As an artist with 19+ years teaching experience, I have designed and continue to create resources for my students. The progress and development of their knowledge, skills and understanding is always at the forefront of all my planning. The resources are my own, and are suitable for one off lessons, schemes and/or cover sessions. Keep a look out for new uploads as I am continually researching, creating, designing and developing Secondary, Primary and Further Education resources.
As an artist with 19+ years teaching experience, I have designed and continue to create resources for my students. The progress and development of their knowledge, skills and understanding is always at the forefront of all my planning. The resources are my own, and are suitable for one off lessons, schemes and/or cover sessions. Keep a look out for new uploads as I am continually researching, creating, designing and developing Secondary, Primary and Further Education resources.
This resource is designed to highlight the Formal Elements of art, while creating a contour weave drawing of an apple with TEXTURE formations. It can be used for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 students. This sheet also has an extension task to further push and engage learners: To create a ‘WEAVE’ title, working on the template provided. Students are to add weave textures on the letters to link with the theme of the task page. There are some example weave patterns to use for inspiration also. The activity sheet is designed to engage students in ‘looking and seeing’ and in using the following Formal Elements of art:
This resource is two PDF files; one with a ghost outline template to support the less able/less confident students, and one without for the more able/gifted and talented students. On the sheet there is the learning objective, a description of the contour weave technique, and instructions with step-by-step visual examples of how to work through the task.
This task is suitable for integration within a scheme, one off lesson, and/or cover session and takes approximately one to two lessons to complete, if being produced to a high standard. I usually print this resource on A3 cartridge paper and my students work directly onto the sheet, but this can be printed A4 also if desired. It may even be used simply as a reference sheet and the drawing produced directly into sketchbooks or on separate paper, whichever suits your student needs.
I have created other contour drawing sheets of varying subject matter: more apples, hands, skulls, shells, octopus, which you may wish to look at in my shop.
This resource is designed to highlight the Formal Elements of art, while creating weave studies, developing student skills in recording VISUAL TEXTURES. It can be used for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 students. On the sheet there is the learning objective, a description of what TEXTURE is, and the task instructions. There are five main tasks exploring woven VISUAL TEXTURES. This is repeated in a different manner in an extension task where students create a ‘TEXTURE’ title inspired by weaving textures, to reinforce their skills used. The main tasks all have reference pictures. This activity sheet is designed to engage students in ‘looking and seeing’, particularly in terms of VISUAL TEXTURES within a ‘weave’ theme, and in using the following Formal Elements of art:
This resource is two PDF files; one with a ghost outline template to support the less able/less confident students, and one without for the more able/gifted and talented students.
This task is suitable for integration within a scheme, one off lesson(s), and/or cover session(s) and takes approximately one to two lessons to complete, if being produced to a high standard. I usually print this resource on A3 cartridge paper and my students work directly onto the sheet. Their sheets are then stored in an A3 portfolio with integrated clear wallets to record and store their project journey in a professional folder. If A3 is not preferred, this can be printed A4 also if desired. It may even be used simply as a reference sheet and the drawing produced directly into sketchbooks or on separate paper, whichever suits your student needs.
I have created other texture and mark-making sheets, such as aquatic themed textures and natural textures, which you may wish to look at in my shop.
This resource is designed to highlight the Formal Elements of art, while creating a cross contour drawing of a skull. The aim is for students to gain a greater understanding of FORM and SHAPE, through the use of LINE and PATTERN. This activity can be used for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 learners and is designed to engage students in ‘looking and seeing’ and consciously use the following Formal Elements of art:
This resource is two PDF files; one with a ghost outline template to support the less able/less confident students, and one without for the more able/gifted and talented students. On the sheet there is the learning objective, a description of what the cross contour technique is, and the task instructions with step-by-step visual examples of how to work through the task. There are also other cross contour skull examples to reference from.
This task is suitable for integration within a scheme, one off lesson, and/or cover session and takes approximately one lesson to complete, if being produced to a high standard. I usually print this resource on A3 cartridge paper and my students work directly onto the sheet, but this can be printed A4 also if desired. It may even be used simply as a reference sheet and the drawing produced directly into sketchbooks or on separate paper, whichever suits your student needs.
I have created some further skull cross contour sheets, and other cross contour tasks of varying subject matter: hands, shells, apples, octopus, which you may wish to look at in my shop.
