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Clear, colourful and engaging educational resources. Breaking learning down to the nub, making concepts as easy as abc... We'd love to know what you think of what you download, so don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any suggestions or requests...




Clear, colourful and engaging educational resources. Breaking learning down to the nub, making concepts as easy as abc... We'd love to know what you think of what you download, so don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any suggestions or requests...
Number Snake Ordering numbers 0 to 25 Rainbow/B&W

Number Snake Ordering numbers 0 to 25 Rainbow/B&W

What’s included? This download includes four A4, portrait pdf sheet to practise ordering numbers from 0 to 25. Dotted lines guide where to cut and a snake outline is provided to place and stick the numbers (in order) once complete. This listing has been updated to include a black and white version as well as the rainbow colour version. Who’s it for? This resource has been designed for early years children, pupils in years one as well as older students needing additional learning support. Resource Details The layout includes x2 pages. Page 1 shows the numbers (from 0 to 25) in the correct order and position. Dotted lines are provided guiding where to cut - both around the outline of the snake and between each number to separate them. Page 2 shows an outline of the snake shape to support learners with where to position and stick numbers once complete. To make this puzzle more challenging a ‘blank’ sheet of A4 paper could be provided for each learner. The chevron/arrow shape of each number piece has been designed to guide learners on which direction to position/stick the ‘next’ number. Important message… ANY issues with this number snake please don’t hesitate to let me know - I am happy to make changes as needed. Feedback of this resource would be excellent - thank you! New online service coming soon with FREE downloads (including this resource) available! Register your interest now and be first in line for significant early bird discounts at https://alphabetlearning.online
Missing numbers to 5 - Five Brown Bottles

Missing numbers to 5 - Five Brown Bottles

What’s included? This download includes two A4, portrait pdf sheet to practise ordering numbers to 5. Two versions of the same resource are included - full colour and ink saving. What’s it for? This resource provides learners with the opportunity to identify missing numbers to five and has been designed to be a independent activity for learners to work on. This resource could also be used with individuals/small groups who need additional support of ordering numbers to 5. Who’s it for? This resource has been designed for early years children, pupils in years one and two as well as older students needing additional learning support. Resource details Five brown bottles (correctly ordered!) at the top of each sheet are included as a reference for learners who need that additional support. However, this visual support can be folded back, behind the sheet (out of sight) if learners are more able and don’t need this support/need challenging. There is a clear space at the base of each sheet for learners to write their name and a space (top, right) to record the number date. Part of a set This resource has been designed as part of a differentiated set which also includes ‘Missing numbers to 10’ (green bottle themed) https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/missing-numbers-to-10-ten-green-bottles-13215415 and ‘Missing numbers to 20’ (blue bottle themed) https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/missing-numbers-to-20-twenty-blue-bottles-13215429 Together these can be used as a whole class set https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13215455 Important message… ANY issues with any of this please don’t hesitate to let me know - I am happy to make changes. Feedback of this resource would be great - thank you! New online service coming soon with FREE downloads (including this resource) available! Register your interest now and be first in line for significant early bird discounts at https://alphabetlearning.online
Missing numbers to 20 - Twenty Blue Bottles

Missing numbers to 20 - Twenty Blue Bottles

What’s included? This download includes two A4, portrait pdf sheet to practise ordering numbers to 20. Two versions of the same resource are included - full colour and ink saving. What’s it for? This resource provides learners with the opportunity to identify missing numbers to twenty and has been designed to be a independent activity for learners to work on. This resource could also be used with individuals/small groups who need additional support of ordering numbers to 20. Who’s it for? This resource has been designed for early years children, pupils in years one and two as well as older students needing additional learning support. Resource details Twenty blue bottles (correctly ordered!) at the top of each sheet are included as a reference for learners who need that additional support. However, this visual support can be folded back, behind the sheet (out of sight) if learners are more able and don’t need this support/need challenging. There is a clear space at the base of each sheet for learners to write their name and a space (top, right) to record the number date. Part of a set This resource has been designed as part of a differentiated set which also includes ‘Missing numbers to 5’ (brown bottle themed) https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/missing-numbers-to-5-five-brown-bottles-13215435 and ‘Missing numbers to 10’ (green bottle themed) https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/missing-numbers-to-10-ten-green-bottles-13215415 Together these can be used as a whole class set https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13215455 Important message… ANY issues with any of this please don’t hesitate to let me know - I am happy to make changes. Feedback of this resource would be great - thank you! New online service coming soon with FREE downloads (including this resource) available! Register your interest now and be first in line for significant early bird discounts at https://alphabetlearning.online
Missing numbers to 10 - Ten Green Bottles

