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Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com




Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com
[French Writing A2, B1] Mon pays d'accueil (host country)

[French Writing A2, B1] Mon pays d'accueil (host country)

Ce document à destination des apprenants adultes en FLE comporte 5 sujets de rédaction à propos du pays d’accueil. Les 5 sujets de rédaction sont : Quel est votre pays d’origine et quel est votre pays d’accueil ? Quand êtes-vous arrivés dans votre pays d’accueil et comment ? Qu’est-ce que vous appréciez dans votre pays d’accueil ? Qu’est-ce que vous n’appréciez pas dans votre pays d’accueil ? Quelles sont les choses qui vous manquent par rapport à votre pays d’origine ? Ce travail est adapté aux niveaux A2 et +. Cet exercice est téléchargeable aux formats PDF et DOCX. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English version below This document for adult FFL learners includes 5 essay topics about the host country. The 5 essay topics are: What is your country of origin and what is your host country? When did you arrive in your host country and how? What do you like about your host country? What do you dislike about your host country? What do you miss about your home country? This worksheet is suitable for French as a Foreign Language levels A2 and above. This worksheet can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX.
Handwriting (French): Farm animals (les animaux de la ferme)

Handwriting (French): Farm animals (les animaux de la ferme)

In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: Farm animals (Les animaux d’Afrique). You will find the following animals: *un âne - un chat - un cheval - une chèvre - un chien - un cochon - un lapin - un mouton - une poule - une vache * This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).
Handwriting (French): Feathered animals of the farm

Handwriting (French): Feathered animals of the farm

In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: Feathered animals of the farm (Les animaux à plumes de la ferme). You will find the following animals: un canard colvert - un caneton - une caille - une poule - un coq - un poussin - une oie - un dindon This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).
[French Vocabulary A2, B1] Niveaux de langue (Levels of language)

[French Vocabulary A2, B1] Niveaux de langue (Levels of language)

Ce document contient 8 pages : une leçon, 4 pages d’exercices et un corrigé de 3 pages, sur le thème des niveaux de langue (aussi appelés registres de langue). 1er exercice : Indiquer le niveau de langue de 23 phrases différentes (soutenu, courant ou familier). 2ème exercice : Placer les 22 mots et expressions dans la colonne appropriée. 3ème exercice : Compléter un tableau en écrivant les deux mots manquants de chaque ligne. 4ème exercice : Réécrire 22 phrases du langage familier au langage courant. Ces exercices ont donc une difficulté graduelle et sont utiles pour mieux maîtriser les nuances des différents registres. Ils sont avant tout destinés aux adultes, mais vous pouvez aussi l’utiliser avec des enfants (je vous conseille de modifier certaines phrases dans le document Word, si vous souhaitez que l’exercice soit plus profitable au jeune public). En outre, les exercices ont été conçus pour être le plus proche du vocabulaire parlé par les Français (France métropolitaine) afin de rester terre-à-terre. Ces exercices ont été élaborés à destination du niveau A2 et B1. Le document est téléchargeable au format PDF. ENGLISH VERSION BELOW This document contains 8 pages: a lesson, 4 pages of exercises and a 3-page answer sheet, on the theme of language levels (also called language registers). Exercise 1: Indicate the language level of 23 different sentences (formal, informal or colloquial). Exercise 2: Place the 22 words and expressions in the appropriate column. Exercise 3: Complete a table by writing the two missing words in each row. 4th exercise: Rewrite 22 sentences from colloquial to everyday language. These exercises have a gradual difficulty and are useful to better master the nuances of the different registers. They are primarily intended for adults, but you can also use them with children (I advise you to modify some sentences in the Word document, if you want the exercise to be more beneficial to a young audience). In addition, the exercises have been designed to be as close as possible to the vocabulary spoken by the French (metropolitan France) in order to remain down to earth. These exercises have been designed for A2 and B1 level. The document can be downloaded in PDF format.
[French] Exercise: Draw your creature! (drawing, written expression in French)

[French] Exercise: Draw your creature! (drawing, written expression in French)

Here is a fun exercise consisting of drawing a creature and giving indications about this monster: name, size, weight, life expectancy, number of eyes, place of life, character, color and patterns, strengths and weaknesses, its prey and predators. This work will be an opportunity to exercise students’ graphic skills as well as French written expression. It is suitable for children in CE1-CE2 (2nd-3rd grade). You can download the document in PDF format as well as in DOCX format for modification.
[French worksheet] Crossword puzzle: emotions and sensations

[French worksheet] Crossword puzzle: emotions and sensations

Here is a crossword puzzle that will allow you to review and teach vocabulary related to emotions, feelings and sensations. From the information given, you will have to find 15 mystery words and write them in the grid. The words to write are: affamé, assoiffé, débordé, serein, susceptible, fâché, contrarié, reconnaissant, mécontent, gentil, inquiet, malheureux, arrogant, fatigué, honteux (hungry, thirsty, overwhelmed, serene, susceptible, angry, upset, grateful, displeased, kind, worried, unhappy, arrogant, tired, ashamed) This game is intended for children in 2nd grade (CE1 in France, A2 level for adult French learners). It exists in two versions: a difficult version (without clues) and an easier version (letters are already included in the grid). The document can be downloaded in PDF format and contains an answer key.
[French] Exercise on the human body: text to read and picture to complete

