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Teaching process is a vital part in the process of knowledge gaining. That is why we put all our affords to create most interactive and breathtaking teaching materials. With our Business Related materials your students will enhance their knowledge and you can be sure that teaching process will be as interesting as it possible.




Teaching process is a vital part in the process of knowledge gaining. That is why we put all our affords to create most interactive and breathtaking teaching materials. With our Business Related materials your students will enhance their knowledge and you can be sure that teaching process will be as interesting as it possible.
International Marketing / Global Marketing (International Business)

International Marketing / Global Marketing (International Business)

International Marketing / Global Marketing is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students. LECTURE OVERVIEW: Marketing is a social and managerial process through which individuals and organizations satisfy their needs and objectives via the exchange process. This lecture begins by examining the ways in which marketing managers analyze country market potential in order to develop effective international marketing mix strategies. It reviews the adaptation vs. standardization debate and also considers the rationale for selecting nationally responsive vs. globally integrated marketing strategies. The lecture discusses each of the marketing mix variables from an international perspective and concludes with a note about international e-commerce. Lecture Learning Objectives: • Understand a variety of international product policies and their appropriate circumstances • Discuss the pros and cons of product alterations when deciding between standardized and differentiated marketing programs between countries • Appreciate the pricing complexities when selling in foreign markets • Recognize country differences that may necessitate alterations in promotional practices • Comprehend the different branding strategies companies may employ internationally • Discern effective practices and complications of international distribution • Perceive why and how emphasis in the marketing mix may vary among countries • Anticipate the ways that international marketing segmentation may evolve In this file you will find: 1 International Marketing / Global Marketing Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations 4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar 10 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 folder with useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Writing Business Messages (Business Communication)

Writing Business Messages (Business Communication)

Writing Business Messages is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module. The two tasks covered in this lecture are adapting to your audience (including being sensitive to audience needs, building strong relationships, and controlling your style and tone) and composing your message (including choosing powerful words, creating effective sentences, and crafting unified, coherent paragraphs). The Lecture concludes with advice on writing messages for mobile devices. Lecture Agenda: Adapting to Your Audience: Being Sensitive to Audience Needs Using the “You” Attitude Maintaining Standards of Etiquette Emphasizing the Positive Using Bias-Free Language Adapting to Your Audience: Building Strong Relationships Establishing Your Credibility Projecting Your Company’s Image Adapting to Your Audience: Controlling Your Style and Tone Using a Conversational Tone Using Plain Language Selecting the Active or Passive Voice Composing Your Message: Choosing Powerful Words Understanding Denotation and Connotation Balancing Abstract and Concrete Words Finding Words That Communicate Well Composing Your Message: Creating Effective Sentences Choosing from the Four Types of Sentences Using Sentence Style to Emphasize Key Thoughts Composing Your Message: Crafting Unified, Coherent Paragraphs Creating the Elements of a Paragraph Topic Sentence Support Sentences Transitions Choosing the Best Way to Develop a Paragraph Writing Messages for Mobile Devices Learning Objectives: Identify the four aspects of being sensitive to audience needs when writing business messages. Identify seven characteristics that build and maintain a communicator’s credibility. Explain how to achieve a tone that is conversational but businesslike, explain the value of using plain language, and define active and passive voice. Describe how to select words that are both correct and effective. Define the four types of sentences, and explain how sentence style affects emphasis within a message. Define the three key elements of a paragraph, and list five ways to develop unified, coherent paragraphs. List five techniques for writing effective messages for mobile readers. In this file you will find: 1 Writing Business Messages Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation 1 Folder with relevant pictures You may also like: Planning Business Messages (Business Communication) Communication Challenges in a Diverse, Global Marketplace (Business Communication) Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Performance Management and Appraisal (Human Resources)

Performance Management and Appraisal (Human Resources)

