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Miss Gammack's Shop

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Thank you for supporting my shop :) We all work so hard and I just want to share my lessons to make your life a little easier x




Thank you for supporting my shop :) We all work so hard and I just want to share my lessons to make your life a little easier x
Barbara Hepworth - moulding techniques

Barbara Hepworth - moulding techniques

Please check out my shop as this follows on from the introduction to Barbara Hepworth During this lesson it looks at the key facts of Barbara Hepworth (recap) - birth/ death/ where she was born and what type of artist she was. Includes what a sculptor does. Quote for the children to remember There is a video of what clay is Then the children will need clay and they are going to practise moulding the clay - rolling, smoothing, pulling, pinching, squeezing.
Barbara Hepworth   - score and slip

Barbara Hepworth - score and slip

please check out my shop as this follows on from the texture lesson. During this lesson it looks at the key facts of Barbara Hepworth (recap) - birth/ death/ where she was born and what type of artist she was. Recaps the tools and how these can create textures and patterns. It then has a chance to reflect on what they have done in the previous session with the textures video of how to complete score and slip task - children to practise the score and slip technique
To learn about the events of Palm Sunday

To learn about the events of Palm Sunday

This powerpoint gives brief detail about why Easter is celebrated - includes a short bbc video Then looks at the importance of the palm leaf and why it was used. followed by the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem I have added a link to a video of what it would have been like when Jesus entered and looked at the word Hosanna and what it means. There are a couple of discussion questions and then the task is to complete a story board of what happened that day
Judaism - the significance of prayer

Judaism - the significance of prayer

This is one full lesson on prayer. it includes:- importance of public worship formal and informal prayer what is worn during prayer what is the tefillin and what is it used for task - examples of prayers from the Torah and the children have to match up which type of situation the prayer would be read out. This is part of a unit od work so please check out my shop for the unit if you would like :)
Religious and non religious view on life after death

Religious and non religious view on life after death

This is a unit of work which includes 5 lessons. I will be putting them on individually aswell if you just want one of the lessons Lesson 1 - To understand that sadness is felt by everyone at some point in thier lives Lesson 2 - to understand what physically happens when we die and how the death of a person is marked and commemorated in the Christian religion. Lesson 3 - Islamic views on life after death Lesson 4 - Hindu views on life after death Lesson 5 - non religious views on life after death Each lesson has a powerpoint and then a task at the end to complete. I have put 1 or 2 tasks on each lesson and then sometimes an extension task.
Christians funeral ceremony

Christians funeral ceremony

This is part of a block of lessons on Christian rites of passage, so please check out my shop for the other sessions. This is a complete lesson on the funeral process. The powerpoint includes: Key vocabulary what Christians believes happen when you die What is a funeral what happens during the funeral service committal what happens after the funeral task - draw what they think a Christian heaven would look like a label the key parts with an explanation
Holy Communion

Holy Communion

This is a complete lesson it includes: key vocabulary different groups of the Christian religion - brief introduced Holy Communion and why Christians do it The last supper story video link to a cartoon version of the last supper three main Christian views of taking the bread and wine and what it actually means to them When children have their first Holy Communion and how white is worn to show purity True or false quiz - can either be done as a whole class or in books Task - create a poem about Holy communion It has sentence starters and key words to support
special places for Christians to pilgrimage to

special places for Christians to pilgrimage to

This is complete lesson and it includes : key vocabulary slide discussion between class about special places to them Know that Christians have special places and three of these are Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Nazareth shows where these places are on a map Gives more info on the three places and why they are special to Christians Has some info on the church of nativity Task - children to match a picture of the place to the name and then write a sentence to explain why it is important for Christians
Escape from Pompeii weekly plan

Escape from Pompeii weekly plan

Included in this resource you will receive:- Weekly plan of what to do each day Success criteria for each lesson Comprehension activity linked to the book 'escape from Pompeii with three levels (bronze, silver, gold) Key word slides of difficult words that they may come across in the book (these include the word/ meaning of the word/ picture/ linked words) Story plan (which could be used for a big write the following week) draft story of the story plan Grammar powerpoint on adverbs to help with the story Postcard example.
Saving energy - renewable and non renewable energy

Saving energy - renewable and non renewable energy

This detailed presentation includes 2 sessions. session 1 - discusses what is energy, looks at non renewable energy and climate change and how green houses gases (cause and consequence of them ) are contributing to these. work for session 1 is to write about green house gases and include cause and consequence using the powerpoint as support. Session 2 - recap of previous session. Then looks at renewable energy and how this is better for the environment. activity - to produce an information leaflet about how to save energy. Key vocab slides included aswell for the words the children need to know by the end of the two sessions
Nelson Mandela information powerpoint

