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Mr D's drama store

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I have been working in education for the last twelve years across a variety of subjects but specialising in drama and the performing arts. I have uploaded a variety of schemes of work that will take around six hours to deliver and I hope you enjoy using them in your classroom as much as I have!




I have been working in education for the last twelve years across a variety of subjects but specialising in drama and the performing arts. I have uploaded a variety of schemes of work that will take around six hours to deliver and I hope you enjoy using them in your classroom as much as I have!
Missing Dan Nolan scheme of work.

Missing Dan Nolan scheme of work.

An excellent KS3 resource for drama on Missing Dan Nolan by Mark Wheeler with a complete and ready to go fourteen lesson SOW which includes all additional worksheets. If you purchase this scheme of work, you get access to (enter number) lesson powerpoints with around 80 to 100 slides over the complete SOW that help students to access and succeed at the fourteen core outcomes which are designed for this module. In this fourteen lesson SOW students will learn about: Lesson one: In this lesson students learn to read section one of the play Missing Dan Nolan and identify specific stylistic features in this scene. Lesson two: In this lesson students learn to use techniques such as role play, mime, slow motion and freeze frames to explore section two and three from Missing Dan Nolan to further our understanding of this play text. Lesson three: In this lesson students learn to develop a deeper understanding of the character of Greg in section four and five of Missing Dan Nolan through using techniques such as inner monologues that educate the audience about Dan’s disappearance. Lesson four: In this lesson students learn to select key moments from the plot of Missing Dan Nolan from section five and six to understand the disappearance of Dan Nolan. Lesson five: In this lesson students learn to understand the context and themes contained within the play Missing Dan Nolan and begin to discuss initial group ideas for their assessment next week. Lesson six: In this lesson students demonstrate their chosen extract from Missing Dan Nolan for their midterm assessment that examines their creating, performing and evaluating skills. Lesson seven: In this lesson students learn to develop a clear understanding of Frantic Assemblies work through a technique called chair duets that will allow the audience to understand the relationship between two characters from the play Missing Dan Nolan. Lesson eight: In this lesson students learn to begin the process of selecting and casting their chosen extract from Missing Dan Nolan ready for their end of unit assessment with a particular focus on the different areas of the stage and how to avoid upstaging, crossing and clearing upon their stage space. Lesson nine: In this lesson students learn to maintain or sustain their chosen character for their chosen extract from Missing Dan Nolan through using the four pillars of drama, creating a roll on the wall and hot seating. Lesson ten: In this lesson students learn to develop a directorial intention, understand their set design and rehearse their extract from Missing Dan Nolan in preparation for their final performance.
Technical theatre scheme of work.

Technical theatre scheme of work.

An excellent KS3 resource for drama on technical theatre with a complete and ready to go six lesson SOW which includes all additional worksheets. If you purchase this scheme of work you get access to six lesson powerpoints with around 80 to 100 slides over the complete SOW that help students to access and succeed at the six core outcomes which are designed for this module. In this six lesson SOW students will learn about: Lesson one: In this lesson students learn and understand stage lighting and create specific lighting effects on the stage. Lesson two: In this lesson students learn and understand stage make up design through practicing applying a base, creating shadows and contour lines to make your performer into Frankenstein. Lesson three: In this lesson students learn understand costume design through creating and designing a costume template for a character and designing a costume plot for a chosen play extract. Lesson four: In this lesson students learn and understand the role of a sound designer in film or stage productions. Lesson five: In this lesson students learn and understand the role of a set designer in film or stage productions. Lesson six: In this lesson students complete a summative assessment on all of the knowledge and information they have gained in the past lessons about technical theatre into a final presentation project.
Blue remembered hills scheme of work.

Blue remembered hills scheme of work.