Performance Management and Appraisal - HR is a lecture which is covered during Human Resource Management Module. The purpose of this Lecture is to show you how to appraise employee’s performance. The main topics we cover include the basics of performance appraisal, tools for appraising performance, dealing with rater error appraisal problems, the appraisal interview, employee engagement guide for managers, and performance management. **Interesting Issues: ** TRW supplies automotive steering, braking, and safety and electronic equipment to customers worldwide. Several years ago, TRW was deeply in debt. With over 100,000 employees on five continents, TRW management knew it had to base its new strategy on improving competitiveness and performance. At the time, most of the firm’s far-flung departments used their own paper-based performance appraisal systems. Top management decided it needed a new company-wide performance management system to help bring what TRW’s employees were doing into synch with the firm’s new strategic goals. We will see what they did. Learning Objectives: Describe the performance appraisal process. Define the pros and cons of at least eight performance appraisal methods. Give examples of potential appraisal problems and how to deal with them. List steps to take in the appraisal interview. Explain key points in how to use the appraisal interview to boost employee engagement. Explain how you would take a performance management approach to appraisal. In this file you will find: 1 Performance Management and Appraisal Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 110 different questions with full answer description and explanation 3 Case Studies with all answers to them 10 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 Interesting Exercise 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge **Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Managing Human Resources in Small and Entrepreneurial Firms – Human Resource

Managing Human Resources in Small and Entrepreneurial Firms – Human Resource

Managing Human Resources in Small and Entrepreneurial Firms – Human Resource is a lecture which is covered during Human Resource Management Module. The main purpose of this lecture is to help you apply what you know about human resource management to running a small business. The main topics we’ll address include the small business challenge; using Internet and government tools to support the HR effort; leveraging small size with familiarity, flexibility, fairness, and informality; using professional employer organizations; and managing HR systems, procedures, and paperwork. Interesting Issues: City Garage is an expanding auto servicing company in Texas. One way they distinguish themselves is with a strategy based on letting customers interact directly with City Garage’s mechanics in what it calls its “open service area” – as they say, “We are all about customers.” But fast growth and hiring sociable employees require effective hiring. We’ll see what they did. Learning Objectives: Explain why HRM is important to small businesses and how small business HRM is different from that in large businesses. Give four examples of how entrepreneurs can use Internet and government tools to support the HR effort. List five ways entrepreneurs can use their small size to improve their HR processes. Discuss how you would choose and deal with a professional employee organization. Describe how you would create a start-up human resource system for a new small business. In this file you will find: 1 Managing Human Resources in Small and Entrepreneurial Firms Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 110 different questions with full answer description and explanation 3 Case Studies with all answers to them 10 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 Interesting Exercise 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Confidence Interval Estimation (Statistics)

Confidence Interval Estimation (Statistics)

Confidence Interval Estimation is a lecture which is covered within the Statistic or Basic Business Statistic module by business and economics students. Suppose you want to estimate the mean GPA of all the students at your university. The mean GPA for all the students is an unknown population mean, denoted by u. You select a sample of students and compute the sample mean, denoted by X, to be 2.80. As a point estimate of the population mean, u, you ask how accurate is the 2.80 value as an estimate of the population mean, u? By considering the variability from sample to sample (see Section 7.2, concerning the sampling distribution of the mean), you can construct a confidence interval estimate for the population mean to answer this question. When you construct a confidence interval estimate, you indicate the confidence of correctly estimating the value of the population parameter, u. This allows you to say that there is a specified confidence that u is somewhere in the range of numbers defined by the interval. After studying this chapter, you might find that a 95% confidence interval for the mean GPA at your university is 2.75 < u < 2.85. You can interpret this interval estimate by stating that you are 95% confident that the mean GPA at your university is between 2.75 and 2.85. In this chapter, you learn to construct a confidence interval for both the population mean and population proportion. You also learn how to determine the sample size that is necessary to construct a confidence interval of a desired width. In this lecture, you learn to: To construct and interpret confidence interval estimates for the population mean and the population proportion To determine the sample size necessary to develop a confidence interval for the population mean or population proportion How to use confidence interval estimates in auditing When to use a finite population correction factor in calculating a confidence interval for either µ or π How to use a finite population correction factor in calculating a confidence interval for either µ or π How to use a finite population correction factor in calculating a sample size for a confidence interval for either µ or π The concept of bootstrapping and when it makes sense to use it. In this file you will find: Confidence Interval Estimation Lecture Power Point Presentation Confidence Interval Estimation Test Bank with 183 different related questions with full answer description and explanation 68 Exercises related to the topic with all answers to them Confidence Interval Estimation Reading Resources file in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! All resources are compressed in zip file. You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use counpon code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Analyzing Quantitative Data