Missing numbers to 10 - Ten Green Bottles

What’s included? This download includes two A4, portrait pdf sheet to practise ordering numbers to 10. Two versions of the same resource are included - full colour and ink saving. What’s it for? This resource provides learners with the opportunity to identify missing numbers to ten and has been designed to be a independent activity for learners to work on. This resource could also be used with individuals/small groups who need additional support of ordering numbers to 10. Who’s it for? This resource has been designed for early years children, pupils in years one and two as well as older students needing additional learning support. Resource details Ten green bottles (correctly ordered!) at the top of each sheet are included as a reference for learners who need that additional support. However, this visual support can be folded back, behind the sheet (out of sight) if learners are more able and don’t need this support/need challenging. There is a clear space at the base of each sheet for learners to write their name and a space (top, right) to record the number date. Part of a set This resource has been designed as part of a differentiated set which also includes ‘Missing numbers to 5’ (brown bottle themed) https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/missing-numbers-to-5-five-brown-bottles-13215435 and ‘Missing numbers to 20’ (blue bottle themed) https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/missing-numbers-to-20-twenty-blue-bottles-13215429 Together these can be used as a whole class set https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13215455 Important message… ANY issues with any of this please don’t hesitate to let me know - I am happy to make changes. Feedback of this resource would be great - thank you! New online service coming soon with FREE downloads (including this resource) available! Register your interest now and be first in line for significant early bird discounts at https://alphabetlearning.online
Ten Green Bottles Count and order to 10

Ten Green Bottles Count and order to 10

What’s included? This download includes one A4, landscape pdf sheet to practise counting objects and ordering numbers to 10. What is it? This download includes ten clearly numbered green bottles, to support the well known song/rhyme. This sheet is intended to be printed onto card, cut out (individual bottles) and laminated to improve durability (and usability!) What’s it for? These green bottles are intended to be hands on, visual props to support the song/rhyme as well as resources to physically count and order to 10 (and back). Who’s it for? This resource has been designed for early years children, pupils in years one and two as well as older students needing additional learning support. How to use this resource This has been designed to be a ‘table top’ activity for learners to explore independently. This resource could also be used on a suitable board/wall by placing blue tac/velcro/sticky magnetic strip on the back of each bottle to display and move, count and order. Learners can count the number of green bottles and order these while saying/singing the rhyme, independently or as part of a group/class. Two blank spare cards are included incase any bottles become lost/damaged. This resource has designed for an adult to pre-cut all items and present to learners as an activity ready to investigate and explore. Important message… ANY issues with any of this please don’t hesitate to let me know - I am happy to make changes. Feedback of this resource would be great - thank you! New online service coming soon with FREE downloads (including this resource) available! Register your interest now and be first in line for significant early bird discounts at https://alphabetlearning.online
Number bonds to 5 matching Easter Eggs