This resource is designed to highlight the Formal Elements of art, while creating a cross contour drawing of a shell. The aim is for students to gain a greater understanding of FORM and SHAPE, through the use of LINE and PATTERN. This activity can be used for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 learners and is designed to engage students in ‘looking and seeing’ and consciously use the following Formal Elements of art:
This resource is two PDF files; one with a ghost outline template to support the less able/less confident students, and one without for the more able/gifted and talented students. On the sheet there is the learning objective, a description of what the cross contour technique is, and the task instructions with step-by-step visual examples of how to work through the task. There are also other cross contour shell examples to reference from.
This task is suitable for integration within a scheme, one off lesson, and/or cover session and takes approximately one lesson to complete, if being produced to a high standard. I usually print this resource on A3 cartridge paper and my students work directly onto the sheet, but this can be printed A4 also if desired. It may even be used simply as a reference sheet and the drawing produced directly into sketchbooks or on separate paper, whichever suits your student needs.
I have created some further shell cross contour sheets, and other cross contour tasks of varying subject matter: hands, skulls, apples, octopus, which you may wish to look at in my shop.
This resource is designed to teach students how to use the grid technique to aid their drawing skills, focusing on the Formal Elements FORM, SHAPE and COMPOSITION by producing aquatic natural form drawings. It can be used for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 students. On the sheet there is the learning objective, a description of what the grid technique is, and the task instructions. There is a tone bar starter task for students to practise using their varied tonal shading in pencil, before beginning the main tasks. This is repeated in a different manner in an extension task where students create an ‘AQUATIC’ title tone bar to reinforce their shading skills used. The main tasks have reference pictures with a grid on top of them, and a light blank grid to draw them on to. This activity sheet is designed to engage students in ‘looking and seeing’, particularly in terms of proportion, and in using the following Formal Elements of art:
The resource is one PDF file.
This sheet has been designed to be used within a scheme of work, but is also suitable for a one off lesson (or couple of lessons), and/or cover session(s). It takes approximately two to three lessons to complete, if being produced to a high standard. I usually print this resource on A3 cartridge paper and my students work directly onto the sheet. Their sheets are then stored in an A3 portfolio with integrated clear wallets to record and store their project journey in a professional folder.
I have created other grid drawing sheets and other drawing based resources of varying subject matter, which you may wish to look at in my shop.
This resource is designed to highlight the Formal Elements of art, while creating aquatic studies, developing student skills in recording VISUAL TEXTURES. It can be used for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 students. On the sheet there is the learning objective, a description of what TEXTURE is, and the task instructions. There are three main tasks exploring VISUAL TEXTURES. This is repeated in a different manner in an extension task where students create a ‘TEXTURE’ title to reinforce their skills used. The main tasks all have reference pictures. This activity sheet is designed to engage students in ‘looking and seeing’, particularly in terms of VISUAL TEXTURES of an aquatic theme, and in using the following Formal Elements of art:
This resource is two PDF files; one with a ghost outline template to support the less able/less confident students, and one without for the more able/gifted and talented students.
This task is suitable for integration within a scheme, one off lesson(s), and/or cover session(s) and takes approximately one to two lessons to complete, if being produced to a high standard. I usually print this resource on A3 cartridge paper and my students work directly onto the sheet. Their sheets are then stored in an A3 portfolio with integrated clear wallets to record and store their project journey in a professional folder. If A3 is not preferred, this can be printed A4 also if desired. It may even be used simply as a reference sheet and the drawing produced directly into sketchbooks or on separate paper, whichever suits your student needs.
I have created other texture and mark-making sheets, such as natural textures and weave textures (great for drawing in textiles too), and some further aquatic ones also, which you may wish to look at in my shop.
This support sheet is designed to aid students in planning and contextualising their artist compare & contrast elements, particularly for the personal related study. The sheet gives a broken down, step-by-step structure which supports the compare & contrast through specific suggestions and guidance. It is to be used for Key Stage 5 students and has been designed to encourage them to carefully consider their artist similarities and differences, reflecting upon and evaluating them.
This resource is one PDF file.
I usually print this as an A4 sheet for students to make their notes on, and they then type them up neatly within their essay.
