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SBott17's Shop

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A range of English resources for Key Stages 3, 4 and 5. My resources provide engaging, clear content which is easy for the teacher to follow. My SOWs are designed so that the teacher should not need to do any editing and can use them to teach immediately.




A range of English resources for Key Stages 3, 4 and 5. My resources provide engaging, clear content which is easy for the teacher to follow. My SOWs are designed so that the teacher should not need to do any editing and can use them to teach immediately.
AQA Paper 1 Question 5

AQA Paper 1 Question 5

A lesson to scaffold an answer to AQA Paper 1, Question 5 (creative writing). It begins with a slide to prepare for AO6 (punctuation and grammar). There is a slide of different methods to help students to make create an original answer. The PowerPoint then talks through how to plan and write an answer. Finally, there is an alternative picture. (The lesson was designed initially for 1 lesson, but the final slide could extend into 2.) A model answer is included also.
Minority Report - Film Study - SOW

Minority Report - Film Study - SOW

A Scheme of Work studying Steven Spielberg’s film ‘Minority Report’. This was taught to a middle-ability Year 10 group. Things covered include: -Understanding of plot, -Understanding of character, -Analysis of individual scenes including mise-en-scene, costume, lighting, camera angles and shots, -A model essay, -A scaffolded coursework essay outline -Teacher versions of student sheets.
Model Essay - Ozymandias and Extract

Model Essay - Ozymandias and Extract

A complete model essay comparing ‘Ozymandias’ with ‘Extract From the Prelude’. The topic is the power of nature. It’s on Word so you can edit as you wish.
Christmas Carol - Social Responsibility Extract

Christmas Carol - Social Responsibility Extract

Mini-essay scaffolding for the question: How Does Dickens Present Social Responsibility in this Extract? This resource includes: -A very short extract -A differentiated version with key questions -A teacher version with key annotations -A scaffolding table for students to complete.
Romeo and Juliet - The Year 9 SOW

Romeo and Juliet - The Year 9 SOW

A fully-resourced ‘Romeo and Juliet’ scheme of work for Year 9 (although easily adapted for a high ability Year 8 group).n The scheme includes: A powerpoint for each key section of the play. A variety of activities including: reading and analytical work; creative writing tasks; drama; group and individual tasks; annotating, etc. Model paragraphs (on slides). (NOTE: -The page references are in accordance with the Oxford School Shakespeare Edition. -The film is the 1968 version. -This is a Key Stage 3 SOW, not for KS4.)
All My Sons - Revision Theme Table

All My Sons - Revision Theme Table

This is an excellent revision resource for students as it ties together all of the main themes and key characters in the play. It can either be distributed to students in its completed form or used as a class activity in which different groups complete missing sections and then feedback as a class. Students love these tables!
A Christmas Carol - Stave Theme Table

A Christmas Carol - Stave Theme Table

A detailed, double-sided A3 theme table that covers all of the key information for ‘A Christmas Carol’. It’s well-received by students. It contains key context, significant quotes, and analytical comments.
The Winslow Boy - SOW

The Winslow Boy - SOW

A straightforward Scheme of Work for a mixed-ability Year 10 group. It contains a variety of activities that go through each section of Rattigan’s play.
All My Sons - Arthur Miller SOW

All My Sons - Arthur Miller SOW

AS Level Scheme of Work for Arthur Miller’s ‘All My Sons’. The detailed pack includes: Lessons that take students through every section of the play PowerPoints for the teacher to follow Model answers (including 3 complete model essays) Scaffolding tables Questions Answers for the teacher Two links to Kahoot quizzes A wide variety of activities to keep the students engaged A step-by-step guide to essay writing Relevant contextual resources.
Small Island - Andrea Levy - AS SOW

Small Island - Andrea Levy - AS SOW

A full scheme of work to teach Andrea Levy’s ‘Small Island’ at AS Level. It includes questions and activities for every chapter of the book. The activities are varied to ensure that your students remain engaged. The pack includes a mixture of general essay questions and extract-based questions at the end. The pack can be used for lessons or for homework activities.
An Inspector Calls-Mrs Birling

An Inspector Calls-Mrs Birling

A lesson designed for the section when the audience discover Mrs Birling’s involvement with Eva Smith. Students are given significant extracts to annotate and key questions for each extract are posed on the board.
An Inspector Calls - Inspector's Speech

An Inspector Calls - Inspector's Speech

A lesson for just after the Inspector leaves: -A dictionary race of key contextual terms -Reading -A brief timeline of Eva’s life -A differentiated copy of the Inspector’s speech. -Finally a creative writing exercise based on his speech.
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - HW Menu

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - HW Menu

A homework menu designed for Year 8-9 students who are studying ‘TBITSP’. It can be used before or after you have read the text. Students choose: 1 starter - 1 main - 1 plenary.
An Inspector Calls - Follow Me Game

An Inspector Calls - Follow Me Game

A fun, informative follow-me game. It should be used as a revision tool when students have finished or are revising J.B. Priestley’s ‘An Inspector Calls’.