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SBott17's Shop

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A range of English resources for Key Stages 3, 4 and 5. My resources provide engaging, clear content which is easy for the teacher to follow. My SOWs are designed so that the teacher should not need to do any editing and can use them to teach immediately.




A range of English resources for Key Stages 3, 4 and 5. My resources provide engaging, clear content which is easy for the teacher to follow. My SOWs are designed so that the teacher should not need to do any editing and can use them to teach immediately.
The Enlightenment - Cloze

The Enlightenment - Cloze

A cloze activity (and answer sheet) designed to provide an overview of the Enlightenment. It was made to assist the teaching of Blake’s ‘London’.
Much Ado - Friar's Speech

Much Ado - Friar's Speech

Aimed at a Key Stage 3 group, the first activity requires students to match Shakespearean English with modern English. They then need to find the appropriate quotation to support a series of points provided. A detailed model body paragraph is provided and student need to then write their own.
An Inspector Calls - Revision Table

An Inspector Calls - Revision Table

A brilliant revision resource for students studying J.B. Priestley’s “An Inspector Calls”. It allows students to revise via character and theme, with all their useful notes in one place.
A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Money

A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Money

A detailed lesson to scaffold writing an essay about Scrooge’s relationship with money. The lesson includes: A copy of the essay question An annotated copy of the essay question (for teacher) A table for students to scaffold their body paragraph A teacher version of said table (which contains some answers) A PowerPoint that contains guidance on how to create a thesis, introduction, body paragraph and conclusion. A model intro, body paragraph and conclusion.
Year 10 Subject Terms Quiz

Year 10 Subject Terms Quiz

A sheet containing a list of language features / definitions / examples that a GCSE Literature class should know. A quiz on these terms. An answer sheet to the quiz.
A Doll's House - A Level NEA SOW 2024

A Doll's House - A Level NEA SOW 2024

An A Level SOW to teach Ibsen’s ‘A Doll’s House’. It is designed to prepare students to write an NEA essay, and to be ready to teach. Each section has comprehension or extract questions. The starters are on Othello.
Allusions Scheme Of Work

Allusions Scheme Of Work

A fully-resourced, detailed SOW designed for Key Stage 3 and focused on allusions. There are 12 lessons in total. Each one links to a Biblical or classical tale. There are multiple model paragraphs provided (What-How-Why-Extend) and video links to keep students engaged. All extracts are included.
Rhetoric - Malcolm X Speech

Rhetoric - Malcolm X Speech

A lesson analysing Malcolm X’s ‘Ballot or the Bullet’ speech. It was initially designed for a very high ability Year 7 group but could be adapted for Year 8 or Year 9. The detailed PowerPoint visits polysyndeton, anaphora and antithesis.
Inspector Calls - Social Class AO3

Inspector Calls - Social Class AO3

A lesson designed for just before the class commence the play. It talks through some key dates, the class structure, and ends with a creative writing task.
AQA Paper 1 Question 5 Creative

AQA Paper 1 Question 5 Creative

A collection of 4 lessons on creative writing, designed for AQA’s GCSE specification. The lessons aim to give the students a structure and outline an approach to answering this question. A model plan with an example answer is included.
Boy Striped Pyjamas- Chp 4 Activity

Boy Striped Pyjamas- Chp 4 Activity

A short extract from John Boyne’s ‘The Boy in the Stiped Pyjamas’ which has been made for students to annotate. A second, differentiated version is provided to guide students’ annotations. It is focused on the section in which the children look out of the window over Auschwitz.
The Crucible - The Crime Act 1

The Crucible - The Crime Act 1

A worksheet to encourage students to comprehend what we discover about the crime and Abigail’s relationship with the other girls at the start of the play. Includes: -Student worksheet -Teacher’s version.
Great Expectations - Chapter 3

Great Expectations - Chapter 3

A lesson designed for Year 8 study of Charles Dickens’ ‘Great Expectations’. Students read a shortened version of the chapter and then copy and complete a scaffolded three P.E.E. paragraphs. There is a short drama activity to finish the lesson.