This sheet is included within an overall OCR GCE Art, Textiles, Photography Personal Related Study Essay Unit Coursework Booklet within my shop. I have created other A Level, GCSE and KS3, annotation, analysis and evaluation sheets, which you may also wish to look at in my shop.
A resource for art students to support moving into a new year group or room and familiarising themselves with the class rules. A simple, easy to use sheet in which students read and neatly colour and/or decorate the images to celebrate and reinforce the importance of working together and following class rules for a positive, safe and welcoming learning environment. This sheet can then be put into sketchbooks or folders for future reference. It can be completed in one go, or used as an extension task in other lessons - I find this helps to remind students of expectations a differing intervals throughout the term(s).
This is one PDF document which I personally print A3 size and store in the front of their A3 art portfolios, but can work just as easily printed as A4 also, whichever suits the needs of the group best. The sheet also includes quotes from three famous artists for further motivation and encouragement.
I have created other Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 transition tasks (some free) which you may wish to look at in my shop.
This resource offers a variety of activities, suggestions and reference points for students when attempting to complete research of a chosen Black History Hero or Heroine. The sheet is designed to be as visual as possible and contains activities including:
Drawing a portrait of their chosen famous Black Hero/Heroine.
A Maths Minute question.
A Calendar Question to encourage students to identify which month Black History is mostly celebrated.
A character description box.
A QuickFacts magnifying glass section to fill in.
A thought bubble for them to explain why they find them inspiring.
A Famous Quote section.
A scroll for them to note down their hero/heroines educational background.
An Important Dates Time Line to make note of some key dates that are significant to their chosen persons history.
Students can add their own decorations or creative touches once the activity sheet is completed.
This is one PDF document which can be printed A4 or A3, whichever suits the needs of your students.
I have created other Black History Month resources and activities (some free) which you may wish to look at in my shop.
This is a simple and easy-to-use ‘weird & wonderful’ themed true or false quiz that can be used in lessons or tutor time, ideally for KS3 or KS4. It can be a tutor time activity, lesson supplement or filler task, starter, or plenary. Students need to try to work out whether or not the statement questions are true or false. Answers are provided for self/peer marking also if wanted.
This is one PDF document of two pages, designed to be printed A4 size. One sheet has the quiz on, the other has the answers. This task takes approximately ten to twenty minutes to complete, depending on how good the individual students are at quizzes.
I have created other cryptic quizzes, riddles, and true or false activities which can be found in my Artyfind shop.
This is a set of three simple and easy-to-use true or false quizzes of varying subject matter, including:
Living Things
Weird & Wonderful
Each can be used in lessons or tutor time, ideally for KS3 or KS4. Individually they can be a tutor time activity, lesson supplement or filler task, starter, or plenary. Students need to try to work out whether or not the statement questions are true or false. Answers are provided for self/peer marking also if wanted.
This bundle is a set of three PDF documents of two pages, designed to be printed A4 size. One sheet has the quiz on, the other has the answers. Each quiz takes approximately ten to twenty minutes to complete, depending on how good the individual students are at quizzes.
I have created other quizzes, riddles, and true or false activities which can be found in my Artyfind shop.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: To create your own Zentangle St David’s Day daffodil design exploring pattern, line, shape & space
The lesson activity highlights the key Formal Elements PATTERN, LINE, SHAPE and SPACE, whilst students produce their own meaningful Zentangle daffodil design piece to celebrate St David’s Day. This activity can be used for Key Stages 2, 3, and 4, and is designed to engage students in mindful use of the Formal Elements. Included in the worksheet - Learning Objective, a definition of what Zentangles are, an explanation of what St David’s Day is, including the Welsh interpretation of Happy St David’s Day - "Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus”, and some general information on daffodils. All task instructions are included, as well as a light daffodil template for the task (five different designs to choose from), and some visual examples of what is expected, alongside some general Zentangle patterns for inspiration.
This resource is one PDF file of five pages, each with a different design to choose from. This sheet is suitable for integration within a natural form scheme, one-off lesson, and/or cover a session and takes approximately one to two lessons to complete if being produced to a high standard. I usually print this resource on A3 cartridge paper and my students work directly onto the sheet, but this could be printed A4 also if desired.
I have created many other drawing sheets of varying subject matters. These can be found in my Artyfind shop.
