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SKR's Resources

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I am a primary English teacher since 2001. Most of my uploaded resources are created for my students. In case you need any resources about any topics (any format), leave me a comment and I will get back to you. Thank you!




I am a primary English teacher since 2001. Most of my uploaded resources are created for my students. In case you need any resources about any topics (any format), leave me a comment and I will get back to you. Thank you!
Verb tenses PPT

Verb tenses PPT

Verb tenses are an integral part of English language learning. Changing from one tense to another should be clearly instructed to the students with the help of examples and activities. I used this ppt with my students to help them understand the tenses better.
Introduction to fractions

Introduction to fractions

Fractions can be introduced by using a ppt for visual learners. This ppt introduces the concept in an easy way. Fee free to download this ppt and use it in your class.
World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

10th October is World Mental Health Day. The overall objective of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health. The Day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide.
Cancer Awareness Day banner

Cancer Awareness Day banner

Cancer is a silent killer. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women around the world. At my school, we celebrated cancer awareness and education day on Thursday 21st October. We made beautiful photo frames for students to take pictures of. I upload here banner and photo frames designs for free in case someone is interested to reuse the idea. If you find it interesting, please provide feedback. Thank you!
30th November - Day of remembrance for victims of chemical warfare Display banner

30th November - Day of remembrance for victims of chemical warfare Display banner

The Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare is an annual event held November 30 as a "tribute to the victims of chemical warfare, showing the commitment and organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to the elimination of the threat of chemical weapons, also promoting the goals of peace, security, and multilateralism. It was officially recognised by the United Nations (UN) on international level and has been celebrated since 2005.
3 Silly Stories - Storytelling

3 Silly Stories - Storytelling

This resource includes three silly stories about incidents with the food. You can edit and use for younger students age 5-7. You can also include simple concept check questions to evaluate students’ reading comprehension skills.
Creative Writing - IGCSE New Curriculum - Sample Argumentative Essays

Creative Writing - IGCSE New Curriculum - Sample Argumentative Essays

The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic; collect, generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner. It differs from expository essay with regards to pre-writing (invention) and research involved. It is an essential part of English Writing for IGCSE (O, AS and A levels students). This resource includes 2 samples of argumentative writing structure. Both word and pdf versions are there in case you need to edit it. If you downlad this resource, kindly provide feedback. Thank you!
Feedback VS Feedforward PPT

Feedback VS Feedforward PPT

It is important for our students to be given feedback on how they are performing presently. However, to keep in mind the task that has been done and assessed in the past, keeps them in the past somehow. Rather we should apply feedforward strategy to focus on future tasks and set goals in advance. This ppt/pdf focuses on comparison and contrast of both strategies to help you explain them to your students. Thank you!
KS2 Science Year 5 Workout - Life Cycles & Reproduction Assessment

KS2 Science Year 5 Workout - Life Cycles & Reproduction Assessment

CGP books are UK’ s favourite and best selling books. I use them to explain and practise KS 2 Science topics. This is a 35 marks assessment based on life cycles concept for my grade 5 Science students. I have uploaded both word and pdf format to be reused easily. If you have any further questions or need any help, please write to me in the review section. Thank you!
Persuasive text - A letter to Parents

Persuasive text - A letter to Parents

Persuasive text is written to convince people to do or buy something. In primary English curriculum, persuasive text is an important genre of writing. This is a sample letter to persuade parents to allow their kids buy meals from the school cafeteria instead of home food or lunch during school hours.
Grades 5-6 Narrative fiction rubric (New Cambridge syllabus)

Grades 5-6 Narrative fiction rubric (New Cambridge syllabus)

Grades 5-6 must know how to write a narrative fiction based on their personal experience as well as knowing how this event might have changed their life. This rubric is designed according to the new Cambridge syllabus. It aims at covering the success criteria required to succeed in writing skills. The rubric consists of 25 marks.
Mental health and wellbeing

Mental health and wellbeing

Having good mental health, or being mentally healthy, is more than just the absence of illness, rather it’s a state of overall wellbeing. The concept is influenced by culture, but it generally relates to: Enjoyment of life. Having the ability to cope with and ‘bounce back’ from stress and sadness. Mental health is very important and needs to be prioritized. You can assess your personal mental health and wellbeing by doing this quiz. (please use the link) https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/616d0f544bc52c001e80e577 I have added a ppt to help your students understand about mental health and wellbeing. This resource includes: 1 quiz (use the link to play live or assign as homework) 1 ppt to help students understand mental health and wellbeing 1 mental health and wellbeing vocabulary wordsearch activity (https://thewordsearch.com/puzzle/2883883/mental-health-and-wellbeing/downloadable/) play live or download as pdf/image Please provide me feedback once you download this resource. In case you have any questions/concerns, feel free to contact me by email sairarehan69@gmail.com. Thank you!
Climate change and our role

Climate change and our role

Climate change is affecting all humans in general. Unfortunately human actions are playing the main role. Pollution, deforestation, waste of resources are adding to global warming and raising heat is its result. WE should play our role to protect our planet. Making small changes will bring about a huge difference. This ppt is designed to teach 5-11 years old about climate change and the role they can play.
Creative writing - Story writing with a twist

Creative writing - Story writing with a twist

Fairy tales flow and end traditionally. This piece of writing can suit the primary children to create their own stories by twisting a fairy tale. The story has 3 stages (beginning, middle and end). The story has a moral too.


Apostrophe can be used in two ways. To show belonging/possession For contractions (skip out letters to make shorter forms) This ppt/pdf is a complete lesson about apostrophe usage with examples and tasks. You can edit the ppt or use it as it is.
World Food Day 16th October 2021

World Food Day 16th October 2021

This resource is created and tailored to create awareness among children and adults about World food day. If you have found it useful and engaging, please share, comment and provide feedback. Thank you!
PINKTOBER Cancer awareness month colouring book

PINKTOBER Cancer awareness month colouring book

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness about the impact of breast cancer. I have designed this colouring book to help kids link with this campaign as well as have colouring fun. Please download this resource to help us all create awareness about early detection and treatment of cancer among women. Kindly provide the feedback/review once you download this resource and Thank you!
10th November - World Science Day

10th November - World Science Day

World Science Day is remembered as a day for Peace and Development. It is an international day that highlights the important role that science has in society and is celebrated each year on November 10. It also highlights the need to engage the wider public in debates on emerging scientific issues. Science is progressing and evolving at a high speed. This resource includes Science day banner and display lettering.