An excellent KS4 resource for GCSE drama AQA 8261 specification on texts in practice with a complete and ready to go twelve lesson SOW which includes all additional worksheets. If you purchase this scheme of work you get access to twelve lesson powerpoints with around 80 to 100 slides over the complete SOW that help students to access and succeed at the twelve core outcomes which are designed for this module. In this twelve lesson SOW students will learn about: Lesson one: In this lesson students learn to understand the characters and themes within ‘Blue Remembered Hills’ by Dennis Potter. Lesson two: In this lesson students learn to play children effectively by adapting our vocal and physical skills to replicate seven year olds. Lesson three: In this lesson students learn to perform a range of characters from Blue Remembered Hills within their performances. Lesson four: In this lesson students learn to bring to life a character from Blue Remembered Hill’s using effective vocal and physical skills in our performance. Lesson five: In this lesson students learn to use connotation, denotation and hot seating to effectively understand the character of Donald Duck from Blue Remembered Hills. Lesson six: In this lesson students learn to play a range of different characters effectively using our vocal and physical skills through freeze frames and role play. Lesson seven: In this lesson students learn to explore and rehearse scenes eight, ten, eleven and thirteen in today’s lesson to build our understanding and knowledge of the characters from Blue Remembered Hills. Lesson eight: In this lesson students learn to explore and rehearse scenes fifteen, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen in today’s lesson to build our understanding and knowledge of the characters from Blue Remembered Hills. Lesson nine: In this lesson students learn to explore and rehearse scenes twenty one, twenty two, twenty three and twenty four in today’s lesson to build our understanding and knowledge of the characters from Blue Remembered Hills. Lesson ten: In this lesson students learn to explore and rehearse scenes twenty five, twenty six, twenty seven, twenty eight and twenty nine in today’s lesson to build our understanding and knowledge of the characters from Blue Remembered Hills. Lesson eleven: In this lesson students learn to rehearse our two chosen extracts from Blue Remembered Hills to simulate a mock performance of the module for text’s in practice next year. Lesson twelve: In this lesson students complete a summative assessment on their use of vocal and physical skills, together with any appropriate theatrical skills, to bring the two chosen extracts from Blue Remembered Hills to life effectively on the stage for an assessment.
Blackout scheme of work.

Blackout scheme of work.

An excellent KS3 resource for drama on the play Blackout by Davey Anderson with a complete and ready to go six lesson SOW which includes all additional worksheets. If you purchase this scheme of work, you get access to six lesson powerpoints with around 80 to 100 slides over the complete SOW that help students to access and succeed at the six core outcomes which are designed for this module. In this six lesson SOW students will learn about: Lesson one: In this lesson students learn to explore the key themes within Blackout through theatrical techniques such as tableau’s, soundscapes and flash forwards. Lesson two: In this lesson students learn to use physical theatre to explore the opening of the play Blackout. Lesson three: In this lesson students learn to bring scene three to life using choral speech, gestus and stage combat while examining the key theme of domestic abuse and whether this has affected James when it comes to the violent crime he has committed. Lesson four: In this lesson students learn to explore the theme of mental health deterioration in Blackout through tableau’s, gestures, stage combat and physical theatre techniques in scene eleven. Lesson five: In this lesson students learn to consider the role theatre can have in the reformation of offenders and to practically explore the penultimate scene using multirole. Lesson six: In this lesson students learn to rehearse, polish and assess our version of an extract from Blackout for a performance assessment in the problems with youth offending.
Stage combat scheme of work.

Stage combat scheme of work.

An excellent KS3 resource for drama on stage combat with a complete and ready to go six lesson SOW which includes all additional worksheets. In this six lesson SOW students will learn about: Lesson one: In this lesson students learn about the origins of stage combat, the five rules of this art form and how to create an effective pull of the hair and slap to the face while placing these moves into an improvisation. Lesson two: In this lesson students learn how to create an effective punch to the face and how to stage fall to the floor while placing these moves into an improvisation. Lesson three: In this lesson students learn how to create an effective kick to the groan and how to drop kick to the torso on the stage while placing these moves into an improvisation. Lesson four: In this lesson students learn to experiment with different stage combat moves in different types of drama such as comedy and tragedy to judge whether they are effective or not for an audience. Lesson five: In this lesson students learn to experiment with different stage combat moves in different types of drama such as farce and melodrama to judge whether they are effective or not for an audience. Lesson six: In this lesson students complete a summative assessment on one of the genres of drama and their ability to apply stage combat movements to that type of drama.
Two scheme of work.

