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Back to School Africa Project year 5 Geography History Art Fun Activities

Back to School Africa Project year 5 Geography History Art Fun Activities

Some great planning for a project on Africa. Best spread over a half term. A little and often Maybe you could do an assembly? Fun activities. Make a mask Make a dance Climate and history and social science covered. Start off with this: So how much do you really know about Africa? Begin with a quick question and answer session on Africa to ascertain how much the class already know, for example: Is Africa a continent or a country? Is it an island? Is the equator near Africa? What animals do they associate with Africa? Watch the ‘Challenge the Stereotypes’ video after going through the questions Class Input – Has anyone been to Africa? Using a map of Africa (visualiser, cut out, atlas?) ask children to come and label the places they have been in Africa and say 3 sentences about the area. Challenge – How many countries can children label on the map in Africa? Show students a map of Africa. Explain how it is one continent that has 54 countries. Find the UK on the map, discuss the differences in location, size etc. Explain that they are going to be finding out about Africa and looking into its problems and their solutions over the next half term. Think/Pair Share: Discuss where in Africa you might go as a tourist and why? Did they know Egypt was part of Africa? Explain to the chn that Africa is so rich in its culture that the Earth’s oldest known stone tools (2,400,000 BCE) and first known species: homo erectus (1,900,000 BCE) and humans/homo-sapiens (200,000 BCE) inhabited Africa before any other continent! So genetic evidence suggests we all originate from a species in Africa This lesson should highlight the minimal amount we know about Africa and encourage chn to find out more about the continent, the coutries and the culture over the coming weeks.
Geography Water Planning Unit Biology Africa Care For The Environment

Geography Water Planning Unit Biology Africa Care For The Environment

A great unit looking at our dependence on water. Lots of ideas and planning. Great for a project or a focus week. Interesting powerpoints. Focus on Africa and the droughts over there. sample ideas.planning Session 1 10/10/05 · to obtain information from maps and an atlas · about world weather patterns · about physical and human features · I can find the wettest places in the world · I can mark the main deserts of the world on a map · I can use the laptop to draw temperature and rainfall graphs for different countries M: Identify the wettest places in the world S: Locate the main deserts on map C: Draw temperature and rainfall graphs for different countries Multimap for looking at maps/photos Excel for rainfall graphs Homework project for 2 weeks – Comparing use of water (LCP pg 167) Session 2 12/10/05 · to make maps and plans · to use secondary sources · to investigate water supply at local and world scales · I can think of 3 different ways to allow water to move around school