Number bonds to 5 matching Easter Eggs

What’s included? This download includes two A4 pages (portrait orientation) pdf format. These resources have been designed to use together. Who’s it for? This resource has been designed for early years and pupils in year one as well as older students needing additional learning support. What’s it for? This resource is an Easter themed ‘hands on’ way to explore and consolidate knowledge of number bonds to 5. Each egg (page 1) once assembled displays the correct number bond on the reverse encouraging learners to be autonomous while they work. Page 2 provides a space to record and check the number bond pairs Resource details An adult will need to prepare this resource prior to use. This resource needs plain A4 white card to print on (one sheet per set) scissors a glue stick *paper scorer *ruler *Prior to folding the eggs it is advisable to use a round metal (ball-head) paper scorer and a ruler to draw a scored line (where indicated in the centre of each egg pair) to make folding quicker, easier and more accurate. The large size 50 ‘Avenir’ font makes the numbers easy to read. How to use it Pages 1 and 2 Print both sheet onto card (paper would be too flimsy for intended use) and follow the instructions included. Page 1 - once Easter eggs have been cut out and assembled, shuffle and place on a table top for learners to match - make sure all eggs have the same colour facing up to begin. Learners then match each number bond pair e.g. ‘5’ with ‘0’. If a learner is unsure which number e.g. ‘5’ should be matched with they can turn the number ‘5’ egg that they are holding to look for the answer displayed on the back of the egg. This encourages learners to be autonomous when working, enabling them to do this activity on their own. Page 2 - once learners have matched the number bonds to 5 Easter eggs into pairs they place these onto the egg outline shapes. Learners then write the number bonds onto the egg outlines (on the horizontal line provided) and for each egg number written they colour/tick this number of tiny Easter egg outline shapes above for both eggs. This enables learners to check that each pair of Easter eggs (together) makes 5. A ‘Number bonds to 5 checker’ is included at the base of the sheet to support learners in checking each number bond pair together makes 5. A blank space is included in the centre of each egg shape for the numerals 1 - 5 to be written if helpful for learners though blank should be fine for the purpose of counting. Important message… ANY issues with any of this please don’t hesitate to let me know - I am happy to make changes. Feedback would be wonderful! Thank you! New online service coming soon with FREE downloads (including this resource) available! Register your interest now and be first in line for significant early bird discounts at https://alphabetlearning.online
Introducing tally marks and tallying - Data Handling

Introducing tally marks and tallying - Data Handling

What’s included? This download includes x4 A4, portrait pdf sheets in black and white and colour. Who’s it for? This resource has been designed for early years children, pupils in years one and two as well as older students needing additional learning support. What’s it for? This resource has been designed to introduce learners to tallying - how to record tally marks carefully and correctly as well as providing an opportunity to both read and write their own tallies (on page 4). This resource has been created as an introduction to ‘tallying’ prior to working on a data handling activity. Recording accurate tally marks is a key part of data handling and an essential skill to record data correctly. It is important that learners are given an opportunity to practise tallying, ready to use the skill in a real-life activity situation. Resource Details The first x3 pages introduce tallying in a step-by-step way, showing learners what a ‘tally’ is, what it is used for and how to write tally marks correctly to record an accurate amount/score. The last, page 4, provides an opportunity for learners to read five tallies and write the total (up to 23) as well as record the correct number of tallies for five numbers (up to 24). Pages 1 to 3 have been designed for an adult to go through with a learner/group of learners in a step-by-step way. Page 1 Learners are introduced to what ‘tallying’ and a ‘tally mark’ is and how tallies are written. Page one clearly shows how tallies one to four are written and how the fifth tally mark is written differently. Page 2 Learners are introduced to ‘tallies’ being written as groups of five and introduces learners to how to write tally marks up to 10, providing an opportunity for learners to write their own tally marks to 10. Page 3 Learners are introduced to how to write tally marks up to 20, providing an opportunity for learners to write their own tally marks to 10 again - this time beginning at a ‘starting dot’ for each tally and tracing over the grey lines to write the tally marks correctly. Page 4 This has also been designed learners to practise reading and writing tally marks. Learners are to record the total number of tallies (writing the number) and record their own tally marks for each number provided. Important message… ANY issues with any of this please don’t hesitate to let me know - I am happy to make changes. Feedback of this resource would be wonderful! Thank you! New online service coming soon with FREE downloads (including this resource) available! Register your interest and be first in line for significant early bird discounts at https://alphabetlearning.online
Number bonds to 10 (Random order) Post vans

