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Elise Parker

Average Rating4.25
(based on 13 reviews)

I'm a high school teacher in the United States with more than 20 years experience teaching history and English! I believe in making learning fun and incorporating critical thinking skills, as well as building lessons that provide teacher convenience features!




I'm a high school teacher in the United States with more than 20 years experience teaching history and English! I believe in making learning fun and incorporating critical thinking skills, as well as building lessons that provide teacher convenience features!
The African Americans Many Rivers to Cross Episode 6 Worksheet: 1968-2013

The African Americans Many Rivers to Cross Episode 6 Worksheet: 1968-2013

The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross, is an award-winning six-part documentary series by noted historian Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Covering from about the year 1500 through to the new millennium, the series addresses in a detailed yet entertaining way the challenges faced by African Americans throughout these centuries as well as their many triumphs. Each episode lasts approximately one hour, making the series a convenient one to work into a typical high-school class period. About this African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross Worksheet This worksheet provides students with 45 fill-in-the-blank problems for them to solve as they watch Episode 6 of The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross, which covers the period of 1968 to 2013 in African American history. Summary of Episode 6: A More Perfect Union After 1968, African Americans set out to build a bright new future on the foundation of the civil rights movement’s victories, but a growing class disparity threatened to split the black community in two. As hundreds of African Americans won political office across the country and the black middle class made unprecedented progress, larger economic and political forces isolated the black urban poor in the inner cities, vulnerable to new social ills and an epidemic of incarceration. Yet African Americans of all backgrounds came together to support Illinois’ Senator Barack Obama in his historic campaign for the presidency of the United States. When he won in 2008, many hoped that America had finally transcended race and racism. By the time of his second victory, it was clear that many issues, including true racial equality, remain to be resolved. Now we ask: How will African Americans help redefine the United States in the years to come? How These African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross Worksheets are Structured These The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross worksheets present students with fill-in problems to encourage them to pay close attention to the video as it plays. Cloze problems largely eliminate the problem of students guessing, and when they are well-constructed, they have the added benefit of helping students to zero in on main ideas and key details – exactly the content they should be mastering from the video. Each hour-long episode comes with between 40 and 70 fill-in problems, appropriately spaced out so that students can keep up. Some students, however, may feel that the pace is too brisk. In that case, teachers can simply assign some students to do the odd problems and others the evens, a strategy that can also help to discourage students from copying from classmates instead of paying attention as they should.
The African Americans Many Rivers to Cross Episode 4 Worksheet: 1896-1940

The African Americans Many Rivers to Cross Episode 4 Worksheet: 1896-1940

The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross, is an award-winning six-part documentary series by noted historian Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Covering from about the year 1500 through to the new millennium, the series addresses in a detailed yet entertaining way the challenges faced by African Americans throughout these centuries as well as their many triumphs. Each episode lasts approximately one hour, making the series a convenient one to work into a typical high-school class period. About this African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross Worksheet This worksheet provides students with 45 fill-in-the-blank problems for them to solve as they watch Episode 4 of The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross, which covers the period of 1896 to 1940 in African American history. Summary of Episode 4: Making a Way Out of No Way "Making a Way Out of No Way" portrays the Jim Crow era, when African Americans struggled to build their own worlds within the harsh, narrow confines of segregation. At the turn of the 20th century, a steady stream of African Americans left the South, fleeing the threat of racial violence, and searching for better opportunities in the North and the West. Leaders like Ida B. Wells, W.E.B. Du Bois, Booker T. Washington and Marcus Garvey organized, offering vastly different strategies to further black empowerment and equality. Yet successful black institutions and individuals were always at risk. At the same time, the ascendance of black arts and culture showed that a community with a strong identity and sense of pride was taking hold in spite of Jim Crow. “The Harlem Renaissance” would not only redefine how America saw African Americans, but how African Americans saw themselves. Teacher Convenience Features Included in this The African Americans Worksheets Packet: ---Time-stamps option for all problems ---A fast-grade answer key ---A full-context answer key
The African Americans Many Rivers to Cross Episode 3 Worksheet: 1860-1896

