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WindupTeacher's Shop

Average Rating4.85
(based on 14 reviews)

I enjoy making educational products students can use independently for lessons, centers and research. My goal is to provide teachers with Ready To Go products that save or provide teachers precious TIME. I have decades of experience as a classroom teacher, Resource Teacher and elementary Media Specialist.




I enjoy making educational products students can use independently for lessons, centers and research. My goal is to provide teachers with Ready To Go products that save or provide teachers precious TIME. I have decades of experience as a classroom teacher, Resource Teacher and elementary Media Specialist.
Pet Word Search - Easy

Pet Word Search - Easy

15 Pets hidden in this puzzle. Words are horizontal and vertical only. Comes in Full Color for those that like to laminate and reuse. Also in B&W reproducible for coloring. Includes Answer Key. Check out the bundle to get both the easy and the harder version if you need to differentiate within your classroom.
Dinosaur Word Search *Hard

Dinosaur Word Search *Hard

12 Dinosaurs hidden in this Hard Word Search. Words can be found in any direction - even backwards! In full color for those that like to laminate and reuse as a center activity. Also in B&W reproducible. Answer Key included.
Snowman Word Search - Primary Version with Pictures - Easy Winter Puzzle

Snowman Word Search - Primary Version with Pictures - Easy Winter Puzzle

An EASY fun, printable, primary snowman word search to go with your unit on Snowmen this winter. This word search puzzle has students searching for snowmen parts. The words themselves have clip art with them to help beginning readers. Great for Primary grades as it it across and down only. In full color if you like to laminate and use over and over with a vis a vis marker. Also in black line master ready for photocopying. Words are ACROSS and DOWN ONLY. No diagonal words. No backwards words. Includes Answer Key.
Dental Word Search | EASY Puzzle

Dental Word Search | EASY Puzzle

**18 dental related words hidden in this puzzle. **Words are horizontal and vertical only in an all CAPS puzzle. Words include: tooth, floss, cavity, enamel, sealant, cleaning, teeth, root, crown, jaw, molar, canine, smile, plaque, tongue, gums, toothpaste and toothbrush. Comes in Full Color for those that like to laminate and reuse. Also in B&W reproducible. Answer Key Included.
Snowman Bookmarks

Snowman Bookmarks

Lots of Snowman Bookmarks in Color and B&W reproducible! Spread the love of reading!! These feature a Poem called “I’m a Little Snowman” Poem: “I’m a little snowman, round and fat. Here are my mittens, here is my hat. When the sun comes out I melt away. See you next year on a snowy day.” ~Author Unknown~
Book Review Poster - Fall Into a Good Book! Print and Go!

Book Review Poster - Fall Into a Good Book! Print and Go!

Here is a fun Fall or Autumn Themed Book Review poster (with a pumpkin, leaves, squirrel and owl) is for students to share a good book they’ve read recently. This 8.5" x 11" Fall Into a Good Book! poster comes with space for the student’s rating (using the sun’s rays), profile pic, title and author of book, recommendation, and space for an illustration and sentence detailing their favorite scene in the book. Students then color in the poster to finish it off! Just Print PDF and Go! Makes a great time filler, bulletin board, center or substitute plan.
Pecos Bill Activity Sheets | Print and Go!

Pecos Bill Activity Sheets | Print and Go!

Here are 4 activity sheets to print and use after you’ve read the Pecos Bill tall tale with your students: Comprehension, Graphic Organizer, Exaggeration and Compare and Contrast activities. 1. Comprehension Sheet – This sheet asks students to draw and write about their favorite part, write 4 words to describe Pecos, write an example of an exaggeration from the tall tale, and summarize the tale in their own words. 2. Tall Tale Graphic Organizer – This sheet asks students to write the characters, setting. It has boxes for students to write or draw 2 Exaggerations from the story, 1 Realistic Event from the story, the Problem and the Solution. 3. Tall Tale Exaggeration – Students illustrate their favorite exaggeration from the story and write about what they drew. 4. Compare & Contrast – Students choose another person or character to compare to Pecos Bill. They could choose themselves, another tall tale character, anyone!
Field Day Word Search - Hard

Field Day Word Search - Hard

**This Field Day Word Search is Hard. **The 40 Field Day related words are hidden across, down, backwards, and diagonally. Words include: fun, races, relays, balls, games, music, sunny, outside, field day, events, compete, friends, teamwork, memories, awards, popsicles, athlete, stations, balloons, hula hoop, jump rope, parachute, sack race, tug of war, excitement, dizzy bat, egg toss, obstacle course, sidewalk chalk, three-legged race, water balloon toss, sportsmanship, cheering, running, catching, throwing, laughing, finish line, water bottle and sunscreen. Includes: Color version Print-friendly B&W version Answer Key
Pet Word Search - Hard

Pet Word Search - Hard

15 Pets hidden in this puzzle. Words are in any direction! Comes in Full Color for those that like to laminate and reuse. Also in B&W reproducible for coloring. Includes Answer Key. Check out the bundle to get both the easy and the harder version if you need to differentiate within your classroom.
Honey Bee Word Search | Hard

Honey Bee Word Search | Hard

**This is a Hard Honey Bee Word Search which includes life cycle, anatomy and other honey bee related words. ** Words are in vertical and horizontal (frontwards and backwards). They are also diagonal from the left down to the right only in an all uppercase puzzle. Words include: egg, larva, pupa, adult, wax, hive, colony, insect, buzz, hover, flowers, honey, nectar, sweet, queen, worker, drone, wings, yellow, black, stinger, six legs, antennae, honey bee and beekeeper. Includes: ☑ Color version ☑ Print-friendly B&W version ☑ Answer Key
Dental Word Search | HARD Puzzle

Dental Word Search | HARD Puzzle

**18 Dental related words hidden in this Hard Word Search. ** Words include: tooth, floss, cavity, enamel, sealant, cleaning, teeth, root, crown, jaw, molar, canine, smile, plaque, tongue, gums, toothpaste and toothbrush. Words horizontal, vertical, diagonal, and even backwards in this all CAPS puzzle. Comes in Full Color for those that like to laminate and reuse. Also in B&W reproducible. Answer Key included.
Snowman Movie Review Writing Activity

Snowman Movie Review Writing Activity

This activity has students create a movie to go with one of two provided character snowmen or a snowman of their own design. They fill in the movie title and write a short review that includes the characters and the plot - without giving away the ending! They must also convince the audience whether they should go see it or not by giving a specific example to support their opinion. Includes: 1 instruction Sheet 2 reproducible sheets with different snowmen characters 1 blank reproducible for the students to make their own themed movie review
Earth Day Bookmarks

Earth Day Bookmarks

**Here are 5 pages of Earth Day bookmarks ready to print and cut out. ** Some are color and others are reproducible friendly for your kiddos to color.
American Revolution Word Search - Hard for Grades 5 to Adult

American Revolution Word Search - Hard for Grades 5 to Adult

This American Revolution Word Search is hard. The 26 words are hidden across, down, backwards, and diagonally. Great for Grades 5- Adult! Words include: British, colony, Congress, Constitution, Continental Army, Declaration, Democracy, Federalist, France, Independence, liberty, Loyalist, militia, minutemen, Monarchy, Parliament, Patriot, Redcoat, Republic, revolution, Stamp Act, Tea Party, Tory, Treaty of Paris, Whigs Color version, print-friendly B&W version and Answer Key included.