I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
Example grids that children can use for each of their main paragraphs when writing an information text, ticking off the key features for each paragraph as they go/ checking they have more than one of some things. These can be used with one per paragraph to check each paragraph meets the criteria.
A simple activity that focuses on adverbs and being able to pick from 2 or 3 adverbs to decide which describes the action in the sentence most appropriately.
Five activities that work well for KS2 children in English looking at Fireworks night. Includes: defining the meaning of words, reading for understanding and creating written pieces themselves.
An activity that works on children being able to identify verbs in a sentence. These have been created for LA or SEN children to help them build their understanding of verbs.
Writing moderation grids that include all the statements for the three standards from the newly released writing assessment framework for the 2017-18 academic year for Key Stage Two.
A lesson presentation that can be used for writing instructions. It is aimed at children who are confident at writing them so only need a brief recap, focussing on key aspects like structure and language.
A mat that can help children develop their reading comprehension skills, focusing on the different types of questions they might be asked and the meaning of words in questions and what it is therefore looking for.
A word mat originally created to help children use linking adverbs of time in their instruction writing. Useful for children to have in front of them for their writing to give them different examples of time adverbials that move a sequence of events on.
A fully resourced weeks worth of lessons focusing on clauses and conjunctions. A useful resource at the start of the year to develop writing skills but can easily be used as a recap tool during the year, or for lessons to be used separately at different points.
Included is a full set of lesson PowerPoints which walk through lessons with notes where appropriate, starter activities and activities linked to the learning. Answers are provided for all activities. There are also support sheets where necessary to support pupils, as well as pink and green bubbles to provide scaffold and challenge. All resources are uploaded in PPT format so that they can be easily adapted.
The lesson sequence is as follows:
Lesson 1 - Main clauses
Lesson 2 - Coordinating conjunctions
Lesson 3 - Subordinating conjunctions
Lesson 4 - Subordinate clauses
Lesson 5 - Clauses - a review of the week and the opportunity to practise writing different clause structures.
Various handwriting sheets that take extracts from books and model how to use the cursive script for children for them to then replicate on the lined guides on the second page.
Also useful for exposing children to different extracts from stories and experience language.
Starter activity for children to complete in English on a daily basis (if time is available) that focuses on a spelling activity, grammar activity and punctuation activity each day. They cover various aspects of the Year 5/6 English curriculum and can be stuck in books afterwards or filed away to show understanding.
New ones will continue to be added.