The African Americans Many Rivers to Cross Episode 3 Worksheet: 1860-1896

The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross, is an award-winning six-part documentary series by noted historian Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Covering from about the year 1500 through to the new millennium, the series addresses in a detailed yet entertaining way the challenges faced by African Americans throughout these centuries as well as their many triumphs. Each episode lasts approximately one hour, making the series a convenient one to work into a typical high-school class period. About this African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross Worksheet This worksheet provides students with 44 fill-in-the-blank problems for them to solve as they watch Episode 3 of The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross, which covers the period of 1860 to 1896 in African American history. Summary of Episode 3: Into the Fire "Into the Fire" examines the most tumultuous and consequential period in African-American history: the Civil War and the end of slavery, and Reconstruction’s thrilling but tragically brief “moment in the sun.” From the beginning, African Americans were agents of their own liberation — forcing the Union to confront the issue of slavery by fleeing the plantations, and taking up arms to serve with honor in the United States Colored Troops. After Emancipation, African Americans sought to realize the promise of freedom — rebuilding families shattered by slavery; demanding economic, political and civil rights; even winning elected office. Just a few years later, however, an intransigent South mounted a swift and vicious campaign of terror to restore white supremacy and roll back African-American rights. Yet the achievements of Reconstruction would remain very much alive in the collective memory of the African-American community. Teacher Convenience Features Included in this The African Americans Worksheets Packet: ---Time-stamps option for all problems ---A fast-grade answer key ---A full-context answer key
The African Americans Many Rivers to Cross Episode 2 Worksheet: 1800-1860

The African Americans Many Rivers to Cross Episode 2 Worksheet: 1800-1860

The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross, is an award-winning six-part documentary series by noted historian Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Covering from about the year 1500 through to the new millennium, the series addresses in a detailed yet entertaining way the challenges faced by African Americans throughout these centuries as well as their many triumphs. Each episode lasts approximately one hour, making the series a convenient one to work into a typical high-school class period. About this African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross Worksheet This worksheet provides students with 59 fill-in-the-blank problems for them to solve as they watch Episode 2 of The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross, which covers the period of 1800 to 1860 in African American history. Summary of Episode 2: The Age of Slavery "The Age of Slavery" illustrates how black lives changed dramatically in the aftermath of the American Revolution. For free black people in places like Philadelphia, these years were a time of tremendous opportunity. But for most African Americans, this era represented a new nadir. King Cotton fueled the rapid expansion of slavery into new territories, and a Second Middle Passage forcibly relocated African Americans from the Upper South into the Deep South. Yet as slavery intensified, so did resistance. From individual acts to mass rebellions, African Americans demonstrated their determination to undermine and ultimately eradicate slavery in every state in the nation. Courageous individuals, such as Harriet Tubman, Richard Allen and Frederick Douglass, played a crucial role in forcing the issue of slavery to the forefront of national politics, helping to create the momentum that would eventually bring the country to war. Teaching Options with this The African Americans Episode 2 Worksheet Teacher Convenience Features Included in this The African Americans Worksheets Packet: ---Time-stamps option for all problems ---A fast-grade answer key ---A full-context answer key
The African Americans Many Rivers to Cross Episode 1 Worksheet: 1500-1800

The African Americans Many Rivers to Cross Episode 1 Worksheet: 1500-1800

The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross, is an award-winning six-part documentary series by noted historian Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Covering from about the year 1500 through to the new millennium, the series addresses in a detailed yet entertaining way the challenges faced by African Americans throughout these centuries as well as their many triumphs. Each episode lasts approximately one hour, making the series a convenient one to work into a typical high-school class period. About this African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross Worksheet This worksheet provides students with 66 fill-in-the-blank problems for them to solve as they watch Episode 1 of The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross, which covers the period of 1500 to 1800 in African American history. Summary of Episode 1: The Black Atlantic The Black Atlantic explores the truly global experiences that created the African-American people. Beginning a full century before the first documented “20-and-odd” slaves who arrived at Jamestown, Virginia, the episode portrays the earliest Africans, both slave and free, who arrived on these shores. But the transatlantic slave trade would soon become a vast empire connecting three continents. Through stories of individuals caught in its web, like a 10-year-old girl named Priscilla who was transported from Sierra Leone to South Carolina in the mid-18th century, we trace the emergence of plantation slavery in the American South. The late 18th century saw a global explosion of freedom movements, and The Black Atlantic examines what that Era of Revolutions — American, French and Haitian — would mean for African Americans and for slavery in America. Teacher Convenience Features Included in this The African Americans Worksheets Packet: ---Time-stamps option for all problems ---A fast-grade answer key ---A full-context answer key
Crash Course U.S. Government Worksheets Episodes 31-35

