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Y8 / Y9 Spanish - La apariencia física
Complete lesson on the topic of physical appearance.
This lesson includes the whole presentation with all answers provided and audio files for the listening. I created this lesson to be online friendly so handout is not and task involved dragging answers through the slides rather than write but this only takes a minute to tweak and adapt.
Match up task with the key verbs to talk/write about physical appearance.
Helpsheet with basic verbs and key vocabulary about physical appearance.
Objectives in TL for students to translate into English.
Family tree to revise the family members.
Reading task with 4 texts for students to find as much information as possible (this could be done more or less student-centred depeding on the class.)
Listening task (audio files and transcript included).
Independent writing task for students to write about their physical appearance and do some basic descriptions on family members (this could be more or less scaffolded with the help of the texts used previously in the lesson.)

Y8 / Y9 French - La journée scolaire
Complete lesson on the topic of school day.
This lesson includes the whole presentation with all answers provided and audio files for the listening. I created this lesson to be online friendly so handout is not provided this time and you will have to make your own.
Match up task with the key verbs to talk/write about routines.
Objectives in TL for students to translate into English.
Reading task (3 levels of reading):True / False + Put the routines in order following the text + Find the words of phrases in the text.
Listening task (audio files and transcript included).
Translation task (this could be tweaked and be used as a comprehension task, used online so students can drag the emojis or simply draw as they understand/process the texts.)
Independent writing task for students to write about their school day / routine and recycle the topic of school, subjects, etc.

Y8 / Y9 French - Les matières
Complete lessson on the topic of school subjects and opinions.
Starter to get familiarised with the subjects / Recap.
Additional inferring on l’ / le / la / les (gender, number or followed by vowel.)
Objectives in TL for students to translate.
Sentence builder for students to complete and add reasons and opinions when writing / talking about subjects.
Mini whiteboard follow-up activity: French to English / English to French / Guided French dictation (remove scaffolding when required.)
Listening task (remove instructions from slide 7 to show hints for students if they need them). Audio file included.
Reading comprehension task.
Speaking activity (noughts and crosses) - This could also be used as a translation race or more like a teacher centred task in which students translate the sentences they are shown/asked to translate.
Design your own timetable in French.
Optional task - model the reading comprehension text to create your own text in French about lessons you have (add opinions and reasons).

Y8/Y9/GCSE/A-Level French: Research Project (Full version)
Full version of the Research Project based on key figures of French culture/society:
Research work project for students of Y8/Y9/GCSE or A-Level French (change the task from English outcomes and answers to French or simply give more freedom of choice to Sixth Form students when researching.)
Science and Philosophy
Before you buy: Why don’t you have a look at the free taster first?: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13209485

Y8/Y9/GCSE/A-Level French: Research Project (Taster)
Research work project for students of Y8/Y9/GCSE or A-Level French (change the task from English outcomes and answers to French or simply give more freedom of choice to Sixth Form students when researching.)
This resource is intended as independent work for students but can be used as homework or cover work if students have access to computers or laptops. Feel free to change the criteria/expectations on how much to submit or work through. It has hyperlinks so students can easily access the specific slides they need.
The complete version includes key figures in French:
Science and Philosophy
Any feedback is welcome and if you like the taster, you can download the complete version here:

A - Level Spanish - 4 in 1 #7 Ernesto 'Che' Guevara
Text based in Ernesto Guevara and it is link to the topic of monarquías y dictaduras / movimientos sociales.
This resource includes different activities. The main ones are:
Reading Exam Skill Gap Fill
4 Sections on Synonyms based on the same text.
Translation Spanish to English.
Additional task (you could use the text with your students as a listening.
Audio attached with the resource.
Answers provided.

Y8 / Y9 / GCSE Spanish - Las Tapas
Lesson on Tapas
Slide 1: Starter vocabulary on foods - Translation of a menu (not necessarily the most authentic Spanish menu but mainly words for students to get familiarised)
Slide 2: Answers/feedback to slide 1.
Slide 3: Comprehension questions on Video/Listening on tapas (links to the videos are at the bottom of the slides on the section of notes - there are 2 videos, one in Spanish (audio) and one in English (with English subtitles when they speak Spanish) from DW News.
Slide 4: Answers to slide 3
Slide 5: Social and historical context about tapas. Cultural and historical approach about the origins of tapas.
Slide 6: Listening task in which students will have to listen to the orders for each table and match them with the images (might need clarification on some images and food: champiñones, tortilla, etc.) (Audio included)
Slide 7: Feedback on previous task with transcription.
Slides 8 to 14: Scaffolded reading task based on a text in which students have to find relevant vocabulary, answer comprehension questions and highlight verbs in the present, past and future.
Slide 15: Template for reading task for students to complete.
Slide 16: Writing or designing option: write a paragraph based on previous task or design your own menu in Spanish.
Handout included.