Analyzing Quantitative Data

Research Methods Module - Analyzing Quantitative Data Lecture is covered by students who are writing final research projects. Here is Outline of Lecture: I. Overview of quantitative analysis II. Types of data/variables III. Preparing data for analysis IV. Presenting and describing data (remember DANIM) V. Analysing data (inferential statistics) A. Hypothesis testing B. Statistical significance C. Tests for patterns (Chi-square test) D. Test of associations (Chi-square test) E. Correlation tests (Pearson’s r/Spearman’s rho) F. Tests of difference (Independent and Paired t-test) G. Regression H. Anova VI. Words of reassurance and warning on use of inferential statistics In this File you will find: - 1 Research Methods - Analyzing Quantitative Data Lecture Power Point Presentation - 2 Seminar Plan with more than 10 Exercises and case studies for practice - 2 Teacher Notes for 2 Seminars !!! Attention !!! In order to do seminar activities you as well as your students must to have access to the STATA Software! This Materials must to be covered during 2 Lectures + 2 Seminars!!! All materials are covered by Bachelor Level students during the Research Methods Module.
Information Society and Value of Networks - Internet Law

Information Society and Value of Networks - Internet Law

Information Society and Value of Networks is a lecture which is covered during Internet Law module. This module is covered by* level 5 university (bachelor) students*. In this file you will find: 1 Information Society and Value of Networks Lecture PPT (22 slides) 2 Interesting video clips on the topic 5 Interesting activities for the seminar/tutorial All materials are prepared by professional Law Lecturer and covered during Internet Law Module with level 5 bachelor degree students!
Internet Defamation - Internet Law

Internet Defamation - Internet Law

Internet Defamation is a lecture which is covered during Internet Law Module.This lecture is covered with bachelor level 5 students! In this file you will find: 1 Internet Defamation - Internet Law Lecture Power Point Presentation **** Lecture Outline:**** • The nature of legal definition of defamation • Specific ways in which the Internet provider provides a forum for defamation rules to the Internet • The differing approaches to defamation claims adopted by the United Kingdom and the United States • The problems relating to successfully prosecuting such a claim and analysis of current levels of damages available • The potential liability of ISP and other intermediaries. 8 Interesting Case Studies for Seminar/Tutorial 2 Interesting Video Clips for Lecture/Seminar 1 File with recommended reading materials All materials are prepared by professional Law Lecturer and covered during Internet Law Module with level 5 bachelor degree students! You may also like: Data Protection - Internet Law Whole Lesson Electronic Contracting - Internet Law Whole Lesson Domain Names and Trademarks - Internet Law Whole Lesson Copyrights in Information Age - Internet Law Whole Lesson Digital Regulation - Internet Law Whole Lesson Information Society and Value of Networks - Internet Law Whole Lesson
Domain Names and Trademarks - Internet Law

Domain Names and Trademarks - Internet Law

Domain Names and Trademarks is a lecture which is covered during Internet Law Module. This lecture is covered with bachelor level 5 student! In this file you will find: 1 Domain Names and Trademarks - Internet Law Lecture Power Point Presentation Lecture Outline • Trade Marks and branding • Trademarks in the global business environment • Characteristics of the trademarks: Registered and unregistered trade marks • Trade marks and domain names disputes • Cybersquatting • ICANN UDRP • The Nominet DRS 7 Interesting Case Studies for Seminar/Tutorial 1 File with recommended reading materials All materials are prepared by professional Law Lecturer and covered during Internet Law Module with level 5 bachelor degree students! You may also like: Information Society and Value of Networks - Internet Law Whole Lesson Digital Regulation - Internet Law Whole Lesson Copyrights in Information Age - Internet Law Whole Lesson
Planning Business Messages (Business Communication)

Planning Business Messages (Business Communication)

