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Compare the ways poets present ideas about war in Bayonet Charge
The following essay was written in response to the following question: ‘‘Compare the ways poets present ideas about war in Bayonet Charge and in one other poem from ‘Power and Conflict’ (AQA). The answer achieved 20 out of a possible 30 marks. It can be used as a form of revision or when responding to feedback to enhance essay skills and further develop analytical writing style.

GCSE Classical Civilisation OCR: Religion and the City Summary Notes
Condensed notes for the OCR GCSE Classical Civilisations specification for ‘Myth and Religion’.
Easy to learn, concise, bullet point revision notes
Covers every point on the current OCR specification
Exam Questions (knowledge and essay-based) with what to include to gain marks

GCSE Classical Civilisation OCR: Myth and Symbols of Power Summary Notes
Condensed notes for the OCR GCSE Classical Civilisations specification for ‘Myth and Religion’.
Easy to learn, concise, bullet point revision notes
Covers every point on the current OCR specification
Exam Questions (knowledge and essay-based) with what to include to gain marks

Decorative Arts: Mycenaean Age Knowledge Organiser
Designed for students to use who are studying/following the OCR GCSE Classical Civilisations specification, covering 2.4: Decorative Arts (Literature and Culture: Mycenaean Age).

Arthur Birling Quote Analysis Grid
Arthur Birling Quote Grid Analysis Sheet for GCSE English Literature, consisting of:
Key Quote
Analysis (interpretations, using key terminology)
Themes/Main Ideas
Key words to Describe Arthur Birling
Links to Context and the Reader
Example essay plan at the end of the document and sample response to the question '‘How does Priestley present Birling in ‘An Inspector Calls?’’

Civil Rights and Race Relations in the USA: Timeline
History Edexcel A-Level Civil Rights in the USA Timeline
Split into sections for easy revision of key dates. The sections are as follows:
‘‘Free at Last’’
‘‘Triumph of the Jim Crow Laws’’
‘‘New Deal and Race Relations’’
‘‘I Have a Dream’’
Obama’s Campaign for Presidency

Death, Burial and the Underworld Knowledge Organiser - GCSE Classical Civilisations
This knowledge organiser groups together 1.7 and 1.8 of the GCSE Classical Civilisation specification for Myth and Religion and covers Death, Burial and the Underworld.
It provides an overview of the following:
Greek funerary practices, including the prothesis and ekphora
Festivals for the dead ancestors
Funeral Clubs
Roman funerary practices
Homeric Hymn to Demeter
Orpheus and Eurydice

Timeline America (Conflict at Home and Abroad) - GCSE History Edexcel
Timeline for America - Conflict at Home and Abroad. Designed for the AQA Edexcel History Modern Period Study (Paper 3)

'London' - Summary Sheet
Designed for the AQA ‘Power and Conflict’ cluster (9-1). This sheet covers William Blake’s ‘London’ and provides an overview of:
A short-summary
5 key quotes with interpretations
Form and Structure
Poems that could be compared with ‘London’

'Charge of the Light Brigade' - Summary Sheet
Designed for the AQA ‘Power and Conflict’ cluster (9-1). This sheet covers Tennyson’s ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’ and provides an overview of:
A short-summary
5 key quotes with interpretations
Form and Structure
Poems that could be compared with ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’

'My Last Duchess' - Summary Sheet
Designed for the AQA ‘Power and Conflict’ cluster (9-1). This sheet covers Browning’s ‘My Last Duchess’’ and provides an overview of:
A short-summary
5 key quotes with interpretations
Form and Structure
Poems that could be compared with ‘My Last Duchess’

'Storm on the Island' - Summary Sheet
Designed for the AQA ‘Power and Conflict’ cluster (9-1). This sheet covers Heaneys’ ‘Storm on the Island’ and provides an overview of:
A short-summary
5 key quotes with interpretations
Form and Structure
Poems that could be compared with ‘Storm on the Island’

'Explain what picture of warfare is created by Virgil in the fall of Troy in Book 2''
The following essay scored 17/20 marks and was written in response to the question: ‘Explain what picture of warfare is created by Virgil in the fall of Troy in Book 2.’’ It can be used as an example essay after mocks or as a source of revision for students. It is intended to be used by AS/A-Level students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation ‘World of the Hero’ specification

Exemplar 10 Mark Response - Virgil's Aeneid ('World of the Hero')
The following answers scored 9 out of 10 marks and is focused on a passage taken towards the end of Book 2 of Virgil’s Aeneid. It can be used as an example essay after mocks or as a source of revision. It is intended to be used by AS/A-Level students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation ‘World of the Hero’ specification.

'Ozymandias' - Summary Sheet
Designed for the AQA ‘Power and Conflict’ cluster (9-1). This sheet covers Shelly’s ‘Ozymandias’ and provides an overview of:
A short-summary
5 key quotes with interpretations
Form and Structure
Poems that could be compared with ‘Ozymandias’

GCSE Classical Civilisation OCR: Foundation Stories Summary Notes
Condensed notes for the OCR GCSE Classical Civilisations specification for ‘Myth and Religion’.
Easy to learn, concise, bullet point revision notes
Covers every point on the current OCR specification
Exam Questions (knowledge and essay-based) with what to include to gain marks

Compare the ways the poets present ideas about war in ‘Bayonet Charge’ and in one other poem
The following essays were written in response to the following question: ‘‘Compare the ways the poets present ideas about war in ‘Bayonet Charge’ and one other poem from ‘Power and Conflict’(AQA).
Both answers scored within the mid-moderate to high bands. They can be used as a form of revision or when responding to feedback to enhance essay skills and further develop analytical writing style.

Power and Conflict Revision Bundle (AQA GCSE English Literature)
Revision Bundle for AQA English Literature Paper 2, covering the poems in the ‘Power and Conflict’ poetry cluster. This bundle contains:
Fully annotated poetry anthology
Summary Sheets for all 15 poems
Model Answers (high-attaining)

Odysseus is able to defeat the Suitors only thanks to deceit and trickery
The following essay was written in response to the question:‘’Odysseus is able to defeat the Suitors only thanks to deceit and trickery’’. It can be used as an example essay after mocks or as a source of revision for students. It is intended to be used by GCSE students studying ‘‘Homeric World’’ (OCR Classical Civilisation specification)

Athenian festivals showed off the greatness of Athens far better than Roman festivals
The following essay was writing in response to the question: ‘‘Athenian festivals showed off the greatness of Athens far better than Roman festivals showed off the greatness of Rome’’. It was written as part of a mock examination for the GCSE OCR specification for Myth and Religion and achieved thirteen marks.