Crash Course U.S. Government Worksheets Episodes 31-35

TEACH WITH INSIGHT AND HUMOR USING CRASH COURSE GOVERNMENT Few classroom strategies are as successful as this simple approach: make learning fun! For government or civics classes, one easy way to work in some student enjoyment is by showing episodes of Crash Course U.S.Government and Politics. The script of each episode is packed with humorous observations -- ones that help to make strong points about the civics under study. Students like watching the series, which means they pay attention to it and learn! Produced by PBS Digital Studios, each episode of Crash Course contains up to 10 minutes of content plus a brief time for the credits. Episodes are available for free on YouTube at the following playlist: If you are new to Crash Course, I encourage you to watch a few videos as soon as you can. I expect you'll be just as enthusiastic about the classroom possibilities as I am! ABOUT THESE WORKSHEETS Each worksheet focuses on a single episode of Crash Course U.S. Government and typically contains between 10 and 20 items for students to complete. Worksheets are formatted to fit on one page for easy copying and a detailed answer key is provided for each episode. In addition to these regular worksheet items, open-ended extra credit or discussion items are also included for each and every episode. These can be used as debate starters, essay prompts, or . . . the sky's the limit! TIMESTAMPS INCLUDED FOR ALL QUESTIONS Every worksheet comes in two version: with timestamps and without. That way, teachers can decide which option suits their needs best. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED IN THESE CRASH COURSE WORKSHEETS This set of worksheets covers the following episodes: • 31 -- Discrimination • 32 -- Affirmative Action • 33 -- Public Opinion: Polling and its Limits • 34 -- Shaping Public Opinion • 35 -- Political Ideology: Liberal versus Conservative ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All questions are presented in video order so that students can easily follow along, but these worksheets are not mere outlines that merely ask students to generate their own notes. Instead, they focus in on certain key issues that students watching the videos should master in order to have a clear and concise understanding of the topic under study.
Selma: Movie Worksheets, Essay Questions, and Discussion Prompts

Selma: Movie Worksheets, Essay Questions, and Discussion Prompts

Few movies have captured Dr. Martin Luther King so thoroughly as the Academy Award-winning "Selma," which details the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of the landmark Civil Rights movement Selma-to-Montgomery march for voting rights. A great movie is one thing, but making it work in class can be another. That's where these Selma Movie Worksheets come in. Providing more than 60 fill-in-the-blank problems based on the movie characters' statements, it makes the movie a lot more accessible to students, helping them understand the people and events far more thoroughly than they otherwise would. Since students need to fill these out as they watch, the movie worksheets not only hold students accountable for paying attention, they also help them learn *more* as they take in the events of Selma in 1965! ---All problems focus in on key terms and phrases that really matter for understanding the Civil Rights era. ---All problems provide students with the name of the character delivering the dialog, so it's much easier to keep track of who is who and who did what! MORE THAN JUST WORKSHEETS The Selma Movie Worksheets set also contains a wealth of follow-up prompts that can be used as project assignments, discussion starters, essay topics, or research prompts. EVER WONDER ABOUT THE HISTORICAL ACCURACY OF A MOVIE SHOWN IN CLASS? With these Selma Movie Worksheets, the research into historical accuracy is already done for you. Teacher resource materials in the packet include a brief discussion of the main historical issues critics have identified with the movie, as well as helpful links to places online where teachers can learn more if they wish. In general, however, Selma was praised for its high degree of historical accuracy, which makes it an excellent movie to use in class. Perfect for Black History Month or Martin Luther King Day, "Selma" would also fit well into any unit on the Civil Rights Movement / 1960s or one that focuses on President Lyndon Baines Johnson. Movie worksheets by Elise Parker Keywords: MLK, LBJ, Coretta Scott King, Sheriff Jim Clark, Andrew Young, John Lewis, James Abernathy, Bayard Rustin, Malcolm X, non-violence, non-violent protest, Voting Rights Act, Civil Rights Act, segretation, poll tax, literacy test, voting vouchers, intimidation tactics
Crash Course U.S. Government Worksheets Episodes 16-20