Planning Business Messages is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module. This lecture introduces the three-step writing process and covers the tasks in the writing step: analyzing the situation, gathering the information needed to craft an effective message, choosing the best combination of media and communication channels, and organizing the information. Moreover, it deals with the fundamentals of crafting messages, including audience analysis, organization, style, tone, and basic document design. Your students can learn the skills required to write messages that are clear, interesting, concise, diplomatic, and convincing. Learning Objectives: Describe the three-step writing process. Explain why it’s important to analyze a communication situation in order to define your purpose and profile your audience before writing a message. Discuss information-gathering options for simple messages, and identify three attributes of quality information. List the factors to consider when choosing the most appropriate medium for a message. Explain why good organization is important to both you and your audience, and list the tasks involved in organizing a message. In this file you will find: 1 Planning Business Messages Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation 1 Folder with relevant pictures You may also like: Professional Communication in a Digital, Social, Mobile World (Business Communication ) Collaboration and Business Etiquette (Business Communication) Interpersonal Communication Skills (Business Communication) Communication Challenges in Communication Challenges in a Diverse, Global Marketplace (Business Communication) Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Writing Persuasive Messages (Business Communication)

Writing Persuasive Messages (Business Communication)

**Writing Persuasive Messages **is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module. This Lecture completes the section on brief message types with a look at persuasive messages, which we divide into persuasive business messages and marketing and sales messages. Key points for both categories include learning how to frame an argument, balancing emotional and logical appeals, reinforcing one’s position, anticipating objections, and avoiding common mistakes in persuasive communication. Learning Objectives: Apply the three-step writing process to persuasive messages. Describe an effective process for developing persuasive business messages, and identify the three most common categories of persuasive business messages. Describe an effective strategy for developing marketing and sales messages, and explain how to modify your approach when writing promotional messages for social media. Identify steps you can take to avoid ethical lapses in marketing and sales messages. In this file you will find: 1 Writing Persuasive Messages Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation 1 Folder with relevant pictures You may also like: Writing Negative Messages (Business Communication) Writing Routine and Positive Messages (Business Communication) Writing Business Messages (Business Communication) Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Equal Opportunity and the Law

Equal Opportunity and the Law

Equal Opportunity and the Law is a lecture which is covered during Human Resource Management Module. The purpose of this lecture is to provide you with the knowledge to deal effectively with equal employment questions on the job. The main topics we cover are equal opportunity laws enacted from 1964 to 1991, the laws enacted from 1991 to the present, defenses against discrimination allegations, illustrative discriminatory employment practices, the EEOC enforcement process, and diversity management. **Interesting Issues: ** A university recently fired its career services director after years of good evaluations. This happened about a year after his new boss gave him his first poor evaluation while peppering him with questions like “When are you going to retire?” The dismissed employee soon sued for age discrimination. We will see how to avoid such problems. Learning Objectives: Explain the importance of and list the basic features of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and at least five other equal employment laws. Describe post-1990 employment laws including the Americans with Disabilities Act and how to avoid accusations of sexual harassment at work. Illustrate two defenses you can use in the event of discriminatory practice allegations, and cite specific discriminatory personnel management practices in recruitment, selection, promotion, transfer, layoffs, and benefits. List the steps in the EEOC enforcement process. Discuss why diversity management is important and how to install a diversity management program. In this file you will find: 1 Equal Opportunity and the Law Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 110 different questions with full answer description and explanation 3 Case Studies with all answers to them 10 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge **Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Interviewing Candidates - Human Resource

Interviewing Candidates - Human Resource

Interviewing Candidates - HR is a lecture which is covered during Human Resource Management Module. The main topics we’ll cover in this lecture include types of interviews, things that undermine interviewing, things that undermine interviewing’s usefulness, designing and conducting effective selection interviews, using a total selection process to improve employee engagement, and making the offer. **Interesting Issues: ** When it comes to hiring, Urban Outfitters knows just what it’s looking for. The lifestyle retailer, with over 200 stores in the United States, Canada, and Europe, built its strategy around fostering a culture of creativity and individuality within its stores. That means that maintaining its unique store environment requires employees that match its core values of community, pride, creativity, and respect. The question is, how do you find and attract such applicants, while controlling hiring costs in the competitive retail industry? Learning Objectives: List and give examples of the main types of selection interviews. List and explain the main errors that can undermine an interview’s usefulness. Define a structured situational interview and explain how to design and conduct effective selection interviews. Discuss how to use employee selection methods to improve employee engagement. List the main points to know about developing and extending the actual job offer. In this file you will find: 1 Interviewing Candidates Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 110 different questions with full answer description and explanation 3 Case Studies with all answers to them 10 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 Interesting Exercise 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Benefits and Services – Human Resource

