You will need the Oxford AQA GCSE textbook for Germany 1890-1945 for these lessons
Lesson 1 - timeline - putting together an overview of the timeline of the period
Lesson 2 - What was Germany like before the First World War?
Lesson on Kindertransport and how it affected the Jewish refugees
Also available in a SOW bundle here:
Exploring the lives of West Indians when they came to Britain in 1948
Also available in a SOW bundle here:
Complete lesson with resources (apart from the model answer about the Pilgrimage of grace as it's AQA material. You can find the answer on their website).
A brand new scheme of work that is focussing our Year 8s more on future GCSE style content (specifically AQA new GCSE Migration, Empires and the People)
L2 - How did the English start taking over America? Includes the settlement at Jamestown and meeting the Native Americans
L3 - Pocahontas - separating fact from fiction
L5 - Autumn assessment
L6 - Asssessment feedback
L7 - Why was there piracy in the Caribbean?
L8 - Why did the English take over Ireland?
L9 - Why did the Huegenots flee France?
L10 - Why were English convicts sent to Australia?
L11 - Why did Americans fight back against the British?
L12 - Why did the English lose the colonies in America?
All lessons include the necessary worksheets and ppts.
Note - am not going mad - L1 and L4 are not there as they were created by another TES author so didn't want to get paid for someone else's work!
A three hour lesson that examines the impact of Henry's dealing with Elizabeth Barton and the Carthusian monks, as well as change and continuity in the Church by 1536.
You will need the Oxford AQA History Religious Conflict and the Church of England textbook.
L1 - Intro and timeline
L2 - Background to Anglo-Saxon England
L3 - Succession crisis 1066
L4 - Claimants to the throne
L5 - Stamford Bridge
L6 - Battle of Hastings
L7 - How did William take control p1
L8 - How did William take control p2
L10 - Feudalism and governnment
All lessons include powerpoints and extra resources (key words, card sorts, sources) where applicable.
Main textbook - Norman England (Red cover) by Helena Clarke. Additional material from pink British Depth Studies by Tim Williams and Aaron Wilkes.
I will put up p2 of the sow when it's finished.
A lesson about the reformist and conservatives factions, and pressures from abroad/Henry's foreign policy.
You'll need the Oxford AQA A level book Religious Conflict and the Church in England
A lesson examining the events of the Christmas Truce. It includes the Sainsburys Christmas Truce advert as a point of debate, as well as writing a letter home about the Christmas truce.
Lessons included:
Piracy in the caribbean and the impact
Why the Huguenots left France and the impact on Britain
English colonisation in Ireland - case study of massacre at Drogheda
Why were English convicts sent to Australia and the impact of this
Part of my ongoing Scheme of Work for the New AQA GCSE.
If the powerpoints refer to page numbers, it is either the blue AQA Health and The People (Hodder Education) or OCR GCSE History A SHP textbook (red).
The Black Death
Middle Ages - Pulling it all together
Pare and Harvey
Dealing with Disease
Surgery and Nursing
Early Modern Britain - Pulling it all together
Germ Theory
A Revolution in Surgery
How did Public Health Improve
The Discovery of Penicillin
Modern Medicine
Modern Surgery
How did public health reforms (liberal reforms - adapted from a brilliant resource on TES)
What is the answer to public health
Conclusion and Review
Important note: Some of these resources will have been partly adapted by other excellent resources on TES - I can't remember the authors, otherwise I would credit them! (Most particularly for Vaccination).