Crash Course U.S. Government Worksheets Episodes 16-20

TEACH WITH INSIGHT AND HUMOR USING CRASH COURSE GOVERNMENT Few classroom strategies are as successful as this simple approach: make learning fun! For government or civics classes, one easy way to work in some student enjoyment is by showing episodes of Crash Course U.S.Government and Politics. The script of each episode is packed with humorous observations -- ones that help to make strong points about the civics under study. Students like watching the series, which means they pay attention to it and learn! Produced by PBS Digital Studios, each episode of Crash Course contains up to 10 minutes of content plus a brief time for the credits. Episodes are available for free on YouTube at the following playlist: If you are new to Crash Course, I encourage you to watch a few videos as soon as you can. I expect you'll be just as enthusiastic about the classroom possibilities as I am! ABOUT THESE WORKSHEETS Each worksheet focuses on a single episode of Crash Course U.S. Government and typically contains between 10 and 20 items for students to complete. Worksheets are formatted to fit on one page for easy copying and a detailed answer key is provided for each episode. In addition to these regular worksheet items, open-ended extra credit or discussion items are also included for each and every episode. These can be used as debate starters, essay prompts, or . . . the sky's the limit! TIMESTAMPS INCLUDED FOR ALL QUESTIONS Every worksheet comes in two version: with timestamps and without. That way, teachers can decide which option suits their needs best. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED IN THESE CRASH COURSE WORKSHEETS This set of worksheets covers the following episodes: • 16 Types of Bureaucracies -- Understanding the executive branch agencies! • 17 Controlling Bureaucracies -- More about the executive branch agencies! • 18 Legal System Basics -- Introduction to the Judicial Branch • 19 Structure of the Court System -- Trial and Appellate Courts, District and Circuit Courts, State versus Federal systems • 20 Supreme Court Procedures -- How a Case Makes it To the Highest Court in the Land, and What Happens Once it's There.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All questions are presented in video order and come with and without time stamps!
American Revolution Question Sets -- Ideas Help Start a Revolution

American Revolution Question Sets -- Ideas Help Start a Revolution

Looking for a teaching resource that zeros in on two of the most critical years in American history? This question set, which targets the important events of 1775 and 1776, helps students to dive deep into issues related to the colonies' decision to break from Great Britain. TOPICS COVERED IN THESE AMERICAN REVOLUTION WORKSHEETS • Political as well as military moves toward independence -- The Second Continental Congress, The Olive Branch Petition, The Declaration of Independence, Bunker Hill • Philosophical underpinnings of the independence movement -- John Locke's influence on Thomas Jefferson • Great publications of the time -- Thomas Paine and Common Sense • Two sides of the issue -- The point of view of Loyalists, the kinds of people in the colonies who gravitated toward the Loyalist cause • Patriots and their supporters -- Their own demographic and socio-economic characteristics • Diverse points of view -- What the prospect of independence would mean for Native Americans and African Americans • Contributions of Great Americans -- John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and even lesser-known figures such as independence opponent John Dickinson TWO AMERICAN REVOLUTION WORKSHEETS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE This resource includes a multiple choice worksheet and also a free response worksheet, with no overlap of questions between the two. They do both cover the same range of concepts, however, which means that teachers can use one as a pre-test or formative assessment and the other as a final test or summative assessment! Another choice would be to designate the multiple choice worksheet as a "basic" level task and the free response one as more advanced, and use them accordingly -- to differentiate instruction, build in extra-credit opportunities, or in any other way you use leveled materials. WHAT THESE AMERICAN REVOLUTION WORKSHEETS INCLUDE • Multiple Choice Worksheet with 29 Questions • Free Response Worksheet with 29 Questions • Answer Key for each worksheet The answer keys in this American Revolution resource are full-context so that teachers don't have to look back and forth, question to answer, when reviewing material with the class. Everything needed to go over questions and answers with the class is grouped together for teacher convenience.
Crash Course U.S. Government Worksheets Episodes 6-10

Crash Course U.S. Government Worksheets Episodes 6-10

Teach with Humor using Crash Course Government! Few classroom strategies are as successful as this simple approach: make learning fun! For government or civics classes, one easy way to work in some student enjoyment is by showing episodes of Crash Course U.S.Government and Politics. The script of each episode is packed with humorous observations -- ones that help to make strong points about the civics under study. Students like watching the series, which means they pay attention to it and learn! Produced by PBS Digital Studios, each episode of Crash Course contains about 10 minutes of content plus a brief time for the credits. Episodes are available for free on YouTube at the following playlist: If you are new to Crash Course, I encourage you to watch a few videos as soon as you can. I expect you'll be just as enthusiastic about the classroom possibilities as I am! About These Worksheets Each worksheet focuses on a single episode of Crash Course U.S. Government and typically contains between 10 and 20 items for students to complete. Worksheets are formatted to fit on one page for easy copying and a detailed answer key is provided for each episode. In addition to these regular worksheet items, open-ended extra credit or discussion items are also included for each and every episode. These can be used as debate starters, essay prompts, or . . . the sky's the limit! This set of worksheets covers the following episodes: • 6 Congressional Elections • 7 Congressional Committees • 8 Congressional Leadership • 9 How a Bill Becomes a Law • 10 Congressional Decision-Making All questions are presented in video order so that students can easily follow along, but these worksheets are not mere outlines that merely ask students to generate their own notes. Instead, they focus in on certain key issues that students watching the videos should master in order to have a clear and concise understanding of the topic under study.
Crash Course U.S. Government Worksheets Episodes 1-5

