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2017 KS2/Key Stage 2 Spelling races/lists

2017 KS2/Key Stage 2 Spelling races/lists

Sets of 10 words at a time from the Year 5 and 6 New Curriculum Spelling lists. The word grids can be used with a partner to test each other or could be used independently. I have also provided incorrect spelling races where children must correct each spelling within a time frame. An alternative game is to have them checked by an adult then sent to alter spellings which are still incorrect either for house points or against the clock.
2017 Key Stage 2/KS2 SATS SPAG Revision Bundle

2017 Key Stage 2/KS2 SATS SPAG Revision Bundle

4 Resources
HALF PRICE SALE IN LEAD UP TO SATS! Produced by Year 6 teachers, these fantastic resources help to consolidate all SPAG terms required for the KS2 tests. Included in the PPTs are several example questions for last minute preparation. Although perfect for the last couple of weeks, these resources can be used all-year-round and are therefore a great investment!
Key Stage 2/KS2 Reasoning Paper Reminders/Revision

Key Stage 2/KS2 Reasoning Paper Reminders/Revision

This is an updated version of a PPT, which is packed full of over 50 slides, containing all of the subject knowledge/facts/info that pupils need to go over in the last few days before SATs tests. Ideal for last minute revision and in between papers during SATs week itself.
Year 5 and 6 Biographies Planning

Year 5 and 6 Biographies Planning

This is a two week unit of work on biographies. It has cross curricular links with the Earth, Sun and Moon topic in Science as it uses the biography of Neil Armstrong in the first week of planning.
End of Year Certificates

End of Year Certificates

15 colourful and eye-catching end of year certificates for both KS1 and KS2. The documents have been created in Word so are editable for your own class/year group. Awards include: Fabulous Friends English Extraordinaire Maths Magician SATs Superhero Excellent Effort and Classroom Helper
KS1 SPAG Test Starters and Plenaries

KS1 SPAG Test Starters and Plenaries

With over 50 slides, this power-point includes a definition of all the punctuation, sentence types and grammatical terms for the KS1 SPAG test. It then includes several examples of questions based on the current test for the children to quickly test and consolidate their knowledge. Ideal for starters and plenaries throughout the year.