Benefits and Services – Human Resource

Benefits and Services – Human Resource is a lecture which is covered during Human Resource Management Module. The main purpose of this lecture is to explain the third major pay component: employee benefits. The main topics we discuss are pay for time not worked benefits, insurance benefits, retirement benefits, and using benefits to improve engagement and performance. This chapter will complete our discussion on employee compensation. **Interesting Issues: ** About 25 years ago, Gary Erickson was biking through California and got an idea that changed his life—to create tastier and healthier bars than those then available. That was the beginning of Clif Bar, a company Erickson started as a small bakery and then grew into one with hundreds of employees selling healthy foods and drinks. He wanted an employee benefits plan for his employees that highlighted Clif Bar’s healthy/sustainable focus; we’ll see what he did. Learning Objectives: Name and define each of the main pay for time not worked benefits. Describe each of the main insurance benefits. Discuss the main retirement benefits. Outline the main employees’ services benefits. Explain the main flexible benefit programs. Explain how to use benefits to improve engagement, productivity, and performance. In this file you will find: 1 Benefits and Services Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 110 different questions with full answer description and explanation 3 Case Studies with all answers to them 10 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 Interesting Exercise 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Governmental Influence on Trade / Trade protectionism (International Business)

Governmental Influence on Trade / Trade protectionism (International Business)

Governmental Influence on Trade / Trade protectionism is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students. LECTURE OVERVIEW A government’s political objectives are sometimes at odds with its economic proposals to improve a nation’s market efficiency and international competitiveness. This Lecture begins by discussing the reasons why and the ways in which governments intervene in the international trade process. It then examines the economic and the noneconomic effects of those actions upon participants in that process. Finally, the lecture considers the principle instruments of trade control, including both tariffs and nontariff barriers, and concludes with a discussion of ways in which firms can deal with adverse trading conditions both at home and abroad. Lecture Learning Objectives: • Explain why governments try to enhance and restrict trade • Show the effects of pressure groups on trade policies • Compare the potential and actual effects of governmental intervention on the free flow of trade • Illustrate the major means by which trade is restricted and regulated • Demonstrate the business uncertainties and business opportunities created by governmental trade policies • Discern how businesses may respond to import competition • Fathom how the growing complexity of products and trade regulations may affect future competition In this file you will find: 1 Governmental Influence on Trade / Trade protectionism Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations 4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar 8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 folder with useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! You may purchase this resources with more than 20% discount here, use coupon: lovetoteach
Personnel Planning and Recruiting

Personnel Planning and Recruiting

Personnel Planning and Recruiting is a lecture which is covered during Human Resource Module. The purpose of this Lesson is to improve your effectiveness in recruiting candidates. The topics we discuss include personnel planning, forecasting, recruiting job candidates, and developing and using application forms. **Interesting Issues: ** Like most luxury hotel businesses, Four Seasons builds its strategy around offering superior customer service, and doing that requires staffing its hotels with highly motivated and high-morale employees. Therefore, in thinking through how to recruit employees, Four Seasons managers sought a way to use recruitment to encourage the employee motivation and morale that would lead to improved customer service. We will see what they did. Learning Objectives: Explain the main techniques used in employment planning and forecasting. Explain and give examples for the need for effective recruiting. Name and describe the main internal sources of candidates. Discuss a workforce planning method you would use to improve employee engagement. List and discuss the main outside sources of candidates. Explain how to recruit a more diverse workforce. Discuss practical guidelines for obtaining application information. In this file you will find: 1 Personnel Planning and Recruiting Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 110 different questions with full answer description and explanation 3 Case Studies with all answers to them 10 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 Interesting Exercise 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Establishing Strategic Pay Plans – Human Resource

