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Exit Tickets - Simply Statistics

Exit Tickets - Simply Statistics

I give this to the students (printed in A4 or A5 depending on how much room they need) at the end of the lesson to assess an overview of the lesson. I mark it as soon as I can (ha) and it allows me to spot any misconceptions. The last question is a challenge one to push the most able students. This is all of the statistic tickets that I have created, I will add more as I create them!
Fractions and % Knowledge Organiser - Year 8 White Rose

Fractions and % Knowledge Organiser - Year 8 White Rose

Using inspiration from @whisto-maths on twitter, I created a knowledge organiser for the Year 8, Spring Term, Block 3 topic on Fractions and Percentages. It breaks down what they need to know, the key words and examples for each of the small steps. It is quite example heavy.
iGCSE Cambridge Number Help Sheets

iGCSE Cambridge Number Help Sheets

Due to lockdown, I started creating iGCSE revision sheets for my current Year 9 group who are studying the 0580 course. These are to help them revise and so that they are not forced to create notes whilst juggling teams.