Two scheme of work.

An excellent KS5 resource for AQA A-level drama and theatre studies 7262 specification on Two by Jim Cartwright with a complete and ready to go six lesson SOW which includes all additional worksheets. If you purchase this scheme of work, you get access to six lesson powerpoints with around 80 to 100 slides over the complete SOW that help students to access and succeed at the six core outcomes which are designed for this module. In this six lesson SOW students will learn about: Lesson one: In this lesson students learn to read and discuss the play synopsis of Jim Cartwright’s Two. Lesson two: In this lesson students learn to explore the relationship between the Landlord and the Landlady. Lesson three: In this lesson students learn to explore the relationship between Mr and Mrs Iger. Lesson four: In this lesson students learn to explore the relationship between Moth and Maudie. Lesson five: In this lesson students learn to create a performance that focuses on the non-verbal communication between the two characters of Lesley and Roy. Lesson six: In this lesson students complete a summative assessment on the final scene in the play text Two by Jim Cartwright and create a formative assessment from this scene between the Landlord and the Landlady.
Stanislavski's spy school scheme of work.

Stanislavski's spy school scheme of work.

An excellent KS3 resource for drama on Stanislavski’s spy school with a complete and ready to go six lesson SOW which includes all additional worksheets. If you purchase this scheme of work you get access to six lesson powerpoints with around 80 to 100 slides over the complete SOW that help students to access and succeed at the six core outcomes which are designed for this module. In this six lesson SOW students will learn about: Lesson one: In this lesson students learn to demonstrate and explore naturalism and method of acting in performance. Lesson two: In this lesson students learn to create a convincing spy through method acting techniques and a role on the wall to portray a truthful character in performance. Lesson three: In this lesson students learn to avoid capture as an agent and use the acting technique the ‘Magic If’ to help create a convincing spy. Lesson four: In this lesson students learn to use tempo and rhythm when developing their spy. Lesson five: In this lesson students learn to demonstrate the use of emotion memory and sense memory to create truthful reactions for our spies. Lesson six: In this lesson students complete a summative assessment on how to use our super-objectives, objectives, active objectives and obstacles to help them to create a convincing Spy and realism in acting.
Noughts and Crosses scheme of work.

Noughts and Crosses scheme of work.

An excellent KS3 resource for drama on Noughts and Crosses with a complete and ready to go seven lesson SOW which includes all additional worksheets. If you purchase this scheme of work you get access to seven lesson powerpoints with around 80 to 100 slides over the complete SOW that help students to access and succeed at the seven core outcomes which are designed for this module. In this six lesson SOW students will learn about: Lesson one: In this lesson students learn to explore the theme of racism by creating a movement sequence of the protest outside Heathcroft School in the play Noughts and Crosses. Lesson two: In this lesson students learn to use physical theatre techniques such as distant puppetry and stage combat to create a piece of drama which educates the audience on the bullying that Sephy encounters at school. Lesson three: In this lesson students learn to use physical theatre and slow motion to explore the chaos occurring during the bombing in the shopping centre. Lesson four: In this lesson students learn to understand what a split scene is and how to use it to create the idea of a news report being filmed in act one scene twenty one. Lesson five: In this lesson students learn to understand what an objective is and how to use this to create a convincing character of either Callum or Mr Corsa during their duologue. Lesson six: In this lesson students learn to work as an ensemble to self-direct Ryan’s reprieve in the prison execution chamber using direct address, choral movement and physical theatre. Lesson seven: In this lesson students complete a summative assessment on act two scene eight that represents the prison execution chamber for our end of unit assessment.
Theatre roles and staging configurations for GCSE drama AQA 8261 specification section A.

Theatre roles and staging configurations for GCSE drama AQA 8261 specification section A.