Number bonds to 10 (Random order) Post vans

What’s included? This download includes two A4 pages (landscape orientation) with x10 number bonds to 10 (in random order) themed around postal delivery. What’s it for? This resource has been designed to practise knowledge of number bonds to 10. The number bonds have been arranged in random order and without numbers (on the vans) making this more challenging than my other very similar item available in my TES shop. Who’s it for? This resource has been designed for early years and Year 1 pupils as well as perhaps some children in year two or students needing additional learning support. Resource Details Page 1 In the upper section there is a row of ten tower blocks with a numbered main door. In the middle and lower section are two rows of five postal vans, each with a number and that same number of letters (envelopes). The learner is to match each number on the postal vans with the number of the tower block by drawing a line to connect each number bond pair (which makes 10). Page 2 Shows all number bonds matched (the answers) clearly displayed in the same layout (as page 1) for easy comparison and quick reference. Resource details This PDF has been designed to print and use as practical write-on resource, it could be laminated to enable reuse. Lines can be drawn on the sheet (and wiped off if laminated) using a ruler to show accurate matching. The numbers on the doors of the tower blocks are size 14 ‘Avenir’ font. The headings are ‘Sassoon Infant Std’ font, size 16. Important message ANY issues with any of this please don’t hesitate to let me know - I am happy to make changes. Feedback would be great, thank you! New online service coming soon with FREE downloads (including this resource) available! Register your interest now and be first in line for significant early bird discounts at https://alphabetlearning.online
Number bonds to 10 (in order) Post vans

Number bonds to 10 (in order) Post vans

What’s included? This download includes two A4 pages (landscape orientation) with x10 number bonds to 10 (in order) themed around postal delivery. What’s it for? This resource has been designed to practise knowledge of number bonds to 10. The number bonds have been arranged in order and the vans ARE numbered making this version more supported than my other very similar (more challenging) resource available in my TES shop. Who’s it for? This resource has been designed for early years and Year 1 pupils as well as perhaps some children in year two or students needing additional learning support. Resource Details Page 1 In the upper section there is a row of ten tower blocks with a numbered main door. In the middle and lower section are two rows of five postal vans, each with a number and that same number of letters (envelopes). The learner is to match each number on the postal vans with the number of the tower block by drawing a line to connect each number bond pair (which makes 10). Page 2 Shows all number bonds matched (the answers) clearly displayed in the same layout (as page 1) for easy comparison and quick reference. Resource details This PDF has been designed to print and use as practical write-on resource, it could be laminated to enable reuse. Lines can be drawn on the sheet (and wiped off if laminated) using a ruler to show accurate matching. The numbers on the doors of the tower blocks are size 14 ‘Avenir’ font. The headings are ‘Sassoon Infant Std’ font, size 16. Important message ANY issues with any of this please don’t hesitate to let me know - I am happy to make changes. Feedback would be great, thank you! New online service coming soon with FREE downloads (including this resource) available! Register your interest now and be first in line for significant early bird discounts at https://alphabetlearning.online
Number bonds to 5 (in order) Camper vans/cars

Number bonds to 5 (in order) Camper vans/cars

What’s included? This download includes two A4 pages (landscape orientation) with x10 number bonds to 5 sums (in order) in pdf format. The answers (page 2) are in the same layout for easy comparison. What’s it for? This resource has been designed to practise knowledge of number bonds to 5. The number bonds have been arranged in order and the vans ARE numbered making this version more supported than my other very similar (more challenging) resource available in my TES shop. Who’s it for? This resource has been designed for early years and Year 1 pupils as well as perhaps some children in year two or students needing additional learning support. Resource Details Page 1 In the upper section the learner is to match the numbers on the camper vans - drawing a line to connect each number bond pair which makes 5. In the lower section the learner is to match the numbers on the cars, drawing a line between the two cars which - together - make a total of five. Page 2 Shows all number bonds matched (the answers) clearly displayed in the same layout (as page 1) for easy comparison and quick reference. Resource details This PDF has been designed to print and use as practical write-on resource, it could be laminated to enable reuse. Lines can be drawn on the sheet (and wiped off if laminated) using a ruler to show accurate matching. The numbers are size 16 ‘Avenir’ font (at the smallest - on the cars), the headings (and camper van numbers) are ‘Sassoon Infant Std’ font, size 20. Important message ANY issues with any of this please don’t hesitate to let me know - I am happy to make changes. Feedback would be great, thank you! New online service coming soon with FREE downloads (including this resource) available! Register your interest now and be first in line for significant early bird discounts at https://alphabetlearning.online
Number bonds to 5 (in order) Diggers