Y8/ Y9 - La nourriture et les repas
Lesson for Y8 / Y9 or early GCSE students of French based on the topic of food, meals and introduction to healthy diets.
The lesson contains:
Introduction based on the vocabulary of food, drinks, meals, etc.
Learning objectives for students to translate (talk/share/discuss.)
Miniboards translation French to English / English to French or simply dictation based on the new GCSE skill.
Listening task (audio files included) with transcription and answers highlighted.
Food pyramid for students to label the following types of food:
sucre et produits sucrés
céréales et dérivés
lait et produits laitiers
légumes et fruits
matières grasses
Follow-up text based on the previous activity. Students have to search the phrases and words on each on the sections.
Trapdoor activity to drill speaking based on the topic.
Writing activity with more or less scaffolding (remove box with prompts if needed.)

Y8 / Y9 Spanish - La comida
Lesson on food, opinions on food and reasons.
Starter with a sentence builder in which students have to match the images of the subjects with the Spanish terms followed by retrieval in the opinions and new content on reasons (bueno/a, picante, etc.)
Spanish to English / English to Spanish / Spanish dictation task - link to the new GCSE Specification (based with whiteboards if possible). Introduce at this stage the gender and number agreement with adjectives but without explaining the rules yet.
Slides 6 & 7 focused on grammar and the adjectival agreements followed by practice with gap-fills for masculine/feminine/singular/plural.
4 short text listening task in which students have to fill in the missing words. Audios included.
Reading task based on the same text the students used for the listening.
Battleship pattern to do more speaking based tasks and drill opinions + food and reasons.
Independent task for students to write a paragraph on foods they like/dislike and give reasons about it.

Y8/ Y9 / New GCSE French - Les Fêtes
This is a lesson that could work well with students of Y9 or for new students of GCSE French, also could be used with some groups of Y8 if it is scaffolded properly. The lesson focuses on a cultural approach to festivals and include the following festivals with videos to expand on knowledge:
Fête du Citron
La Fête de la Musique
Fête Nationale
Le Festival de Cannes
La Tour de France
Skills that could be practised with this lesson: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Dictation and Translation in addition to listening and reading with French subtitles to each of the videos (apart from the Fête du Citron - it has no audio, it is simply video and some background music.)
Breakdown of the lesson:
Match up activity as a starter with the festival and images.
Objectives to translate and introduce the topic of festivals.
Additional cultural task to get students to watch videos and annotate information in English or French (activate subtitles) (see footnote on slide.)
Sentence builder for students to complete and use later with miniwhiteboard or any other writing tasks.
Listening task to recycle later for a reading task (audio files included.)
Gapfill task based on Festival de Cannes + Translation task.
Trapdoor activity to practice speaking and listening.
Writing task that can be recycled as a translation task or simply as a warm up to introduce an independent writing task (you will need dice for this.)
Handout, Presentation and Audios attached.

Y8 / Y9 Spanish - Las asignaturas
Introduction to the topic of school and subjects.
Starter with a sentence builder in which students have to match the images of the subjects with the Spanish terms.
Spanish to English / English to Spanish / Spanish dictation task - link to the new GCSE Specification.
Mosaic listening task (see instruction on notes).
Reading comprehension task to do in groups or individually.
Battleship pattern to do more speaking based tasks and drill opinions + subjects and reasons.
Timetable template so students can design their own timetable in Spanish.
Writing task based on previous activities to recycle all vocabulary.

Y8 / Y9 / GCSE Spanish - La Navidad
This resource includes a lesson about Spanish Christmas celebrations and traditions:
La Navidad
La Nochebuena
La Cabalgata
El Día de los Santos Inocentes
La Lotería de Navidad (El Gordo)
El Año Nuevo
Los Reyes Magos
Matching up task to get familiarised with the celebration.
Matching up task with images to get to know some of the important elements of Spanish Christmas.
Listening and reading task based on La Lotería del Gordo.
Reading comprehension, gap fill and parallel translation based on La Nochebuena, La Navidad y El Día de los Santos Inocentes respectively.
Translation labyrinth task based on La Nochevieja.
Activity based on watching a video about La Cabalgata de los Reyes Magos.
Translation builder task based on El Día de Reyes.
Additional task with a video of Caga Tió (based of Catalan Christmas).
The video does not have subtitles in English but shows all the information required, it might be helpful to pause and facilitate some of the information for the students.
Audio File for la Lotería de Navidad is attached as another file.
Presentation and handout included.
The videos for the activities are attached on the heading of the slides, press ctrl + left click to access them.

Y8/Y9 French: La maison, les pièces et les meubles
This bundle contains the lessons, audio files, handouts for the following individual resources:
Y8/Y9 French - Les pièces et les meubles.
Y8/Y9 French - La maisons et les pièces.
See individual resources for more information and detailed description.