This resource includes a variety of tasks related to the Black History heroine Mary Seacole, in an art and history worksheet format. Students are to create an art & history research page on Mary Seacole, including a portrait of her inspired by the style of the artist Shepard Fairey. The sheet is designed to be as visual and interactive as possible with prompting questions and tasks. There is an outline image of Mary Seacole for students to add further drawing details and create her portrait using the style of Shepard Fairey for inspiration. There is reference to Fairey’s ‘Obama’ poster design to give an exemplar of the artists style.
This is one PDF document which can be printed A4 or A3, whichever suits the needs of your students.
This resource pairs particularly well with my Black History Mary Seacole Knowledge Organiser resource found in my shop:
There are also additional resources (some free) in my shop, if you wish to extend your students Black History studies further using creative tasks.
This is a simple and easy-to-use ‘animal’ themed cryptic quiz that can be used in lessons or tutor time, ideally for KS3 or KS4. It can be a tutor time activity, lesson supplement or filler task, starter, or plenary. When printed the quiz is duplicated on the page to save on printing costs. Students need to try to work out which animals the cryptic clues are referring to. Answers are provided for self/peer marking also if wanted (again printed two per page to save on printing costs).
This is one PDF document of two pages, designed to be printed A4 size and then cut in half. One sheet has the quiz on, the other has the answers. This task takes approximately ten to twenty minutes to complete, depending on how good the individual students are at quizzes.
I have created other cryptic quizzes, riddles, and true or false activities which can be found in my Artyfind shop.
This is a simple and easy-to-use ‘food’ themed cryptic quiz that can be used in lessons or tutor time, ideally for KS3 or KS4. It can be a tutor time activity, lesson supplement or filler task, starter, or plenary. When printed the quiz is duplicated on the page to save on printing costs. Students need to try to work out which foods the cryptic clues are referring to. Answers are provided for self/peer marking also if wanted (again printed two per page to save on printing costs).
This is one PDF document of two pages, designed to be printed A4 size and then cut in half. One sheet has the quiz on, the other has the answers. This task takes approximately ten to twenty minutes to complete, depending on how good the individual students are at quizzes.
I have created other cryptic quizzes, riddles, and true or false activities which can be found in my Artyfind shop.
Here is a bundle of five creative lessons/ activities for transitioning classes at Key Stage 2 and 3. The details for each of the resources are as follows:
Transition 'All About Me’ Cube – Key Stage 2 & 3
A transitional resource for Key Stage 2 and 3, to support students moving into a new year group or class. Particularly good for Year 6 ‘moving up’ to Year 7. A simple, easy to use ‘All about me’ cube sheet, preferably printed on A3 thick paper or card. Students complete and neatly colour in the tasks on the cube net, then carefully cut it out, fold the creases and glue the tabs to create the cube. Once gently glued together and dry enough, students roll it like a die and discuss similarities and differences with their classmates, to get to know one another.
This is one PDF document which is designed to be printed on A3 card or thick paper, whichever suits the needs of the group best. This task takes approximately one lesson.
Transition - ‘All About Me’ Bunting - Key Stage 2 & 3
A transitional resource for Key Stage 1, 2 and Year 6 ‘moving up’ to Year 7, to support them in transitioning into a new year group or class. A simple, easy to use bunting triangle for students to complete to let their peers and teacher know more about them, and ultimately, one another.
This bunting triangle is designed to be filled in by pupils with details about themselves, as directed within the bunting triangle. They can add colour too if they wish. Finally the triangle is to be cut out and put up on display in the classroom, either with string or stapled to a display board. The task is to help students get to know some information about members of their group, and feel part of their class community when displayed together.
This is one PDF document which is designed to be predominantly printed A4, but could also be printed A3 size, whichever suits the needs of the group best.
Transition - ‘Getting to know you’ trail - Key Stage 2 & 3
A transitional resource for Key Stage 1, 2 and Year 6 ‘moving up’ to Year 7, to support them in transitioning into a new year group or class. A simple, introductory, easy to use sheet which engages students in finding out about one another. Pupils find different classmates to sign each section of the trail if they match the statement in the box. The task is to help students to get to know members of their class better and make new friends. They can start in whichever segment they like, but each classmate can only sign the paper twice.
This is one PDF document which is designed to be printed A4 or A3, whichever suits the needs of the group best.
