With a decade of teaching experience, I specialize in developing student-centered ELA activities and unit plans that foster creativity and critical thinking. My resources have been tried and tested in more than 74,000 classrooms worldwide since 2013.
With a decade of teaching experience, I specialize in developing student-centered ELA activities and unit plans that foster creativity and critical thinking. My resources have been tried and tested in more than 74,000 classrooms worldwide since 2013.
This short story bundle includes vocabulary games, comprehension quizzes, and close reading inference worksheets to ensure high school students can read with a purpose and exercise critical thinking and literary analysis skills. Three narratives, each written by Katherine Mansfield, are featured: “The Doll’s House,” “The Garden Party,” and “Bliss.” Answer keys and copies of the public domain texts are included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By engaging with these materials, students will do the following:
Read for literal comprehension
Consult reference materials to learn and verify word meanings as needed
Choose the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Infer the intended effects of the author’s word choices and narrative techniques
Discern the functions of given excerpts
Describe tone in context
Explore how characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Apply knowledge of literary devices including foreshadowing, metaphor, personification, symbolism, and more
Consider themes in context
Write about literature with clarity, accuracy, and precision
Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence
Come to class better prepared to discuss works of fiction
Support vocabulary development, evaluate reading comprehension, and facilitate analysis of characters, plot, and literary craft with this bundle of activities and assessments covering Katherine Mansfield’s short story “Bliss.” A plot-based quiz, a close reading inference worksheet, a vocabulary application activity, a crossword puzzle, a word search, the short story, and answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By engaging with these materials, students will:
Read for literal comprehension
Consult reference materials to learn and verify word meanings as needed
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Infer the intended effects of the author’s word choices and narrative techniques
Reflect on the author’s choice of title
Explore how characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Apply knowledge of literary devices including situational irony, foreshadowing, repetition, and assonance
Write about literature with clarity, accuracy, and precision
Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence
Come to class better prepared to discuss works of fiction
Evaluate general reading comprehension and eliminate assessment planning responsibilities with this plot-based quiz covering the short story “Bliss” by Katherine Mansfield. The resource may double as a guided reading worksheet to help students ascertain crucial details about characters and conflicts. An answer key and copy of the public domain narrative are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following aspects of plot:
Bertha’s general characterization
Bertha’s perspective on “civilized society”
Causes of Bertha’s worries and frustrations
Bertha’s self-image
Harry’s general characterization
Bertha’s assessment of Harry’s personality
The purpose of Harry’s phone call
The professions of secondary characters
The quality Bertha finds most appealing about Pearl
Harry’s supposed opinion of Pearl
Significant epiphanies marking the story’s climax
And more
Support vocabulary development and enhance reading comprehension with this set of games and activities to complement “Bliss” by Katherine Mansfield. A vocabulary application worksheet, a crossword puzzle, a word search game, the public domain text, and answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
Specifically, the following vocabulary terms are addressed: abruptly, anaemia, ardent, flatulence, fluke, fortnight, infallibly, jonquil, monocle, perambulator, petal, repent, shudder, stammer, stodgy, teem, and zest.
By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Support vocabulary development, evaluate reading comprehension, and facilitate analysis of characters, plot, and literary craft with this bundle of activities and assessments covering Katherine Mansfield’s short story “The Doll’s House.” A plot-based quiz, a close reading inference worksheet, a vocabulary application activity, a crossword puzzle, a word search, the short story, and answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By engaging with these materials, students will:
Read for literal comprehension
Consult reference materials to learn and verify word meanings as needed
Infer the intended effects of the author’s word choices and narrative techniques
Discern the functions of given excerpts
Describe tone in context
Explore how characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Apply knowledge of literary devices including metaphor, personification, symbolism, and more
Consider themes in context
Write about literature with clarity, accuracy, and precision
Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence
Come to class better prepared to discuss works of fiction
Challenge students to move beyond surface-level comprehension with this close reading analysis worksheet covering Katherine Mansfield’s short story “The Doll’s House.” From applying knowledge of literary devices to making inferences about the author’s intentions, readers will be supported by a set of rigorous questions complementing the text. An answer key and copy of the narrative are included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. The close reading activity will prompt students to do the following:
Read for literal comprehension
Consult reference materials to learn and verify word meanings as needed
Infer the intended effects of the author’s word choices and narrative techniques
Discern the functions of given excerpts
Describe tone in context
Explore how characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Apply knowledge of literary devices including metaphor, personification, symbolism, and more
Consider themes in context
Write about literature with clarity, accuracy, and precision
Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence
Come to class better prepared to discuss works of fiction
Evaluate general reading comprehension, facilitate vocabulary development, and sharpen critical thinking skills with this bundle of materials for teaching the science fiction short story “Dark They Were and Golden Eyed” by Ray Bradbury. A plot-based quiz, a close reading analysis worksheet, a vocabulary application activity, a crossword puzzle, a word search game, and answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By engaging with these materials, students will:
Identify what the text states explicitly and implicitly
Define words and phrases as they are used in the text
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Choose the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Infer the intended effects of the author’s word choices and narrative techniques
Examine how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Apply knowledge of literary devices including metaphor, onomatopoeia, personification, simile, and more
Explore themes in context
Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence
Write about fiction with clarity, accuracy, and precision
Come to class better prepared to discuss literature
Support vocabulary development and enhance reading comprehension with this set of games and activities to complement the science fiction short story “Dark They Were and Golden Eyed” by Ray Bradbury. A crossword puzzle, a word search activity, a vocabulary application worksheet, the public domain short story, and answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
Specifically, the following vocabulary terms are addressed: amiss, casually, convivial, forlorn, girder, immense, indifferent, leisure, molten, murmur, perspire, recede, resent, unbidden, wade, and wander.