[French] Exercise on the human body: text to read and picture to complete

This document features a text that outlines 10 key organs of the human body: lungs, heart, liver, stomach, small and large intestine, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, bladder, and thyroid (les poumons, le cœur, le foie, l’estomac, l’intestin grêle et le gros intestin, la rate, le pancréas, les reins, la vessie et la thyroïde). The role of each of these organs is summarized. Below the text, you will find a picture of the human body and you will have to write the name of the corresponding organ at the end of each arrow. This activity is particularly useful because it allows you to: Learn more about the human body and the role of some of its organs Work on reading comprehension Deduce the location of each organ from the information given Enrich your vocabulary related to the human body and its functioning This work can be used for elementary school children, in 2nd grade (CE1 in France; it can also be used with CE2 or CM1). For adults, it corresponds to level French A2 (or even B1 to enrich the vocabulary). The document can be downloaded in PDF format. An answer key is attached to the exercise.
[French cursive handwriting] Vehicles and means of transportation

[French cursive handwriting] Vehicles and means of transportation

Cette page au format PDF contient un exercice de recopiage, puis un exercice d’écriture. Description de l’exercice (nouvelle version) Il s’agit d’abord de recopier 5 mots simples, d’après un modèle : une voiture, un bus, un tank, une moto, un vélo. Ensuite, vous trouverez 11 images de véhicules : l’élève devra essayer de trouver la bonne graphie de chaque mot. Les véhicules sont : bus, ambulance, voiture, voiture de police, (voiture de) taxi, moto, van, train, camion, cabriolet, tramway. Cet exercice peut-être donné à des élèves de niveau CP voire CE1, ainsi qu’aux apprenants FLE de niveau A1.1 et A1. English version below: This PDF worksheet contains a handwriting exercise (copy), then a writing exercise. First, the student has to copy 5 simple words, according to a model: a car, a bus, a tank, a motorcycle, a bicycle. Then you will find 11 pictures of vehicles: the student will have to try to find the right spelling of each word. The vehicles are: bus, ambulance, car, police car, cab, motorcycle, van, train, truck, convertible, streetcar. This exercise can be given to students at 1st grade or 2nd grade, as well as to FFL learners at A1.1 and A1 level.
[French text + Writing] Santé – Comment rester en forme ? – Bonnes et mauvaises habitudes

[French text + Writing] Santé – Comment rester en forme ? – Bonnes et mauvaises habitudes

Ce document contient 1 page sur le thème de la santé, avec un court texte intitulé : Comment rester en forme ? et deux sujets d’expression écrite : Quelles sont vos bonnes habitudes ? Quelles sont vos mauvaises habitudes ? Le texte contient quelques conseils pour être en bonne santé : Manger beaucoup de fruits et légumes Éviter le sucre blanc Avoir des apports équilibrés Ne pas boire d’alcool ni fumer, et éviter le stress Sortir chaque jour Faire de l’exercice physique Se reposer suffisamment On pourra lire le texte en classe, en discuter, puis demander aux apprenants de répondre aux deux questions. Cet exercice a été élaboré à destination des niveaux A2, B1 et B2. Vous pouvez adapter cet exercice pour les écoliers et collégiens (en modifiant le passage sur l’alcool et le tabac). Le document est téléchargeable aux formats PDF et DOCX. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English version below This worksheet includes a one-page A4 document on the topic of health, with a short text entitled: “How do you stay in shape?” and two written expression topics: What are your good habits? What are your bad habits? The text contains some tips for good health: Eat lots of fruits and vegetables Avoid white sugar Have a balanced diet Don’t drink alcohol or smoke, and avoid stress Go out every day Exercise every day Get enough rest The text can be read to the class, discussed and then learners can be asked to answer the two questions. This exercise was developed for levels A2, B1 and B2. You can adapt this exercise for schoolchildren (by modifying the passage on alcohol and tobacco). The document can be downloaded in PDF format as well as in DOCX format.
Handwriting (French): Tropical birds (les oiseaux tropicaux)

Handwriting (French): Tropical birds (les oiseaux tropicaux)

In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: Tropical birds (Les oiseaux tropicaux). You will find the following animals: un ara - un cacatoès - un colibri - un flamant rose - un ibis rouge - des inséparables - une perruche - un toucan This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).
[French] Crosswords for kids - Animals of the savannah

[French] Crosswords for kids - Animals of the savannah

Here are some crosswords that will be useful for children (or adults) who are learning to read and write. You will find animals from the savannah and crossword puzzles. Each time you have to recognize the right word from the list (at the bottom) and fill in the boxes. This exercise is suitable for children aged 6 and over. It can also be used with adults (A1 level). This exercise can be downloaded in PDF format.
[French grammar] Place prepositions: Lesson + Exercise (20 sentences, 43 blank spaces)

