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Spanish A Level: Immigration/Inmigración (Las experiencias de los inmigrantes)
This unit of work focuses on practicing reading, speaking and grammar for the topic of immigration. It contains the following tasks for the student to work independently as well as the PowerPoint to be used in class:
• A detailed explanation in English on how to answer the stimulus card questions (suggested content and grammar following Exampro).
• A grammar explanation of how to use the Present of Subjunctive to answer the questions.
• A knowledge organiser in Spanish with the most updated information on immigration in Spain and Latin America (i.e. data and facts).
• A task to introduce the key vocabulary that appears on the reading task.
• A reading task based on an authentic newspaper article adapted as exam-style question.
• A grammar explanation on how to use direct and indirect pronouns
• Answer key.
Do not forget your feedback. I will appreciate it. Muchas gracias. :)

Spanish A Level speaking cards (AQA, 2023)
Set of 11 original stimulus cards to practise with students prior to the speaking exam based on past papers and current news. It includes cards on the following topics:
• La importancia de la familia: tarjetas sobre la conciliación familiar, la igualdad del permiso paternal y maternal y el paro juvenil en España.
• La igualdad de derechos: tarjeta sobre la ley de libertad sexual.
• Los derechos de los gays: tarjeta sobre los derechos del colectivo LGTBIQ+ en España.
• El feminismo: tarjeta sobre la Ley del aborto en Colombia.
• Los ídolos: tarjeta sobre la influencia de los Youtubers en los jóvenes.
• Las redes sociales: beneficios y peligros: tarjeta sobre la nomofobia.
• Las actitudes racistas y xenófobas: el antigitanismo.
• Dictaduras: tarjeta sobre el traslado de Franco del Valle de los Caídos.
• Patrimonio: tarjeta sobre el 50 aniversario de la muerte de Picasso.
PowerPoint and PDF format.
Do not forget your feedback. I will appreciate it. Muchas gracias. :)

Spanish A Level: La Inmigración/Inmigration
Hola a todos:
For theme 3 “Multiculturalism in Hispanic society” I created the following PowerPoints to be taught in class as well as the units for the students to work independently:
**7.1 La inmigración en España
7.2 Las experiencias de los inmigrantes
7.3 Mujeres migrantes en España
La inmigración en España contains the following tasks:
• A knowledge organiser with the most updated information on immigration (i.e. geographical information, basic concepts, migration routes from Africa to Spain/Europe, possible reasons to emigrate and advantages of immigration for Spain).
• A detailed explanation in English on how to answer the stimulus card questions (suggested content) with a special focus on how to use the Subjunctive Mood.
• A task to introduce the key vocabulary that appears on the reading task.
• A reading task based on an authentic newspaper article adapted as exam-style question.
• Answer key.
Las experiencias de los inmigrantes focuses on practicing reading, speaking and grammar for the topic of immigration. It contains the following tasks:
• A detailed explanation in English on how to answer the stimulus card questions (suggested content and grammar following Exampro).
• A grammar explanation of how to use the Present of Subjunctive to answer the questions.
• A knowledge organiser in Spanish with the most updated information on immigration in Spain and Latin America (i.e. data and facts).
• A task to introduce the key vocabulary that appears on the reading task.
• A reading task based on an authentic newspaper article adapted as exam-style question.
• A grammar explanation on how to use direct and indirect pronouns
• Answer key.
Mujeres migrantes en España contains the following tasks:
• A grammar explanation on how to use the Present of Subjunctive to express wishes (e.g., quiero que estudies español) and emotions (e.g. me sorprende que no estudie español) with activities to practise.
• A crossword to introduce key vocabulary related to the topic.
• A reading task based on an authentic newspaper article adapted as exam-style question from El País (2020).
• A detailed explanation in English on how to answer the stimulus card questions on immigrant women in Spain (suggested content and vocabulary following Exampro) with a special focus on how to use the Subjunctive Mood.
• The three newspaper articles used to prepare the unit.
• Answer key.
Resources are in PDF and Word format.
Do not forget your feedback. I will appreciate it. Muchas gracias. :)

Spanish A Level: Immigration/Inmigración
Due to the demands of the AQA/Edexcel specification, I have planned this teaching resource to prepare and practice speaking for the topic of immigration in Spain. It contains the following tasks for the student to work independently as well as the PowerPoint to be taught in class:
A knowledge organiser with the most updated information on immigration (i.e. geographical information, basic concepts, migration routes from Africa to Spain/Europe, possible reasons to emigrate and advantages of immigration for Spain).
A detailed explanation in English on how to answer the stimulus card questions (suggested content) with a special focus on how to use the Subjunctive Mood.
A task to introduce the key vocabulary that appears on the reading task.
A reading task based on an authentic newspaper article adapted as exam-style question.
Answer key.
Do not forget your feedback. I will appreciate it. Muchas gracias. :)

Spanish A Level: revision notes for "los valores tradicionales y modernos"
Revision notes for the AQA theme of “Los aspectos de la sociedad hispánica” (based on the advanced information June 2022). It includes notes and facts on the subthemes:
• Los valores tradicionales y modernos
• El mundo laboral
• El ciberespacio
• La igualdad de derechos
It will be very useful for the stimulus cards. It contains facts referring to the past (e.g. la dictadura de Franco in Spain), the present (recent political developments) and predictions about the future using the Subjunctive.
Resources are in PDF and Word format.
Do not forget your feedback. I will appreciate it. Muchas gracias. :)

Spanish A Level: Passive voice/Voz pasiva. Moorish influence on Spain. Gracias al Islam.
As an A Level teacher I always struggle to find teaching materials which develp the students’ grammar skills while they learn about Spanish history and culture. Consequently, I planned this unit of work to prepare and practice reading, speaking and grammar for the topic of Moorish influence on Spain. My aim is that students learn important historical facts while they practice the passive voice.
This unit of work contains the following tasks for the student to work independently (a booklet of 12 pages) as well as the PowerPoint (34 slides) to be used in class:
• A detailed explanation in English on how to answer the stimulus card questions on convivencia y tolerancia religiosa (suggested content following Exampro) for AQA/Edexcel specification.
• A task to introduce key vocabulary on healthy eating.
• A reading task based on an authentic newspaper article adapted as exam-style question from El Mundo.
• A grammar explanation on how to use the passive voice with activities to practise.
• The article from El Mundo used to prepare the unit.
• Answer key.
Do not forget your feedback. I will appreciate it. Muchas gracias. :)

Spanish A Level: Present and Imperfect Subjunctive
Hola a todos:
I always start the New Year with resolutions as an excuse to revise the Present of Subjuntive.
This unit of work (a Powerpoint of 46 slides) contains:
• A grammar explanation on how to use the Present of Subjunctive to express wishes for other people and activities to practise the form and its uses.
• A debate on the most worrying topics for Spaniards. Data was collected from the last report (December 2023) from the Center for Sociological Research (el Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, CIS).
• A reading task to introduce other useful grammatical structures with the Present of Subjunctive (e.g. me resulta injustificable que…).
• A listening activity from a real TV programme.
• A grammar explanation on how to use the Imperfect of Subjunctive to talk about how you would like the world/future to be (e.g. Me gustaría que viviéramos en paz).
• A writing task.
• A speaking card on young unemployment and poor job market conditions.
Do not forget your feedback. I will appreciate it. Muchas gracias. :)

Spanish A-Level Stimulus cards and revision notes
Hola a todos:
Set of 11 original stimulus cards to practise with students prior to the speaking exam based on past papers and current news. It includes cards on the following topics:
• La importancia de la familia: tarjetas sobre la conciliación familiar, la igualdad del permiso paternal y maternal y el paro juvenil en España.
• La igualdad de derechos: tarjeta sobre la ley de libertad sexual.
• Los derechos de los gays: tarjeta sobre los derechos del colectivo LGTBIQ+ en España.
• El feminismo: tarjeta sobre la Ley del aborto en Colombia.
• Los ídolos: tarjeta sobre la influencia de los Youtubers en los jóvenes.
• Las redes sociales: beneficios y peligros: tarjeta sobre la nomofobia.
• Las actitudes racistas y xenófobas: el antigitanismo.
• Dictaduras: tarjeta sobre el traslado de Franco del Valle de los Caídos.
• Patrimonio: tarjeta sobre el 50 aniversario de la muerte de Picasso.
Set of 6 revision mind maps for the AQA theme of “Los aspectos de la sociedad hispánica” (based on the advanced information June 2022). It includes notes and facts on the subthemes:
• Los valores tradicionales y modernos
• El mundo laboral
• El ciberespacio
• La igualdad de derechos
For the AQA theme of “La inmigración y la sociedad multicultural española” , it includes notes and facts on the subthemes:
• La inmigración
• El racismo
It will be very useful for the stimulus cards. It contains facts referring to the past (e.g. la dictadura de Franco in Spain), the present (recent political developments) and predictions about the future using the Subjunctive.
Resources are in PDF and Word format.
Do not forget your feedback. I will appreciate it. Muchas gracias. :)

International A Level Spanish (Edexcel) - Estilos de vida
Due to the demands of the International A Level Edexcel specification, I have planned this teaching resource to prepare and practice speaking for the topic 2 of lifestyle, health and fitness (AS Level). It contains the PowerPoint to be taught in class:
A grammatical explanation of demonstrative and indefinite determiners.
A exercise to fill in the gap using the correct demonstrative as well as a question 8 exercise to practise using verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc.
A stimulus card based on El País’ article and a detailed explanation in English on how to answer the stimulus card questions (suggested content) with a special focus on how to use the Subjunctive Mood.
Answer key.
Do not forget your feedback. I will appreciate it. Muchas gracias. :)

Spanish A Level: Present Subjunctive. Immigrant women/mujeres inmigrantes en España
As an A Level teacher I always struggle to find teaching materials which develop the students’ grammar skills while they learn about Spanish history and culture. Consequently, I planned this unit of work to prepare and practice reading, speaking and grammar for the topic of immigration in Spain. My aim is that students learn important historical facts while they practice the Present tense of Subjunctive to express wishes and emotions.
This unit of work contains the following tasks for the student to work independently (a booklet of 13 pages) as well as the **PowerPoint ** (40 slides) to be used in class:
• A grammar explanation on how to use the Present of Subjunctive to express wishes (e.g., quiero que estudies español) and emotions (e.g. me sorprende que no estudie español) with activities to practise.
• A crossword to introduce key vocabulary related to the topic.
• A reading task based on an authentic newspaper article adapted as exam-style question from El País (2020).
• A detailed explanation in English on how to answer the stimulus card questions on immigrant women in Spain (suggested content and vocabulary following Exampro) with a special focus on how to use the Subjunctive Mood.
• The three newspaper articles used to prepare the unit.
• Answer key.
Do not forget your feedback. I will appreciate it. Muchas gracias. :)

Spanish A Level: Immigration of accompanied children/Inmigración de menores (MENA) in Spain
As an A Level teacher I always struggle to find teaching materials which develop the students’ grammar skills while they learn about Spanish history and culture. Consequently, I planned this unit of work to prepare and practice reading, speaking and grammar for the topic of immigration of unaccompanied foreign children in Spain. My aim is that students learn important historical facts while they practice their tenses, in particular the Present tense of Subjunctive.
This unit of work contains the following tasks for the student to work independently (a booklet of 11 pages) as well as the PowerPoint (31 slides) to be used in class:
• A detailed explanation in English on how to answer the stimulus card questions on unaccompanied immigrant children in Spain (suggested content and vocabulary following Exampro) with a special focus on how to use the Subjunctive Mood.
• A task to introduce key vocabulary related to the topic.
• A reading task based on an authentic newspaper article adapted as exam-style question from El País (2020).
• A grammar explanation on how to use stem-changing verbs in the Present tense of Indicative with activities to practise.
• The two newspaper articles are included.
• Answer key.
Do not forget your feedback. I will appreciate it. Muchas gracias. :)

