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Course Detective

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Various subject areas and age groups from health and social care, childcare to forest school. www.coursedetective.co.uk




Various subject areas and age groups from health and social care, childcare to forest school. www.coursedetective.co.uk
Nutritionopoly, health and social care, child care, unit 6, level2, level 3, health, well being.

Nutritionopoly, health and social care, child care, unit 6, level2, level 3, health, well being.

NUTRITIONOPOLY! An interactive, engaging game inspired by monopoly, perfect for many Health and social care/ childcare units- ideal for Level 2, unit 6 but would also fit in well to level 3. BTEC, CCLD, CHILD DEVELOPMENT, CACHE, AQA, DEGREE, EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDIES and more. The hearts can be printed out numerous times and the property cards are to be printed out twice- once for each player to keep hold of if they buy a property and printed out together with the question card for each player to read out when it’s their turn. Nutrition Child Nutrition Health Well being Game rules Aim of the game. Race your way around the Nutritionopoly board as your favourite character. Earn points by collecting Hearts, buying property and answering questions. The player with the highest score wins. Contents; Gameboard, 4 character pieces, 22 property cards, 22 question cards with a Learning Point on. Each player chooses a character and places on GO. Each player starts the game with 6 hearts- 5 at 1 point and 1 worth 5 points, totaling 10 points. On your go- roll the dice and move character forward, collecting any coins along the way but not the space where you start. When you land on or pass GO, collect 2 tokens each time. Properties- on your turn you can buy the property that you land on and charge rent for each person that lands on it. If you have a full set then charge double the rent. For each property you land on, find the corresponding question card and complete to either earn extra points or allow other players to. If you go to jail- either use your turns to roll a 6 before being released or pay 3 points to get out sooner
Vitamins and Minerals cootie catcher Support for;  Health and social care  Unit 6. The impact of nut

Vitamins and Minerals cootie catcher Support for; Health and social care Unit 6. The impact of nut

Vitamins and Minerals cootie catcher Support for; Health and social care Unit 6. The impact of nutrition on Health and Wellbeing. Childcare units, nutrition units. CACHE, OCR, Level 2. This pack contains; Teachers guide Answer sheet for teachers Cootie catcher to develop knowledge of vitamins, minerals, nutrition and identifying components of a balanced diet. Template cootie catcher to make their own. Food plate template. Fun QR codes to encourage engagement and interactive learning.