Thank you for visiting my shop. My aim is to provide high quality teaching resources that reduce the
need for hours of planning and help learners to achieve their potential in English and English Literature.
Please feel free to email me at with any queries, requests or comments.
Thank you for visiting my shop. My aim is to provide high quality teaching resources that reduce the
need for hours of planning and help learners to achieve their potential in English and English Literature.
Please feel free to email me at with any queries, requests or comments.
This lesson looks at the requirements of AQA Paper 2, Question 5 with a particular focus on leaflet-writing and the use of language to instruct and advise.
It draws from my original PPT:
and could be used as a follow on from the free Section A questions provided here:
However, this can act as a stand-alone lesson. It covers:
Key points about AQA English Language, Paper 2, Question 5
The structure of a leaflet
The different purposes of a leaflet (with task)
A note on planning and identifying the purpose, audience and format (with quick task).
The features of writing to instruct and advise (with handout)
A WAGOLL for the given task
After learners have written their own, they then use success criteria to peer assess and then rate their learning.
The PPT is aimed at middle-upper ability learners and is likely to take about 2 hours, including independent writing time (45mins).
A full lesson on Heaney’s ‘Storm on the Island’. It incorporates:
A brief scansion entry task
Learners then read the poem and form initial impressions, giving reasons for their interpretations.
There is then a vocabulary task relevant to the context of the poem.
Learners read a sheet entitled 'Different Interpretations of ‘Storm on the Island’ which provides a brief introduction to the political situation in Northern Ireland. Learners use this information to respond to questions on a worksheet.
Learners can then annotate the poem using a guidance sheet.
The whole lesson is likely to take 1.5-2 hours approx. It is aimed at higher ability learners.
Following on from this introduction to unseen poetry:
This is the next lesson in the series. It covers:
Revision of aspects of the AQA 8702 English Literature GCSE (NB. references to ‘An Inspector Calls’ and ‘A Christmas Carol’).
Feedback slide
What is meant by ‘poetic methods’?
The Literature Assessment Objectives
4 tasks on worksheets in relation to poetic methods (teacher answers included). These are to be carried out in conjunction with the Methods Mat, which you may choose to print back-to-back and laminate.
Feedback slides
Learning Review
A straightforward introduction to speech writing for lower-middle ability KS3. It covers:
Starter task (see cover image)
What is a speech and who makes a speech?
AFOREST features used in a WAGOLL. Learners label the features used in the WAGOLL. There are two provided, one for lower ability and another providing some reading challenge.
Learners then write their own persuasive statements based on the AFOREST features.
This lesson is likely to take around an hour.
A lesson on John Agard’s ‘Checking Out Me History’ aimed at lower ability learners. It includes:
Do Now task (shown on cover slide)
Contextual information regarding the historical figures and events referenced in the poem, with corresponding worksheet.
Link to relevant video + the meaning of ‘Eurocentric’
Quotation Hunt + Challenge Task
Imagery in the poem worksheet
Comparison table to complete with ‘My Last Duchess’ in terms of the presentation of the abuse of power.
Review learning with challenge question.
In this Y11 revision resource, students read a character overview of Lady Macbeth and respond to detailed questions on her role in each act.
You may wish to organise students into groups and ask them to focus on a particular act, presenting their ideas at the end of the lesson.
Suggested answers are included.
This resource could be used as a cover lesson, but in any event, students will need a copy of the play.
This is a newly-differentiated version of the following resource:
This lower-ability version contains:
The full text of Act 1, translated (same as original)
Several key extracts for study
Scene summaries for Scenes 2-7
A range of activities to develop understanding.
Simplified contextual notes with a corresponding worksheet
Key information with corresponding worksheet.
This resource is aimed at lower-middle ability learners.
A lesson on Ted Hughes’ ‘Bayonet Charge’ for lower ability learners, It includes:
Starter - a short explanation of what a bayonet is and how they were used in WW1. Learners then answer ‘Why do you think the bayonet was considered to be a suitable weapon for infantry attacks?’
Feedback slide
Basic contextual information about the poet.
A link to a relevant YouTube video
Learners then read the poem and use choose quotations to caption six images on a storyboard depicting the main events of the poem.
This is followed by a worksheet in which learners are asked to make three basic comparisons with ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ (this will have to have been covered beforehand). The table is partly filled in.
This assessment tracker uses the 2024 grade boundaries for AQA 8702 Paper 1 and 2 (English Literature).
It will generate a grade for individual sections, each paper and the overall course.
Please email me using the address on my store front if you would like any adjustments made to your tracker, e.g. additional columns.
Please do not send any pupil data when requesting adjustments.
A 46-slide PowerPoint that provides a short course in narrative and descriptive writing for GCSE. It is aimed at middle-ability KS4 and is oriented towards AQA English Language 8700, Paper 1, Question 5.
The PowerPoint covers:
The writing AO’s, unpacked and turned into 7 ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions
The structures of 8700 Papers 1 & 2
The difference between narrative and descriptive writing
Descriptive techniques organised into the acronym MRS VAN SOAPS
Descriptive writing success criteria
Sample descriptive writing tasks (students choose 1 of 2)
A teacher-written response (presented as an extract from a full response)
Peer assessment
Short story structure (Freytag’s Pyramid)
Exploring Freytag’s Pyramid in relation to ‘A Christmas Carol’
Sample narrative writing tasks with planning activity
Narrative writing success criteria
Showing and telling in fiction
4 showing tasks with sample responses
DIRT tasks
Narrative choice: 1st or 3rd person with picture prompt activity
Final writing tasks (descriptive or narrative)
Peer assessment
Reflection opportunity.
This resource incorporates others that have previously been on sale in my shop, either in their current form or slightly tweaked. If you already have these but wish to purchase this unit of work, please contact me at and we’ll try to work something out.
Resources also sold separately:
These files were last saved in Office 2016.
This is the eleventh in the KS3 Creative Writing for lower ability learners. It follows on from this introduction to creative writing techniques:
This lesson includes:
Do Now Task (see cover image)
Feedback slide
An introduction to flashback as a device + what is a flashback?
Links to YouTube videos in which flashback is used in 3 different films. Learners watch the clips and then say at what point the flashback occurs
An introduction to flashback as a structural technique + the difference between language and structure
Different ways of incorporating a flashback (worksheet)
Feedback slides
Flashback writing task with basic and challenge success criteria
Peer assessment
Estimated time 1:5 hours
An introduction to simple, compound and complex sentences with activities at the end. Suitable for KS2 or lower KS3 groups.
I have created an alternative to this lesson, found here:
This lesson is aimed at middle-upper ability learners and focuses on broadsheet article writing for AQA English Language 8700/2. The questions is:
“Those who are obese have nobody to blame but themselves.”
Write an article for a broadsheet newspaper in which you explain your point of view on this statement.
The lesson includes:
Do Now Task: learners use their general knowledge to match seven health-related terms to their definitions. Teacher answers provided. Extension task included.
Feedback slide
For the following slides, learners use a designated note-taking sheet to record information on:
Key points about AQA Question 5, Paper 2
What an AQA Paper 2, Question 5 will look like
The basic differences between broadsheets, tabloids and the middle-market dailies
The difference between an article and a news report
Broadsheet readers
Layout features of an article (heading, strapline, lead photo, by-line and date + main body)
Basic language requirements of a broadsheet article
From this point on:
Learners look at the question again and come up with arguments for and against the statement.
Feedback slide
They then consider what makes a good heading, with several made-up examples
What is the strapline? (Example provided)
The internal structure of an article e.g. introduction, main body with PEC (point, evidence and comment) paragraphs, counterargument and conclusion. Learners take notes on a designated sheet
The writing task is set for homework (basic planning sheet included)
Initially, I wrote one WAGOLL and it turned out to be too long, so I shortened it! Both are included.
The shortened version has been broken up into sections on PPT slides, which you can print out and use as a carousel and group work activity, if you wish.
These resources were created for lower ability KS4 groups looking to study ‘Macbeth’ over the course of around five weeks.
For each act, there is a PPT with the full text translated into modern English. There is also a range of worksheets to develop understanding.
Act One also contains simplified contextual notes with a corresponding worksheet.
This PPT enables an exploration of ‘Exposure’ by Wilfred Owen, part of the AQA Power and Conflict Anthology. It is aimed at lower ability learners whose primary objective is understanding and basic comparisons.
It includes:
Starter: Infer the meaning of the word exposure by examining the three images (sun exposure, exposure to the elements, exposure to harmful gases in the air)
Learners then look at an image of WW1 soldiers in the trenches and link it to their understanding of the word exposure.
There is a context sheet which explains some of the background to the poem e.g. the Western Front and conditions for soldiers in the trenches. Learners then work through relevant tasks e.g. label the Western Front on a blank map of Europe.
Poem synopsis with 4 comprehension questions.
The poem translated into reasonably simply English + reduction task.
Suggested annotations for lower ability learners.
A comparison table for completion (presentation of effects of war with ‘Remains’.
A two-page guide to writing a discursive essay. The topics covered are:
The purpose and content of the introduction
The role of topic sentences
Different forms of evidence
Concluding sentences
The use of counterargument
The content and purpose of the conclusion
This revision sheet is suitable for upper-ability learners at GCSE.
This is a newly differentiated version of this resource:
This lower ability version contains:
The full text of Act 2, translated (same as original)
Scene summaries for Scenes 1-4
Scene 2 (the immediate aftermath) full text with corresponding questions
5 Worksheets to be carried out alongside the reading of Act 2.
This unit contains fewer resources than the corresponding unit for Act 1, but this reflected in the price. It was created with the issue of time pressure in mind.
A lesson that follows on from this introduction to speech writing for KS3:
This is a speech-writing lesson based on the issue of gender equality. It includes:
Starter - learners say to what extent they agree with a series of statements relating to men and women.
Feedback slide
Key Facts about Gender Equality sheet
Links to Emma Watson’s HeForShe speech
Planning sheet task
Sample GCSE question (AQA-style)
Writing time
Peer assessment and review
This lesson is aimed at lower-middle ability learners and should take about two hours.
**UPDATE: WAGOLL now included and Slide 9 question corrected. **
The sixth in the KS3 Basic Literacy Series. It includes:
A starter based on the homophones there, their and they’re, effectively revising the material covered in the previous lesson.
What is an inference + several examples
A series of photos as a basis for whole class discussion on the inferences that can be made from different visual cues.
A worksheet: read ten short extracts and make inferences from them, with extension task
This lesson can stand alone but it assumes some pre-teaching of there, their and they’re.