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GCSE and A Level Business resources

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A shop aimed at providing student focussed revision resources and engaging lesson materials.




A shop aimed at providing student focussed revision resources and engaging lesson materials.
AQA Business - Setting Financial Objectives

AQA Business - Setting Financial Objectives

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of setting financial objectives. It starts with a look at the value of setting financial objectives, including the concept of a return on investment (ROI) and an understanding of the proportion of long-term funding that is debt. It then looks at the distinction between cash flow and profit and the three different types of profit (operating profit, gross profit and profit for the year). Revenue, cost and profit objectives are then considered, alongside cash flow objectives, investment and capital structure objectives. The presentation concludes with an examination of the key internal and external influences acting upon the financial objectives of a firm. The pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a short objective test, and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
AQA A Level Business UNIT 8 - Choosing Strategic Direction

AQA A Level Business UNIT 8 - Choosing Strategic Direction

2 Resources
A 2 part resource that includes detailed teacher PowerPoint resources covering Unit 8 of the A Level Business course. PowerPoints include: •Choosing Strategic Direction (Ansoff’s Matrix) •Strategic Positioning Each presentation contains extensive, detailed notes that are specific to the exam requirements of the AQA. These resources are designed to be engaging and accessible and all contain the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a short objective test or calculation questions and an essay practice (all with suggested solutions). In addition, each presentation is accompanied with a FREE student revision notes handout to assist with the delivery of the material.
AQA Business - Sources of Finance

AQA Business - Sources of Finance

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of making financial decisions with a specific focus upon sources of finance. It considers some of the main types of internal and external sources of finance available to a business. These include debt factoring, share capital, venture capital, crowdfunding, hire purchase, working capital, sale of assets, trade credit, overdrafts, bank loans, government finance and commercial mortgages. The presentation examines each source of finance and analyses both their specific benefits and drawbacks. It also looks at which source of finance is the most appropriate for a firm, and considers the legal structure of the firm, the intended purpose of the finance and the levels of risk that a firm’s management are prepared to accept. The pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a short objective test, and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
PEST Factors : Political

PEST Factors : Political

The latest in the new series of PowerPoint resources aimed at assisting teachers with the delivery of the WJEC/Eduqas A-level Business specification (but are suitable for all boards). These slides and hand out are designed to support the delivery of the Component Three topic of PEST Analysis. They explain the main political factors that affect business activity and the role of government in providing a stable framework for businesses to operate within. The slides examine taxation and subsidies, fiscal and monetary policy, government regulation and deregulation of markets, the role of government as a purchaser of goods and services from the private sector and considers other relevant issues such as patent law and competitive tendering. The slides contain the Quick Fire Five questions and also a practice essay (both with solutions). The pack also contains a FREE set of student revision notes.
AQA Business - Assessing Internationalisation

AQA Business - Assessing Internationalisation

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of assessing internationalisation and has been adapted to meet the specific requirements of the AQA specification. The presentation considers the basic purpose of international trade. It then examines the various strategies that firms can use to access foreign markets before assessing the impact of multinational corporations upon global markets and examines the use of Bartlett & Ghosal’s international strategy matrix. The pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a practice calculation question, a short objective test and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
Changes in Working Practices

Changes in Working Practices

The latest in the new series of PowerPoint resources aimed at assisting teachers with the delivery of the WJEC/Eduqas A-level Business specification (but are suitable for all boards). These slides and hand out are designed to support the delivery of the Component One topic of changes in working practices. They explain what is meant by the flexible workforce including flexible hours, home working, part time, temporary roles, job sharing, multi-skilling, zero hours contracts and hot desking. It then considers the impact of new technology on working practices and evaluates the impact of changes in working patterns on employees and employers. The slides contain the Quick Fire Five questions and also a practice essay (both with solutions). The pack also contains a free set of student revision notes.


The latest in the new series of PowerPoint resources aimed at assisting teachers with the delivery of the WJEC/Eduqas A-level Business specification (but are suitable for all boards). These slides and hand out are designed to support the delivery of the Component One topic of motivation. They explain the benefits of a motivated workforce and then examine the motivational theories of FW Taylor (Scientific Managament), Elton Mayo (Human Relations), Abraham Maslow(Hierarchy of Needs), Frederick Herzberg(Two Factor Theory), Victor Vroom and finish with Porter and Lawler (Expectancy Theory). Financial methods of motivation are then considered with a focus upon piece rate, commission, bonus, salary, profit sharing, share ownership and performance related pay. Finally it examines non-financial means of motivation with a look at consultation, job design, job enlargement, job rotation, job enrichment, empowerment, team working and flexible working. It concludes with an evaluation of the impact of a motivated workforce upon a business. The slides contain the Quick Fire Five questions and also a practice essay (both with solutions). The pack also contains a free set of student revision notes.
Marketing and The Marketing Mix

Marketing and The Marketing Mix

The latest in the new series of PowerPoint resources aimed at assisting teachers with the delivery of the WJEC/Eduqas A-level Business specification (but are suitable for all boards). These slides and hand out are designed to support the delivery of the Component One topic of marketing & the marketing mix. They explain the purpose and importance of marketing to a business and then consider what is meant by market orientation, product orientation and asset-led marketing. The slides contain the Quick Fire Five questions and also a practice essay (both with solutions). The pack also contains a free set of student revision notes.
AQA Business - Understanding Management, Leadership and Decision Making

AQA Business - Understanding Management, Leadership and Decision Making

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of understanding management, leadership and decision making . It examines the role of managers within a business and identifies differences between managers and leaders. It examines different leadership styles and includes theories by Henri Fayol, McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, the Blake Mouton Grid and the Tannenbaum-Schmidt continuum. Specific leadership styles include autocratic, paternalistic, bureaucratic, democratic and laissez-faire and it concludes by evaluating whether there is a single best style and the influences acting upon leadership . Each pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a short objective test and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
PEST Analysis: Social