International A Level Spanish: Yerma, by Lorca - Machismo & 'ser'/'estar' distinction
Hola a todos:
I have planned this teaching resource to teach the PEEL paragraph structure to my students as well as the difference between “ser” and “estar”. The PowerPoint with 32 slides contains the following items:
A grammatical explanation of “ser” and “estar” based on Silvagni’s three way distinction as well as my work from an article presented in the International ASELE conference (2023).
A exercise to practice when to use “ser” and “estar” in 25 sentences which talk about the play.
An exam question on machismo (Edexcel, June 2019) and the steps I followed to organise a draft and how it looks in my essay. The whole essay and the mark scheme are included.
An adapted exam question for students to write.
Answer key is provided.
Do not forget your feedback. I will appreciate it. Muchas gracias. :)

International A Level Spanish: Yerma, by Lorca – Role of men & Indirect Speech
Hola a todos:
I have planned this teaching resource to make students reflect about what Federico García Lorca expressed about his own dramatic trilogy and the characters of Yerma. Likewise, I explain how the indirect style works so that students can transform direct quotes into indirect quotes so that they use a wider range of tenses. Finally, I use an essay that I wrote for them to reflect on the essay structure, characters, quotes and tenses. The essay question is from last year’s exam (Edexcel - January 2024). The PowerPoint with 34 slides contains the following items:
An exam-style question (Unit 2) about Lorca: author’s intention of the play, main and secondary characters and the plot.
The difference between the direct and indirect speech
A exercise to transform between 16 direct quotes and indirect quotes so that they use the Present and Imperfect of Subjuntive.
Examples to provide context for the quotes in an essay to make their essays more meaningful
An exam question on the role of men and how they are responsible about Yerma’s situation (January 2024). The whole essay I wrote (not AI) and the mark scheme are included.
Un breve quiz sobre la obra.
Answer key is provided.
Do not forget your feedback. I will appreciate it. Muchas gracias. :)

International A Level Spanish: Yerma, by Lorca with 3 model essays to teach in class
Hola a todos:
I have planned these three Powerpoints to teach the following content:
PEEL paragraph structure
Difference between “ser” and “estar”
Indirect speech: how to transform direct quotes into indirect quotes
Conditional clauses, particularly, those containing a verb in the Imperfect and Pluperfect of Subjunctive
3 Model essays answering past exam-questions from June 2019, January 2024 and January 2025 (Edexcel).
1. Machismo and the ser/estar distinction
The PowerPoint with 32 slides contains the following items:
A grammatical explanation of “ser” and “estar” based on Silvagni’s three way distinction as well as my work from an article presented in the International ASELE conference (2023).
A exercise to practice when to use “ser” and “estar” in 25 sentences which talk about the play.
An exam question on machismo (Edexcel, June 2019) and the steps I followed to organise a draft and how it looks in my essay. The whole essay and the mark scheme are included.
An adapted exam question for students to write.
Answer key is provided.
2. The role of men and the indirect speech
The PowerPoint with 34 slides contains the following items:
An exam-style question (Unit 2) about Lorca: author’s intention of the play, main and secondary characters and the plot.
The difference between the direct and indirect speech
A exercise to transform between 16 direct quotes and indirect quotes so that they use the Present and Imperfect of Subjuntive.
Examples to provide context for the quotes in an essay to make their essays more meaningful
An exam question on the role of men and how they are responsible about Yerma’s situation (January 2024). The whole essay I wrote (not AI) and the mark scheme are included.
Un breve quiz sobre la obra.
Answer key is provided.
3. Yerma and Juan’s marriage and conditional clauses
The PowerPoint with 24 slides contains the following items:
An exam-style question (Unit 2) about Yerma’s plot.
An explanation about conditional clauses
Exercises for forming hypotheses using the Imperfect and Pluperfect of Subjuntive in the context of Yerma.
An exam question on the challenges faced by Yerma and Juan, along with a critical analysis about who is responsible. (Edexcel Board, January 2025). The whole essay I wrote (not AI generated) and the mark scheme are included.
A short quiz on the play using conditional clauses.
Answer key is provided.
Do not forget your feedback. I will appreciate it. Muchas gracias. :)