Number bonds to 5 (in order) Diggers

What’s included? This download includes two A4 pages (landscape orientation) showing x10 number bonds to 5 sums (in order) in pdf format. The answers (page 2) are in the same layout for easy comparison. What’s it for? This resource has been designed to practise knowledge of number bonds to 5. The number bonds have been arranged in order and the vans ARE numbered making this version more supported than my other very similar (more challenging) resource available in my TES shop. Who’s it for? This resource has been designed for early years and Year 1 pupils as well as perhaps some children in year two or students needing additional learning support. Resource Details Page 1 On the left the learner is to match the number on the top of the digger with the matching number of rocks (towards the centre line) - drawing a line (from the ‘hole’ dots) to connect each number bond pair which makes 5. On the right the learner is to match the number on the top of the digger with the number of cones (towards the centre line) which - together - make a total of five. Page 2 Shows all number bonds matched (the answers) clearly displayed in the same layout (as page 1) for easy comparison and quick reference. Resource details This PDF has been designed to print and use as practical write-on resource, it could be laminated to enable reuse. Lines can be drawn on the sheet (and wiped off if laminated) using a ruler to show accurate matching. The numbers are size 16 ‘Avenir’ font, the headings are ‘Sassoon Infant Std’ font, size 20. Recommendations If physical support materials are helpful to use as well small objects could be placed in each box such as small coloured matchsticks (if these are not deemed a choking hazard for little learner/s). Once the correct number of matchsticks/objects have been counted out into the boxes and the learner is content with ‘how many are needed to make 5’ the learner is to draw a line connecting the two numbers for each number bond which (together) make 5. Important message ANY issues with any of this please don’t hesitate to let me know - I am happy to make changes. Feedback would be great, thank you! New online service coming soon with FREE downloads (including this resource) available! Register your interest now and be first in line for significant early bird discounts at https://alphabetlearning.online
Number bonds to 5 (in order) Vans/taxis

Number bonds to 5 (in order) Vans/taxis

What’s included? This download includes two A4 pages (landscape orientation) with x10 number bonds to 5 sums (in order) in pdf format. The answers (page 2) are in the same layout for easy comparison. What’s it for? This resource has been designed to practise knowledge of number bonds to 5. The number bonds have been arranged in order and the vans ARE numbered making this version more supported than my other very similar (more challenging) resource available in my TES shop. Who’s it for? This resource has been designed for early years and Year 1 pupils as well as perhaps some children in year two or students needing additional learning support. Resource Details Page 1 In the upper section the learner is to match the number on each house window with the number on the 'moving house’ van - drawing a line (from the ‘door handle’ dots on the house to the black dot on each moving van above the number) to connect each number bond pair which makes 5. In the lower section the learner is to match the number on the taxi with the number on the taxi rank sign which - together - make a total of five. Page 2 Shows all number bonds matched (the answers) clearly displayed in the same layout (as page 1) for easy comparison and quick reference. Resource details This PDF has been designed to print and use as practical write-on resource, it could be laminated to enable reuse. Lines can be drawn on the sheet (and wiped off if laminated) using a ruler to show accurate matching. The numbers are size 16 ‘Avenir’ font, the headings are ‘Sassoon Infant Std’ font, size 20. Recommendations If physical support materials are helpful to use as well small objects could be placed in each box such as small coloured matchsticks (if these are not deemed a choking hazard for little learner/s). Once the correct number of matchsticks/objects have been counted out into the boxes and the learner is content with ‘how many are needed to make 5’ the learner is to draw a line connecting the two numbers for each number bond which (together) make 5. Important message ANY issues with any of this please don’t hesitate to let me know - I am happy to make changes. Feedback would be great, thank you! New online service coming soon with FREE downloads (including this resource) available! Register your interest now and be first in line for significant early bird discounts at https://alphabetlearning.online
Wordsearch Weather words