Crash Course U.S. Government Worksheets Episodes 1-5

Teach with Humor using Crash Course Government! Few classroom strategies are as successful as this simple approach: make learning fun! For government or civics classes, one easy way to work in some student enjoyment is by showing episodes of Crash Course U.S.Government and Politics. The script of each episode is packed with humorous observations -- ones that help to make strong points about the civics under study. Students like watching the series, which means they pay attention to it and learn! Produced by PBS Digital Studios, each episode of Crash Course contains about 10 minutes of content plus a brief time for the credits. Episodes are available for free on YouTube at the following playlist: If you are new to Crash Course, I encourage you to watch a few videos as soon as you can. I expect you'll be just as enthusiastic about the classroom possibilities as I am! About These Worksheets Each worksheet focuses on a single episode of Crash Course Government and typically contains between 10 and 20 items for students to complete. Worksheets are formatted to fit on one page for easy copying and a detailed answer key is provided for each episode. In addition to these regular worksheet items, open-ended extra credit or discussion items are also included for each and every episode. These can be used as debate starters, essay prompts, or . . . the sky's the limit! This set of worksheets covers the following episodes: • 1 Introduction: Why Study Government • 2 The Bicameral Congress: Structure, Responsibilities, and Eligibility Rules • 3 Separation of Powers and Checks & Balances • 4 Federalism • 5 Constitutional Compromises All questions are presented in video order so that students can easily follow along, but these worksheets are not mere outlines that merely ask students to generate their own notes. Instead, they focus in on certain key issues that students watching the videos should master in order to have a clear and concise understanding of the topic under study.
Life Under Stalin Question Set

Life Under Stalin Question Set

A fully annotated question set in which both false and true answers are explained and commented upon. Ideal to use when presenting and teaching the topic and also when testing students on the Stalin era in the Soviet Union. See the preview file for 10 sample questions with annotations. This question set will allow teachers to review key information about Stalin's rise to power in the Soviet Union. It also covers his economic policies and use of terror tactics to preserve his position, including his systematic violations of human rights. It's perfect for classes looking at the rise of totalitarian governments after World War I. WHAT YOU WILL GET The set is comprised of 23 True/False and 9 Multiple Choice questions, each of which can serve as a springboard into discussion and lecture, if you wish. The worksheets are also great for a test, independent assignment, or extra credit opportunity. TWO DIFFERENT FORMATS MAKE TEACHER LIVES' CONVENIENT Both reusable and write-on worksheets are provided, ready made so that teachers can immediately put this resource to work. TWO ANSWER KEYS HELP TEACHERS GO THE EXTRA MILE A fully annotated answer key provides additional information teachers can use to illuminate even more details about Stalin's personality, paranoia, and policies. This answer key makes class discussions a snap and gives the teacher details at his or her fingertips. For quick correcting of student work, however, a simplified answers-only answer key is also included. Content Questions by Elise Parker keywords: Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, Five-Year Plans, Five Year Plans, communism, Soviet Union, Ukraine, Ukrainian Terror Famine, purges, Hitler, Nazi-Soviet pact, Nazi-USSR pact, Great Depression, civil liberties, freedom of religion, Soviet economy
Crash Course U.S. Government Worksheets Episodes 11-15

Crash Course U.S. Government Worksheets Episodes 11-15

TEACH WITH INSIGHT AND HUMOR USING CRASH COURSE GOVERNMENT Few classroom strategies are as successful as this simple approach: make learning fun! For government or civics classes, one easy way to work in some student enjoyment is by showing episodes of Crash Course U.S.Government and Politics. The script of each episode is packed with humorous observations -- ones that help to make strong points about the civics under study. Students like watching the series, which means they pay attention to it and learn! Produced by PBS Digital Studios, each episode of Crash Course contains up to 10 minutes of content plus a brief time for the credits. Episodes are available for free on YouTube at the following playlist: If you are new to Crash Course, I encourage you to watch a few videos as soon as you can. I expect you'll be just as enthusiastic about the classroom possibilities as I am! ABOUT THESE WORKSHEETS Each worksheet focuses on a single episode of Crash Course U.S. Government and typically contains between 10 and 20 items for students to complete. Worksheets are formatted to fit on one page for easy copying and a detailed answer key is provided for each episode. In addition to these regular worksheet items, open-ended extra credit or discussion items are also included for each and every episode. These can be used as debate starters, essay prompts, or . . . the sky's the limit! TIMESTAMPS INCLUDED FOR ALL QUESTIONS Every worksheet comes in two version: with timestamps and without. That way, teachers can decide which option suits their needs best. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED IN THESE CRASH COURSE WORKSHEETS This set of worksheets covers the following episodes: • 11 Presidential Power -- Focus on Expressed Powers • 12 Presidential Power, Part 2 -- Focus on Implied, Inherent, and Assumed Powers • 13 Congressional Delegation -- Including Separation of Powers issues • 14 How Presidents Govern • 15 Bureaucracy Basics -- More on Separation of Powers issues ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All questions are presented in video order so that students can easily follow along! Time-stamps included for every episode's questions!
Crash Course U.S. Government Worksheets Episodes 26-30