Establishing Strategic Pay Plans – Human Resource

Establishing Strategic Pay Plans – Human Resource is a lecture which is covered during Human Resource Management Module. The main purpose of this lecture is to show you how to establish a pay plan. The main topics we cover are basic factors in determining pay rates; job evaluation methods; how to create a market competitive pay plan; pricing managerial and professional jobs; and contemporary topics in compensation. **Interesting Issues: ** In the grocery business, when Walmart opens a store, the other stores’ usual reaction is to cut costs, particularly wages and benefits. So as Wegmans Food Markets, Inc., adds more stores and increasingly competes with Walmart, its management needs to decide this: Should we cut pay to better compete based on cost, or pursue a different compensation policy? We’ll see how Wegmans boosted profits by raising pay. Learning Objectives: List the basic factors determining pay rates. Define and give an example of how to conduct a job evaluation. Explain in detail how to establish a market-competitive pay plan. Explain how to price managerial and professional jobs. Explain the difference between competency-based and traditional pay plans. Describe the importance of total rewards for improving employee engagement. In this file you will find: 1 Establishing Strategic Pay Plans Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 110 different questions with full answer description and explanation 3 Case Studies with all answers to them 10 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 Interesting Exercise 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Managing Global Human Resources – Human Resource

Managing Global Human Resources – Human Resource

Managing Global Human Resources – Human Resource is a lecture which is covered during Human Resource Management Module. The purpose of this lecture is to improve your effectiveness at applying your human resource knowledge and skills when global challenges are involved. The topics we’ll discuss include the manager’s global challenge, adapting human resources activities to intercountry differences, staffing the global organization, training and maintaining employees abroad, employee engagement globally, and managing HR locally: how to implement a global HR system. Interesting Issues: A few years ago the Japanese industrial giant Hitachi embarked on a strategy to streamline its business into six market-based but integrated groups around the world, and to meld these into what is called “One Hitachi.” Its HR group needed a new human resource strategy to support this. We’ll see what they did. Learning Objects: List the HR challenges of international business. Illustrate with examples how intercountry differences affect HRM. List and briefly describe the main methods for staffing global organizations. Discuss some important issues to keep in mind in training, appraising, and compensating international employees. Discuss similarities and differences in employee engagement around the globe. Explain with examples how to implement a global human resource management program. In this file you will find: 1 Managing Global Human Resources Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 110 different questions with full answer description and explanation 3 Case Studies with all answers to them 10 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 Interesting Exercise 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Cross-National Cooperation and Agreements

Cross-National Cooperation and Agreements

Cross-National Cooperation and Agreements is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students. LECTURE OVERVIEW: Regional economic integration represents a relatively new phenomenon in the history of world trade and investment. This lecture first examines the roles of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the World Trade Organization in determining the ground rules of the world trade environment. It then introduces the basic types of economic integration and explores the potential effects of the process. Next it examines in detail both the European Union (its structure and its operations) and the North American Free Trade Agreement and briefly describes a variety of other regional economic groups. The lecture concludes with a discussion of various commodity agreements and producer alliances, including the Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries. Lecture Learning Objectives: • Identify the major characteristics and challenges of the World Trade Organization • Discuss the pros and cons of global, bilateral, and regional integration • Describe the static and dynamic impact of trade agreements on trade and investment flows • Define different forms of regional economic integration • Compare and contrast different regional trading groups • Describe other forms of global cooperation, such as the United Nations and OPEC In this file you will find: 1 Cross-National Cooperation and Agreements Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations 4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar 8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 folder with useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! You may purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by clicking this link. Use coupon during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Globalization and Society / Ethics and Social Responsibility (International Business)

Globalization and Society / Ethics and Social Responsibility (International Business)

Globalization and Society / Ethics and Social Responsibility is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students. LECTURE OVERVIEW: Globalization has become a major socioeconomic force and topic of debate in the twenty-first century. Following an explanation of the balance-of-payments effects of FDI, a series of ethical issues concerning the social responsibilities of MNEs is explored. The cultural and legal foundations of ethical behavior are examined, and the challenges of global warming, pharmaceutical sales, and child labor are highlighted. The lecture concludes with a brief discussion of the need for corporate codes of ethics. Lecture Learning Objectives: • Examine the broad foundations of ethical behavior • Demonstrate the cultural and legal foundations of ethical behavior • Discuss the importance of social responsibility when operating internationally, especially in areas of sustainability • Discuss some key issues in the social activities and consequences of globalized business • Examine corporate responses to globalization in the form of codes of conduct, among other things In this file you will find: 1 Globalization and Society Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations 4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar 6 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 folder with useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! You may purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH