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A Level Chemistry Calculation Shots - Formulae
An A level chemistry revision / intervention resource focusing on the empirical and molecular formulacalculations required at A level. The power point is designed for a 30min - 1hr session and includes examples and practice (with answers). Also useful as part of a normal teaching SOW.
A Level Chemistry Calculation Shots - Reacting Gas Volumes
An A level chemistry revision / intervention resource focusing on reacting gas volumes calculations required at A level. The power point is designed for a 30min - 1hr session and includes examples and practice (with answers). Also useful as part of a normal teaching SOW.
Chemistry Calculations: How to Guide
A power point that includes the key definitions, equations and methodology of all the calculations needed in A level chemistry. Also includes methods for identifying molecular shape and writing ionic and redox equations. I give this to my pupils as a quick reference guide in class. It is an excellent revision tool and follows alongside my ‘calculation shot’ intervention / revision power points.
A Level Chemistry Calculation Shots
An A level chemistry revision / intervention resource focusing on the calculations required at A level. This bundle includes 15 power points, each covering a different calculation. Each power point is designed for a 30min - 1hr session and includes examples and practice (with answers). Also useful as part of a normal teaching SOW.
BTEC Applied Science Unit 9 Assignment B - pupil workbook and homework guide
This is a workbook to use alongside taught lessons building to a 10 minute presentation by each pupil. This presentation along with the work book and their classwork can then be used to write their final report. As usual the aim is to spread the work load for the report across the term.
Homework tasks and teacher marking guidance. These follow the U9 assignment B lesson resources (available in my shop) but work as stand alone tasks to incorporate into your own lessons.
BTEC Applied Science: Unit 9 assignment C pupil workbook and teacher guidance
A pupil workbook to be used alongside lessons and in support of homework tasks. This will then provide a reference for writing the final assignment.
Homework tasks and teacher marking guidance. These are referenced against U9 assignment C lesson resources (available in my shop) but work as stand alone tasks to incorporate into your own lessons.
I found these resources helped pupils to structure their notes and begin to build sections of work that could be incorporated into their final assignment - helping them manage the workload.
The teacher guide makes sense of the Pearson criteria and helps consistency in marking and feedback
BTEC Applied Science: Unit 9 assignment C - Reproduction
This is a full set of lesson power points relating to the third unit 9 assignment - Reproduction
Each power point covers key learning aims as set out by Pearson. They include learning activities as well as hwk tasks that will allow pupils to slowly build their report for this assignment.
BTEC Applied Science: Unit 3 Pupil task sheets for section H - electricity
These are the tasks I give to pupils as I teach section H - electricity, for the practical exam unit 3. The tasks are designed to teach and practice the key skills, as well as develop a good understanding of how they will be examined. All task sheets included mini assessment briefs developed from Exam past papers.
A Level Chemistry Calculation Shot - Reacting Masses
An A level chemistry revision / intervention resource focusing on reacting masses calculations required at A level. The power point is designed for a 30min - 1hr session and includes examples and practice (with answers). Also useful as part of a normal teaching SOW.
A Level Chemistry Calculation Shots - Yield Economy
An A level chemistry revision / intervention resource focusing on yield economy calculations required at A level. The power point is designed for a 30min - 1hr session and includes examples and practice (with answers). Also useful as part of a normal teaching SOW.
A Level Chemistry Calculation Shot - Born Haber
An A level chemistry revision / intervention resource focusing on the Born Haber Enthalpy calculations required at A level. The power point is designed for a 30min - 1hr session and includes examples and practice (with answers). Also useful as part of a normal teaching SOW.
A Level Chemistry Calculation Shot - Acid, base equilibria and pH
An A level chemistry revision / intervention resource focusing on the acid-base and pH calculations required at A level. The power point is designed for a 30min - 1hr session and includes examples and practice (with answers). Also useful as part of a normal teaching SOW.
A Level Chemistry Calculation Shot - Buffers
An A level chemistry revision / intervention resource focusing on the Buffer Solutions calculations required at A level. The power point is designed for a 30min - 1hr session and includes examples and practice (with answers). Also useful as part of a normal teaching SOW.
A Level Chemistry Calculation Shots - Entropy
An A level chemistry revision / intervention resource focusing on the thermodynamic entropy calculations required at A level. The power point is designed for a 30min - 1hr session and includes examples and practice (with answers). Also useful as part of a normal teaching SOW.
A Level Chemistry Calculation Shots - Enthalpy
An A level chemistry revision / intervention resource focusing on the thermodynamic enthalpy calculations required at A level. The power point is designed for a 30min - 1hr session and includes examples and practice (with answers). Also useful as part of a normal teaching SOW.
A Level Chemistry Calculation Shot - Equilibria
An A level chemistry revision / intervention resource focusing on the equilibria calculations required at A level. The power point is designed for a 30min - 1hr session and includes examples and practice (with answers). Also useful as part of a normal teaching SOW.
A Level Chemistry Calculation Shot - Kinetics
An A level chemistry revision / intervention resource focusing on the kinetic calculations required at A level. The power point is designed for a 30min - 1hr session and includes examples and practice (with answers). Also useful as part of a normal teaching SOW.
Synoptic Revision - Key Concepts and Links
An introduction to synoptic style revision for A level chemistry students. Includes some synoptic brain teasers with answers.
Synoptic Revision - Acids and Alkalis
A synoptic revision resource for acids and bases linked to other A level chemistry topics. Includes synoptic style problems with answers.
30min Chemistry Interventions - practical and MC (paper 3)
An A level chemistry revision / intervention resource focusing on exam technique by looking at the paper 3 practical skills and multiple choice questions. The power point is designed for a 30min session to be followed by teacher question walk through and pupil independent practice practice. Written for AQA spec