Crash Course U.S. Government Worksheets Episodes 26-30

TEACH WITH INSIGHT AND HUMOR USING CRASH COURSE GOVERNMENT Few classroom strategies are as successful as this simple approach: make learning fun! For government or civics classes, one easy way to work in some student enjoyment is by showing episodes of Crash Course U.S.Government and Politics. The script of each episode is packed with humorous observations -- ones that help to make strong points about the civics under study. Students like watching the series, which means they pay attention to it and learn! Produced by PBS Digital Studios, each episode of Crash Course contains up to 10 minutes of content plus a brief time for the credits. Episodes are available for free on YouTube at the following playlist: If you are new to Crash Course, I encourage you to watch a few videos as soon as you can. I expect you'll be just as enthusiastic about the classroom possibilities as I am! ABOUT THESE WORKSHEETS Each worksheet focuses on a single episode of Crash Course U.S. Government and typically contains between 10 and 20 items for students to complete. Worksheets are formatted to fit on one page for easy copying and a detailed answer key is provided for each episode. In addition to these regular worksheet items, open-ended extra credit or discussion items are also included for each and every episode. These can be used as debate starters, essay prompts, or . . . the sky's the limit! TIMESTAMPS INCLUDED FOR ALL QUESTIONS Every worksheet comes in two version: with timestamps and without. That way, teachers can decide which option suits their needs best. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED IN THESE CRASH COURSE WORKSHEETS This set of worksheets covers the following episodes: • 26 -- Freedom of the Press • 27 -- Search and Seizure • 28 -- Due Process of Law • 29 -- Equal Protection • 30 -- Sex Discrimination --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All questions are presented in video order so that students can easily follow along, but these worksheets are not mere outlines that merely ask students to generate their own notes. Instead, they focus in on certain key issues that students watching the videos should master in order to have a clear and concise understanding of the topic under study.
Crash Course U.S. Government Worksheets Episodes 46-50

Crash Course U.S. Government Worksheets Episodes 46-50

TEACH WITH INSIGHT AND HUMOR USING CRASH COURSE GOVERNMENT Few classroom strategies are as successful as this simple approach: make learning fun! For government or civics classes, one easy way to work in some student enjoyment is by showing episodes of Crash Course U.S.Government and Politics. The script of each episode is packed with humorous observations -- ones that help to make strong points about the civics under study. Students like watching the series, which means they pay attention to it and learn! Produced by PBS Digital Studios, each episode of Crash Course contains up to 10 minutes of content plus a brief time for the credits. Episodes are available for free on YouTube at the following playlist: If you are new to Crash Course, I encourage you to watch a few videos as soon as you can. I expect you'll be just as enthusiastic about the classroom possibilities as I am! ABOUT THESE CRASH COURSE GOVERNMENT WORKSHEETS Each worksheet focuses on a single episode of Crash Course U.S. Government and typically contains between 10 and 20 items for students to complete. Worksheets are formatted to fit on one page for easy copying and a detailed answer key is provided for each episode. In addition to these regular worksheet items, open-ended extra credit or discussion items are also included for each and every episode. These can be used as debate starters, essay prompts, or . . . the sky's the limit! TIME-STAMPS INCLUDED FOR ALL QUESTIONS Every worksheet comes in two version: with time-stamps and without. That way, teachers can decide which option suits their needs best. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED IN THESE CRASH COURSE WORKSHEETS This set of worksheets covers the following episodes: • 46 -- Market Economy • 47 -- Government Regulation • 48 -- Monetary and Fiscal Policy • 49 -- Social Policy • 50 -- Foreign Policy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All questions are presented in video order so that students can easily follow along, but these worksheets are not mere outlines that merely ask students to generate their own notes. Instead, they focus in on certain key issues that students watching the videos should master in order to have a clear and concise understanding of the topic under study.
Crash Course U.S. Government Worksheets Episodes 36-40