An excellent KS4 resource for GCSE drama AQA 8261 specification on theatre roles and staging configurations with a complete and ready to go two lesson SOW which includes all additional worksheets. If you purchase this scheme of work you get access to two lesson powerpoints with around 80 to 100 slides over the complete SOW that help students to access and succeed at the two core outcomes which are designed for this module. In this two lesson SOW students will learn about: Lesson one: In this lesson students learn to revise for section A of the written paper ready for our written paper. Lesson two: In this lesson students learn to answer and understand the requirements of a section A question from the written paper.
First World War scheme of work.

First World War scheme of work.

An excellent KS3 resource for drama on the First World War with a complete and ready to go six lesson SOW which includes all additional worksheets. If you purchase this scheme of work you get access to six lesson powerpoints with around 80 to 100 slides over the complete SOW that help students to access and succeed at the six core outcomes which are designed for this module. In this six lesson SOW students will learn about: Lesson one: In this lesson students learn how to use a tableau, choral speech, improvisation and a split stage to understand people’s reactions to propaganda posters in the lead up to the First World War. Lesson two: In this lesson students learn about family life in 1914 through the use of tableau’s, thought tracks and role play to explore the roles families had at the time. Lesson three: In this lesson students learn about the expectation of war vs the reality of war by using tableau’s, mime, cross cutting and marking the moment to examine the First World War. Lesson four: In this lesson students learn to use music and diaries as a stimulus for a performance based in No Man’s Land through the use of tableau’s, slow motion and soundscapes to represent an attack in a trench during the First World War. Lesson five: In this lesson students learn to use a poem as a starting point to create a piece of devised drama based on the First World War. Lesson six: In this lesson students complete a summative assessment on a text stimuli called trench life and under attack to create a variety of soldiers in the First World War in a trench.
Introduction to drama skills scheme of work.

Introduction to drama skills scheme of work.

An excellent KS3 resource for drama on introduction to drama skills with a complete and ready to go six lesson SOW which includes all additional worksheets. If you purchase this scheme of work you get access to six lesson powerpoints with around 80 to 100 slides over the complete SOW that help students to access and succeed at the six core outcomes which are designed for this module. In this six lesson SOW students will learn about: Lesson one: In this lesson students learn about the four pillars of basic drama control, concentration, trust and teamwork through practical activities. Lesson two: In this lesson students learn about how acting is about reacting to different stimuli through improvisation activities. Lesson three: In this lesson students learn about how drama contains theatrical skills such as tableau’s and their use in front of an audience. Lesson four: In this lesson students learn about how physical skills such as facial expression and body language can be improved to developed to create a more convincing character. Lesson five: In this lesson student learn about how vocal skills such as volume and tone can be improved to developed to create a more convincing character. Lesson six: In this lesson students complete a summative assessment on the four pillars of drama, physical and vocal skills and the pupils ability to improvise in character through a four stage improvisation.
Television soap operas scheme of work.

Television soap operas scheme of work.

An excellent KS3 resource for drama on television soap operas with a complete and ready to go six lesson SOW which includes all additional worksheets. If you purchase this scheme of work, you get access to six lesson powerpoints with around 80 to 100 slides over the complete SOW that help students to access and succeed at the six core outcomes which are designed for this module. In this six lesson SOW students will learn about: Lesson one: In this lesson students learn to introduce the genre of soap operas and their main stereotypical characters together with developing a piece of melodrama for performance at the end of the lesson. Lesson two: In this lesson students learn to understand the stereotypical characters used within soap operas and how they would typical react to changing circumstances within a piece of drama. Lesson three: In this lesson students learn to develop and improvise a highly charged scene within a soap opera using techniques such as dramatic pauses, interruptions and low volume menace. Lesson four: In this lesson students learn to create and understand how monologues are used to develop the characters and plot in a typical soap opera environment. Lesson five: In this lesson students learn to incorporate the poem ‘Only the day before’ as a backdrop for the development of a scene set after an incident of domestic violence in a soap opera. Lesson six: In this lesson students complete a summative assessment on the poem ‘Only the day before’ which includes key soap opera elements such as heightened drama, split staging and an ending which includes a cliff hanger.
Physical theatre scheme of work.