Wordsearch Weather words

What’s included? This download includes two pages (x2 A4 sheets, portrait orientation as a pdf) featuring one ‘weather words’ wordsearch (page 1). The answers (on page 2) clearly show where all words are hidden, displayed in the same layout (as page 1) for easy comparison and quick reference. Who’s it for? This wordsearch has been designed for pupils the early years, in years one and two, as well as students needing additional learning support. What’s it for? This resource has been designed to encourage and support young learners with reading common colour names. There are x24 words to find - a lot ! This simple, clear resource has been carefully designed to encourage young learners with reading common weather words. Resource layout The word search letters are arranged in a x10 by x10 square grid and featuring easy to read size 25 ‘Sassoon Infant Std’ font. The weather words have been organised into four groups of six, clearly showing all hidden words below the wordsearch. As said, there are x24 words to find in total. These words are hidden horizontally (forwards and backwards), vertically (up as well as down) and diagonally (forwards and backwards). Words to find are; cold, frost, hail, ice, snow, sleet, cool, cloud, damp, drizzle, mist, shower, hot, dry, wet, rainbow, rain, sun, warm, fog, lightening, storm, thunder and wind. Recommendations I recommend that learners use a ‘highlighter’ style pen when finding the hidden words as highlighters enable all letters to remain visible once each word has been identified. Some letters have been used more than once (for different words) so all letters need to remain visible (if words are instead ‘crossed out’ this makes the letters harder to read and identify). This wordsearch may be printed and laminated to be reused. Important message… ANY issues with any of this please don’t hesitate to let me know - I am happy to make changes. Feedback would be great - thank you! New online service coming soon with FREE downloads (including this resource) available! Register your interest now and be first in line for significant early bird discounts at https://alphabetlearning.online
Wordsearch Question words (from high frequency word list)

Wordsearch Question words (from high frequency word list)

What’s included? This download includes two pages (x2 A4 sheets, portrait orientation) featuring one ‘question words’ wordsearch (page 1). The answers (on page 2) clearly show where all words are hidden, displayed in the same layout (as page 1) for easy comparison and quick reference. Who’s it for? This wordsearch has been designed for pupils in years one and two and maybe the early years, as well as students needing additional learning support. What’s it for? This resource has been designed to encourage and support young learners with reading ‘high frequency’ key words. There are x24 words to find - a lot ! Resource layout The wordsearch letters are arranged in a x10 by x10 square grid and featuring easy to read size 25 ‘Sassoon Infant Std’ font. The question words have been organised into four groups of six, clearly showing all hidden words below the wordsearch. As said, there are x24 words to find in total. These words are hidden horizontally (forwards and backwards), vertically (up as well as down) and diagonally (forwards and backwards). Words to find are; can, are, could, should, would, why, do, don’t, did, is, will, must, have, how, who, has, was, may, what, when, were, where, which and whose. Recommendations I recommend that learners use a ‘highlighter’ style pen when finding the hidden words as highlighters enable all letters to remain visible once each word has been identified. Some letters have been used more than once (for different words) so all letters need to remain visible (if words are instead ‘crossed out’ this makes the letters harder to read and identify). This wordsearch may be printed and laminated to be reused. Important message… ANY issues with any of this please don’t hesitate to let me know - I am happy to make changes. Feedback would be great - thank you! New online service coming soon with FREE downloads (including this resource) available! Register your interest now and be first in line for significant early bird discounts at https://alphabetlearning.online
Data Handling - Favourite Colour Investigation