Crash Course U.S. Government Worksheets Episodes 36-40

TEACH WITH INSIGHT AND HUMOR USING CRASH COURSE GOVERNMENT Few classroom strategies are as successful as this simple approach: make learning fun! For government or civics classes, one easy way to work in some student enjoyment is by showing episodes of Crash Course U.S.Government and Politics. The script of each episode is packed with humorous observations -- ones that help to make strong points about the civics under study. Students like watching the series, which means they pay attention to it and learn! Produced by PBS Digital Studios, each episode of Crash Course contains up to 10 minutes of content plus a brief time for the credits. Episodes are available for free on YouTube at the following playlist: If you are new to Crash Course, I encourage you to watch a few videos as soon as you can. I expect you'll be just as enthusiastic about the classroom possibilities as I am! ABOUT THESE CRASH COURSE GOVERNMENT WORKSHEETS Each worksheet focuses on a single episode of Crash Course U.S. Government and typically contains between 10 and 20 items for students to complete. Worksheets are formatted to fit on one page for easy copying and a detailed answer key is provided for each episode. In addition to these regular worksheet items, open-ended extra credit or discussion items are also included for each and every episode. These can be used as debate starters, essay prompts, or . . . the sky's the limit! TIME-STAMPS INCLUDED FOR ALL QUESTIONS Every worksheet comes in two version: with time-stamps and without. That way, teachers can decide which option suits their needs best. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED IN THESE CRASH COURSE WORKSHEETS This set of worksheets covers the following episodes: • 36 -- Elections • 37 -- Gerrymandering • 38 -- How Voters Decide • 39 -- Political Campaigns • 40 -- Political Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All questions are presented in video order so that students can easily follow along, but these worksheets are not mere outlines that merely ask students to generate their own notes. Instead, they focus in on certain key issues that students watching the videos should master in order to have a clear and concise understanding of the topic under study.
Crash Course U.S. Government Worksheets Episodes 41-45

Crash Course U.S. Government Worksheets Episodes 41-45

TEACH WITH INSIGHT AND HUMOR USING CRASH COURSE GOVERNMENT Few classroom strategies are as successful as this simple approach: make learning fun! For government or civics classes, one easy way to work in some student enjoyment is by showing episodes of Crash Course U.S.Government and Politics. The script of each episode is packed with humorous observations -- ones that help to make strong points about the civics under study. Students like watching the series, which means they pay attention to it and learn! Produced by PBS Digital Studios, each episode of Crash Course contains up to 10 minutes of content plus a brief time for the credits. Episodes are available for free on YouTube at the following playlist: If you are new to Crash Course, I encourage you to watch a few videos as soon as you can. I expect you'll be just as enthusiastic about the classroom possibilities as I am! ABOUT THESE CRASH COURSE GOVERNMENT WORKSHEETS Each worksheet focuses on a single episode of Crash Course U.S. Government and typically contains between 10 and 20 items for students to complete. Worksheets are formatted to fit on one page for easy copying and a detailed answer key is provided for each episode. In addition to these regular worksheet items, open-ended extra credit or discussion items are also included for each and every episode. These can be used as debate starters, essay prompts, or . . . the sky's the limit! TIME-STAMPS INCLUDED FOR ALL QUESTIONS Every worksheet comes in two version: with time-stamps and without. That way, teachers can decide which option suits their needs best. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPICS COVERED IN THESE CRASH COURSE WORKSHEETS This set of worksheets covers the following episodes: • 41 -- Party Systems • 42 -- Interest Groups • 43 -- Interest Group Formation • 44 -- Media Institution • 45 -- Media Regulation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All questions are presented in video order so that students can easily follow along, but these worksheets are not mere outlines that merely ask students to generate their own notes. Instead, they focus in on certain key issues that students watching the videos should master in order to have a clear and concise understanding of the topic under study.
Conspiracy: Movie Worksheets (Wannsee Conference Movie Worksheets) -- PDF Version

Conspiracy: Movie Worksheets (Wannsee Conference Movie Worksheets) -- PDF Version