By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Support vocabulary development and enhance reading comprehension with this set of games and activities to complement the science fiction short story “Robot Dreams” by Isaac Asimov. A crossword puzzle, a word search activity, a vocabulary application worksheet, and answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
Specifically, the following vocabulary terms are addressed: abashed, affliction, appalled, devise, further, inert, ingot, interpose, panorama, precedence, rash, symphony, and weary.
By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Evaluate general reading comprehension and support the development of close reading analysis skills with this bundle of formative assessments covering Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story “Young Goodman Brown.” Included are the following: a plot-based quiz, a worksheet composed of rigorous close reading questions, a craft analysis activity, a vocabulary application worksheet, a word search game, a crossword puzzle, the public domain narrative, and answer keys. Materials are delivered in Word Document and PDF formats.
By engaging with these materials, students will:
Identify what the text states both explicitly and implicitly
Determine the narrative’s dominant conflict
Articulate how the narrative is consistent with the conventions of Dark Romanticism (Gothic literature)
Discern the intended effect of the author’s language
Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Apply knowledge of literary devices including anaphora, ambiguity, personification, foreshadowing, simile, and onomatopoeia
Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence
Write about fiction with clarity, accuracy, and precision
Support vocabulary development and enhance reading comprehension with this set of games and activities to complement Franz Kafka’s short story “A Hunger Artist.” A crossword puzzle, a word search activity, a vocabulary application worksheet, and answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
Specifically, the following vocabulary terms are addressed: affably, ardent, bedeck, emaciated, impresario, impudence, lax, malice, melancholy, nomadic, obstinate, pallid, premonitory, rankle, recourse, refuge, repast, totter, weary, and zeal.
By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Evaluate general reading comprehension and promote homework accountability with this plot-based quiz covering the short story “You’re Ugly, Too” by Lorrie Moore. The assessment may double as a guided reading worksheet to help high school students ascertain crucial details about characters and conflicts. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following aspects of plot:
The protagonist’s career field
Factors contributing to the protagonist’s hiring
The protagonist’s general characterization
The protagonist’s travels
The protagonist’s reflections on dating
The protagonist’s professional endeavors
Relationships between characters
The general characterization of the protagonist’s sister
The resolution
Support vocabulary development and enhance reading comprehension with this set of games and activities to complement the short story “The Fog Horn” by Ray Bradbury. A crossword puzzle, a word search activity, a vocabulary application worksheet, and answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in Word Document and PDF formats. By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Create a structured classroom environment and introduce “The Wife’s Story” by Ursula K. Le Guin with this bell ringer writing prompt for high school. Students will reflect on relevant topics including the theme of betrayal and the contrast between human and animal sensory experiences. Sample responses are provided. Materials are delivered in printable Word Document and PDF formats. By engaging with this start-of-class activity, students will:
Settle into class quickly and/or transition from previous activities or periods
Engage in reflective and/or critical thinking
Be made aware of subject matter to be addressed in works of fiction
Activate prior knowledge
Be better prepared to communicate ideas during small- and large-group discussions
Aid their teachers in understanding their personal experiences and points of view
Help high school students navigate William Shakespeare’s language with these vocabulary games and activities to facilitate comprehension of King Lear. Alternatively, stash these materials in an emergency sub folder to keep students meaningfully engaged in the play during unexpected teacher absences. Included are 5 vocabulary application activities, 5 crossword puzzles, 5 word search games, and answer keys. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
