
CARL FRIEDRICH GAUSS maths and Science WebQuest
Students can discover more about Carl Friedrich Gauss in a fun and interactive way.
Zero preparation for the teacher!
Gauss is considered to be a master of mathematics, revolutionizing number theory. He also contributed to physical sciences.
Students respond to open-ended questions in this nicely presented resource.

Straight line graphs (GCSE Maths revision)
Straight line graphs worksheet and answers for GCSE maths. The idea behind this is that there is no teacher preparation required!

Direct and inverse proportion revision sheet (GCSE Maths)
Direct and inverse proportion worksheet with answers.

Santa's Kidnap - Two Step Equations (A Mathematical Maths Christmas)
Students find who kidnapped Santa!
Complete a range of two step equations.
Complete with sheet and answer key to solving the problem!

Positive and negative numbers posters
Designed to help learners differentiate between positive and negative numbers

Algebra sheets for Year 10
Six algebra sheets (with answers) created for year 10. Includes answers.
Can be used for homework or classwork.

2D shapes wordsearch and crossword
Wordsearch and crossword for 2D shapes.
Presented with editable Illustrator files for use within your school context

Year 2 (KS1) Addition and Subtraction Word Problem Challenge Cards
Make maths fun with these Year 2 (KS1) addition and subtraction word problem challenge cards!
Illustrated by lovely large images to help your children relate maths problems to real-life scenarios.

Mathematicians and maths Google web quest (webquest) pack
Students can discover more about famous mathematicians in a fun and interactive way.
Zero preparation for the teacher!
From Ada Lovelace to Willard Gibbs there are many famous mathematicians. But how many do your students know?
Students respond to open-ended questions in this nicely presented resource.
Two suggestions for delivery:
Give all of the students the same mathematician. Maximum 10 minutes for each. Who can go through the set fastest?
Give different groups different mathematicians. Then present.

Negative numbers: practical application
Negative numbers, includes a game (including printable playing cards).
Slides include practical applications for negative numbers including overdrafts and a worksheet based on the same.

Positive and negative number maths puzzles
Cut the triangles out, and the students fit them back together to create the larger triangle.
A great differentiated resource that is certain to engage your students and cement their knowledge of positive and negative numbers.

Maths Coordinates Christmas Activity
An activity to help students practice maths coordinates at Christmas.

Prims Algorithm using a Matrix
Complete pack including presentation, step by step guide, tasks and teacher presentation.
Well presented and with full answers.