Conspiracy Movie Worksheets are designed to help students pay better attention and learn more as they watch this highly accurate real-time re-enactment of the 1942 Wannsee Conference. The movie stars Kenneth Branagh and Stanley Tucci as Reinhard Heydrich and Adolf Eichmann, the two chief architects of Nazi Germany's "Final Solution to the Jewish Question." WHAT THESE CONSPIRACY MOVIE WORKSHEETS INCLUDE --Detailed teaching notes including information on how to prep students to watch the movie and what vocabulary to introduce in advance --Detailed rating and content information [The movie is rated R for language and verbal content only; there is absolutely no onscreen violence or nudity.] --128 multiple choice questions in movie order --128 parallel free-response questions in movie order: The free response question prompts are the same ones as used in the multiple choice questions, allowing teachers an easy way to differentiate instruction. --Fast correct student answer sheet with identically formatted answer key for the multiple choice set. Students can record all their answers on a single page, and teachers can rapidly correct all student work! --Detailed answer key for the free-response question set. CONVENIENCE FEATURES All student prompts are in exact movie order so that the worksheets can be used while the movie plays if desired. Alternately, teachers can save the worksheets for afterwards, using them as a test or quiz. 128 questions of each type give teachers lots and lots of options. Differentiate by assigning student groups to do just the odds or just the evens of multiple choice to space the questions out more. This will give you TWO basic level worksheets instead of one. Or do the same with the free-response questions to instantly create TWO advanced-level worksheets. Stop and start the movie whenever you please! The questions are numbered sequentially instead of being divided up into predesignated parts in advance, which makes it easy for you to stop the movie at any time and resume it later. Just for reference, I usually show Conspiracy over the course of three days to allow plenty of time to discuss and debrief, but if you want to stretch that out to four days or compress it to just two [the movie is 96 minutes long], this question set gives you all the flexibility you need!
U.S. Constitution Worksheets Step by Step -- Article II Worksheet

U.S. Constitution Worksheets Step by Step -- Article II Worksheet

Do you teach the U.S. Constitution to your government or history students? I go through it every year and constantly work on ways to make it highly interesting and relevant to students -- not to mention, more understandable! Liven up your own civics teaching this guided Constitution worksheet that takes students through the details of Article II, which covers the executive branch. I BELIEVE IN CRITICAL THINKING The worksheet is more than a reading comprehension activity. At key points, it asks students the application questions that are so essential to true understanding. To complete the worksheet, students will have to do a close reading of Article II to discover key details, but then they will have to apply critical thinking skills to figure out, for example, what the Framers meant by "extraordinary measures." The Constitution uses the term without explanation; with this worksheet, students are asked to go beyond the surface of the text to reach a deeper level of understanding. TEACHER CONVENIENCE IS NUMBER ONE WITH ME! As a teacher myself, I know that you have plenty to do. You need support materials that make your life easier, not harder. When it comes to this Article II Constitution Worksheet, that means: ---The whole worksheet fits on one sheet of paper, front and back. This means that a set of the worksheets, used year after year if students are directed not to write on them, will take up very little space in your file cabinet. ---A full answer key is provided. It includes not just the bare answer, but also helpful ancillary information to help guide class review and discussion and keep the Constitution interesting. GREAT WAYS TO USE THIS CONSTITUTION WORKSHEET *For previewing or reviewing key content *For absent work when students miss your class discussions on the key content *As extra credit or enrichment *As a way to differentiate instruction *I'm sure you can think of even more!
U.S. Constitution Worksheets Step by Step -- Article I Worksheet

U.S. Constitution Worksheets Step by Step -- Article I Worksheet

Liven up your government teaching with this guided Constitution worksheet that takes students through the details of Article I, all about the legislative branch. These worksheets let students really get into the primary source text instead of relying on textbook authors to tell them what the Constitution says about Congress -- and because it is a complete look at Article I, it covers a lot of ground that textbooks tend to overlook. Give your students a really complete view of the rights, roles, and responsibilities of Congress! I BELIEVE IN CRITICAL THINKING The worksheet is more than a reading comprehension activity. At key points, it asks students the critical "why?" questions that are so essential to true understanding. To complete the worksheet, students will have to do a close reading of Article I to discover key details, but then they will have to apply critical thinking skills to figure out what reasons the Framers probably had in mind for including certain provisions regarding the legislative branch. For example, the Constitution specifies that Congress members can't be held to answer in a court of law for anything they say while in Congress. No reason for this prohibition is given, but of course there is a very good one. Students are challenged to think for themselves as to why it was a good idea to make sure that Congress members feel free to speak their minds without worrying about being sued for their remarks. And this is just the tip of the iceberg -- these worksheets are about clear reading and careful analysis, always providing the guidance that students need to get at the heart of these important matters. Students are also challenged to think through what some of the somewhat advanced vocabulary used in Article I must mean. What are "habeas corpus" and "duty of tonnage?" The Constitution uses the terms without explanation; with this worksheet, students are asked to go beyond the surface level of the text to reach a level of true understanding. TEACHER CONVENIENCE IS NUMBER ONE WITH ME! As a teacher myself, I know that you have plenty to do. You need support materials that make your life easier, not harder. When it comes to this Article I Constitution Worksheet, that means: ---Two different difficulty levels provided, ready made for you to differentiate instruction. ---Convenient division into sections that match the Constitution to make printing easy! ---A reusable option -- all problems presented not only in worksheet format, but also as a question list. A class set of these can be reused from year to year since students won't write on the pages. ---A full answer key is provided as well as helpful ancillary information!