Physical theatre scheme of work.

An excellent KS3 resource for drama on physical theatre with a complete and ready to go six lesson SOW which includes all additional worksheets. If you purchase this scheme of work you get access to six lesson powerpoints with around 80 to 100 slides over the complete SOW that help students to access and succeed at the six core outcomes which are designed for this module. In this six lesson SOW students will learn about: Lesson one: In this lesson students learn the fundamental skills inspired by Frantic assembly to work cohesively as an ensemble. Lesson two: In this lesson students learn how we can create scenes using an ensemble cast in a physical theatre style promoted by Frantic Assembly. Lesson three: In this lesson students learn to consider how movement can have meaning through the use of simple rules and instructions through moving as one, clear the space and chair duets. Lesson four: In this lesson students learn to create an ensemble performance using contact and lifts known as pocket, wrap, hook and wolf to engage the audience. Lesson five: In this lesson students learn to use physical theatre skills such as ensemble movements and choral speaking inspired by Frantic Assembly to explore the underground scene in the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon. Lesson six: In this lesson students complete a summative assessment on the use of physical theatre skills such as ensemble movements, choral speaking and lifts inspired by Frantic Assembly to explore the underground scene in the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon ready for an assessment piece in today’s lesson.
Applying theatre practitioners scheme of work.

Applying theatre practitioners scheme of work.

An excellent KS3 resource for drama on applying theatre practitioners with a complete and ready to go six lesson SOW which includes all additional worksheets. If you purchase this scheme of work you get access to six lesson powerpoints with around 80 to 100 slides over the complete SOW that help students to access and succeed at the six core outcomes which are designed for this module. In this six lesson SOW students will learn about: Lesson one: In this lesson students learn to use Brecht’s teachings on gestus to multirole effectively as contrasting characters from a set play text. Lesson two: In this lesson students learn to develop their application, knowledge and understanding of naturalistic acting techniques such as the given circumstances and the magic if to articulate a true performance to an extract of a script from Stanislavski’s ‘System Theatre’. Lesson three: In this lesson students learn to apply and understand the way in which Brecht’s ‘Epic Theatre’ techniques such as foreshadowing and narration can be used in a performance to break the fourth wall in front of the audience. Lesson four: In this lesson students learn to apply and understand the way in which Grotowski’s ‘Poor Theatre’ techniques such as physicality, soundscapes and choral speech can be used in a performance to build the relationship between the actor and the audience. Lesson five: In this lesson students learn to recap the theories of Stanislavski, Brecht and Grotowski through rehearsing a performance called “The Greedy Monster”. Lesson six: In this lesson students complete a summative assessment on the theories of Stanislavski, Brecht and Grotowski through a performance called “The Greedy Monster”.
Our day out scheme of work.

Our day out scheme of work.

An excellent KS3 resource for drama on Our day out by Willy Russell with a complete and ready to go six lesson SOW which includes all additional worksheets. If you purchase this scheme of work, you get access to six lesson powerpoints with around 80 to 100 slides over the complete SOW that help students to access and succeed at the six core outcomes which are designed for this module. In this six lesson SOW students will learn about: Lesson one: In this lesson students learn to demonstrate the differences between the two teaching characters of Mr Briggs and Mrs Kay in the play ‘Our Day Out’. Lesson two: In this lesson students learn to create and develop the sweet shop and the zoo scene in the play ‘Our Day Out’ to enable the action to be clear to an audience. Lesson three: In this lesson students learn to create and explore the events at Conway castle and down at the beach in ‘Our Day Out’ to enable the action to be clear to an audience. Lesson four: In this lesson students learn to demonstrate and explore the home and school life of the character of Carol from the play ‘Our Day Out’. Lesson five: In this lesson students learn to devise and rehearse their own play based on a school trip inspired by the play ‘Our Day Out’. Lesson six: In this lesson students complete a summative assessment on the play text ‘Our Day Out’ that examines their creating, performing and evaluating skills.