Spanish A Level: Racismo inmobiliario/Racism in the estate agency sector
Due to the demands of the AQA/Edexcel specification, I have planned this unit of work to prepare and practice reading, speaking and grammar for the topic of racism in Spain. It contains the following tasks for the student to work independently as well as the PowerPoint to be used in class:
• A detailed explanation in English on how to answer the stimulus card questions (suggested content) with a special focus on how to use the Subjunctive Mood.
• A knowledge organiser in Spanish with the most updated information on racism in Spain (i.e. basic concepts such as racism, xenophobia and aporophobia (term coined by the Spanish philosopher Elena Cortina, types of racism, racist attitudes, behaviours and beliefs, racist expressions in Spanish, existing Spanish legislation against racism and the latest data of racism in the world of sport, in education and in the workplace).
• A task to introduce the key vocabulary that appears on the reading task.
• A reading task based on an authentic newspaper article adapted as exam-style question.
• A grammar explanation on how to use time expressions (e.g. antes, después de + infinitive/noun, llevar + gerund, hace and desde hace) and 6 exercises to practise them and the Present of Subjunctive.
• Answer key.
Do not forget your feedback. I will appreciate it. Muchas gracias. :)

Volver: AQA exam questions and quotes
This PowerPoint includes of 30 slides contains the following:
• 10 past exam questions including “possible content” from Exampro.
• An analysis of the motherhood relations between Irene, Raimunda and Sole as well as between Raimunda and Paula.
• Quotes from Irene, Agustina, Raimunda y Paula about:
- Motherhood
- Raimunda’s motivation to cover up Paco’s murder in order to protect Paula
- How in the movie the characters anticipate that Paula is the result of the sexual abuse of Raimunda by her own father.
Do not forget your feedback. I will appreciate it. Muchas gracias. :)

Spanish A Level: revision notes for "La inmigración y la sociedad multicultural española"
Revision notes for the AQA theme of “La inmigración y la sociedad multicultural española” (based on the advanced information June 2022). It includes notes and facts on the subthemes:
• La inmigración
• El racismo
It will be very useful for the stimulus cards. It contains facts referring to the past (e.g. la emigración durante dictadura de Franco) and the present (e.g. España como país receptor de inmigrantes, las principales rutas migratorias y las actitudes de los españoles ante la inmigración).
Resources are in PDF and Word format.
Do not forget your feedback. I will appreciate it. Muchas gracias. :)

AQA GCSE Spanish Listening Paper (2021, Higher Tier) - Video for self-study
I created this video for students to practise the AQA GCSE Listening Paper (Higher Tier) at their own pace although it could be used in class too. After each question they will be able to correct their answers and read the transcript.
I hope you and your students find it useful.

AQA GCSE Spanish Listening Paper (2022, Higher Tier) - Video for self-study
I created this video for students to practise the AQA GCSE Listening Paper (Higher Tier) at their own pace although it could be used in class too. After each question they will be able to correct their answers and read the transcript.
I hope you and your students find it useful.

AQA GCSE Spanish Listening Paper (2021, Foundation Tier) - Video for self-study
I created this video for students to practise the AQA GCSE Listening Paper (Foundation Tier) at their own pace. After each question they will be able to correct their answers and read the transcript.
I hope you and your students find it useful.