Data Handling - Favourite Colour Investigation

What’s included? This download includes two sets of three A4, portrait pdf sheets ( a black and white AND colour version) to investigate which colour is each pupil’s favourite (designed for a class of 30 - up to 32 spaces available). Learners transfer the information collected to a clear, simple bar chart and answering questions about this. Who’s it for? This resource has been designed for pupils in years one and two as well as older students needing additional learning support. Resource Details There are x3 sheets in total for the B&W AND colour set. Page 1 is to be used in landscape orientation (to collect the data using the tally system). Pages 2 and 3 are both to be used in portrait orientation. Page 2 is designed to use the data collected on the tally chart (on page 1) to create a block graph to present this information. Page 3 asks questions related to the data collected and recorded on pages 1 and 2. The ‘colour’ version has been designed to make the meaning even clearer to learners, especially when plotting the bar chart and recording the colour names in answers to the questions on page 3. Spellings for all colours are clearly displayed at the top (of page 3). Page 1 Learners are to ask up to x32 people ‘What is your favourite colour?’ recording each response using the tally system. For learners who are new to/less familiar with 'how to tally’ - tallying is modelled on the right side of page 2. To begin at the top of page 1 is a space to record ‘how many pupils’ are present (in class) that day to question. Once the data has been collected the number of tallies for each colour can be counted. The total of all colour groups can be added together to check if the same number of people identified as being present and available to ask ‘What is your favourite colour?’ matches the number of tally marks actually recorded. An important lesson in careful, accurate data collection. There is a space for two additional colours to be written if needed (in the boxes on the right side of the tally chart). Page 2 Using the information recorded on page 1 learners then transfer this information to the simple, clear bar chart presented on page 2. Learners colour the same number of ‘coloured boxes’ for the number of tallies recorded for each favourite colour. There is space on the bar chart for up to 32 people (for each colour group). There is also a space to record the data collected for up to two additional colours (on the right side of the bar chart) if needed. Page 3 The questions on page 3 link to the information collected/recorded on pages 1 and 2. There is also an opportunity to practise both reading a tally and recording the correct number this shows and recording a number as a tally. New online service coming soon with FREE downloads (including this resource) available! Register your interest and be first in line for significant early bird discounts at https://alphabetlearning.online
Game - 'Number bonds to 10' Two players

Game - 'Number bonds to 10' Two players

This is a simple, easy to play game to reinforce number bonds to 10 knowledge in a fun, easy way. Designed for Y1 and Y2, suitable for Reception aged children. This is a two player game so ideal for a parent and child or support assistant and individual child needing some extra help in remembering these number bonds. I have used this successfully online but have adapted it here so that it can be played at a table/desk…or on the floor! Everything needed to play this simple game is included in the pdf and the instructions are clearly printed on the game. Of course these can be adapted to suit each learner as long as it is fun and they are learning thats the key thing! Important message… ANY issues with any of this resource please don’t hesitate to let me know - I am happy to make changes.Feedback of this resource would be brilliant. Thank you! New online service coming soon with FREE downloads (including this resource) available! Register your interest now and be first in line for significant early bird discounts at https://alphabetlearning.online
One more AND one less fruit (to 10)

One more AND one less fruit (to 10)

What’s included? This download includes two A4, portrait sheets to practise counting up to x10 items (fruit), writing the total number and recording ’one more’ OR ‘one less’ for each. Who’s it for? This resource has been designed for children in the early years, pupils in year one as well as older students needing additional learning support. Resource Details The sheet is organised into five different coloured (fruit) groups, each group has less than 10 objects (fruit) in total. Learners count each group in turn, write the total amount of fruit and then add (either mentally or by ‘drawing’ one more fruit) and writing the number - which is ‘one more’ OR ‘one less’. There is a clear space to record the number date at the top right of the sheet and for learners to write their name (lower left). Important message… ANY issues with any of this resource please don’t hesitate to let me know - I am happy to make changes. Feedback of this resource would be brilliant. Thank you! New online service coming soon with FREE downloads (including this resource) available! Register your interest now and be first in line for significant early bird discounts at https://alphabetlearning.online
Counting in 2’s with socks! Up to 48/96

Counting in 2’s with socks! Up to 48/96

What’s included? This download includes three portrait orientation sheets to practise ‘counting in 2’s’ using pairs of socks as a helpful visual guide. Both resources are the same layout and design. One resource (one sheet) counts in 2’s up to 48. The other resource counts in 2’s up to 96 (across two sheets). Who’s it for? This resource has been designed for early years children, pupils in years one and two as well as older students needing additional learning support. What’s it for? This resource is to practise counting in 2’s (up to 48/96) and record these numbers in writing. Resource Details There is a clear space for each learner to write their name on the left of each page (vertically) and a space to record the number date (top right). Resource 1 ‘Counting in 2’s (up to 48)’ This resource is organised as x4 columns and x6 rows. There is a ‘0’ outside of the grid - learners begin by writing ‘2’. The largest number to write is ’48’. Each row includes one random ‘helping number’ to help keep learners on track as they count. The ‘helping numbers’ included are 6, 10, 20, 32, 36 and 42. Resource 2 ‘Counting in 2’s (up to 96)’ This resource is organised as x4 columns and x6 rows, repeated across both pages. There is a ‘0’ outside of the grid - learners begin by writing ‘2’. The last number to write is ’94’. Each row includes one random ‘helping number’ to help keep learners on track as they count in 2’s. The ‘helping numbers’ included are 6, 10, 20, 32, 36 and 42, 50, 60, 66, 78, 84 and 96. Important message… ANY issues with any of this resource please don’t hesitate to let me know - I am happy to make changes. Feedback of this resource would be brilliant. Thank you! **New online service coming soon with FREE downloads (including this resource) available!
Counting in 2s to 100/200 Socks with Recap Questions