Transition Key Stage 2 & 3 Class Procedures & Expectations Resource Sheet
A resource for students to support moving into a new year group or room and familiarising themselves with the class rules. A simple, easy to use sheet in which students read and neatly colour and/or decorate the images to celebrate and reinforce the importance of working together and following class rules for a positive, safe and welcoming learning environment. This sheet can then be put into books or folders for future reference. It can be completed in one go, or used as an extension task in other lessons - I find this helps to remind students of expectations a differing intervals throughout the term(s).
This is one PDF document which can be printed A4 or A3, whichever suits the needs of the group best. It also includes inspirational quotes from Maya Angelou, Stephen Hawking and Martin Luther King Jr.
Key Stage 3 Transition/Moving-Up Resource - Equipment Checklist Word Search & Answers
A transitional resource for Key Stage 3, to use as an additional support or ‘filler’ task with students moving into a new year group or class. Particularly good for Year 6 ‘moving up’ to Year 7. A simple, easy to use equipment checklist word search, with two word searches per page to save on printing costs. Students try to find all of the equipment words in the word search, to highlight what equipment they will need for school when moving into KS3. Answers are provided for self/peer marking also, if wanted.
This is two PDF documents designed to be printed A4 size and then cut in half (to save printing costs). One sheet has the word search on, the other has the answers. This task takes approximately twenty minutes to complete, depending on how good the individual students are at word searches.
This is a simple and easy-to-use ‘European Countries’ Geography themed cryptic quiz that can be used in lessons or tutor time, ideally for KS3 or KS4. It can be a tutor time activity, lesson supplement or filler task, starter, or plenary. When printed the quiz is duplicated on the page to save on printing costs. Students need to try to work out which European countries the cryptic clues are referring to. Answers are provided for self/peer marking also if wanted (again printed two per page to save on printing costs).
This is one PDF document of two pages, designed to be printed A4 size and then cut in half. One sheet has the quiz on, the other has the answers. This task takes approximately ten to twenty minutes to complete, depending on how good the individual students are at quizzes.
I have created other cryptic quizzes, riddles, and true or false activities which can be found in my Artyfind shop.
A transitional resource for Key Stage 1, 2 and Year 6 ‘moving up’ to Year 7, to support them in transitioning into a new year group or class. A simple, introductory, easy to use sheet which engages students in finding out about one another. Pupils find different classmates to sign each section of the trail if they match the statement in the box. The task is to help students to get to know members of their class better and make new friends. They can start in whichever segment they like, but each classmate can only sign the paper twice.
This is one PDF document which is designed to be printed A4 or A3, whichever suits the needs of the group best.
I have created other Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 transition tasks (some free) which you may wish to look at in my shop.
A transitional resource for Key Stage 1, 2 and Year 6 ‘moving up’ to Year 7, to support them in transitioning into a new year group or class. A simple, easy to use bunting triangle for students to complete to let their peers and teacher know more about them, and ultimately, one another.
This bunting triangle is designed to be filled in by pupils with details about themselves, as directed within the bunting triangle. They can add colour too if they wish. Finally the triangle is to be cut out and put up on display in the classroom, either with string or stapled to a display board. The task is to help students get to know some information about members of their group, and feel part of their class community when displayed together.
This is one PDF document which is designed to be predominantly printed A4, but could also be printed A3 size, whichever suits the needs of the group best.
I have created other Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 transition tasks (some free) which you may wish to look at in my shop.
This resource is designed to highlight the Formal Elements of art, while creating a cross contour pencil drawing of an apple. It can be used for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 students. This task can also be developed into a tonal drawing, as an extension/development activity. The task sheet is designed to engage students in ‘looking and seeing’ and in using the following Formal Elements of art:
This resource is two PDF files; one with a ghost outline template to support the less able/less confident students, and one without for the more able/gifted and talented students. On the sheet there is the learning objective, a description of what the cross contour technique is, and the task instructions with step-by-step visual examples of how to work through the task.
This task is suitable for integration within a scheme, one off lesson, and/or cover session and takes approximately one to two lessons to complete, if being produced to a high standard. I usually print this resource on A3 cartridge paper and my students work directly onto the sheet, but this can be printed A4 also if desired. It may even be used simply as a reference sheet and the drawing produced directly into sketchbooks or on separate paper, whichever suits your student needs.
I have created other cross contour drawing sheets of varying subject matter - hands, skulls, shells, apples, octopus, which you may wish to look at in my shop.