Y8/Y9 French - Les pièces et les meubles
Second part of the lesson ‘‘La maison et les pièces’’ with a revision on the previous content and more thorough activities to practice descriptions of the house.
This lesson includes:
Starter with vocabulary from previous lesson ‘‘La maison et les pièces’’-
Objectives in TL for students to translate.
Sentence builder that can be used as another activity for students to complete rather with an extension of descriptions of the house.
Miniwhiteboard activity to translate:
French to English
English to French
French to French (New GCSE skill.)
Guessing vocabulary task to learn and practice some vocabulary about forniture.
Listening task (listen to the descriptions and choose the right description for each room.)
Reading activity.
Writing activity with model to use.
Handouts, audio files and answers provided.

Y8/Y9 Spanish - Las redes sociales y la tecnología
If scaffolded is reduced, it could be use with some GCSE students.
This lesson covers the topic of Technology and Social Media in Spanish.
Parts of the lesson:
Starter activity based on key vocabulary and phrases for technology.
Objectives in Spanish for students to translate.
Sentence builder to complete (with the main key verbs and activities based on technology.)
Second part of the sentence builder to expand on the vocabulary of technology with the pronoun I in past, present and future (I use, I used and I am going to use.)
Possible tasks with the sentence builder:
English to Spanish
Spanish to English
Spanish to Spanish (new GCSE dictation exam skill.) - Reduce scaffolding at this stage.
Listening task with transcript included and audio files included.
Reading comprehension chunked in two parts (scan read and reading for detail.)
Speaking game (battleships) to practice phrases and drill the vocabulary of the lesson.
Writing task with prompting with dice (+ translation of possible text.)
Audiofiles and handouts included.

Y8/Y9 French - La maisons et les pièces
Complete lesson with audio files and handout included. It is very scaffolded but some of the scaffolding can be removed or the listening tasks can be tweaked into more complex exercises if needed.
This lesson includes:
Starter with basic vocabulary on types of houses and places to live.
Objectives in TL for students to translate.
Sentence builder that can be used as another activity for students to complete rather than with the answers already given.
Match up task with the rooms in the house.
Grammar section on definitive / indefinite articles + possessive pronouns.
Listening and memory game (see notes for clarification).
Listening gap fill (this can be made into a more complex task and can be turned into a comprehension listening task rather than a gap fill).
Drawing and reading task to recycle each transcript from the previous listening task.
Writing translation.
Translation activity.

Y8/Y9 French - La Technologie
This lesson covers the topic of Technology and use of technology in French.
Parts of the lesson:
Starter activity based on key vocabulary and phrases for technology.
Objectives in French for students to translate.
Sentence builder to complete (with the main key verbs and activities based on technology.)
Second part of the sentence builder to expand on the vocabulary of technology with the pronoun I in past, present and future (I use, I used and I am going to use.)
Possible tasks with the sentence builder:
English to French
French to English
French to French (new GCSE dictation exam skill.)
Listening combination grids (2 sets) - see instructions on the foot of te slide for this one.
Reading comprehension chunked in two parts (scan read and reading for detail.)
Listening task with transcript and audios included.
Writing task with prompting with dice (+ translation of possible text.)
Audiofiles and handouts included.

French Vocabulary Learning Mat
This document is a vocabulary mat that contains different key verbs in French and expressions. Ideally it is designed for Y8/Y9 students but can be used also in GCSE as it includes:
Key verbs in three different tenses (present / preterite / near future).
Opinions and reasons.
Verbs in infinitive with their respective translations into English.
Sentences leaders and conjunctions to promote more complex and longer sentences.

Y8/Y9 Spanish - Los planes futuros (El futuro cercano)
This lesson covers the near future in Spanish and focuses on the pronouns I, he/she, we and they.
Parts of the lesson:
Starter activity based on key vocabulary and phrases for the near future.
Objectives in Spanish for students to translate.
Sentence builder to complete (only with the verbs).
Sentence builder to explain the structure of near future (pronoun-going + to + infinitive)
Possible tasks with the sentence builder:
Trapdoor activity.
English to Spanish translations & Spanish to English translations.
Dictation based on the new GCSE (with more or less support by the grid.)
Individual practice with the key verbs in the near future.
Follow up activity for students to translate into English and discover será (possible introduction to simple future or simply as some additional key structure to build up more complex sentences).
Listening task with audio included and transcription for students to check answers.
Battleship activity to practice listening/speaking and grammar.
Writing task to consolidate the near future tense.
Audiofile and handouts included.

Y8/Y9 French - Family & Friends: Physique & Personality
This bundle contains three lessons.
Lesson 1 - Friends and Family and Physical description (for more information check the information on the individual resources).
Lesson 2 - Friends and Personality.
Lesson 3 - Writing Assessment and Preparation: This lesson is more effective after the other two have been taught but it could be use as a simple practice or revision for students that have covered these topics already.
All handouts, listening files and handouts are attached and all answers are provided.