PEST Analysis: Social

The latest in the new series of PowerPoint resources aimed at assisting teachers with the delivery of the WJEC/Eduqas A-level Business specification (but are suitable for all boards). These slides and hand out are designed to support the delivery of the Component Three topic of PEST Analysis. They explain the main social factors that affect business activity and their impact upon stakeholders. They examine the meaning demographics and look at the changing population structure of the UK and how this provides both threats and opportunities for business with a focus upon population size, age, housing and migration patterns. They conclude with an evaluation of the changing social trends within the UK and contrasting modern Britain with that of the 1970’s. The slides contain the Quick Fire Five questions and also a practice essay (both with solutions). The pack also contains a FREE set of student revision notes.
PEST Analysis: Technological

PEST Analysis: Technological

The latest in the new series of PowerPoint resources aimed at assisting teachers with the delivery of the WJEC/Eduqas A-level Business specification (but are suitable for all boards). These slides and hand out are designed to support the delivery of the Component Three topic of PEST Analysis. They explain the main technological factors that affect business activity and their impact upon stakeholders. They examine how technological factors such as automation and communication systems have modified modern business practises. They specifically look at the benefits and drawbacks of automation, EDI, 3D printing from a business perspective, business communication methods and how technology has impacted upon the life cycle of many products. The slides contain the Quick Fire Five questions and also a practice essay (both with solutions). The pack also contains a FREE set of student revision notes.
AQA Business - Assessing a Change in Scale

AQA Business - Assessing a Change in Scale

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of assessing a change in scale and has been adapted to meet the specific requirements of the AQA specification. The presentation considers the reasons behind business growth and retrenchment. It then examines the concepts of organic and external growth before analysing the key issues with growth. This includes economies of scale, economies of scope, diseconomies of scale, the experience curve and overtrading and a detailed examination of Greiner’s model of growth. The pack concludes with a critical analysis of methods of growth including mergers, takeovers, ventures and franchising before assessing different types of growth including vertical, horizontal and conglomerate integration. The pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a short objective test and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
AQA Business - Managing Strategic Implementation

AQA Business - Managing Strategic Implementation

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of managing strategic implementation by businesses and has been adapted to meet the specific requirements of the AQA specification. The presentation considers how to implement strategy effectively and the value of leadership in its implementation. It then looks at the value of communication before examining the importance of organisational structure with a look at functional, regional, product-based and matrix structures and their impact on implementing strategy. The pack concludes with an assessment of network analysis. This includes an understanding and interpretation of network diagrams, amending network diagrams and identifying the critical path and calculation of total float. The pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a variety of practice calculation activities, a short objective test and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
AQA Business - Political and Legal Change

AQA Business - Political and Legal Change

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of managing organisational culture by businesses and has been adapted to meet the specific requirements of the AQA specification. The presentation considers the political and legal environment for the UK and EU. It examines the role of government in the encouragement of enterprise, the role of the regulator (CMA) the development of infrastructure, the environment and international trade. It then proceeds to analyse the impact of legislation relating to UK and EU competition law, the labour market (individual and collective labour laws) and finally environmental directives (WEEE). The pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a short objective test and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
Critical Path Analysis Revision Pack

Critical Path Analysis Revision Pack

The latest in the revision packs aimed at improving pupil knowledge of core areas of the A Level Business specification that often cause problems. This pack focuses upon critical path analysis and includes the usual format of an assessment sheet (knowledge, application, analysis and evaluation skills are tested), teacher answer sheet, a mind map for pupil revision and a specialist revision sheet about critical path analysis. This pack also incorporates a detailed PowerPoint that teachers can use to deliver the topic and is supported with a PDF version of the notes to act as a hand out.
Setting Financial Objectives

Setting Financial Objectives

The latest in the series of revision sheets aimed specifically at the new A Level Business specification. This sheet focuses upon the establishment of financial objectives and looks at the distinctions between cash flow and profit; revenue, cost and profit objectives; the different measurements of profit (gross, operating and profit for the year); cash flow objectives; investment and return on capital employed; capital structure decisions and finally the internal and external influences upon financial objectives.
Fiscal Policy

Fiscal Policy

A detailed examination of UK Fiscal Policy. This is specifically related to the WJEC/Eduqas A Level Economics specification, but is generally suited to all other boards as well. This presentation looks at the role of government taxation and spending and its impact upon aggregate demand. It specifically focuses upon whether debt matters; the Budget; automatic and discretionary fiscal stabilisers; demand side fiscal policy; the poverty trap; and supply side fiscal policies. A PDF version has also been included for handout purposes.
Improving Employer-Employee Relations

Improving Employer-Employee Relations

The final updated revision sheet for the AS Level AQA Business specification. This sheet focuses upon the benefits and potential problems of employer-employee relations. Specifically it considers ways of managing communication; barriers to effective communication; technology and communication; the benefits of effective communication with employees; forms of employee representation; trade unions; ACAS; industrial action and disputes; ways of resolving industrial disputes; works councils and employee groups.
BRAND NEW COMPLETE AS AQA Business Revision Pack

BRAND NEW COMPLETE AS AQA Business Revision Pack

17 Resources
The complete pack of revised and updated AS Business notes designed to support teachers and students in their revision of the course material. This pack represents excellent value and contains all 24 chapters. Specifically it contains revision sheets about what is business?; managers, leadership and decision making; decision making to improve marketing performance; decision making to improve operational performance; decision making to improve financial performance and finally decision making to improve human resource performance.