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KS1 Weather

KS1 Weather

Weather Collection Table Weather Station Table Weather Symbol Task Weather Forecast UK task
Year 1 Fractions

Year 1 Fractions

Fraction Bar Poster Vocab with Widgits Half of shape Half of an amount Quarter of a shape Quarter of an amount Fraction sorting activity
Name 3 Things Game

Name 3 Things Game

Perfect game to use with KS1- Ideal for use while teaching about senses. Pick a card, answer as quickly as you can. Optional Idea: Set a time limit with egg timers.
5 Senses

5 Senses

Activities suitable for KS1 Science Unit Animals including Humans. create a senses word bank sorting activity Senses matching body parts tasks
KS1 Human Body

KS1 Human Body

Human body activities suitable for year 1 children. Body part flash cards - colour and in black and white ( Activity suggestion: Draw around children and label the body parts or children take it in turns to label each other) word searches Matching organs picture to definition (Skin, lungs, stomach and brain) Matching body parts paper activities
Year 1 High Frequency Words

Year 1 High Frequency Words

Word Boards Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Year 1 HFWs Read words quickly. Use resource as a game Ideal for small reading interventions
Phase 2 Reading

Phase 2 Reading

Read the phase 2 sentences and colour the picture that matches the sentences. 5 activity sheets in total with 5 sentences on each sheet.
Maths Sentence Stems

Maths Sentence Stems

The quality of children’s mathematical reasoning and conceptual understanding is significantly enhanced if they are consistently expected to use correct mathematical terminology (e.g. saying ‘digit’ rather than ‘number’) and to explain their mathematical thinking in complete sentences. Use this resource to help children with their maths oracy