Adapted article from El Pais - June 2019- about singer Manuel Carrasco from talent show Operacion Triunfo talking about the pressures of fame and his struggles with mental health.
Good for A Levels “Influencia de los Idolos” topic or IB “Identidad”
Also includes activities and comprehension questions, with video to interview as well and song by Manuel talking about this issue.
With answer sheet.
Adapted article from El Pais about Rafael Nadal helping in the floods in Mallorca. Both relevant for Medio Ambiente and Influencia de los idolos topics
A bundle of 9 powerpoints with lessons for unit 1 “Mis vacaciones” Mira Rojo (higher)
There are preterite and imperfect tasks and practice. Consolidation and extension activities. Also games and listening tasks.
Good for Y10 or Y11 students.
Very simple and visual explanation of how accents work in Spanish-poster (3 main types of words: agudas, llanas and esdrujulas)
with clear examples and two drilling activities
A complete booklet on El Laberinto del Fauno, including historical context, director’s biography, translations, analysis of scenes and characters, possible essay questions, essay plan mats etc
All you need for teaching this cultural topic.
Some of the resources have been adapted from other TES resources
Actividades de introducción………………………………2
Antes de ir al cine…………………………………………….7
Durante la película……………………………………………8
Después de la película………………………………………9
Escenas importantes………………………………………15
El contexto político y social…………….………………21
El director: Guillermo del Toro……………….………23
Los personajes principales …………………………….40
Resumen de la película …………………………………34
Resumen de la película/Traducción .…………….48
La simbología…………………………………………55
La intertextualidad………………………………….……61
Las técnicas cinematográficas………………………67
Los temas importantes…………………………………71
Términos cinematográficos……………………………74
Fuentes de inspiración……………………….…………76
Posibles preguntas de examen………………………77
Plan para ensayos…………………………………………78
Pautas de evaluación………………………….……….80
Youtube video on free trade with comprehension questions ( and answer sheet) and a relevant writing task (NEW IB STYLE)
Also a Quizlet list on globalization vocab
Big compilation of facts to use in A Level oral Card section (new A level 2016) All in Spanish and organised in Topics. (over 100 pages)
My students have used them to support their point of view in preparation for their exam. Most taken from AQA Spanish textbook and listening activities, also applicable to other boards.
Topics covered:
AS Book
Unit 1-Los valores tradicionales y modernos
Unit 2-El ciberespacio
Unit 3-La igualdad de los sexos
Unit 4-La influencia de los ídolos
Unit 5-La identidad regional en España
Unit 6-El patrimonio cultural
A2 Book
Unit 1-La inmigración
Unit 2-El racismo
Unit 3-La Convivencia
Unit 4-Jóvenes de hoy, ciudadanos del mañana
Unit 5-Monarquías y dictaduras
Unit 6-Los movimientos populares
All you need to teach Volver by Pedro Almodóvar in A level or IB.
Complete study guide (more than 40 pages) with pictures and activities, essay plan and vocabulary.
Table of contents:
Biografía Pedro Almodóvar P.3
Filmografía P. 5
Influencias P. 7
Introducción a Volver P.9
Trasfondo Social P.13
Temas P.22
Personajes P.25
Agustina P.28
Raimunda P.30
Almodóvar como director (video y preguntas) P.31
Técnicas P.32
El universo femenino P. 36
Citas P. 38
Consejos para la escritura P.40
Ejemplos preguntas de examen P. 44
Plantilla para redacciones P. 45
“Hable con ella” preguntas P. 46
This is a real article on “El consultorio de Elena Francis” a popular radio program during Franco’s regime. It was a way of controlling women by giving them advice on their everyday life. Topics like rape and domestic violence are highlighted.
I have adapted the text to make it more accessible for A level and IB students. Also it comes with vocab and comprehension questions.
Very good to give students a gist of the social and political background.
Very detailed set of resources to explore the film “Diarios de motocicleta” with A level or IB students.
Good to use with “Mañana” new IB textbook- Unidad Identidad
-Ernesto Che Guevara Biography Internet investigation - with answers
Famous quotes from the film and quotes from Che Guevara
Match up vocabulary activities
During the film activities
Booklet with extension exercises and essay question
Very comprehensive booklet with everything you need to teach La Casa de Bernarda Alba
(over 50 pages)
Historical context
Comprehension questions
Good investigation sheet with questions for students to find answers independently on the topic of regional identity.
Easy to use for learning from home/ online teaching (year 12)
Good set of resources to analyze “El coronel no tiene quien le escriba” By Gabriel García Márquez. Useful for A level cultural topic or IB Higher Level.
Internet investigation about Gabriel García Márquez (with answers)
Powerpoint with activities, questions and vocabulary for each chapter.
Tarsia cards for vocabulary learning.
Essay Mindmaps.
Possible essay exam questions.
General comprehension and evaluation questions.
Fantastic set of resources to study Frida Kahlo in Spanish. It is good to use on its own or with IB book “Mañana” topic Ingenio Humano.
Also good to analyse the film “Frida”
Internet investigation about Frida Kahlo with answers
Reading activities
Vocabulary building activities
Analysis on traditional mexican attire “traje de Tehuana”
Link to music video about Frida and comprehension questions.
Worksheet for “Frida” (Salma Hayek film)