Counting in 2s to 100/200 Socks with Recap Questions

What’s included? This download includes two resources (x8 sheets) to practise ‘counting in 2’s’ up to 100 AND 200, using pairs of socks as a helpful visual guide. Who’s it for? This resource has been designed for early years children, pupils in years one and two as well as older students needing additional learning support. Resource Details Resource 1 Counting in 2’s up to 100 The layout of pages 1 - 2 includes x4 rows and x6 columns of boxes each with pairs of socks from 0 to 100 (counting in 2’s). Page 3 includes x5 sets of recap questions - pairs of socks hanging on a washing line. Each set of recap questions is a different colour. Each row includes one random ‘helping number’ to help keep learners on track as they count in 2’s. The ‘helping numbers’ included are 6, 22, 28, 44, 50, 70, 76, 92. There is a clear space for each learner to write their name on the left of every page (left, vertically pages 1 and 2, horizontally on page 3). There is also a space to record the number date (top right, pages 1 and 2 / top, left and vertically page 3). Resource 2 Counting in 2’s up to 200 The layout of pages 1 - 4 includes x4 rows and x6 columns of boxes each with pairs of socks from 0 to 100 (counting in 2’s). Page 5 includes x4 sets of recap questions - pairs of socks hanging on a washing line. Each set of recap questions is a different colour. Each row includes one random ‘helping number’ to help keep learners on track as they count in 2’s. The ‘helping numbers’ included are 6, 22, 28, 44, 50, 70, 76, 92, 100, 110, 130, 138, 150, 160, 174, 188 and 200. There is a clear space for each learner to write their name on the left of every page (left, vertically pages 1-4, horizontally on page 5). There is also a space to record the number date (top right). Important message… ANY issues with any of this resource please don’t hesitate to let me know - I am happy to make changes. Feedback of this resource would be brilliant. Thank you! New online service coming soon with FREE downloads (including this resource) available! Register your interest now and be first in line for significant early bird discounts at https://alphabetlearning.online
Time Hours/numbers on a clock cut/stick

Time Hours/numbers on a clock cut/stick

What’s included? This download includes x2 pages, portrait orientation, in pdf format. This resource features a large clock face with line indications of where the clock numbers should be placed (but not in which order). The numbers to 12 are positioned below the clock face - ready to cut out (with dotted lines to guide cutting). There is one extension question - which involves cutting out the ‘hour’ and ‘minute’ hands (at the top of page 2) and placing these on the completed clock face to show ‘3 o’clock’. The answers (the completed clock face) are displayed at the end of page 2 for learners to self-check how they got on. Clear, simple visual instructions of what to do are included on the sheet. Who’s it for? This ‘hours on a clock’ resource has been designed for early years and pupils in years one and two. This resource is also ideal for learners with additional learning needs. Resource layout The numbers on the clock are size 50 ‘Sassoon Infant Std’ font and the text on the clock ‘hands’ is the same font, size 18. Recommendations This PDF have been designed to print and use as practical cut/stick resource. It could be laminated (and the numbers cut out with velcro style dots on the back and clock face) to enable reuse and improve durability. Important message… ANY issues with any of this resource please don’t hesitate to let me know - I am happy to make changes. Feedback of this resource would be brilliant. Thank you! New online service coming soon with FREE downloads (including this resource) available! Register your interest now and be first in line for significant early bird discounts at https://alphabetlearning.online