Nelson Mandela information powerpoint

This powerpoint includes vocabulary slides of key words that i would expect the children to know. It talks about his early life, the problems in south Africa (aparteid) and why he ended up in prison. Includes invictus poem that Mandela found comfort in while in prison - i am going to learn this with my children. Discusses his nobel peace prize and then his death - dates used Children create factfile a out Nelson Mandela
White rose hub style questions year 4

White rose hub style questions year 4

There are over 60 questions on here ranging from time, the four operations, fractions, measures etc I have used these questions as starters or teaching points. They are all from the white rose hub assessments but i have changed the numbers etc so the children get used to the styles of questions. There are over 60 questions, with answers
Greater than/ less than problem solving

Greater than/ less than problem solving

Greater than and less than problem solving sheets there are three differentiated sheets with problems LA - working on one digit MA - working on two digit HA - working on three digit These questions are linked to under the sea
Alfred the Great

Alfred the Great

Alfred the great presentation with activities Discusses the fights between the Alfred and Guthrum and what happened. Explains why Alfred was given the nickname Alfred the great. Includes two activities -Activity 1 - colour and label a map of Danelaw and Alfred’s land. Activity 2 - Write a paragraph about Alfred the great
Athelstan and Constantine and Aethelred the Unready

Athelstan and Constantine and Aethelred the Unready

This includes a full lesson Includes the two kings Athelstan and Constantine and the what happened between England and Scotland at this time. Also where the Vikings went and how Athelstan had to pay them off. includes map to show what it looked like at the time. Then goes into Athelstan’s grandson - Aethelred and how he ruled England Discusses the St Brice’s Day massacre Followed by four activities - an short explanation/ true and false/ finishing sentences and answering a question.
Uncovering Ancient Egypt and meeting the Pharaohs lesson 2

Uncovering Ancient Egypt and meeting the Pharaohs lesson 2

This lesson includes the discussion of tombs and where they have been found (valley of the kings and Abu Simbel temple). Discusses Egyptologists and looks at the two most famous (Howard Carter and Lord Carnavon) - looks at who they found ( tutankhamun) and about the curse that is believed to have killed Carnavon. Meeting the pharaohs - Looks at what pharaohs are believed to be descendents from (sun god Ra) 9 include pic Looks at what pharoahs wore and what they carried around with them and what this symbolises. Looks at the roles and reponsibilities of pharaohs and the royal vizier. Three activities included - 1. an explanation of why pharaohs were important. 2. True or false statements - children prove them with evidence from the power point 3. draw a picture of you as a pharaoh - what are you wearing/carrying. Explain why these items are important.
Egyptian Priests and temples lesson 4

Egyptian Priests and temples lesson 4

Priests and temples lesson Discusses the houses for the gods and how priests looked after these. Includes sacred statues/ temple at Karnak/ the difference between high and low priests/ rituals and shrines three activities to complete - true or false - children have to find evidence from the text to prove whether it is true or false. Activity 2 - explain why Karnak is so important using evidence from the text. Activity 3 - what different jobs did the priests do depending on their ranking
Classifying African animals

Classifying African animals

This powerpoint gives a general background about animal species in the world, has an example of a classification of an animal. then looks at how we classify them - plants and animals vertebrates and invertebrates - this then branches off into the 5 main vetebrate and what makes them a mammal, fish, bird, reptile or amphibian. Then it branches off the invetebrate into arachnid, molluscs and insects and what makes them these things. A classification chart (vertebrates) is at the end and i would give them this to copy into their books to create their own classification key. As a challenge i would get them to add in more questions to seperate the animals further. The animsla i have included are african animals as that is our topic but could easily be swapped for other animals and it would still work
Six lessons on the Vikings

Six lessons on the Vikings

These are available as individual lessons if you do not want them all - please see my shop The order in which they need to be taught are 1.Who were the Vikings? 2.Norse beliefs 3.Lindisfarne 4.Alfred the Great 5.Athelstan and Constantine 6.Edward the confessor and his death in 1066 The individual lessons have a breadkdown in the resources description if you need to know what is included in each lesson
Ancient Egyptian painting (Gods)

Ancient Egyptian painting (Gods)

Discusses the types of paintings found at that time and where they were - in tombs and papyrus was used Gives a background about this. Goes into how the paintings had a profile and frontal view - has examples. Includes list of colours used and why they were used (what they represented) Looks at the symbols some of the gods, then has a variety of gods for the children to choose from for their drawings and the hieroglypihcs which need to be present in the picture Has an example of how to set out their sketch books as a practise of skills before they complete their painting. This would take either two lessons or one longer art session with the sketch book completed first and then their own picture created after either on brown paper or have another lesson creating their own papyrus to paint on.