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Superhero Webquest
Superhero Webquest is a great way to get your students thinking and being creative to create their very own superhero!
Will they side with MARVEL or DC COMICS?

Stage 1 Mathematics Comment Starters
This resource provides teachers with common sentence starters when writing reports for Stage 1 Mathematics Reports. Very useful come the end of the year.

Stage 2 Mathematics Common Starters
This resource provides teachers with common sentence starters when writing reports for Stage 2 Mathematics Reports. Very useful come the end of the year report writing.

Report Comments
Very useful resource providing dozens of report comments ready for you to pick and choose what is right for the child.

Letter Writing to Santa
Focuses on writing a letter and what goes into a letter.
Example letter to Santa, then opportunity for children to write their own.

THE SOLAR SYSTEM - Whole Unit of Work (Program)
A whole unit of work on the Solar System using cross-curricular links including Science, English, Maths, Creative Arts, Computing and Physical Education and Health.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears
This resource is a great introduction lesson to Goldilocks and the Three Bears. It looks at:
Listen to the story (video)
Who are the main characters?
Describe Goldilocks
What happened at the beginning, middle and end?
How could you change the ending?

Design a Fish
This resource goes through the steps to design a fish in a bowl. A fun and easy lesson for Reception/Kindergarten and KS1.
See my FREE RESOURCES for the Fish Template.

Food Groups Display
A great visual aid for the food groups to display in the classroom or use as a matching activity.

Energy Flow Through an Ecosystem slideshow
A detailed slideshow about Food Chains, Food Webs, Energy Pyramids.

Persuasive Writing - KS2
This resource is a great way to get kids passionate about their persuasive writing.
Looking at Water Aid TV adverts in order to determine which ones they find effective and why.
It included a checklist for persuasive writing and what needs to be included.
Tasks could include:
-writing a tv advert
-writing a letter to the government

The Five Senses - Lesson 4 - Smell
Lesson 4 in Five Senses Unit
Students will use their sense of smell to work out different smells and records their answers.

Great bookmark teaching children how to hold a book the correct way and what to do if they can't read a tricky word.

Money Problems year 1
14 worksheets on counting in 1's using 1pence coins and 1pound coins.
There are many subtraction worksheets as well.

Marking Criteria for Information Report
This is the marking criteria for an Information Report.
Please see my PREMIUM RESOURCES for the one-week plan on information reports and my FREE RESOURCES for the scaffold.

State and National Parks
This resource looks at state and national parks in Australia and why we should protect them and who protects them.
This could lead to persuasive writing, letter writing, information report or a research project.