[French grammar] Place prepositions: Lesson + Exercise (20 sentences, 43 blank spaces)

Here is a worksheet containing a lesson and an exercise on place prepositions. On the first page, you will find a summary lesson, and on the next page, a training exercise with 43 blank spaces in 20 sentences to fill in. This exercise is suitable for children in 3rd, 4th & 5th grade (CE1, CE2, CM1), and for A1+, A2, B1 French learners. This worksheet is downloadable in PDF format and an answer key is included.
[French] Days of the week - Exercise 2nd grade (CE1 in France)

[French] Days of the week - Exercise 2nd grade (CE1 in France)

Here is a fun activity inspired by my own second grade classes. The theme is: The seven days of the week. I have adapted and enriched the worksheet that was handed out to me when I was a child. This worksheet will help students consolidate their knowledge of the days of the week, and to find their way through time. It can be useful for French learners (level A1.1 / A1) The document can be downloaded in PDF format.
[French A1] Comprendre des plaques professionnelles - Understand business signs

[French A1] Comprendre des plaques professionnelles - Understand business signs

Grâce à cet exercice pratique de FLE, vos élèves sauront comprendre des informations à partir de plaques professionnelles. À gauche : des plaques professionnelles, fictives ou réelles ; À droite : un ou plusieurs personnages représentant un métier. Ce travail de 2 pages est destiné aux apprenants de niveau A1. Il peut être donné aussi à des écoliers (CP, CE1). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English version below With this practical FFL exercise, your students will be able to understand information from business signs. On the left: real or fictional business signs; On the right: one or more characters representing a profession. This worksheet (2 pages) is intended for A1 level learners. It can also be given to school children (1st grade, 2nd grade - France cursus).
[French worksheet A2-B1] Text: 10 Lifehacks + exercises

[French worksheet A2-B1] Text: 10 Lifehacks + exercises

Ce texte FLE évoque 10 astuces pour faciliter le quotidien, et comporte plusieurs exercices. Le document comporte : Texte d’une page avec 10 astuces (« lifehacks ») pour optimiser sa vie, telles que : la règle des 2 minutes, nettoyer au fur et à mesure, désactiver les notifications… Contenu QCM Exercice de grammaire et conjugaison sur les prépositions (10 phrases) Exercice d’expression orale avec 4 questions Exercice d’expression écrite (1 sujet de rédaction) Ce sujet est adapté aux apprenants à partir du niveau A2. Idéal pour B1 ou B2. Objectifs Il permettra de : Connaître des astuces méconnues pour optimiser son mode de vie, Améliorer son vocabulaire et son orthographe, S’exprimer en français à l’oral et à l’écrit, sur un sujet concret. Corrigé inclus. Téléchargeable en PDF et en DOCX. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English: This FFL text is about 10 tips to make everyday life easier, and includes several exercises. The document includes : One-page text with 10 tips (“lifehacks”) for optimizing your life, such as: the 2-minute rule, clean as you go, deactivating notifications… Content: MCQ Grammar and conjugation exercise on prepositions (10 sentences) Oral expression exercise with 4 questions Writing exercise (1 essay topic) This topic is suitable for French learners at A2 level and above. Ideal for B1 or B2. It will enable you to : Learn little-known tips for optimizing your lifestyle, Improve vocabulary and spelling, Express yourself in French, both orally and in writing, on a concrete subject. Answers included. Downloadable in PDF and DOCX.
[French worksheet] Matching game: Threats to aquatic animals

[French worksheet] Matching game: Threats to aquatic animals

This page includes a matching game, where you have to write the number in the right box. At the top of the page, you have a summary of the dangers to underwater wildlife, with a number for each. These threats to aquatic animals are: garbage thrown into nature, masks, highly polluting factories, intensive fishing, plastic, pollution from ships (discharges, oil spills…), dangerous chemicals, cigarettes and cigarette butts, discharge of polluted water. This activity is very useful because it is both entertaining and edifying: it is a good opportunity to make children aware of the problem of pollution and the importance of human actions in the degradation of the environment. This exercise is intended for children from 6 years old, as well as for adults (A1 French level). You can download it in PDF format.
[French FFL A2 comprehension] French culture: truth or prejudice?

[French FFL A2 comprehension] French culture: truth or prejudice?

In these FFL worksheets (2 pages), you will find a text entitled “French culture: truth or prejudice?” for adults learners, level A2/B1. The text deals with the way of life of the French people, and addresses the prejudices that stick to them. The following questions are raised: Do the French like snails and frog legs? Do they really always eat cheese? Are they lazy? After this text, you will find five written comprehension questions, quite simple. Then comes a vocabulary exercise in MCQ: you will have to find the definition of the words hautain, rude, fainéant, démodé, viennoiserie and patrimoine. Finally, you will find a written expression subject: How do you find life in France? If you have never been there, how do you imagine it? This work is adapted to A2 level but can be used with B1 level learners to consolidate their knowledge of the French language. An answer key is included. The document can be downloaded in PDF and editable DOCX.