide PowerPoint Presentation and an accompanying wordsearch. The PowerPoint contains aims, objectives, starters, plenaries, historical sources, pictures, diagrams, cartoons, tasks, activities, review triangles, word searches and photocopy templates. I have also unloaded the PowerPoint in a PDF format, just in case you don’t have access to Microsoft Office. Please see the detailed preview.
The aims and objectives of this lesson are:
Theme: The Russian Revolution
Know: What were the causes of the Russian Revolution in February 1917?
Understand: What different factors caused the February Revolution?
Evaluate: Which were the most important causes of the February Revolution?
Skills: Cause, Consequence & Collaboration
WILF – What Am I Looking For?
Can You Describe: The causes of the Russian Revolution in February 1917?
Can You Explain: What different factors caused the February Revolution?
Can You Evaluate: Which were the most important causes?
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. All our authors are paid the living wage so when you purchase our resources you are buying into our shared values of fair play and decency.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Don’t forget to check out our dedicated You Tube Channel with over 600 free videos: @historyacademy
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