A total of 153 words are addressed: abate, abhorred, adder, affect, affliction, aidant, alack, alteration, amities, anon, apothecary, apt, aroint, arraign, attaint, auricular, auspicious, avaunt, avouch, barbarous, baseness, beggarly, beguile, benediction, bereaved, beseech, bestow, boast, boon, braggart, caitiff, censure, chide, clamour, conjure, counsel, countenance, cowish, coxcomb, cur, daub, dearth, dejected, descend, descry, diligent, disbranch, discord, disposition, dissuade, dog-hearted, dower, dullard, ebb, eminence, enkindle, entreat, esperance, exalt, fain, falchion, festinate, fie, filial, finical, flibbertigibbet, foppery, forbear, forfended, forlorn, fortnight, fraught, gait, gilded, gossamer, hark, haste, hasten, heinous, heretic, ignobly, impetuous, indignation, infirm, insolent, jarring, jovial, judicious, knave, lameness, lily-livered, machination, malady, malice, manifold, mar, maugre, oeillades, parricide, patrimony, penury, pernicious, perpetual, pilgrimage, pinion, plight, prithee, privily, propinquity, puissant, quagmire, queasy, raiment, rash, reciprocal, remediate, renounce, repent, reposal, repose, reprieve, reprovable, retinue, reverence, rotundity, ruffian, saucy, scarcely, scourge, scurvy, shun, simper, sirrah, sojourn, squiny, strife, subdued, superfluous, superflux, tarry, temperance, thrice, treachery, trifle, usurp, vain, valiant, wagtail, wail, wherefore, withal, woeful, and yeoman.
By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Support vocabulary development and enhance reading comprehension with this set of games and activities to complement Act 5 of William Shakespeare’s tragedy King Lear. A vocabulary application worksheet, a crossword puzzle, a word search game, and answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
Specifically, the following vocabulary terms are addressed: adder, alteration, arraign, attaint, avouch, censure, diligent, ebb, eminence, exalt, falchion, forfended, gilded, hark, heinous, machination, manifold, maugre, patrimony, pilgrimage, puissant, reprieve, strife, vain, valiant, and woeful.
By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Support vocabulary development and enhance reading comprehension with this set of games and activities to complement Act 4 of William Shakespeare’s tragedy King Lear. A vocabulary application worksheet, a crossword puzzle, a word search game, and answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
Specifically, the following vocabulary terms are addressed: aidant, apothecary, apt, barbarous, beguile, bereaved, boon, clamour, cowish, daub, dejected, descry, disbranch, dog-hearted, esperance, forlorn, gait, gossamer, hasten, jarring, jovial, oeillades, reciprocal, remediate, renounce, repose, scurvy, simper, squiny, superfluous, temperance, and usurp.
By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Support vocabulary development and enhance reading comprehension with this set of games and activities to complement Act 3 of William Shakespeare’s tragedy King Lear. A vocabulary application worksheet, a crossword puzzle, a word search game, and answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
Specifically, the following vocabulary terms are addressed: affliction, alack, aroint, avaunt, boast, caitiff, cur, enkindle, festinate, fie, filial, flibbertigibbet, heretic, ignobly, impetuous, infirm, judicious, malady, pernicious, perpetual, pinion, privily, quagmire, repent, reprovable, rotundity, scarcely, shun, subdued, superflux, thrice, wail, and yeoman.
By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Support vocabulary development and enhance reading comprehension with this set of games and activities to complement Act 2 of William Shakespeare’s tragedy King Lear. A vocabulary application worksheet, a crossword puzzle, a word search game, and answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
Specifically, the following vocabulary terms are addressed: abate, affect, auspicious, beggarly, benediction, bestow, braggart, conjure, descend, dissuade, dullard, entreat, finical, haste, lameness, lily-livered, malice, parricide, penury, queasy, raiment, rash, reposal, ruffian, saucy, sojourn, and wagtail.
By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Support vocabulary development and enhance reading comprehension with this set of games and activities to complement Act 1 of William Shakespeare’s tragedy King Lear. A vocabulary application worksheet, a crossword puzzle, a word search game, and answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
Specifically, the following vocabulary terms are addressed: abhorred, amities, anon, auricular, baseness, beseech, chide, counsel, countenance, coxcomb, dearth, discord, disposition, dower, fain, foppery, forbear, fortnight, fraught, indignation, insolent, knave, mar, plight, prithee, propinquity, retinue, reverence, scourge, sirrah, tarry, treachery, trifle, wherefore, and withal.
By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences